Chapter 8 -entangled-

I woke up the following morning to a sunny day.Everything was bright for some reason,when I finished training with tier she left and so I decided to get some sleep in before work.weirdly enough I felt something soft and bouncy on my back.I tried to remove it by grabbing it but as soon as I did I realized this was somebody's breast.The person behind moaned and held on tighter to my body.I removed their hands and jumped from the bed,I looked back at about to shout for help but I was stunned to see who it was.

Tylor:(shocked).....i-iris ?!

Princess iris:(blushing)u-uh...good morning

Tylor:uh...morning,what are you doing in my bed ?

Princess iris:I....I heard what you said to father yesterday.

She heard that,damnit ! I'm sure I'm gonna get it now--wait actually why didn't she do anything about it then.I figure she would've talked to her dad about all this or something.

Tylor:I...I didn't mean anything by it,I was j--

Princess iris:don't lie.....I heard you,you spoke firmly and without wimping out like you usually do when it comes to my dad....you were serious

Tylor:.....(Sighes)I'm sorry

Princess iris:is the any way I could convince you ?

Tylor:honestly,you're a beautiful,smart,caring,kind and apparently sexy girl--

When I said this she looked at her chest and she saw her breast was hanging out.She blushed and she covered herself then she looked away.She's too cute.

Tylor:I'm sure a lot of men would fight wars and do anything to have your hand in marriage.I found out a while back that a woman can have multiple partners if she so wishes.

Princess iris:but that doesn't mean I want them.What if I....(Blushing looking to the side)what if I only wanted you ?

Tylor:w-why though ? I haven't done anything to earn your affection.

Princess iris:well not at first yes,I was honestly just attracted to your looks.You are hot if you didn't notice.Over time though I've grown to actually like you,I haven't felt this way for anybody in a while.I want it to keep being you.

How can I turn her down now.She looked so cute saying all that.Damn it !!! She still has to marry that fuck so I fucking can't.She's not the one.

Tylor:I'm sorry....i....I don't want to come between you and theo,you still have to marry him,right.

Princess iris:come here

She tapped the spot next to her on the bed,gesturing for me to go seat there so I did.

Princess iris:there's about two ways to getting a marriage cancelled in my world.One it's either the king allows it to be stopped but since my father is a man of his word,he's wrestling with his thoughts as of now and I want to unburden him.

Tylor:how are you gonna do that ?

Iris gave me a gentle kiss.She stayed close with our lips still touching.she looked at me and she saw I was uneasy but I tried to play it off.

Tylor:uh princess...what are you doing ?

Princess iris:don't play coy okay,this is really embarrassing for me...not a bad way,I'm just....shy

Tylor:sorry,I didn't know how hard you were pushing yourself to be here.uhm...see before coming to this world I...I had someone I was in love with.One thing lad to another somewhere along the line she stopped loving me,she stopped caring.I spent a long time carrying the relationship by myself(giggles)minutes before being summoned here I found another man on top of her.

Princess iris:....wow and I thought mine was painful,at least I didn't see him doing that.i'm sorry that happened.I swear that kind of pain is something I wouldn't wish onto anyone even my worst enemy.

Tylor:yeah well it is what it is,the was nothing I could do about it.I guess I'm kinda stuck now....I can't trust anybody even I want to,it's just hard to open up at times.

Princess iris:it's why you spend most of your time training ?

Tylor:I know I could be building bonds and relationships with everybody here but....they could all turn on me when it benefits them.I'm not from this kingdom,I didn't grow up with them,I don't have ties to them or this land.

Princess iris:so you think I'll find someone else just like she did ? and you don't feel at home,huh...

Tylor:all of this is not your fault,I'm sorry you're having to suffer cause of my indecisiveness

Princess iris:I understand,it's really not a problem I'm actually happy in a way

Tylor:really ?

Princess iris:yes(giggles)I feel I've removed another layer off of you,I got to know more about you too.Listen....


Princess iris:what if I prove you to you I only want you ? And what if you let me be your home ? If you need any ties in this kingdom then let them be with me.I want you to stand by my side as my man.

Tylor:the is no way of proving that.i don't want to--

Iris kissed me again and this time she laid me down then she got on top of me.I thought she was naked all this time but she was wearing a night gown,hers is just....showy to say the list.I watched her remove her top while she looked at me,her face was so red i could swear she would steam up.I stopped her.

Tylor:do you realize what you're doing ? if you go through with this you could end up do more harm than good.

Princess iris:to you or to the people who have planned out my life like I'm not my own individual ?


Princess iris:I'm not a child Tylor.I want you to be mine and I want to be yours,body,heart,mind and soul.I want us entangled.

Like what the fuck ! How can I say no.Damn it even my dick was reacting.She took both of my hands off of her and she took off the gown then threw it to the floor.She went back to kissing me and I touched where I wanted to touch.My hands explored her body and I savoured every moment.

Princess iris:.....don't go

Tylor:...I...I won't,okay

We went back to kissing and we did that for a while.

Princess iris:(embarrassed)uh...I know you're probably use to girls who are active.see,this is kind of my first time so....I....I don't know what to do now.

I giggled hearing that.Trust me,where I come from a girl like you is a rare sight and you'd probably find a lot of dudes flocking to you.I mean with her beauty,purity and smarts she could get any man back home.

Princess iris:(embarrassed)is that a problem ?

Tylor:no,it actually makes a little bit happy

She looked at me confused.I kissed her again and flipped her over.I was on top of her and when my tip touched her clit she jumped and pushed me back.

Tylor:you know,we can wait until you're ready.You don't have to force yourself.

Princess iris:(playfully)I'm not that pathetic am I ?

Tylor:you're perfect actually

She kissed me again.She pulled me closer to her and she looked at me almost like she was expecting me to do something.

Tylor:what ?

Princess iris:well....put it in

I giggled and did as she asked.I tried my best to gentle with her,each time I pushed into her she'd hold back from moaning or crying out.She held my wrist tightly and she kept taking my dick.Slowly and slowly I kept pushing in deeper till the whole thing was inside.She pulled me to kiss her and she wrapped her legs around,I felt her whole body shake but her lips were pressed up against mine tightly.She released me and laid back breathing heavily,She looked at me and giggled.

Princess iris:it's so big(moans)and you're actually really deep inside me....my gosh

Tylor:and....something wrong with that ?

Princess iris:no,I just always thought my first time would be with my....husband you know

Tylor:(uneasy)so you're...disappointed with everything now ?

Princess iris:of cause not(giggled)I wouldn't have let you do it otherwise.You have no idea how much I want this do you ?

She pulled my waist in,pushing my dick deeper in her.I went to back to making love to her,she stared into my eyes while I stared into hers.I kept hitting the same spot and after a while I wanted to cum.

Tylor:iris I...I'm gonna

Princess iris:do it inside

I held both her hands together with one arm and held one of her legs open.I got beside her ear,I kissed her cheek.

Tylor:then I'm gonna be a little rough okay

Princess iris:o-okay,I'll take it...

I did what I was gonna do then,I started going harder and she couldn't keep quiet too.She started moaning and then her moans got louder with every thrust in her.I came inside her and she had her legs wrapped around me.Both of us were trying to catch our breath.

Tylor:I'm sorry if I was too rough

King golem: you're ballsy boy !

I looked up and I saw the king next to us beside the bed.He was holding an axe and he was pissed.I knew I was dead,he released his force that blew everything away,furniture and or otherwise everything was sent flying.I hit the wall and iris flew into me.we both laid on the ground,she was unconscious.I looked at the king again and he was Infront of me with his axe over his head.He swung it down and next thing I knew I was waking up in bed trying to catch my breath.

Tylor:what the fuck ?! That was all a dream ?!(Sighes)thank god !

I laid back down trying to catch my breath.I did manage to calm myself down but I was still thinking about everything,like what the fuck was that dream about and why did I have it in the first place ? It felt so real ! and why did I dream of the princess like....my face got red,I felt so embarrassed.I had a full on dream of me and her having sex that's just sad,are you kidding me.Whatever,I couldn't even go back to sleep now.I was piss scared of seeing that image of that dude mad.im down bad aren't I ?

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