Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1159

Chapter 1158: To Understand, How To Get Revenge!

When the court officials who had just passed by the boat and the chariot heard that Ding Da Shi was going to take them to the memorial hall, many people had a bitter look on their faces, but they could see the people around them who were watching them coldly. They were called escorts, but they were escorts. The pro-military fanzi, the resentment in this heart immediately drifted away with the wind. www.uuk.la

In particular, Pan Xuezhong, a thousand households in Nanan Town, did not need to make any movement when he stood there, so that the vests of all the officials were chilled. Without it, this Pan Xuezhong is now a life-threatening existence in the eyes of Nandu officials. As long as he entered his Nanzhen prison, he never came out alive. Using the word “cruel official” is no longer enough to describe this thousand households in Nanzhen. In the southern capital, many people compared him to Lai Junchen during the Wu and Zhou Dynasties.

I heard that Pan Xuezhong designed a lot of tortures in Nanzhen. Among them, ‘shovel head meeting”, “brushing” and “gut pumping” were the most brutal and inhumane.

The ‘shovel head meeting” is to push five to ten prisoners into pre-dug pits and bury them with soil up to their necks, with only their heads above the ground. Then, the executioner will chop off with a specially made axe row, often with a single axe, several people’s heads will fall to the ground.

“Brushing” and “gut pumping” are more creepy than ‘shovel head meeting”. The former is to tie the prisoner to a special iron bed, and pour hot boiling water on the prisoner. Immediately, the prisoner was scalded by boiling water to the point where his skin and flesh were torn apart. Next, the executioner, holding an iron brush, rubbed the prisoner’s scalded body to remove the flesh until the bones were exposed.

In the latter, the prisoner was stripped of his clothes and hung on a specially made rack. The executioner used an iron hook to penetrate into the prisoner’s body from the **, hooked his intestines out, and then tied one end of the intestines to the stone, and then let go. At this time, “the corpse will come out of the intestines”, and the prisoner will be cut to death alive.

These three types of criminal law are written on the “penalty card” in Nanzhen, and even the specific implementation methods are written one by one, how not to make people stunned. It is reported that when Pan Xuezhong tried the prisoner, he threw the torture card directly to the prisoner to see for himself, and then let him choose one. Such a brutal person, God knows why King Qi used so much, so that officials are not living a good life. If many officials heard the word Nanzhen at night, they would fall off the bed in fright. 【】

Such cruel officials and plague gods, the officials used to only hear their names and did not see them, but now they appear alive in front of them, and they walk with them all the way, so that people are not afraid or afraid.

However, Pan Xuezhong was completely unaware of the fear of the officials towards him. He only stared at the civil and martial arts groups in Jiangxi with interest. Nan Zhen’s habit of looking at the civil and martial arts groups in his eyes unconsciously took some gloomy.

Li Zhicui didn’t know whether Ding Zhixiang was really resolute or pretending, so he tentatively suggested that the great scholar should lead everyone to work hard, or go to the post house to rest for a night, and let him represent Jiangxi civil and military to show the friendship of the landlord, and wait until tomorrow. It’s not too late to go to the memorial.

Xu Shi knew that Li Zhicui had a different background from the group of officials behind him, and his political achievements in Jiangxi were quite outstanding, and he was highly trusted by His Royal Highness King Qi, so Ding Zhixiang did not raise his eyebrows, and put on the air of a scholar to “rebuke” the governor. A few words, but euphemistically expressing that the schedule is tense, and King Qi has repeatedly instructed not to talk about the place, so it is more important to hurry up and do business.

“So, the lower official will accompany the scholar to the memorial hall.”

Li Zhicui nodded, and respectfully invited Ding Zhixiang to the carriage.

The rest of the officials were also escorted by the pro-military troops and boarded the car one by one. In addition to the pro-military guards, there were more soldiers from the Jiangxi Security Corps, and the commander Chen Sheng was personally responsible to avoid any mistakes. If something happened to the mission led by the imperial scholar, he would be out of luck. However, when Chen Sheng stepped forward to greet Pan Xuezhong, he wanted to have a relationship with this pro-military thousand households, but was directly ignored by the other party, which made him very embarrassed.

In the past, officials were accustomed to sitting in sedan chairs, but this dynasty was newly established and the weather was innovated. His Royal Highness King Qi took the lead in not taking sedan chairs. Therefore, most of the officials below followed suit, and there were not many people who took sedan chairs. Only those who are old and considerate of the court are allowed to sit in the sedan chair. This is also what it should mean. At the beginning of the founding of the country in all dynasties, there were far more people who rode in carriages than in sedan chairs.

Everyone entered the city from Zhangjiang Gate, and the Governor’s Yamen was built behind Zhangjiang Gate. The colleges, universities, press inspections, and bureaucrats were built around the Governor’s Yamen, generally still in the previous pattern.

Jin Shengheng and Wang Deren failed to oppose the Qing Dynasty. The Manchu soldiers were ordered by Baylor Tan Tai to slaughter the city in Nanchang. After more than ten years, traces of the massacre can be seen in the city of Nanchang. At the beginning, there were more than 600,000 people in Nanchang City.

When the “central officials” passed through the city gate, they could clearly see that the brick gates under the city wall of Zhangjiang Gate were all black. Not that ordinary black, but a terrifying black. Some Jiangxi officials whispered to the “central officials” that this section of the city wall turned black after being dyed red with blood, and no matter how clean it was, it could not be restored to its original state.

It is true that blood stains one red, and years make one black.

Li Zhicui was always concerned about this matter when he received an official document from the Governor’s Office asking Jiangxi to start an investigation and count the number of victims of the Qing army massacre in the province. Just yesterday, he took time to read a lot of materials, so he briefly introduced the situation of Zhang Jiangmen to Ding Zhiding on the carriage.

According to him, more than 30,000 people were slaughtered and slaughtered by the Qing army only in the Zhangjiangmen area that day. Many people were caught up with the city wall by the Qing army, and then ordered to jump down, and there were countless corpses. Therefore, the people in Nanchang City now call Zhangjiang Gate “jumping city gate”.

“At the beginning of the siege of the city by the Qing army, more than 100,000 people were killed and injured outside the city. They were all Han Chinese captured by the Qing army from nearby prefectures and counties, mainly to dig trenches for them. Tens of thousands of other women were kidnapped by the Qing army. There was no day or night for the campers. After the city was destroyed, those women were sold together with the women in the city, and not many survived… Preliminary statistics show that in the year of Jihai, there were more than 680,000 people killed in Nanchang alone. , I’m afraid it will be no less than this number outside the city. In the next few years, the prefectures around Nanchang have ten rooms and nine empty spaces, and now they are rarely uninhabited…”

Ding Zhixiang just listened silently and didn’t say a word from beginning to end. The carriage was still moving forward, passing through Nanchang City until it reached the East Lake. East Lake is the largest lake in Nanchang City. There are three small islands in the lake, commonly known as Baihuazhou. East Lake Academy, East Lake Painting and Calligraphy Association, and Jiangxi Gongyuan were built on both sides of the lake. The Jihai Nanchang Massacre Memorial Hall was built on the north side of Donghu Lake, where the original Chang Palace was located.

“Scholar Ding, here we are!”

After arriving at East Lake, the officials got off the bus one after another. Accompanied by Li Zhicui and other Jiangxi civil and military officials, Ding Zhixiang led 126 “central officials” on foot to the memorial hall.

Although they were exhausted all the way, their mind and body were exhausted, but walking on the shore of East Lake, the “central officials” were somewhat refreshed. After all, this place is a famous place in Nanchang, where people have gathered since ancient times. Walking by the lake, you can actually feel the cultural atmosphere of this place.

The Holocaust Memorial Hall occupies a large area, more than three times the size of the original Wenchang Palace. In order to build this memorial, Jiangxi invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and even demolished the Fire Temple next to the original Changgong Palace, which was only able to collect the required wood.

In front of the memorial hall, more than 200 people lined up in two lanes, looking at the approaching team with a solemn expression.

“Master Li, who are they?”

Ding Zhixiang noticed that most of these people were young people in their twenties, both male and female, all wearing white filial attire. He couldn’t help but wonder, and asked Li Zhicui who they were.

Li Zhicui hurriedly said: “Returning to the great scholar, these are the descendants of the victims of the Jihai Massacre, as well as the survivors, many of them were hidden by their parents, or even in cesspools, only to escape. ”

The right Buzheng Wang Ting who followed up interjected: “After receiving the official document from the Grand Governor’s Office, the Governor will be down to investigate the Jihai Massacre. After several months of inspections, the descendants of these survivors were found.” After speaking, he suddenly After a while, he lowered his voice and said, “Some of them may be descendants of Tartars.”

“Descendants of Tartars?”

Ding Zhixiang raised his brows: Where did this come from?

Wang Ting explained that at the beginning, there were more than 100,000 women inside and outside the city of Nanchang who were taken captive by the Qing army. Often an Eight Banner soldier could divide a dozen or so Han women. After they abused these women, they killed or sold them. A few lucky ones were brought back to Beijing. Many of these Han women who were abused by the Eight Banners soldiers~www.readwn.com~ were already pregnant when they were sold. For various reasons, they gave birth to the children of these beasts.

Li Zhicui sighed: “Before Jiashen, the Tartars entered the bandits four times, and they often did this, calling it a change for us Han people. After Jiashen, the court was defeated, and this kind of thing happened even more.”

“Change the seeds for us Han people?” Ding Zhixiang smiled coldly: “But I don’t know who will change the seeds for whom in the future.”

The royal court was worried that Ding Dashu would be dissatisfied because those young people had Tartar descendants, but Ding Zhixiang didn’t mind this matter, he said: “Their mothers will definitely not regard their own flesh and blood as Tartars, so they are now They speak Chinese and use Chinese names, so they are Han people, and we cannot treat them differently. They are also victims.”

Li Zhicui and Wang Ting hurriedly nodded and said, “What the scholar said is.”

“In this matter, say a thousand words and ten thousand, they are all unfortunate. It is the incompetence of us officials who have caused their mothers to suffer such a great shame. So we must be vigilant, if we do nothing, In the future, our nation will be threatened to change species, and those of us who are officials will also not escape the fate of being exchanged.

Once the country is broken, whether it is the people or the officials, which one can escape the butcher’s knife of the alien race? ….Why did His Highness build Holocaust memorials in various places, for what? Just to let those of us hold office, let the people all over the world know what the Tartars did to us Han people! ….Only by letting the common people know what the Tartars have done to us, can we justly do what the Tartars do to us. This is called coming and going without being indecent! The sage said, repaying grievances with directness, and repaying virtue with virtue. We must listen to the teachings of the saints. So commemorating the Holocaust is not to make us feel sorry for ourselves, but more importantly, to let us know how to take revenge! “.


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