Chapter 11 -journey-

Uh hey again so last time,I've been fixing up to leave.Demons were evading the kingdoms lands and endangering the people lived in villages near there.They might even end up destroying one of them.We needed to hurry and get a move on.I was kinda still stuck in the predicament I put myself in.I overworked my body and I was running on fumes.Tier offered to take me back,only catch was she'd have to possess my body to do it.I wasn't fully listening or thinking at the time so I agreed,she did without any resistance.The experience was crazy,I felt total bliss,like I'd compare it to being high for the first time.I felt like I was in my own world and perfectly happy being still.It ended so out of the blue it caught me off guard,I woke up in my room Infront of the door.


Tylor:mh ?

Tier:you know you owe me though,right ?


Tier:(sighes)just make sure you're fully rested tomorrow okay ?

Tylor: uh-huh

Tier:alright then bye

Next thing I know she turned herself into dust.It was either I was too sleepy or she can do that I guess.Right now I just wanted to sleep.I opened the door to my room and I got in,the doors closed behind me.I stopped seeing iris on my bed,she stood up when she saw me.She walked over to me and she held my cheeks examining my face.

Princess iris:you look exhausted,you trained too much,huh

Tylor:....yeah,I can't exactly go there being weak and all.

Princess iris:true...well come on then

We walked over to the bed and I just fell on it.Iris giggled and she sat next to me.she held my head up and laid it on her lap.She played with my hair while I slept on her lap.I could still hear her talking and I did reply till....

Princess iris:so...how long do you think you guys will be gone ?

Tylor:if we're going there by horseback probably weeks,matter a fact I'd think you knew since this is your dad's kingdom and all.I'm still just an outsider.

Princess iris:do you....do you really feel like that ?

Tylor:....what ?

Princess iris:an outsider ? Like you don't fit in ?

Tylor:.....mh--i guess so,yeah

Her playing with my hair really felt good and I know if I had more energy right I'd probably be protesting me laying on her lap.I kinda ended up zoning out and falling asleep.

Princess iris:why though,I mean I know you don't have any friends or relatives here but....you ha--tylor ?

She giggled

Princess iris:....(Sighes)I'm sure your life in your real world was better than here...you don't...feel at home or like you're fitting in.If it's worth anything,I hope you know I want to be your home,here.I want to be...the one you fall head over hills for cause...I'm falling for you more everyday.

She kissed my forehead and before I went into deep sleep that's the last thing I remember her doing.Next day I woke up and I looked around for her.I don't if I remember anything that happened yesterday correctly.I heard a knock on my door so I got dressed and I went to open up,it was one of the knights with captain Bloom.

Knight ava:,hey buddy,the captain sent to get you.

Tylor:uh hi,w-where is he if I might ask ?

Knight ava: we're all getting ready at the training grounds.Take everything you'll need for the journey and meet us there in 10,Kay.

Tylor:y-yes ma'am.

Knight ava:cool kid,I'll see you when you get there then

Tylor:yes ma'am

Princess iris:you call her ma'am but call me by my given name,how bold of you Tylor

Tylor:...uh,hey--wait didn't you insist I do that though ? You asked me to call you iris.

Princess iris:(moans)and don't stop(giggles)

Are you serious,right now ?

Ava bowed Infront of iris and left.Iris watched ava leave and afterward looked at me a little angry.She made the cutest pouty face.She came in and she had the equipment I needed ready,I'm glad I could count on her.

Princess iris:you're fully rested then ?

Tylor:y-yeah,thanks to you,I was able to fall asleep fast

Should I tell her I heard the things she said ?....nah,she laughed at what I had said though.

Princess iris:(playfully)you know saying you fell asleep fast cause of me could mean I was that boring

Tylor:--what ? Th--

Princess iris:I know,I'm actually happy you said it(blushes)uh,here I brought you,your equipment okay

Tylor:isn't it a little different from the one I had ?

Princess iris:I had miomi upgrade your equipment.I wanted to make sure,you had everything you need.I got you water,food and a change of clothes,I know it's slightly going overboard since uh....I didn't do this for the knights too but...

Tylor:hey,relax....I'll come back okay and we can continue where we left off okay ?

She nodded her head.I pulled her in and I hugged her,holding her tightly.I fixed up my daggers,I put on my armor and took the storage box iris gave and put it in a bag.I turned to face her.

Princess iris:Bloom said you'll be using the teleporter here in the palace.If you do,that will drop at least one day trip to the nearest village.We normally use it for teleporting food and medical supplies to villages through them but they were tweaked up a bit for you guys.

That's amazing,they even have teleportation here ?! I figured they have merchants going from place to place selling shit.This is probably good for business too,I'm sure the king has goods he sells too in exchange for something else.

Tylor:yeah and I'm supposed to meet them outside in a few so....will you be good waiting for me ?

Princess iris:(blushing)well obviously I had a life before you but...make sure you come back though

Tylor:crazy way of saying you do got hobbies,I'll be happy to learn more about them when I come back then,I'll see you

Princess iris:yeah,be safe though okay ?

Tylor:I will,I promise

She got on her tippy toes and gave me a kiss.I blushed,she stepped back and she turned her face away from me.Guess I wasn't the only feeling that.

Princess iris:okay hurry up.

I ran out of the room and I went to the training grounds.I found captain Bloom and the other knights getting on their hourses and I found one extra hourse with them.

Royal knight/Bloom:get on your hourse we're about to leave

I did as he said,before all of my training or probably if I wasn't in this world,I would struggle getting on a hourse but since I'm here,I guess since my body is better it helps.A mage came stood Infront of us.He raised his hands and cast a spell,a huge circle appeared around me and everybody else.Me,Bloom and the other knights were in the woods somehow.I blinked and...seriously that's how teleportation works ?!crazy.

Royal knight/Bloom:MEN ! the teleportation worked...we need to start moving up north.we have to cut off the enemy before they reach grace,that town cannot be destroyed ! Move out !

All the knights:YES SIR !

wow....they were so serious and stoic.My dumbass was busy thinking about what I'm going to deal with.Honestly,I was having second thoughts about all this,I mean demons and all them monsters were cool back home,they were just a movie or story.Now I gotta face the real deal ! I could be brutally killed or eaten alive,I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

Mysterious voice:(you humans are always so fun to play with !)

I stopped my hourse midway.the other knights kept moving forward until ava stopped and turned around to call out to me.I rushed back to her and we continued.

Knight ava:what the hell were you doing back there ?

Tylor:I uh...didn't you guys hear anything here though ?

Knight ava:(giggles)you need to be more careful stopping alone.Demans uses that to lure unsuspecting idiots a certain direction,they use a spell that subconsciously charms the person it's cast upon.

Tylor:(shocked)wait--so that ?!

Knight ava:yeah it is,if you had gone that way,we would probably find you mangled and torn to shreds.

What the fuck ?! Why is she even saying that shit so casually !!!!? Matter a fact she's probably seen that a lot !

Tylor:y-you lost people you cared about like that ?

Knight ava:you could say that....my world revolved around him in a way but yeah,anyway let's hurry on ahead okay.hee-yah !!!

Tylor:(sadly)....yeah,hee-yah !

We rushed forward to keep up and catch up to the others.We travelled a good distance from the sight we teleported to.We finally made out of the woods and as soon as the sunlight hit my eyes,I covered my eyes and I was stunned by the view.The place was beautiful with pink flower fields spreading over the hills of the land.I saw beautiful rainbow colored birds with four wings and a golden tail.It looked soooo cool,we kept moving until we were at the end of the field.Captain Bloom got off his hourse while we waited on the side for him.

Royal knight/Bloom:Everyone,check your gear and have your hourses drink water,we will be resting here for a bit.

Bloom took out a big tent he had in his storage box,he set it up and stored everything inside.I tied my hourse down and I fixed everything for it,food and water.I left it with the other hourses and I went to pee on the side.One of the knights came over to pee too.

Knight ray:hey kid ! You still hanging in there ?

Tylor:uh yes sir,how about you ?

Knight ray:this just another day at work,I wish I had some booze with me but I can't complain.

I kinda laughed,he reminded of--same dude who fucked my ex,I swear I wanted to forget those two filthy people.

Tylor:hopefully everything goes smoothly

The dude laughed at me and while we went back he got closer to me.

Knight ray:it almost never does,at least you said your good-byes to the princess right,ava told me about seeing her in your room


Knight ray:relax(laughs)almost every maid talks about how the princess confessed to one of her friends that she'd fallen for someone close to her.

....what ? Could it be me ? I mean...but--but if it's not what am I gonna do then.

Knight ray:you just make sure you take care of our little princess,you hear me ?

I bowed my head and agreed,I quickly left him behind and went on ahead.I got to the tent and the other two were just coming back.We all got inside the tent and they went to captain Bloom.

Knight Rose:captain,the village up ahead has been warned of the enemies approach and they are fixing to evacuate.

Royal knight/Bloom:good,making the king's people are safe is our number one goal,demons are seconds.We will handle them after we're done with all this.We ate and we fixed up our hourses and our gear then we left.I meant what I said earlier too,hopefully everything goes well.

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