Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1099

Chapter 1099: Chaos People, Don’T Worry About It!

Wang Shirong didn’t scare the “rebel army” outside, but he did have this ability. If he couldn’t deal with a gang of rabble, Wang Shirong wouldn’t be where he is today. He was able to get to where he is today, not only because of his vision, but because he knew that the Qing Dynasty was over, and the Ming Dynasty was expected to revive, but it was because of his own ability.

Unlike Fu Honglie, who was willing to be a servant of Kong Sizhen and pointed out that Si Gege could help him with his brother Fu Honglie, who was able to support his ancestors in the Qing Dynasty, Wang Shirong was reluctant to serve the Manchus from the very beginning. It’s just that at that time, only two provinces in the southwest were left in the Ming Dynasty.

Although Wang Shirong has ambitions, it is also realistic. He is unwilling to take his own life for the dying Ming Dynasty, so he went to Beijing to ask Fu Honglie for help, and wanted to follow the path of Kong Sizhen and become an official and a half in the Qing court. job. In this way, although I can’t feel sorry for my ancestors, I can still eat food. Wang Shirong believed that with his own ability, as long as there were steps, he would definitely be able to leap over the dragon gate. Unexpectedly, Kong Sizhen was blind, and thought that Wang Shirong was dressed in sloppy clothes, and said that he was talented and immoral, and was unwilling to recommend it to the imperial court.

This Wang Shirong jumped with rage, but he dared not speak out. He could only scold Kong Sizhen, this little bitch, behind his back, calling the emperor of Tartar to ride every day, and to be a prostitute every day. After scolding to the depths, lying on the bed, he ripped off Kong Sizhen’s clothes in his mind, thinking about the three points, stroking his right hand, and after a while, he finally let out a bad breath, which was extremely comfortable.

Wang Shirong, who was so mixed up that he couldn’t even eat, looked up and looked around in the Beijing capital. Where in the world could he find a place to live, and where could he show his ambitions?

Heaven pays off, just when Wang Shirong was extremely confused in Beijing, a thunderstorm came from the south—Guangzhou Shang Kexi and Geng Jimao were defeated, the Manchu general Ha Mu, governor Li Zuitai and others were killed, and then Jane Prince Jidu also fell into the tide…

For a while, all the talk in Beijing and Beijing was about the “thief scholar” and his “Taiping bandits” who had never heard of it before, huddled outside the tea shop with his hands and watched the gang of old and young from the Eight Banners gnashing their teeth, secretly Hiding outside Sigege Mansion and seeing Kong Sizhen’s worried expression after returning from the palace, Wang Shirong was extremely grateful to the “thief scholar”, and also gave birth to the meaning of going to serve.

The so-called do not leave the father here, there is a place to leave the father!

Wang Shirong almost came to Guangzhou from Beijing, begging all the way. Before entering the city, he took a piece of jade from his ancestors, just in exchange for clothes that could be seen. This piece of jade was the last valuable item on Wang Shirong’s body. Relying on the clothes he was supposed to wear, he finally managed to enter the sight of the Taiping Army. Although he was thrown into prison as a ‘spy”, the gold will shine wherever he goes. A month later, Wang Shirong met the legendary “thief scholar”, and from then on he got on the “thief boat” of “thief scholar”.

At first, Wang Shirong did not show much talent under Zhou Shixiang’s hands until the attack on the palace gate broke out in Guangzhou. Relying on his ruthless energy, Wang Shirong made a bold move and successfully completed the errand entrusted by Zhou Shixiang. Later, he took charge of the clearing of bandits in Guangdong. After a series of things were done, Wang Shirong finally became one of Zhou Shixiang’s effective aides. Afterwards, Wang Shirong made a great contribution to Emperor Dingwu’s return to the southern capital. Zhou Shixiang’s long-planned debt settlement case made Wang Shirong the debt clearing ambassador in charge of Suzhou Prefecture. This is an important position and a position with great power. You must know that Wang Shirong’s immediate boss is Zhang Changgeng, who was the governor of Huguang in the Qing Dynasty.

Under the auspices of Wang Shirong, Suzhou’s debt settlement efforts are stronger and more effective than Songjiang, Changzhou, Zhenjiang and other prefectures. The phrase “there are many prison cells” made Wang Shirong famous and listened to the sky, and also made him a poisonous snake-like existence for the Suzhou gentry.

The debt clearing divisions in Songjiang, Changzhou and other places have quickly taken over the power of the original county yamen and transformed themselves into new officials on the spot. It stands to reason that Wang Shirong has made such a great contribution in Suzhou, and he should also be transferred to the prefect of Suzhou. However, Jiang Guozhu, the governor of Jiangsu, did not like Wang Shirong, and thought that this unqualified person was a ‘squatter”, a cruel official, and improperly used.

Jiang Guozhu tried his best to prevent Wang Shirong from being appointed as the prefect of Suzhou. Zhang Changgeng was unable to speak for Wang Shirong because he had less qualifications than Jiang Guozhu for surrender and he had no whereabouts himself. Zhou Shi was in a hurry to go to Jinsha for a while, so he didn’t care about arranging Wang Shirong. As a result, Wang Shirong suddenly became idle.

How can Wang Shirong, who wants to climb up and go out of his way, can endure the days of “doing nothing”, he has already inquired clearly, the reason why Jiang Guozhu is blocking his way is not for his cronies Yan Shaoqing. There can only be one prefect in Suzhou. Wang Shirong is the prefect, where should Yan Shaoqing go? Could it be that he was asked to make his own seat by Jiang Guozhu and Yan Shaoqing to be the governor of Jiangsu?

The first-level official crushed people to death, Jiang Guozhu embarrassed himself, his immediate boss Zhang Changgeng couldn’t speak, and His Highness King Qi who believed in himself was not in Jiangnan. Wang Shirong was really anxious and angry. In order to be able to take office as soon as possible, Wang Shirong decided to follow the path of Xiangshan Hou Jianghe, a general trusted by His Royal Highness King Qi.

However, although they have met Jiang He, Wang Shirong and Jiang He are not familiar with each other, and I don’t know if Jiang Houye is willing to help him. Besides, even if Jiang He was willing to help him, he didn’t have any gifts he could give to honor Xiangshanhou.

After thinking about it, Wang Shirong gritted his teeth and made a decision that he regretted all his life, and that was extremely painful.

Wang Shirong had heard that the Marquis of Xiangshan and Ding Shuobo Li Fengming, another popular man under the commander, had a common hobby, that is, they had an extremely strong desire and desire for the noble ladies of the Qing court.

Although Kong Sizhen was not of authentic Manchu origin, who was she? She is the daughter of the great traitor Kong Youde, King of Dingnan, Si Ge Ge, the daughter of the Queen Mother of Tartar, and the little mistress of the Emperor of Tartar.

This identity is amazing!

Compared with Geng Jimao’s direct descendant, Shi Yuanling, who was brought into his private house by Zhou Shixiang, Kong Sizhen’s nobility is even better.

At the beginning, Wang Shirong’s first thought when he caught Kong Sizhen was to give this woman to Zhou Shixiang. Although he also had a **** for this Si Ge, he could only swallow his saliva compared to his own future.

After learning that Zhou Shixiang gave Kong Sizhen to him, Wang Shirong’s heart almost stopped with excitement. That night, under Kong Sizhen’s begging and desperate resistance, Wang Shirong finally fulfilled his wish and avenged his revenge. Looking at Kong Sizhen’s two legs that were unable to move because of the pain and swelling in the stall, he really felt that his life had been sublimated since then.

Son of a bitch, if the husband is castrated and sent to the palace, Wang Shirong is taking revenge to the extreme.

He also really loves Kong Sizhen, as long as he has free time, he will play with Si Ge Ge’s body, and ask Si Ge Ge to taste the satisfaction of conquering Si Ge Ge’s *** enjoyment of Master Wang.

If it weren’t for Jiang Guozhu, if it wasn’t for the worrying future, Wang Shirong would never have thought of transferring Kong Sizhen.

On the night when he decided to give Kong Sizhen to Jiang He, Wang Shirong frantically tossed Kong Sizhen until he nearly fainted.

Reluctant to give up love, really reluctant to give up love!

Wang Shirong went to Anqing with what he thought was the most precious gift. After sending Kong Sizhen to Jiang He’s house, he secretly wiped a tear in no one’s place. At that moment, he suddenly felt as if he loved him. On Kong Sizhen.

A friend’s wife should not be bullied, neither should a colleague’s wife be bullied.

Jiang Baldzi knew that Kong Sizhen existed, and that the commander gave Wang Shirong the four squares of the Qing court. When he heard the news at that time, he and the blind man Li were still playing the “Autumn Wind” in the brothel in the south. At that time, the blind man Li was angry and shouted that the two brothers would go and **** Kong Sizhen to sleep for the night. Still Jiang Bald understands the righteousness, saying that it was given to him by the commander, Wang Shirong and them are also colleagues, and it is too inauthentic to do this. That being said, Jiang Baldzi was lost in his heart. He always felt that only his hero could match Kong Sizhen’s Sao Gege.

Full of regrets, Jiang Baldzi returned to Anqing. Since then, he has been busy with military affairs in Anhui, and has forgotten about Kong Sizhen. I don’t want to, there is a pie in the sky, Wang Shirong actually handed Kong Sizhen to himself.

It doesn’t matter what Wang Shirong wants to do to himself, Jiang Bald has done Kong Sizhen a good job first, and after tasting it, he only thinks that this four-dimensional place is really better than other women.

Kong Sizhen couldn’t cry or say anything at this meeting, she was resigned to her fate. After all, this bald man with a face full of flesh is her fourth man. The first three are Fulin, Sun Yanling and Wang Shirong. In order to alleviate her pain, Kong Sizhen also cooperated with all her might. She is a smart woman and knows what to do to make her suffering less.

He is short-handed and soft-hearted. Jiang Bald is not a person who will turn his face when he lifts his pants. He promised to help Wang Shirong win the seat of the prefect of Suzhou with the commander.

With the guarantee of Xiangshanhou, Wang Shirong finally let go of his uneasy heart, and with hope, he returned to Suzhou. However, he did not stay in Suzhou City, but went to Kunshan County, where Meng Finchun, a subordinate of the Clearing Division, is located. The reason for this is naturally that Wang Shirong didn’t want to see Jiang Guozhu and Yan Shaoqing’s eyes. Meng Fachun was his subordinate, and now he was the magistrate of Kunshan. It was definitely more comfortable to go to him than to stay in Suzhou.

I don’t want to, but when I reached Kunshan, Kunshan changed dramatically.

In fact, Wang Shirong didn’t know that Meng Finchun was dead at this time. He was able to close the city gate in advance and come forward to preside over the Kunshan County Defense, all because the military intelligence department’s Jinyi inner guard found him.

The relationship between Zhang An and Wang Shirong, the ambassador of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, was very good~www.readwn.com~ They were under pressure to force Emperor Dingwu, who refused to go north, into the carriage. Since then, although Wang Shirong and the Ministry of Military Intelligence have never dealt with each other again, his personal contact with Zhang An has never been broken. Wang Shirong originally thought of asking Zhang An for help, but thinking about the identity of the other party, he dismissed the idea. Wang Shirong worried that asking Zhang An for help might be counterproductive, because the military intelligence department was strictly prohibited from interfering in government affairs. So to ask Zhang An for help, it is better to go the way of Xiangshanhou.

Kunshan County did not know the great changes in the entire Jiangnan at this time, but the Ministry of Military Intelligence, which has military intelligence personnel everywhere, knows what is happening now. Zhang An knew that Wang Shirong had returned to Kunshan from Anqing, so he sent someone to rush to Kunshan, and wanted Wang Shirong to leave Kunshan and go back to Suzhou. There are a lot of intelligence personnel in the Ministry of Military Intelligence, and there are more than 3,000 inner guards in Jinyi, but they are stationed in various places, and there is no way to mobilize them to suppress the rebellion at the first time. What Zhang An can do is to send police reports to various prefectures and counties to ensure that the main cities are not lost. Only the garrison is responsible for pacifying the chaos, and the Military Intelligence Department can only provide intelligence support.

Wang Shirong got the news two hours before the various “rebels” encircled Kunshan County, but he did not leave Songshan with the brocade and inner guards, but decided to stay in Kunshan.

Others are afraid of rebellion and mobs, but Wang Shirong is not afraid. On the contrary, he sees a golden road, a golden road that allows him to develop rapidly.

The Taiping Army is devoted to military merit, and there is nothing in this world that can be more tempting than military merit!

Chaos people, don’t worry about it!


I was unwell yesterday, and I took a day off from work related to my work. I’m sorry, all book friends.

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