Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1100

Chapter 1100: Ashes

Waving the fan, the thieves vanished into ashes.

Wang Shirong on the top of Kunshan City, his loud voice resounded in the air, and he was extremely tall under the sun. At this time, he lacked a feather fan in his hand.

It is impossible for the large number of Kunshan rebel gentry to disband their troops and bind themselves to the city just because of Wang Shirong’s words. However, they couldn’t do anything, they could only curse at the city head of Kunshan, gnashing their teeth, and most of the curse words were directed at Wang Shirong. In all honesty, among the gentry who rebelled today, there are probably six achievements that Wang Shirong forced to rebel. Without him, when the debt was cleared that day, Ambassador Wang’s methods were really cruel, and there was no way to understand people’s feelings. From the official documents approved by him, I don’t know how many scholars have been revoked, I don’t know how many Juren masters have been locked up, and I don’t know how many people have been killed. How many “Xianxian”.

To the gentry in Suzhou, Wang Shirong is a poisonous snake. Originally, the poisonous snake did not know where to hide, but today it has swam out and is extremely presumptuous in the city. gas.

Qi to Qi, hatred to hatred, what should I do in front of my eyes?

This city, to fight or not to fight?

Since ancient times, rebellions have had to have a head.

The so-called snake without a head can’t do it, so the rebellious gentry naturally thought of a unified order and recommended a leader who everyone was convinced. In this way, once the order is clear, the next action can be decided. Otherwise, you say yours, I say mine, you say fight, I say go, how to fight this battle?

In terms of influence, the six families, the Wang family, and the Xu family are all famous gentry in Kunshan, and their ancestors were all high officials. Especially the Wang family, but the queen has been born, not in the past, but now. The queen of Yongli is the daughter of the royal family!

Logically, it is impossible for the Wang family to participate in the rebellion. Although Yongli asked the rebel Wu Sangui to kill them, the Queen Wang and the Crown Prince were not rescued by the Taiping Army and welcomed into Nandu. I heard that when Empress Wang entered the city, Emperor Dingwu sent Fu Guo Zhiqi to greet him, and he even waited at the palace gate, showing great respect for Empress Wang, the prince and the queen mother.

As the emperor of the dynasty, Emperor Dingwu used his sons and nephews to welcome the queen and the queen into the palace, and then placed them in the palace himself, and treated the Prince Yongli as a prince. Call it “Pseudo-Emperor”. Now that he can do this, and treat Queen Wang as the queen mother, no one in the world can tell whether it is wrong or not.

The daughter of the Wang family is the queen mother of the dynasty, but the Wang family participated in the rebellion. No one can figure this out, even if they break their heads.

However, the Wang family understood and understood that they had to rebel, because the queen mother in the palace could not help them at all, and those thieves and talented eagle dogs never regarded them as royal relatives.

On that day, the scene of the Taiping Tiger Wolf, which was transferred by the debt clearing department, slammed open the door of the Wang family, and drove the whole gate of the palace into the courtyard. It was the biggest pain in the hearts of everyone in the Wang family.

When the people who went to Nandu to report for help were not even able to enter the palace gate, they were **** and brought back by the Taiping Army Wuhua.

In fact, Queen Wang’s parents had already passed away a few years ago, and although the Wang family has such a daughter who is the emperor and empress of the Ming Dynasty, they have been 15 years from the first year of Yongli to the present. Never wrote a letter to this queen, and never said half a word of this queen in front of outsiders. It seems that this queen has nothing to do with their royal family at all.

Thinking about the bitterness, this is the helplessness of the Wang family, and it is a way to protect oneself. Because the entire Wang family lived in the Qing Dynasty control area after all, if they often talked about the daughter who was the empress of the Ming Dynasty and showed off, it must be their own death.

Thinking in a mean way, the Wang family was worried from the beginning that this daughter, who was married to Zhu Youlang, who was not even the prince of the vassal, would bring disaster to their family. So they don’t admit it, they don’t admit that they have had such a daughter and such a queen.

No matter what the Wang family thinks, in fact, for more than ten years, they have indeed never had any contact with Queen Wang, and even many of the younger generation in the family did not know that they had such an aunt of the Queen.

After the Taiping army entered Jiangnan and Emperor Dingwu paid homage to the Xiaoling Mausoleum in the southern capital, the status of the Wang family was not improved, but became more embarrassing. Because the newly enthroned Emperor Dingwu had nothing to do with their emperor’s son-in-law, nor with their queen niece. Even, the two sides are still hostile, they do not recognize each other, and everyone wants to destroy the relationship of the other. The Dingwu Dynasty honored Yongli as the Supreme Emperor. In the eyes of the Wang family, it was a mockery and ridicule, not that Emperor Dingwu really wanted to honor Zhu Youlang.

On the surface, it seems that the status of the Wang family has really improved a lot. At least, the big households in Songjiang are much more polite to his royal family than before, and the government is also polite to their royal family.

This made the Wang family really have a little illusion, thinking that their daughter who became the empress dowager of the Dingwu Dynasty would really make them a royal family-like existence.

The arrival of the clearing soldiers made this illusion disappear.

Fake, everything is fake.

The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother’s mother’s family, and the royal family’s relatives are all fake and bullshit!

Even the emperor is fake!

In this Dingwu Dynasty, this Jiangnan, it is the thief scholar who is in charge, and the one who does things is also a thief scholar!

The thief show is not Li Dingguo, the thief show is Sun Kewang!

If it wasn’t for Sun Kewang, the Wang family would be able to jump into the river now.

The head of the Wang family took a risk and participated in the Songjiang uprising. The original plan was to join forces with the rebels and other families to take Jiading City. I didn’t want to, because the religious people slaughtered the Han people everywhere, causing the revolting gentry to change their minds, no longer against the Qing, but instead By besieging and annihilating the religious people, as a result, the power of the Songjiang uprising was quickly torn apart. The Wang family didn’t want to wait for death in Songjiang, so they went to Kunshan under the leadership of the family owner.

After a group of gentry gathered, the public pushed the leader. Wang Mingzhe, the head of the Wang family, thought that he would definitely be pushed as the public because his family had a queen after all. However, just because his family had the Empress Daming, all the rebel gentry did not believe him and were unwilling to recommend him. Of course, the most important reason for this is that the Wang family came from Songjiang, not from Kunshan. The so-called strong dragon does not suppress local snakes. Why should people in Kunshan listen to your orders from Songjiang?

Become the leader of the rebellion, order all the horses, and after the event is completed, you will definitely get the greatest benefits. Who doesn’t want to do this beautiful thing, and who wants to let others do it? They have already fought their way out and rebelled, and all the gentry have long since had no way out. Either die or reach, whoever is willing to do the dowry for others, the benefits of hard work let others go.

The argument went on for a long time, but there was no result.

Seeing that it was getting dark, all the gentlemen realized that this would definitely not work, and a new proposal was put forward, that is, the leader of the big guy, Tanhua Lang, Ye Fangai. This proposal has been approved by the majority of people. After all, Ye Fangai’s fame was given by the Qing Dynasty, and he was also called a thief by Xiucai. Since this is the case, everyone will serve Ye Tanhua as a good thing.

Ye Fang Ai didn’t expect that she would become the leader in the end, she was really surprised and happy. Ye Tiancheng was extremely supportive of his son being the leader. Why did he rebel? Don’t you want to help your son regain everything he lost?

That’s it.

After Ye Fangai took over as leader, he immediately restrained each family and asked each family to report their actual strength, such as how many people they brought, how many weapons, and how much food and forage they had. In order to appease everyone and unite them, Ye Tanhua rewarded everyone when they came, so that a scholar who brought his brother-in-law to participate in the uprising was also appointed as the county magistrate.

Getting promoted is a blessing in life.

Kunshan City is still under, Wang Shirong is still in the city, but more and more rebel teams gather outside the city, and their momentum is getting bigger and bigger, plus some rectification by Ye Tanhua, this rebel army sees It looks really good.

However, what Ye Tanhua and the gentry under him saw were many people and great power, but what Wang Shirong in the city saw was a bunch of chickens and dogs. From noon to night, every time the rebel army came, Wang Shirong would make people pay attention, and then write down their grass-headed banners and approximate numbers. Every time one comes, Wang Shirong will chuckle from his heart. He wished that there would be more people coming, because then there would be more chaos outside the city.

After all, there is a difference between the army and the people. The army is the army, and the people are the people.

When the county security brigade and Zhu Bo and others asked Wang Shirong for advice on how to defeat the enemy, Wang Shirong had a plan and told them to rest assured.

After the night fell, there was silence inside the city, and noise outside the city. There were fires everywhere and makeshift camps everywhere. There are probably not even a hundred people in the rebel army who have ever been soldiers. Most of them are farmers and tenants who have never even held a knife, as well as rogues, and daring people who want to take advantage of the fire. How can they do such “technical work” as they set up camp. Even if someone teaches them now, they are too lazy to answer. In the minds of most rebel soldiers, the rebellion is to follow and rush forward, then shout a few times, and finally the gentlemen above give some silver. As for the others, they haven’t seen it.

The rebel army is now busy with the issue of eating. The team comes from all over the county and outside the county, some of whom know each other and some who are not. The emperor’s old man is not bad for hungry soldiers, and the gentlemen and gentlemen may not even give them stuttering.

Eating is indeed a big problem. All the gentlemen knew that it was a big deal, but they started in a hurry and brought so much food. They all thought that Kunshan City would definitely be won in one fell swoop. Some were not even prepared to spend the night outside the city.

Now, they are all dumbfounded, and they are all dumbfounded. The scholars are all powerful, how can they make people full, they stare blankly. In the end, under the temporary “help” of several local gentry in Kunshan, tens of thousands of horses were barely able to fill their stomachs. Then in groups of three or five, they fell asleep indiscriminately. Eating is a big deal, sleeping is a big deal. There are definitely no tents, and there are gentry and gentlemen living there. The big guy will take the straw and deal with it. When Ye Tanhua leads the big guy into the city tomorrow, are you afraid that there will be nowhere to sleep?

Some sleep and some don’t. There were gamblers and drinkers everywhere, and some Zeng Tianhei sneaked out, thinking of seeing if there were any villages nearby, and grabbing a fortune.

Military discipline, that is definitely not there. The gentry can only barely restrain their clansmen and family members, and other people who are tempted, deceived, or coerced, but they ask the other party not to run away and burn high incense, how can they expect the other party to have any concept of military discipline. .

Ye Fangai was a flower explorer in the end, and he also saw the army formation during the Jiangbei War in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, so he was very worried about the current chaos outside the city.

Ye Tiancheng is also worried and swollen, and he has not been able to break the city in one day, which has already caused him to have some bad thoughts. For the sake of the family and for the sake of his son, Ye Tiancheng cheered up, dispatched all the competent people in Yejiazhuang, and watched carefully everywhere.

There are not many official troops in the city, all the big and small gentlemen know this, otherwise they would not have the courage to attack the city~www.readwn.com~ and even take them without thinking that those people in the city have the courage to go out of the city to attack them. But not afraid of 10,000, just in case, after receiving Ye Tanhua’s order, the gentry still sent some capable people to stand guard.

Soon, at midnight, the noisy city outside Kunshan finally fell silent.

After a tiring day, everyone else fell asleep with straws in their arms, but he was sent by the master to stare at the post. Hu Ada must be in a bad mood. But the master was kind to him, he gave him a silver ingot when he got up, and even promised to marry the maid Xiaohuan to him, so no matter how bad Hu A was, no matter how sleepy he was, he still stood there forcibly. Staring motionlessly in the direction of Kunshan.

Suddenly, Hu Ada felt that a dark shadow flashed in front of him, he rubbed his eyes, and when he looked again, he saw nothing.

Damn, what the hell?

Hu A was a little strange. He raised the bamboo spear, took a few steps forward carefully, and then stabbed into the grass a few times.

There was no movement, and Hu Ada took back the bamboo gun, feeling suspicious. When he turned around, there was a pain in his back, and then someone restrained his mouth and dragged him aside.

Wang Shirong sent people out of the city to attack the rebel army. He was very bold and confident in sending ten people.

Among the ten people, the captain was retired from the Taiping Army, the remaining four were from the county security brigade, three were Yamen arresters, and two were the inner guards who reported news to Wang Shirong.

The officials in Kunshan must have been shocked that Master Wang sent ten people out of the city to make a sneak attack. But what shocked them even more was that these ten people really wiped out tens of thousands of people outside the city. 8

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