Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061: Your Father’S National Surname

“Mother, do you really want to submit to that thief’s talent?” Zheng Jing was very unwilling. ????

Dong Xian glanced at her son. Although the son looked a lot like his father and had the blood of the Zheng family in his bones, he was still far worse than his father. Perhaps, my son is still too immature. He doesn’t know when some things can be done and when they can’t be done. Once something is done, it is useless to make up for it. At this time, what is most needed is to make a wise choice instead of deceiving oneself.

Zheng Jing was really confused. In another time and space, when the “San Francisco” collectively rebelled and the Manchu Dynasty was crumbling, he did not choose to overthrow the Qing Dynasty with the San Francisco, but helped the Qing Dynasty survive. Because of his selfishness, Geng Jingzhong, who led the army to attack Zhejiang and Jiangxi, and even reached Anhui, had to end silently and end up in a different place. If Zheng Jing hadn’t attacked Geng Jingzhong’s hometown of Fujian while he was heading north, history would have changed without any traveler.

Perhaps, this “confusion” is a common fraud of the Zheng family. Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Sen, Zheng Jing, the three generations of ancestors and grandchildren, all of them were confused, and they did unimaginable things at critical times. In addition to making people sigh, the ending is sad.

Besides being confused, Zheng Jing is also strong, just like his father. In the face of setbacks, Zheng Sen will never be discouraged and despair. Instead, he will reinvent himself and continue to fight, losing every battle and every battle. Similarly, Zheng Jing would not give up on this, he was very unwilling. This kind of character, to put it nicely, is persistence; to say it badly, it is stubbornness.

The helplessness revealed in his mother’s words made Zheng Jing unacceptable. He really didn’t want to let go of everything and bow down to that thief. But he knew very well that if he didn’t want to end up like this, he had to get the support of his mother. Only his mother can quell Jin Xia’s gang of civil and military forces for him, and can unite them to fight against the thief Xiucai across the sea. Without the support of his mother, he, the feudal lord, might not be able to command a few people.

Dong Xian is not confused, because she has never been confused.

Protecting your son is something every mother in the world will do, and it is also a mother’s instinct. This does not involve any self-interested rights struggle, it is purely a matter of protecting the calf. In order to protect her son, Dong Xian resolutely turned against her husband, firmly stood by her son, and used her influence in Jinxia to form a team for her son to fight against her husband. These, in the eyes of outsiders, are her Dong Xian’s confusion, ignorance of the righteousness, no way to teach her children, and a woman’s opinion, but in Dong Xian’s own opinion, she is not wrong. Indeed, it is a mother’s greatest dereliction of duty to watch her son die.

However, this time, Dong Xian did not choose to support her son. She knew what her son was thinking, so she asked her son, “Can Jinsha be kept?”

Zheng Jing hesitated for a moment, did not dare to deceive his mother, slowly shook his head and said, “It cannot be guarded.”

“If you can’t keep it, why don’t you surrender?”

When Dong Xian spoke, he habitually added a long incense to the ancestors of the Zheng family. These things are not what her daughter-in-law should do, but her husband has been fighting abroad for many years, and she has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of worshipping ancestors for her man. Now, for her son.

Zheng Jing blushed a little at his mother’s question. He didn’t say a word, but his mother’s eyes were fixed on his face.

“When it comes down, the son will have nothing and nothing.”

Under the stare of his mother’s eyes, Zheng Jing finally spoke what was in his heart. Zhou Shixiang’s declaration did not make any promises of high officials and wealth to his Zheng Jing, which meant that once he ordered to lay down his arms and surrender, he would no longer be a prince or a feudal lord, but a commoner.

Dong Xian knew that her son was speaking from the bottom of his heart and did not lie to her mother. She sighed lightly, took her son’s hand, and said in a harmonious voice, “How can you say that? You still have my mother, my wife, and my home. How can you have nothing?”

“Mother, my son used to be a prince, but now he is a feudal lord. In the future, can he only live like an ordinary person, like a common man? Mother, I am a member of the Zheng family!” Zheng Jing’s voice was a little choked, after all, he was only 2o age.

What’s wrong with being an ordinary person? Ordinary people have no reason for a father to want his son to die.

Dong Xian’s heart was a little sour, and her husband’s unrequited love always made her brood. Could it be that his wife, children and grandchildren are not comparable to the so-called human relations?

After the bitterness, Dong Xian looked at her son and asked him, “Then what do you want to do?”

“My son thinks” Zheng Jing hesitated.

“What do you want?” Dong Xian urged.

“The son is thinking, if things don’t work, the son wants to take his mother, Zhaoniang, and Zang’er to go overseas.” Zheng Jing said with courage, “The son can go to the place where his grandfather lives, and he can go to his grandmother’s hometown.”

“Wa country?”

Dong Xian was a little surprised by the idea of her son. Although she married her husband and obeyed her son, she did not want to go to Japan with her son. There, it was her mother-in-law’s hometown, but not her hometown.

“When you go to the Japanese country, you are still an ordinary person.” Dong Xian rejected her son’s idea. There is no difference between going to the Japanese country and returning to the imperial court.

Zheng Jing said: “My Zheng family has been operating in the Japanese country for decades. Both my grandfather and father have subordinates there, and they are also related to the generals of the Japanese country. After my son goes, he will definitely be taken care of by them.”

Dong Xian shook her head and said, “Your grandfather is in Beijing, and your father is buried here, but you are going to Japan. Are you going to never come back?”

Zheng Jing was silent there. Going to the Japanese country was the last retreat. He would not leave until the last step~www.readwn.com~ Seeing that his son did not speak, Dong Xian persuaded: “In the past, when your grandfather and father were there, With the navy of our Zheng family, the Japanese people are friendly to my Zheng family. Now that you go to the Japanese country, do you think the Japanese people will still be good to us?”

“If I don’t go to the Japanese country, where else can my son go?” Zheng Jing lowered his head, his voice was very low.

Dong Xian said, “Jing’er, it’s not a good idea to go to the Japanese country. You have to know that even when your grandfather and father were there, they weren’t very trustworthy to the Japanese people and were always on guard.”

Zheng Jing looked up at his mother and said hesitantly: “Mother, the son will not go to the Japanese country, but surrender to his thief Xiucai, but after all, the son is the old owner of Jinsha. Once he surrenders, there is no guarantee that the thief Xiucai will not kill his son.”

“King Qi can kill anyone, but he will never kill you.” Unlike his son’s name for Zhou Shixiang, Dong Xian used the honorific title of “King of Qi”.

Zheng Jing didn’t notice the difference in his mother’s words, he only asked her why.

Dong Xian took Zheng Jing’s hand and walked to the statue of the ancestors of the Zheng family, her eyes fell on her husband’s tablet, and she said in a calm voice, “Because your father is a national surname.”8

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