Chapter 9 -Embarrassed-

Ever since that dream I haven't been able to see iris in the same way.I swear It takes a lot out of me just being around her all day.I try my best not to talk or say a word unless she's directly speaking to me and even that doesn't help cause most of the time we're together.We've been together like this for a month now.I had finally learned a few attack spells,I managed to master five though so it was hard to understand the core fundamentals of the other spells.I was strong though,even my mana pool had grown a lot plus I can control it way better now.Today I had accompanied iris to her favourite food spot.Being royalty is a dope experience,we came here and it was empty,she told me every once in a while if she wants to eat somewhere,it is closed so people don't crowd her.She's basically a celeb in her kingdom,huh.She was eating her fancy dish and she told me to order and I just toasted bread with bacon and eggs in it.I ate mine but while we ate she brought up something I wasn't even expecting at all.

Princess iris:you've been distant lately....I know we spend most of the time together but I sorta mean... emotionally,it's like you're not invested.i-is it that cause of that day ?

Tylor: I....I don't know what you're talking about....I'm with you all of the time and we talk so I think that makes me invested,right ?

Princess iris:don't play dumb,you know what I mean.Is it something I did ? 

Tylor:no,honestly it wasn't,you didn't do anything wrong.I'm sorry it's not cause of you,it's me.I'm curious,why ask me to be your future husband if you already....had someone.

Princess iris:(giggles)would it be shallow of me to say your looks made pay attention at least.

Tylor:I want to say yes(laughs)but I know I wouldn't be accurate either

Princess iris:even making you my body was to see what kind of a person you were.i fell for you cause I've already seen what kind of person you are.

Tylor:so prey'tell what kind of person I am.

Princess iris:(giggles)you're silly

I laughed at her,I poked fun at the fact that she was avoiding what I said.This was actually the first fully drawn out convos we'd had in a while.I missed it in a way but....

Tylor:(playfully)then you don't know what kind of person I am,huh

Princess iris:remember about 5 or 6 weeks ago,we went to the farms up north ?

Tylor:yeah,what about it ?

Earlier before the whole going to Theo's house,like days before that.I accompanied her to a farming village up north near the mountain's.The place was full of greenery everywhere,I'm talking over grown trees as tall as a skyscraper and deadly plants and animals that both eat humans.It was horrifying being there but the farm villagers didn't know about the monsters and problems outside cause they had never left their home.We went there to deliver meat and medicinal supplies.

Princess iris:well we got there when they it was the replanting festival right ? You didn't need to but I watched you participate and help those people with their work.You took pride and joy helping others,that was one of the qualities about you I loved the most.

.....I didn't even think about that.I may not get along with everybody but I do have people I click with.I guess I know where I'll go if the king grants me my wish.

Tylor:so what my kindness ? Willingness to lend a hand ? That's the thing that got you ?

Princess iris:and your looks but yeah.I already have all the riches I could want dummy.What more can a man offer me ?

Tylor:.....wow,you're right but then again if I didn't have those qualities then you wouldn't want me ?

Princess iris:well yeah,if you weren't kind that means you would treat like dirt too so obviously not.Its all in the way you treat me and the last few days with us have been weird,so again....is cause of the theo thing ?

Tylor:(playing it off)yo,I couldn't do anything about it even if I wanted to so it's cool okay.Leave it.

Princess iris: I've already talked to my dad you know.He said he'll think about it,he wanted to talk to you first.

.....that could've been why he wanted me to meet him in his office,huh ? I wonder if me wishing to go live a peaceful life was the best choice,mmmh,damnit.

Princess iris:I'm calling off the wedding.

Tylor:(shocked)WHAT ?! WHY ??! Is it--

Princess iris:I can't exactly marry you if I have to marry him too,right ?

Tylor:s-s-so....you decide to cut y'all marriage so you can marry me ? Isn't that dudes ability super special and all that ?!

Princess iris:they'll get over that.I see more potential in you then he could ever have in his lifetimes.So we're good ?

Tylor:(playfully)not until I find a girl to kiss

I laughed thinking I was being funny.I had gotten over how I felt cause it wasn't my place to feel that way.Iris wasn't and isn't my girl even now,I'm still confused as what that title of future hubby entail for us now.

Princess iris:I--

I watched her touch her lips and her face looked saddened.She faced downward not even being able to look me in my face.

Tylor:hey listen I was joking okay(giggling)relax i--

Princess iris:something like that will never happen again....I promise

Tylor:...h-hey,relax it's cool,really.I know now you don't see him in that light,okay.

Princess iris:(happily)really ?

Tylor:I don't know what possessed you to want to be with me but....If you'll have me,I'm yours I guess.

She gave me this cute little smile.I swear seeing her face like that was worth tons in gold,her beauty,her confidence it was a big contrast to the dream I had.Well then again(clears throat)It was a weird wet dream I don't know why I had to have.

Princess iris:does that mean we're together then ?

Tylor:were--were you waiting on me to say it or something ?

Princess iris:well...(Blushing)me confessing to you back then should've been a sign that I like you,right ?

Tylor:I guess you're....right in a way....

Princess iris:in the passed here,girls use to drop their hanky next to or Infront of the guy they liked and passed him.If he liked her or wanted her,he'd take it and chase after her,confirming to her,he likes her too.

Tylor:that's a cute way to confess to someone.

Wait,someone who didn't know what that meant,what would they do ? Like having a hanky dropped Infront of you could be just that.Mh whatever,I'm sure they had their own ways.

Princess iris:right...anyway I'm done,do you want to go somewhere special ? It's kind of far though so....

Tylor:it's getting pretty late so about I show my favourite spot ?

Princess iris:wow,you already have it ? That's cute,I thought you'd see this place as your prison or something.I mean you can't go outside the kingdom or explore it alone.I'm...sorry about that.

Tylor:...so is that why you're accept jobs that have you leaving the palace so much ? You want me to see the kingdom ?

She giggled.I guess that meant I was right,damn.She put herself through all that just so I don't feel like I'm cooped up or stuck in one place,that's so sweet.

Princess iris:and I get to be alone with you a lot of the times so it was a win/win idea right ?(Laughs).

Tylor:you never seem to stop impressing me iris.You're honestly amazing.

Princess iris:(teasing)nchooow,look at trying to be all cutesy and loving,that's so adowable.

I kind just laughed at her cause of the silly baby voice she was doing.She also sounded so stupid saying all that with that voice.We ended up leaving her fav spot and we went back to the palace.We greeted everybody we met along the way in the palace grounds.I took her to a secret bush at the corner of the palace walls.I jumped on the bush and I reached out my hand to her.She took it still confused as to what we were going to do thought or where we were going.I helped her up,I lifted her up and held her in my arms like a princess.Well I guess she already is one,uh,we jumped from the bush onto the palace walls.I let her down beside me.

Princess iris:(uneasy) we're so high up Tylor ! W-why did you bring us up here ?!

Tylor:do you trust me ?....

Princess iris:(surprised)w-what ?!

Tylor:do you trust me ?!

Princess iris:y-yes,of cause I do.

Tylor:can I hold your waist ?

Princess iris:(puzzled)w-what ?! I--don't ask next time,you literally just made so self-conscious for no reason but...yeah

I giggled

Tylor:okay,let's go

I used a wind spell to make us float.I flew us up slowly,Iris quickly grabbed and held on to me tightly.Slowly but surely we did make it to the top,I normally flew better alone though,mostly got use to this cause I wanted easier ways to get up here.Out of everywhere else it was my favorite place in this whole world.It was far from everything but yet it was still apart of everything.I landed us on top of the palace,like the tippy top.we were well close to mountain heights at this point thought whatever,I'm saying that cause I just found out she's afraid of heights.We both sat down next to each other.I pointed to what I wanted her to see.the sunset was extremely beautiful in this world and I don't know how but the rainbow would randomly appear dancing and sparkling around the sun

Princess iris:......wow....

I had this big grin on my face,seeing that shock on her face.She was truly amazed by that view,This kingdom had beautiful sunsets,I could give it that much.

Tylor:it's beautiful isn't it ?

Princess iris:(blushes)....y-y-yyyeah

Tylor:..I....I usually come here when I need to get away from everything....I wanted to show you this as thanks.

She looked at me confused.

Princess iris:what for ?

Tylor:for putting yourself through all that....for liking me I guess,if not for that,I'd probably be dead....just thinking about that.I...i owe you a lot so....I won't leave okay ?

Princess iris:....r-really ?

Tylor:if you want me to stay,I will.

Princess iris:I do,I want you stay.

Tylor:earlier you asked me what a man could offer you,back home I would've been able to give you a lot.I just figured out that I have nothing in this world so if you liked me.....you liked me for me.

Princess iris:so you were royalty back in your world too ?!

Tylor:no....more like a noble man I guess,my family was filthy wealthy.I had any and everything I could want and nothing at all.It was a hallow existence for me....I don't know why but people in my world are....greedy,lustful,prideful,envious and many more things.All of that makes them do commit evil against each other,if I could....I wish I could create a world where...people didn't have to fight,Somewhere people can coexist with one another under peace.

Princess iris:with your current strength that's a pretty idealistic goal but....I know you'll get there one day.

She said this while wrapping her arms around mine.She laid her head on my shoulder and she closed her eyes.She stayed still like that and after a while I looked at her and she was asleep.I smiled,she talked her father out of killing me,made me her body guard to see what kind of person I am,just cause she liked me,huh.Well,she said she started liking me after everything.I guess being brought to this world wasn't such a bad thing.I just gotta get use to it.I stood up with the princess in my arms and then I jumped off of the top of the palace.I released a wind spell to help us float down slowly,we both landed safely on the ground.I took to her room,while on the way though I noticed that some of the knights were running outside the palace.I laid the princess down and put her covers over her,I tried to leave but she held my hand in her sleep.I removed it and walked out,I bumped into one of the knights.

Tylor:oh sorry,actually hey,what's going on ?

Knight:the king asked for every able bodied knight to assemble at the assembly line now get out of my way.

Tylor:oh,yeah sorry.

He passed me and I wanted to follow but somebody else came flying in asking for my attention.

Tier:Tylor ! Tylor ! The demons are moving ! The are multiple monsters they've released in the woods,we need to move.

Tylor:why ?!

Tier:only high ranking demons can control monsters you dummy !!!

Tylor:so what ?! The knights can take care of it,right

Tier:if it's one of the one's that serve my master.I'm sure only their captain is coming back alive.

She really seems worried right now,which means these guys are a big deal.even if I wanted to now though,I couldn't run.I promised iris I'd stay so....I gotta honor my word as a man.

Tylor:then I guess I gotta help them,huh


Tylor:well it doesn't sending thousands of men just to get slaughtered.I won't fight,I'll just try and help minimize the casualties,agreed ?

She looked at concerned,which was understand,I was the only reliable to bring her back.I get why she'd be opposed to me putting my life in harm's way.I needed a way to at least try and save though's I can then without getting involved in the main fight.

Tier:I want to come with you then...

Tylor:....I won't stop you but....are you sure ?

Tier:you're the only way I can get back to being human,of cause I'm coming.Im not leaving your life in your hands,you've already been in multiple situations you could've died.


Tier:good,then let's go !

Tylor:let's go

We both left to see what the assembly was mainly about and how it would work.

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