Chapter 12 -needle demon-

Hey,I would typically repeat the same thing,I was summoned to this world and I don't know how but I'm here.I've managed to avoid death several times one by proving I'm somewhat useful and cause the princess likes me for some reason.I'm not exactly happy about it but I've grown fond of iris and I owe her for at least shielding me so I figure I can't let her people die.Plus I get glory in all of this so it's a win/win/win if I defeat a demon too.While we were riding,Ray the one dude who went to pee with me pulled out his sword and threw it towards me.Literally the blade deflected something I didn't even see coming.


We all quickly jumped off of our horses and we readied ourselves.we all heard a voice coming from everywhere around us,we were even in a forest.

Royal knight/Bloom:which way ray ?!

Knight ray:on your 3,he's hiding in the--

Ray deflected another attack.I didn't see that one either,what the hell was going on.

Knight ava:I'll call him out,okay

Ava charged her magical power and it was scary.I'm sure I was as a little stronger than her.She released her spell towards the cover of bushes and trees.Her fire spell exploded on impacted,destroying a lot of the area.All of a sudden I saw ava flying passed me,I looked behind me in shock as she exploded through the ground behind.A girl landed where ava was,she was pale,her eyes blood red and she was completely exposed with her rags covering her breasts and Virgina and bumbum.Ray blocked her first strike and that sent gusts of wind exploding past us.Like what in the actual fuck ?! I tried to rush in with my daggers and she blocked my attacks.She quickly went down tripped me and kicked me back.I was gasping for air heavily,everything felt numb in my body,literally my head was shaken.I looked around and captain Bloom was pushing that thing back.I noticed that she was enjoying the fight.

Knight ava:are you still good to go ?

Tylor:...(Coughed)yeah,I am and you ?

Knight ava:it'll take more than what she can dish out to kill me--

Geo:like me perhaps ?

Reflexively,I saw him almost touch ava and she'll have to forgive me but I kicked her out of the way.I huge shockwave exploded out of the dude's hand.Captain Bloom noticed and dodged but the demon he was with got hit by the blast.It ran through the ground and trees destroying everything its path till it stopped.The dude looked at me,he grinned and just seeing his blood red eyes with a dead expression shook me to my soul.Instantly he appeared Infront of me,he slammed me through the ground and threw me to the side of the field we were in.

Tylor:...damn it ! Everything is burning up.

I saw ava get up and run towards the dude.she attacked him throwing sharp and accurate strikes but he was just as adaptive with his defense.He'd parry punches to make openings for counters,he struck her with two fast chops to her throat.Ava fell to her knees coughing up blood,the dude pulled out a needle from thin air and turned it into a sword.I ran in and kicked him back,he blocked and I grabbed ava then I cast my fire spell at him to keep him back.the new knight dude I didn't know his name came in running passed me towards this demon guy.

???:get miss ava out of the enemies range.move !

Knight ava:NO ! iori I'm not doing that !!!

She pushed me back and stood up,the dude,I guess he's iori stopped in his tracks.The demon dude dusted himself off,i looked at the dude's face,he wasn't even scratched at all.I saw Ava's face drop,her expression went from determined to.....horrified.She looked at this dude like she was staring at a ghost.Out of the blue ava screamed at the top of her lungs while she fell to her knee's.I shot my fire ball spell at his feet and I took ava then used the smoke to escape our foe.I saw captain Bloom and she was standing over the body of the demon girl.She was sliced in half and when the captain looked at us he decided to run with us and ray followed.We ended up deep within the forest again,we were seated atop a huge tree.

Knight ray:hey kid ! What the hell happened back there ?! Why are you all so banged up ?!

Tylor: the was another demon,while you two we're fighting that female one another dude fought us.

Royal knight/Bloom:then how did ava end up worse then you are ?

Tylor:i--i don't know,one minute she was fighting good and then next thing you know her mental broke.Its like she'd seen a ghost.

Iori:miss ava saw someone....someone she knew,someone she cared about.

Royal knight/Bloom:then you we're fighting another human ?

Tylor:no,both that girl and that dude looked the same

Iori:yeah but only difference there is that one was more....primal and animalistic.the guy demon talked.

Knight ray:yeah but that doesn't explain why she reacted like that even though it was someone she knew.

Iori:....you all don't know how demons are made huh ?!

Tylor:what ?! Of cause they--

I looked at them and they really did look like they had no clue of what they were going to say to his question.

Iori:demons are born of two things,if you make a contract with someone and you break it,you are cursed to serve that one person as the same creature for eternity.second way is to be turned into one by the demon lord,most people don't know this but when you're cursed and break that spell,it's either you'll be turned into a spirit or a demon and once you're either one,you'll be stuck with that one master for eternity.

Tylor:so you're telling a lot of these demons we're fighting were humans at some point in their life ?!

Iori:more or less,once you give into the darkness it will take over subsequently the opposite is true.

Royal knight/Bloom:you mean entering angel class ?


Knight ray:what ?! That hasn't been done in decades,only the kings have that aura.

Iori:that's wrong...

Royal knight/Bloom:oh,you're a believer,huh ?

Iori:I've already seen it for myself,the boy here has the power

Homie over said that shit pointing at me,he looked about my age so him calling me boy pissed me off--wait what fucking power is he talking about ?

Royal knight/Bloom:how are you so sure ? Just cause he is another world doesn't mean he'll have it too.

Tylor:w-w-what are you guys talking about ?

Iori:Tylor...have noticed...noticed anything out of the ordinary about yourself,besides the change in scenery.Do you often find yourself reacting to attacks reflexively ? Or made you haven't found it hard to learn different types of elemental magic ?

Tylor:uh well I...that does kinda happen...and i--i can four elemental spells.

Everybody there was shocked at what I said.I looked at them perplexed and dumbfounded too,ray walked up to me and so did captain Bloom.

Knight ray:why didn't you say anything ?

Tylor:uh...well you guys didn't ask

Knight ray:and why didn't you use it against them in battle ? Ice and fire magic would've been a big help.

Tylor:how ? I did use a fire spell at him and he didn't even flinch.

Royal knight/Bloom:did you infuse it with all of the magical power you could ?

Tylor:i--i--no,I just released it as a blast,ava and iori were close so I couldn't just make a big bang.

Royal knight/Bloom:then you should've 


Iori:the captain is right,we know what we signed up for when we decided to come on this mission.He did tell you,you might not come back right

Tylor:I...I know but--

Royal knight/Bloom:boy we're at war ! If you show mercy to any of your enemies !....you risk the lives everyone back at the capital,our job is to king each and every single one of those demons.

Tylor:....i--yes sir.

Iori:it would be better to know we've all accepted our fate,if we must, we'll die for our home and families...

....wow,that actually was so wholesome,they actually took pride in protecting their home and people.Okay ! I'm ready now ! I'm set,I'll fuck those two motherfucking things up !!!

Knight ray:then we need to get ready and plan our next move carefully.

Royal knight/Bloom:agreed then let's go ahead and do so.

We did as we discussed and planned our way of attack.Everybody agreed on everything and we went back to the battle field.Our plan was sorta simple,we were going to separate them somehow and Bloom plus ray will be fighting the demon dude.I will try to see if my elemental spells could work against them.We went back to where we were attacked,we walked in plain sight for them to see us.Ray parried an attack that was directed at me and the girl exploded passed me.I pushed ray back and I jumped back myself before the demon dude exploded through the ground in-between us.the area was covered with dust,I looked around and I saw the demon dude swinging his needle sword at me.I quickly blocked with my daggers and I kicked him back.I noticed too late but the girl was floating over me in my blind spot.She held a bright red glowing beam of light,I felt my heart sink.I closed my eyes and I heard a boom.I opened my eyes again and the girl's hand was falling to the ground and the beam was shot up to the sky.Ray passed me.

Knight ray:Focus !

Tylor:y--yes sir !

I looked at them and captain Bloom was holding his own again the demon dude.The dude's fighting style was unique,he kept jumping around everywhere doing flips and throwing his sword around,I couldn't follow his movement exactly,his speed also made it hard to keep up but Bloom was holding his own easily.I blocked the girls kick and I slid back,I was shocked my wrist felt like it was electrocuted and my wrists armor had a dent on it from her attack.I looked at her and she was smiling,she was really starting to annoy me.I ran in and she bursted forward,I ducked to the side dodging her claws just by an inch and I made sure to cut her rib cage while she passed me.She looked at her wound that was already healing itself,so that's why magic is super effective against them,huh.they heal fast from normal blade attacks.She appeared behind me and I parried her kick though it was strong enough to blow me back.She laughed while running after me,I tried to block her but she managed to clip me with her right.She sent me flying bouncing on and through the ground.I rolled back and jumped out of the way before she exploded through the ground where I was.She bursted out rushing towards me and I parried her attack,she released the beam attack while she hovered over me.Reflexively I sliced off her other hand and she laughed,her hand fell on the ground with the beam still in toe.I used burst to get out of the range of the blast before it exploded.I was caught in the explosion and the smoke and flames covered me and the area,engulfing it in smoke and flames.

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