Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1160

Chapter 1159: Who Is The Culprit

Accompanied by Li Zhicui and others, Ding Zhixiang specially met these Jihai tragedy survivors and their descendants. www.uuk.la

This is also the first time since the first year of Dingwu that a high-ranking official of the imperial court came forward to receive condolences to the victims of the Qing army massacre, which set a precedent.

Never before.

Li Zhicui didn’t know much about the survivors and the descendants of the victims, so Wang Ting introduced the people who stood in front for Ding Dashu.

Wang Ting pointed to a young man in his twenties, with a sad face and a little nervous, and said to Ding Zhixiang: “His name is Li Zemao. When the Qing army broke the city, his parents hid him in the cellar. The soldiers seized his parents and tortured Tibetan silver. Because they were afraid that the Qing soldiers would find their son hidden in the cellar, his parents refused to let go, and were finally cut open by the Qing soldiers and died. He hid in the cellar for nine days, and then The rain and two bags of dried noodles and pumpkins in the cellar survived.”

“My lord, the Tartars killed my parents and killed the entire street. Please, my lord, you must avenge me!”

Seeing that Lord Buzheng was so respectful to the officials in front of him, Li Zemao knew that the other party must be a high-ranking official in the court, so he knelt in front of Ding Zhixiang and asked the other party to avenge him.

“You get up.”

Ding Zhixiang lifted Li Zemao up, shook his head at him, and said, “You are wrong, you shouldn’t ask me to avenge you, and you shouldn’t put the hope of revenge on others, you should take revenge yourself… Tartar killed your father and mother, and also killed a lot of people’s parents. If they are all like you and only want to ask others to take revenge for him, then in the end, everyone will not be able to avenge. So if you really want to take revenge, Just report it yourself. Whatever the Tartars killed your parents, just kill them. The murderers of the past may be gone, but their descendants are, and those people are the targets of your revenge.”

Li Zemao understood: “Then… Then how can I get revenge?”

“Be a soldier, kill the enemy.”

Ding Zhixiang patted Li Zemao on the shoulder, nodded slightly and walked past him, his eyes fell on a girl who was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

“The girl was only three years old. Both her father and brother were killed by the Qing army. Her mother was unwilling to be humiliated and committed suicide by biting her tongue. She also has two older sisters, one jumped into a well and committed suicide, and the other was kidnapped by the Qing army.”

Speaking of this, Wang Ting paused, “This girl was brought by her sister, and later her sister and she were sold to Anqing by the Qing army. For so many years, her sister has been raising her, but we found When they were there, her sister had died.”

Ding Zhixiang sighed secretly, walked up to the girl, and asked her harmoniously, “What’s your surname?”

The girl raised her head a little and said in a low voice, “Lord, my surname is Wang.”

Ding Zhixiang nodded silently and didn’t ask again, because he knew what the girl had gone through, and every question to her was a hurt.

More than 200 survivors and descendants of the victims stood there solemnly dressed in white. The crowd was silent. Not far away, was the square in front of the memorial hall, paved with bluestone, but there was nothing.

As I got closer, I found that the bluestones on the ground were densely engraved with countless names. In the entire square, only one column in the middle is blank for people to pass through, and the rest are names, **** names – each name represents a piece of fresh life in Nanchang City.

When the “central officials” from the southern capital passed by the survivors, some were sad, some were sympathetic, some were angry, but some had no turbulence in their hearts. It seems that what happened in this city in the past is normal.

Zheng Zhonglei was a rare calm person in the crowd. When he passed in front of the survivors, he deliberately looked at their appearance. In the end, he was attracted by a young man who looked like a fool.

That young man was indeed an idiot. He opened his mouth and looked stupidly at the people next to him, and watched a group of officials pass by in front of him. From time to time, there is also a smirk, which is out of tune with this solemn and solemn environment.

However, no one drove this fool out of the team, because this fool had witnessed his father being stripped of the whole body by the Qing army with a long knife, and witnessed his mother being pressed in front of him by the Qing army and cut off his neck with a long knife. Witnessing his younger brother being provoked by the Qing army with a spear, he was carried away like a burden.


After the central officials entered the memorial hall, they visited separately.

There are only two main buildings in the memorial hall, one is the painting and calligraphy hall recording the atrocities of the Qing army, and the other is the exhibition hall of bones excavated from the city and outside the city.

The entrance to the painting and calligraphy museum and the corpse museum is built in the hall of the memorial hall. There are three statues carved in stone in the hall.

The first statue is of a middle-aged man sitting there, with the long hair on his head untied, and a Qing soldier holding a razor and shaving his long hair. On the side was a group of kneeling people, and several Qing soldiers aimed their swords and guns at them.

The second statue is of a thin old man holding a two or three-year-old child, next to a woman who has been sleeping quietly. Beside the woman lay a headless male corpse. In front of them were two Manchurians riding on horses and laughing wildly with knives. No need for anyone to explain, and the visitors also knew that the man’s body was the woman’s husband, the child’s father, and the old man’s son.

The third statue is a group of Han women who were strung up by Qing soldiers with long ropes, their eyes staring blankly forward. Behind them, on the ground, lay several dead babies. The front hooves of a Qing army horse are treading on the corpse of a baby.

The footsteps of many officials stopped here, and they looked at these statues with complex eyes.

On the main wall of the hall, four sentences are engraved.

History is not for forgetting, nor for commemorating, nor for self-pity.

History is used to wake up and remind us not to forget the sufferings we have suffered;

History is used to spur, spur us to revenge.

If we can’t do this, what else do we need history for?

—– Zhou Shixiang.


The “central officials” entered the painting and calligraphy hall and the corpse hall respectively. Ding Zhixiang was no longer with them, and the pro-military fans who had been “escorting” them rarely did not follow them in. This gave the “central officials” great freedom, although what they saw in front of them was so depressing, But still feel a kind of ease that has never been before.

The “free” visit is for an hour. During this hour, no one will disturb these central officials.

Many central officials choose to stay in the painting and calligraphy hall, because the atmosphere here is not so eerie compared to the corpse hall. After all, the **** evidence of the massacre recorded literally and on the screen is easier to accept than the real bones.

In this world, not everyone is brave.

Only about thirty central officials have been in the ossuary, and some people stood there looking at the mountains of corpses in front of them. Others just sat there, closed their eyes, and thought silently about something. Others were inexplicable grief and anger, loudly cursing those damned Manchu Tartars.

There are currently only more than 30,000 skeletons in the ossuary. At that time, there were as many as one million people killed in Nanchang City and outside the city. Many skeletons were either sunk under the East Lake or buried in the wilderness outside the city. Only due to the current manpower and excavation conditions in Jiangxi , it is impossible to excavate all of them in such a fast time. A preliminary estimate by the Jiangxi Chief Envoy is that it will take at least 30 years to completely clean up the bones of the victims of the Jihai Massacre.

The corpse hall is very large, so big that you can’t see the end at a glance. Rows of lanterns make this hellish scene unfold in front of the world.

It’s not that the officials haven’t seen dead people, but seeing so many bones, the shock is far more shocking than they could have imagined before.

Manchu Tartars should be damned, at this moment, the unanimous voice of all the central officials in the ossuary.

“Everyone has seen it, everyone has seen it, this is what happens when we Han people are treated as pigs and sheep!”

Wan Dajun, a member of the Ministry of Rites, was inexplicably sad and angry, and blue veins burst out on his forehead. How could he not be angry, the area where he stood forward was filled with nearly a thousand corpses of young children. Looking at the severed skeletons of young children, he could clearly feel what these children suffered during their lifetimes!

“King Qi is right, we want revenge! What the Tartars have done to us, we should do the same to them!”

Taipu Temple member Wailang Songren also had a livid face. He hated those beasts and tartars. He could hardly imagine how those beasts did such a thing that people and gods are indignant about~www.readwn.com~ We not only want revenge, but also know that, Why is this happening, why is this happening? What is the reason for this scene in front of us! ”

Wan Dajun’s fist clenched tightly.

“Yes, we have to figure out who exactly caused our country to become like this!”

More than 30 central officials gathered around Wan Dajun, and they began to search for the root of all this.


There is also a fierce debate in the painting and calligraphy museum, but the debate is another matter, the theme of which is the word “objectivity”.

Zheng Zhonglei was dissatisfied with the fact that his colleagues were blinded by hatred and could not see the truth clearly.

“It is true that hundreds of thousands of people were killed in Nanchang, and it is true that tens of millions of people died in the entire Jiangnan area, but we must be objective and fair when we look at history! I ask you, these people are really the people of Manzhou. Killed?

…I don’t think so. Since Jiashen, the number of soldiers crossing the river is very few, and the number of troops is only 10,000 each time. However, tens of millions of people died in the south of the Yangtze River. How did these people die, and who were they killed? It’s those green battalion soldiers like Li Chengdong. What is the relationship between those Han army flags, such as Geng, Shang, Kong and others, and the Manchu soldiers?

So everyone should be calm. We are all scholars. Knowing the book and being reasonable is the way to self-cultivation. If you have something to say, you should be reasonable. The Manchus did not kill so many Han people. ”

“Brother Zheng is right. I agree with what Brother Zheng said. You guys are extreme. Since Jiashen, the ones who have harmed my people the most are the soldiers who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, not the Manchu soldiers, so everyone just said that they want to destroy Manchuria. It’s really unfair.” A censor from the Metropolitan Court stood up to support Zheng Zhonglei’s opinion, believing that the culprit of the massacres must be viewed objectively. 8)

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