Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053: What Will Tartar Do When He Is Hungry?

Uncle and nephew Zheng Mingjun and Zheng Zanxu came to vote, for Zhou Shixiang, it was undoubtedly a pie falling from the sky, and it was like a sleepy person got a pillow.

There are more than 600 large and small warships, more than 10,000 Zheng Jun elite navy, dozens of officers skilled in water warfare, hundreds of light and heavy copper and iron guns, and countless gunpowder firearms. It can be said that this fleet is already The largest navy in Asia is a navy that can traverse the sea, not just in the river.

The navy that Zhou Shixiang dreamed of was sent over by Feng Xifan without blood.

No one knows better than Zhou Shixiang what the navy means for the future, for China, and for the Han nation.

Originally, the navy who had planned all kinds of plans and wanted to seize it at the civil war just returned to him, how could Zhou Shixiang not be ecstatic.

With this navy, Zhou Shixiang could not only completely subdue Jinsha, but also recapture Taiwan by following the actions of his previous life. He could also go north to defeat the pitiful navy of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and then continue to bring troops, horses, money and grain to Liaodong for execution. The strategic concept of blocking the retreat route of Manchuria and sweeping away all the old and young in Manchuria. With this navy, Zhou Shixiang can also allow his subordinates to truly feel the exotic land marked on the map and seize the opportunity in the future.

More importantly, with this navy, Zhou Shixiang can satisfy the desires of his subordinates.

This desire is greedy, a robber-like desire, but it is not shameful, because the nation has its own interests, and people also have their own interests.

If we want to be good for ourselves, then there must be someone who is not.

Even in two lifetimes, Zhou Shixiang never thought about the great harmony of the world. In his eyes, the Han people can live well, even if they become robbers.

If a person does not think about himself or his own nation, but instead thinks about others and other races, is this person still a human being?

History tells Zhou Shixiang that the heroes of the Han people are never saints. The world in their hearts is the world of the Han people; the common people in their hearts are their compatriots.

The reason why the Han nation has been able to reproduce to this day is only because this nation has countless heroes who cherish the nation itself, not some saint who cuts flesh and feeds wolves.

Zhou Shixiang just wanted to be a simple person, so he wanted to do the right thing, just as he swore to exterminate Manchuria.

If you want to be a robber, you must have a long sword that is sharp enough.

Sailor, is this sharp long sword.

With this long sword, Zhou Shixiang can make life better for his compatriots who are on the verge of death, and he can let those compatriots who have never eaten a piece of meat in their lives know the taste of meat.

This long sword can even make him get revenge!

Zheng Mingjun and Zheng Zanxu made great contributions, and Feng Xifan contributed even more.

High merit does not shock the master, but merit is rewarded.

Zhou Shixiang did not hesitate to give rewards. Zheng Mingjun was named Duke Dinghai, Zheng Zanxu inherited his father Zheng Tai’s Jianping Marquis, and Feng Xifan, who made great achievements, was named Simingbo. The “Donghai Marine Division” was given the military flag, with Zheng Mingjun as the general town of the naval division, Zheng Zanxu as the deputy town, and Feng Xifan as the ambassador of the naval division’s Anjun army, serving as the commander of the same capital. Taking Zhoushan as the station of the East China Sea Navy, Chen Jiande, the acting governor of Zhejiang Province, was ordered to lead the civil and military officers to Zhoushan to place the navy.

Zhou Shixiang did not listen to Gui Yongzhi’s advice, and transferred Zheng Mingjun’s uncle and nephew and Feng Xifan from the navy master, and entrusted him with high-ranking remuneration, and completely controlled the navy master in a way of increasing the name and the real. This method has been done a lot by the princes and generals in ancient times, and it is indeed effective, but it is not self-confident. Zhou Shixiang disdain this, because he is not a prince, nor is he a selfish warlord, he has his bearing, his mind, his knowledge and vision.

Don’t use people with suspicion, don’t use people with suspicion.

Zheng Mingjun’s uncle and nephew and Feng Xifan took the initiative to vote, which has already shown their attitude, and they themselves are the best navy generals in this era. Scholars die for those who are confidants, no matter what their motives are, everything they do is already in the interests of Zhou Shixiang, so they should be used greatly, so that their talents and abilities can really be displayed on the stage of this era.

As for whether Zheng Jing, who had lost the “Chief” of the navy, could still hold on to Zheng Xi, Zhou Shixiang did not consider it, and only formally sent an envoy to Zheng Xi’s army in the name of the imperial court, acknowledging his title of Prince of Fujian, and giving Zheng Sen the title. On the basis of his will during his lifetime, he rebuked Zheng Jing in the name of the imperial court for violating human relations, and allowed Zheng to attack him. He believed that Zheng Xi would be a wise man, and that Zheng Xi’s subordinates would make wise choices. And Zheng Jing, under the “internal and foreign troubles” betrayal, how will he choose, as long as he is not a fool, Zhou Shixiang has no intention of letting the blood of the country’s surname die.

The siege of Fuzhou continued, and the arrival of Zhou Shixiang did not speed up the death of the Qing army in the city and free them completely, but made them more tormented.

Fujian was originally barren, and more than ten years of war had already devastated Fujian. Before the Taiping army entered Fujian, Zheng Sen had been besieging Fuzhou for several months. After Zheng Sen had cleared the siege and withdrew, Dasu took the opportunity to send troops to search for money and food, but he got very little.

Today, an isolated city, an isolated city in the middle of the ocean, has long run out of food.

Fuzhou has been out of food for half a month.

Surrounded by a group of generals, Zhou Shixiang came to the front of the ditch. He fixedly looked at the capital of Fujian, and looked at the city that seemed to be deserted from the outside.

His thoughts returned to Xinhui a few years ago. The situation at that time was very similar to that of today. The only difference was that there were more Manchurians in the city.

“Do not let one person leave the city~www.readwn.com~Do not let grains of rice enter the city”, Zhou Shixiang’s military order has been effectively implemented, and this means that a shocking scene is taking place in the city of Fuzhou.

“What will Tartar do when he is so hungry?”

Zhou Shixiang turned around and looked at the generals such as Suna, Hu Qili, and Zhu Tong.

Suna stepped forward and said loudly, “Young Master, Tartars will naturally eat people when they are extremely hungry.” This “Tatar” shouted with so much hatred and so natural.

“Then let them eat.”

When he turned around again, Zhou Shixiang’s eyes were extremely gloomy.

In the city, the Qing army was indeed eating people.

When the food was exhausted, the first ones to be slaughtered by the Qing army were cats and dogs, and then the cats and dogs disappeared, and they went to look for mice. After the mice were also eaten up, the Qing army began to kill horses. After the horses were exhausted, the hungry Qing army and their families began to run to the Three Mountains to peel off the bark, looking for everything they could swallow. In the end, all the vegetation that could be swallowed was eaten up by the Qing army, but they were still hungry, so the hungry Qing army began to eat dead people.

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