Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062: Shunzhi Is Dying, Kangxi Is Coming

Under the persuasion of his mother, Zheng Jing surrendered.

On New Year’s Eve, Zhou Shixiang landed in Xiamen.

Under the witness of Lu Shizi and others, Zheng Jing personally presented the Yellow Book of Jinxia Military and Civilian to Zhou Shixiang. At this moment, it means that Jinsha will no longer be the domain of any feudal lord, but the land of the Ming Dynasty. As stated in “A Report to Zheng Jingshu”, Zhou Shixiang guaranteed the lives of Zheng Jing and his subordinates, and he had no intention of killing Zheng Sen’s blood.

A few days later, Zhou Shixiang, surrounded by generals of civil and military, crossed the sea to Kinmen.

Zhou Shixiang’s eyes were already on Taiwan.

An urgent news from the north moved Zhou Shixiang’s eyes from Taiwan on the map back to the north.

In Beijing, Fulin is seriously ill. According to the investigation, the young emperor of Tartar is likely to be infected with smallpox.

After a brief stupor, Zhou Shixiang finally realized that Fulin seemed to have died of smallpox.

If Fulin died of illness, it would mean that Kangxi came to power, and it would also mean that the war in the north would change drastically because of this.

“Shunzhi is going to die, and Kangxi is coming.”

Hearing the inexplicable words of the commander, blind Li couldn’t help wondering who Kangxi was.

Beijing, ever since the emperor returned from his expedition, the majestic capital has always been dead.

On New Year’s Eve in previous years, firecrackers continued to explode in Beijing, but this year, there was not a single explosion.

In the silence, Beijing ushered in the 18th year of Shunzhi.

The first day of the new year is a day worth celebrating. It is a good day to visit relatives and friends, and to celebrate the New Year with each other. However, just like the deadly New Year’s Eve, the city of Beijing on the first day of the new year is also lifeless. Everything seems to have returned to eighteen years ago.

Without the delivery of money and grain from the south, prices in Beijing skyrocketed every day. In the past, a stone of rice was one taels of silver, but now it is eleven taels. Wheat has also changed from more than one or two to more than four. In addition to food, salt, cloth, and pork are all soaring, and the price is one a day, making those poor people dare not even ask for a price.

The people of the Han people could not live on, and the families of the Eight Banners all over the city also felt that life was getting more and more difficult.

In previous years, the whole city was full of joy, the lanterns were decorated, and the sisters-in-law of the Eight Banners visited each other, imitating the Han people to give money to the younger generation, with the brightest smiles on their faces. This year, the sisters-in-law are more frowning than each other, because the flag salaries are getting less and less. Less cost is second, what worries the sister-in-law the most is that their men don’t know when they will be able to come back and whether they will be able to come back alive.

The life of Feng Quan, a university scholar, was relatively easy, because he was not only a university scholar, but also a rich man. The price of prices in Beijing has risen terribly, but it has no effect on the scholar who has gone through two dynasties. The only thing that scared him was the battle situation in the Central Plains and the emperor’s illness. Feng Quan thought more than once alone, in case Aobai lost in Henan and Wu Sangui’s army was approaching the capital, would he cut off the braids at the back of his head and change to the new master?

Feng Quan was not worried that Wu Sangui would not accept him, because his qualifications were too old, and Hong Chengchou had to call himself a junior in front of him. Although he wears the hat of “eunuch party” on his head, it was more than 30 years ago. Today, he is a scholar of the Zhonghe Palace in the Qing Dynasty and a leading figure in Han officials. If he is willing to vote, I am afraid that Wu Sangui will meet him.

It’s just that the battle in Henan has not yet been decided. Feng Quan is really not good at betting. He thinks it is better to wait and see. Actually, going to Wu Sangui was not Feng Quan’s first choice, nor was it the best choice. In his opinion, Zhou Shixiang in the south and his Taiping army were far more powerful than Wu Sangui. It is more secure to vote for Wu Sangui. It’s just that the Taiping Army has stopped in the Xuzhou area now, and there is no sign of going north, but Wu Sangui is aggressive. I heard that there are more troops than the Taiping Army, so if Wu Sangui wins, then Feng Quan will have no choice. He can’t really die for the Qing Dynasty.

The emperor’s illness has been concealed in the palace, and no accurate news has come out, which is also very dissatisfied by Feng Quan. Why is he also a cabinet scholar, why didn’t the Manchu ministers inform him about the emperor’s illness? There are many Han troops and green battalions in the Eight Banners of Manchuria now. Although Feng Quan is not ashamed to ask the emperor to carry it into Manchuria, in terms of identity and status, the inner ministers should not be too embarrassed. bully.

After the first and second year of junior high school in the mansion, Feng Quan’s friend Wang Xi came to visit him.

Wang Xi is a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy and a minister of the Ministry of Rites. He and Feng Quan didn’t have much contact before, but since the 15th year of Shunzhi, the three inner courts were changed to the cabinet and the Hanlin Academy was established, both of them have been promoted due to system changes. They were both acquainted with each other, and Wang Xi was in charge of the Imperial Academy, and they were all favored by the emperor, so they gradually became acquaintances, and they could often exchange news on many important matters.

Like Feng Quan, Wang Xi has been in shock and doubt all the time, so when he reached the third day of junior high, he couldn’t bear it any longer and came to Feng Quan to inquire about the emperor’s condition. Feng Quan didn’t know it himself, so he could only repeat the words in the palace, it was nothing more than the emperor’s high fever, and it was difficult for him to become a director of the court. Wang Xi was dubious, because since the death of Concubine Dong E, the emperor had been sick for two months. What kind of disease can prevent the emperor from being a director of the court for two months.

Seeing that there were no outsiders here, Wang Xi boldly told Feng Quan that the emperor was seriously ill or had some incurable disease? If this is the case, then the Qing Dynasty is not very good.

Feng Quan shook his head, and did not “discuss” the matter in depth with Wang Xi. He only said that on the fifth day of the fifth day of the next day, all officials would go to the palace to ask for peace. At that time, the emperor’s condition would have something to say in the palace. After hearing this, Wang Xi nodded, and told Feng Quan that the price of prices in Beijing had risen so much that the people could not live on. The court had to find a way to resist the price. .

Feng Quan only listened to a wry smile. Since the emperor fell ill, the cabinet has long since lost its role in the past, and the affairs of the court, large and small, are handled by Sony, Suksaha and other ministers of the interior, and his words as a scholar are useless. Moreover, even if his words are useful, it cannot solve the problem of rising prices, because the Qing Dynasty is really poor and very poor. Before the New Year’s Eve, the women of the Eight Banners all over the city went to their respective capitals to cry out that they had no rice to celebrate the New Year.

“This Great Qing, if it goes on like this, it will be finished sooner or later.” Wang Xi sighed, “It depends on whether Ao Bai can continue his life for the Great Qing.”

Feng Quan responded with a few words, and Wang Xi got up and said goodbye. On the fifth day of the first month, according to the system, the officials of the yamen, princes, ministers, cabinets, ministries, academies, Han, Zhan, Qing, monasteries, divisions, and Taoists, gathered together and greeted them at the left gate. At the time of the new era, but Baiguan found that the door gods and couplets hanging on the gates of the palace had been removed, and the lanterns and ornaments had been put away.

Seeing this scene, Baiguan naturally knew that the emperor’s illness had not improved, and immediately began to whisper. At this time, the **** Zhao Quan, the chief eunuch, came out of the palace in a hurry. He bowed his head and whispered with Prince Kang Jieshu, Minister of the Interior, Sony, and the others, looking very anxious. Jie Shu and Sony listened to ~www.readwn.com~ and their faces became very gloomy.

This scene, in Baiguan’s eyes, naturally became an invisible pressure, making the air very heavy.

Feng Quan knelt there, feeling as if something major was about to happen. Out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Ning Wan and I was shaking. There was a thud in my heart, and when I was thinking about something, I heard the bell rang. He hurriedly knelt down and recited on behalf of hundreds of officials: “Now, when the wax is coming and spring is coming, and the cold and the warm are alternating, the holy bow is disobedient, and the ministers and others are polite. I respectfully ask the emperor to avoid the wind and cold, and recuperate and take pictures. I should send this chapter to the cabinet to propose a request. , the emperor, please relax. May the emperor recover as soon as possible, then the country and the people will be greatly fortunate.”

The kneeling officials played in unison: “May the emperor recover soon!”.

Not long after, a guard in front of the imperial guard conveyed the emperor’s oral decree to Baiguan: “I already know what you and others have reported. All the yamen of the ministry and academy will play this chapter together, and send it to the cabinet’s senior scholars.”

After hearing this, the officials wanted to stand up with three calls for long live, and then returned to their respective offices, but saw that the chief **** of Cining Palace had brought the decree of the Empress Dowager Yi, ordering the release of prisoners, commutation of prison sentences, and exemption from death. Beans, lighting, splashing water.

At this moment, except for a very small number of people, the rest of the civil and military officials suddenly realized: It turned out that the emperor had smallpox!

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