Chapter 10 -the edge-

Me and tier got to the assembly,after I had sent the princess to bed.I stood at the back of everyone with tier.The captain of the knights was standing atop the podium addressing the knights that were already here.

Royal knight/Bloom:Men ! We need strong volunteers to help me defeat an enemy.I want volunteers because most of you will be left to guard the palace and it's citizens Incase we fail.The enemy we fight is strong but they are weak in numbers,we have an advantage, we're fighting in our home land,our territory ! they will regret challenging us !

We stood there for a while and I noticed nobody was raising their hand.The captain stood with his 2nd in commend plus a few 3 other high ranking knights.Everybody else was asked to volunteer but nobody was courageous enough to rase their hand so I decided to raise mine.The captain looked at me shocked and he called me to come forward.

Royal knight/Bloom:so he is the only one with the will to still keep fighting,huh.Men ! Are you going to let a kid fight for your homes,your families ?! All of you are that cowardly ?!

He looked discussed while he said that and I was still climbing the stairs.I went to stand next to the captain and his 4 knights beside him.

Royal knight/Bloom:then everybody else who isn't standing here right now is excused.You can go !

Everybody there left until it was empty.Only Bloom,his 2nd in commend and the other 3 knights were left behind.The captain walked up to me and he shook my hand smiling.

Royal knight/Bloom:you're a brave kid,you never stop impressing me.

Tylor:I'm just looking for a way to get stronger.You get stronger by battling in this world,right ? So I figured this would be the best chance for me to do that.

Royal knight/Bloom:mmh,what is the real reason you raised your hand ? Is it because of her ?

When he asked me that I didn't respond cause he was spot on.I wanted to be a man strong enough to stand next to her,dumb decision considering the fact that these people have done nothing for me.I guess besides food,water and shelter,I don't have anything to fight for in this kingdom other then her,huh.I get why he'd say that.I still don't have friends,I barely talk to anybody who isn't the princess and I avoid people in general.I help those I can but rarely do I seat and get to know them or even conversate.

Tylor:so why did everybody refuse to go out fight these things ?

He chuckled before he answered my question.

Royal knight/Bloom:you will see when we get there.We move out at dawn,you have until then to fix up your things and say your good-byes.

Tylor:why do I need to say my good byes ?

Royal knight/Bloom:cause some come back with parts of themselves missing,some with a leg gone,some an arm,some lose their sanity....you might not even come back at all but those who do survive,to most of them it feels like those who were given a mercy.

......wow,what kind of freakish creatures do you people fucking call demons ?! People are that terrified of these things ?! And shit like that really happens ?! Oh hell nah ! Now I know I'm in over my head.I mean I can just pull out right ? And not go.I don't want to die here.In this fucking world !


I took to my room.I took a hot bath trying to relax myself.I stayed there for a while and when I getting out,I felt arms wrap around me.Soft hands glided over chest,down to my abs.I looked behind me in a panic and it was the princess.She got in the water and she hugged me,I was too shocked to say anything for a bit.

Tylor:(blushing)p-p-princess ! What are you doing here ?! a-and not dressed ?! 

Princess iris:you don't find me attractive when I'm...like this ?

Tylor:that's....that's not it,you're gorgeous I just...

Princess iris:you're gay then ?

Tylor:WHAT ?! NO !!!--wait that term exists here ?! Wow !!!(Shocked)

Princess iris:so then what is it ?

Tylor:why are you here ?!

She stood Infront with a saddened and teary eyed expression.She laid her head on my chest,I swear I was doing my best to focus but she was naked and she was pressed up against.I'm trying my best to not get killed in this world but it seems like reality just keeps sending obstacles my way.

Princess iris:I heard from one of the knights you were preparing to leave and help Bloom with the demons that are crossing our boarders !

So that's why the knights are fixing up,huh.The demons are getting closer and they're scared they might come for the kingdom.

Tyler:so what about that made looking for me.

Princess iris:....people die in these fights Tylor....so....why are you risking your life for a place you still haven't called home ?

Tylor:after everything you've done for me so far,it wouldn't be a stretch to say I wanted to repay you right ? You did prolong my death till now so...if I should die.I want it to be by my choice not whatever fate decided for me.

Princess iris:so you're choosing to defy the role you've been given as my guard ?!

Tylor:.....I'll never be worthy of you while I'm still just....that,your body guard.

She looked at shocked,blushing and probably feeling all sorts of emotion I wouldn't comprehend.

Princess iris:I know this isn't how princess should act but....I know I want you for the rest of my life so please....

I looked at her shocked,she genuinely looked worried.Her heart was racing too,while she was saying this she held my wrist tightly.

Princess iris:...come back to me in one piece,okay ?

Tylor:....I will,I promise

Princess iris:then I'll hold you to that.

Tylor:but...but if I do,can I...never mind,sorry

Princess iris:can you what ? Tell me.

Tylor:I wanted to know if you'd be mine officially ?

Princess iris:I thought I already was(giggles)it's no wonder you never did anything,huh

Tylor:what do you mean ?

She held my hand and she took my other placing it atop her breasts.I kinda blushed,I wasn't expecting that--wait is this shit a dream too ?!

Princess iris:you've never tried to hold my hand,kiss my cheek or anything above that and now you're in a bath with me naked.

Tylor:i--i--i didn't plan for this though and I didn't know all of that other stuff would be cool with you.Honestly up until yesterday I wasn't sure if you liked me at all or not.

Princess iris:(giggles)well I meant what I said,I like you dummy.

Tylor:I like you too princess

She laughed at what I just said.

Princess iris:I swear,people who act so formal and stiff around me are honestly the most annoying.It makes me feel uncomfortable to think I'm above anybody else so this whole princess thing hasn't stuck well with me for a while.

Tylor:if being too humble and down to earth was a person,huh

She laughed and this time when she stopped to look at me.I decided to go for it,I kissed her,I knew she was caught off guard cause her body tensed up and then she relaxed.I pulled back but she pulled me back in and kisses me back.We held each other in the bath while we kissed and after we stared into each other's eyes with our lips still touching.

Tylor:I--i'm sorry,I don't know what came over me....

Princess iris:(giggles)why do you feel like you have to apologize?

Tylor:I...I don't know

Princess iris:does kissing me feel wrong ?

Tylor:no...it's actually amazing,you're lips are really soft

Princess iris:thanks and--(giggles/blushing) now you made me forget what I was gonna say.


Princess iris:...what I'm trying to say is,whatever you want to do you can do it but...

Tylor:but ?....

Princess iris:we can't do you know what until uh.... we're married,okay ?

Ooh,I thought she was gonna say something serious.

Tylor:you're still a virgin ?

Princess iris:(embarrassed)that's a touchy subject but yeah,I mean that isn't a bad right ?

Tylor:n--no no really,it's good actually.

Just having this Convo like that hit me with a wave of de javu.I felt like I've had this Convo before.

Princess iris:good.

Me and iris stayed in the bath for a bit longer.After a while we both got out,dried up and got dressed.I say got dressed but I mean I couldn't focus long enough to take my eyes off of iris,her body and beauty were enchanting.I finished getting dressed after her and I went to her and gave her a kiss,she responded well and kissed me back.My heart was racing right now cause I thought,you know,she was just saying that or something and I would've ended being embarrassed trying to kiss her.She held pulled me back and she held her lip.She looked like she was having lewd thoughts.

Princess iris:we need to stop for now,otherwise that whole wedding thing won't happen(nervous giggle)

Tylor:agreed then.I wanted to prepare my equipment and train a little bit more for the upcoming battle so if you wanted to,you could come with me.

Princess iris:(giggles)nchooow,cute but I'd rather you go train.I'll fix up your equipment for you okay ?

Tylor:are you sure ?

Princess iris:yes a hundred percent.I'll meet you here tonight and I'll give it to you okay ?


We parted ways from the and I went to the training grounds and I found tier there in her fox form asleep.I walked up to her shouting,she woke up and when she saw me she stood up and walked over to me.

Tier:so you're all leaving ?

Tylor:not yet.I came to ask you to help me refine some of my skills some more,please.

Tier:well honestly there's nothing I could teach you.Those skills you couldn't master are the one's I excell at and the one's you master are the one's I suck at,I don't how but you mastered them yourself.

Tylor:you did guide me to do that so I'm asking you to help with those ones too,please

I got on my knees and bowed my head.I was strong yes but getting arrogant and overestimating one's skill and one's own capabilities can be a big fuck up in the long run.Tier transformed into her human form and walked closer to me.

Tier:fine,get up okay,you didn't have to bow I'll teach you,Kay.

Tylor:you can't say no to something that pitiful,I had to(giggles)

Tier:(shocked)a--are you kidding me ?! You were faking ?! You bastard !!!

I laughed while she yelled at me at the top of her lungs.Funny cause nobody could see her which means no matter how hard she yelled people would hear her.After all that tier and I began from the basics.She taught me to control mana her way,where you visualize the thing from the spell you want to cast,believe you could do it and cast it.I tried like 17 or 20 times,my body was at it's breaking point,these were high level magic spells so even failing to execute them consumed a lot of mana.After a while I got the hang of one of the spells.I figured out that if I visualized the object I imagine doing its job,the spell would work.like if I wanted to create a water ball,I could just picture water but due to me not doing anything with it,it would just float in my hand till it fell apart but if I picture myself shooting the water,then the ball would form and quickly shoot out of my hand.Which would mean I had to only imagine my myself doing the spell working to actually make it work.

Tier:very impressive Tylor,you've figured out your own to make these spells work for you.The fact that I had already taught the basics of how they work to you,you were able to use that to incorporate that into them,right ?

Tylor:more or less,I'm too tired to make sure you're right and I still need to get back home but I can't even work.

Tier:then let me take you back

Tylor:what ? How ?

Tier:well we spirits can possess bodies of people who allow it but again,this would require you to trust me.

Tylor:(sighes)it's not like I could say no,I'm too tired to walk back there.

Tier:yeah so what do you say ? All I'll do is simply take you back to your bed right.

Tylor:fine,go ahead

I really felt like I would regret that choice though

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