Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1158

Chapter 1157: Labor And Teachers

Nanchang, outside Zhangjiangmen. www.uuk.la

Li Zhicui, the former Qing Jiangxi censor and now the governor of Jiangxi Province, was in high spirits. Surrounded by the right bureaucrat Wang Ting, the commander of the provincial security corps, Chen Sheng, and others, he waited chatting and laughing.

“Master Wang, the preparation for the construction of the Jihai Nanchang Massacre Memorial Hall is a major matter that His Royal Highness Qi has personally asked about. You can’t be sloppy.”

“Master Futai can rest assured that the memorial hall was built according to the highest specifications, and it will never be worse than Yangzhou, Jiangyin, Fuzhou, Guangzhou and other places.”

Wang Ting, who was also demoted, almost patted his chest and assured Li Zhicui that there would be no problem at the memorial hall.

Li Zhicui believed that Wang Ting would not be swayed by greed for profit, because this project was a huge success. If Wang Ting really lost his head, it would be his own death. When Jin Yiwei locked him into Beijing, no one could save him.

“By the way, have the tombs of Jin and Wang been built? One of them is the Duke of Yu and the other is the Marquis of Jianwu. Both of them died of state affairs. The King of Qi was buried with honor, so this tomb should be built decently. .”

“My lord, this is a little tricky.”

Wang Ting looked embarrassed. Jin Shengheng committed suicide by throwing more than 20 arrows into the lake. The body was salvaged and divided by the Qing army. Building a tomb, but told him where to find the bones of Jin and Wang.

Li Zhicui thought for a while, and said, “Since no bones can be found, let’s build a tomb of clothes and crowns. Isn’t Shi Kebu on Meihualing also a tomb of clothes and crowns?”

“That’s a good idea.”

Wang Tingtou thought it was true, but then said: “Actually, His Royal Highness King Qi has paid too much attention to Jin and Wang. When these two surrendered to the Qing Dynasty earlier, they also hurt a lot of anti-Qing soldiers and civilians. It’s just to build the Jihai Massacre Memorial Hall, but why do you need to build tombs for these two people as a biography?”

“What I said, can’t I be a Ming minister after I surrendered to the Tartars? Then Li Chengdong also slaughtered Jiaxing three times, and he was also crowned king by Yongli.”

The commander of the security corps, Chen Sheng, was originally the chief soldier of the Qing Dynasty. When the Taiping army entered Nanchang that day, the governor Zhang Chaolin ordered him to kill Li Zhicui.

After the surrender of Nanchang, Li Zhicui certainly won the trust of Zhou Shixiang, the king of Qi. In order to thank Chen Sheng for his life-saving grace, Li Zhicui tried his best to recommend Chen Sheng to Zhou Shixiang, and Chen Sheng was transformed into the commander of the Jiangxi Provincial Security Corps with the rank of general. Although he brought a local security team, he seemed to be a civil and military officer in Jiangxi.

The relationship between Li and Chen is very close.

Chen Sheng was dissatisfied with what Wang Ting said just now, because according to what he said, what are they? Except for a small number of people, most of the Jiangxi civil and military people present were surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. According to the royal court’s view, wouldn’t they all be valued?

Li Zhicui heard the meaning of Chen Sheng’s words, smiled slightly, and said to Wang Ting half a warning and half a reminder: “The king of Qi does not doubt the use of people, but he does not. , regardless of previous suspicions. Therefore, those of us must follow King Qi with a steady heart in the future, and we must not have thoughts of self-contempt, let alone look down on others.

Lord Wang must know that King Li Dingguo of Jin and King Li Laiheng of Shun were born as thieves in the past, and the rest, such as King Gongchang and King Jianchang, were born in the same way. The generals under King Qi were even from the Qing army, but now, who would dare to despise them? After speaking, he paused for a while, “There are no outsiders here, so just say that and forget it. If someone who is interested listens to it, I’m afraid it will be troublesome.” ”

“Yes, yes, what Lord Futai taught is.”

Wang Ting’s heart froze, his scalp was numb, and he secretly scolded himself for being too quick. You don’t care what Li Chengdong or Jin Shengheng did in the past. Now that King Qi has set the tone, if you say they are bad, don’t you contradict King Qi? .

He sang against the commander of the Taiping Army and His Royal Highness King Qi of the Ming Dynasty. Wang Ting knew exactly what would happen. Those who were slaughtered in Ganzhou and Ji’an, Zhang Chaolin, Tong Fengcai, Liu Tongchun and others, were dismembered and discarded in front of him.

Li Zhicui crossed the matter and asked about the construction of the Wangting Memorial Hall. Chen Sheng listened to a few words on the side, and suddenly asked with concern: “Lord Futai, King Qi will organize a group of officials from the court to come to Nanchang to visit me. The Hai Massacre Memorial Hall is simply letting them know about the massacre that year, or it has another meaning, the last commander is really stupid, and I also ask the two adults to reveal one or two.”

Wang Ting shook his head and said: “When there is no other meaning, I think King Qi just wants the officials of the court to see the inside and outside of my Nanchang City, let them see the atrocities of the Qing army in Jihai year, and take a look. All beings who have been trampled by iron hoofs.”

Li Zhicui thought of something earlier and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he didn’t say anything.

“Could it be that the two adults couldn’t guess other meanings?” Chen Sheng always felt that this matter was not so simple, otherwise, how could it be so laborious to pull the officials above the heads of the big and small Jiuqing to the provinces to visit them one by one.

Li Zhicui shook his head, but Wang Ting didn’t think much about it. At this time, someone came to report that the team of the imperial court had arrived.

“Oh, here we come!”

Li Zhicui waved his hand with a smile, and motioned for a group of civil and military officials to follow him to pick up the court officials. Although he is the governor of Jiangxi and a high-ranking official in a province, there are not many high-ranking officials here, and he was escorted by Jin Yiwei, so he did not dare to put on the air of the governor. After all, he was demoted, and there was no harm in being more respectful.


The group of officials who came to Nanchang came from the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Industry, and several yamens such as Taichang Temple, Dali Temple, and Ducha Yuan, with a total of 16 people. They were escorted by Jinyi’s own army, boarded the ship from Nanjing, and went upstream, first to Anqing, then to Jiujiang, and then from Jiujiang to Nanchang.

According to the plan, this is the first batch, followed by the second batch and the third batch. After the officials from the big and small Jiuqing Yamen have visited, there will also be students from the Guozijian and Nanjing Wubei School, Jiangnan Army University and the Great Hall, and the middle school halls of various provinces. . All the expenses required are covered by the Grand Governor’s Office, and the local government does not have to bear it, only food and lodging can be provided.

30% of the Holocaust Memorial Halls in various places are paid by the local government, and the remaining 70% is also allocated by the Grand Governor’s Office. It can also be seen that Zhou Shi attaches great importance to this matter.

The first batch of officials who arrived in Nanchang was led by the chancellor of the scholar Ding.

“See Master Ding!”

Li Zhicui led a group of Jiangxi civil and military officials to greet Ding Zhixiang, Ding Zhixiang waved his hand and said with a serious face: “This official represents the court, and on behalf of His Royal Highness King Qi, he came to Nanchang to pay homage to the soldiers and civilians who died in the Jihai Massacre. , so there is no need for vain rituals or anything, and don’t hold any reception banquets. In Nanchang these few days, the accompanying officials will all eat and live together, and the diet is mainly light. Now, let us go to the memorial hall. ”

Li Zhicui and others were stunned for a moment, this scholar Ding is so resolute?


I was so **** off today that the upstairs decoration didn’t have a sewer under the pool. As a result, when the water was released, it completely flooded my study. After three days of blisters, the floor, wallpaper, and ceiling are all broken. I’m so angry that I can’t say anything. Is there such a decoration? No sewer lines!

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