Chapter 7 -cold-

Me and the princess ended up running a few errands together earlier on today.We just had finished our last one not long ago and on our way back somebody attacked our driver.I came out to check and I found two guys holding a knife to his neck.I figured I couldn't rush into anything,they could just push that knife in him.Acting like I had an advantage would be dumb,they could just kill him.Its not like they need him as a hostage,it's two against one anyway.I had to come up with a way of convincing then he isn't worth keeping.

Bandit no.1:W-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ?! 

Tylor:woah,woah,relax I'm the guard of this carriage



I took two steps back

Tylor:you guys just came to get the valuables right ? It's no need to kill a man,just take them and go,I swear on my word as a royal knight of the kingdom

Bandit no.2:h-how can we trust you ?!

Tylor:cause you're holding someone I care about and if I were to lose them,I'd hurt you in ways you couldn't imagine

Bandit no.2:damnit ! Alright,I'll hurry up and take them

Tylor:go ahead

I watched the dude take the things that were on the driver's seat.They found two bags full of gold coins.I was trying to think of a way I could get away but I couldn't come up with anything.I was shocked when the driver pushed the knife away from his neck and headbutted the guy holding him with the back of his head.He pushed him back and he starting running towards me.The butler was tripped by the second bandit,before he got slashed,I had already landed behind him and I had already cut his through his neck.I watched as his head fell off.The other bandit saw his friend's head fall to the ground.He fell to his knee's begging and pleading,I approached him and I decided to spare him for now.I knocked him out and we tied him up.On the way back the princess was teasing me for being stun locked.I mean I've been put in a situation like that before,I see that shit movies but I never thought it was this nerve wracking.We got to the palace and I accompanied the princess when she went to give her report to her father and I delivered the bandit that tried to rob us along the way.Iris and I ended up going our separate ways after that,she wanted to rest after the whole thing that happened to us earlier.I felt bad for her butler, he's the one who could've died but people here were worried about the princess.I left them to deal with everything else.

I sat atop the top of the palace.I've been coming here a lot the last couple of weeks,mostly because it had an amazing view of the whole kingdom.You could see hills distances away.This place was that tall,I sat there for a while.

Tier:you look gloom,what happened ?

Tylor:nothing,we just ran into some bandits on our way back from somewhere

Tier:Oh,you dealt with them then ? I'm glad,I wouldn't know what to do if you got hurt

Tylor:cause you won't have another way to lift your curse(giggles)

Tier:that's my main point actually,plus I wanted to ask something

Tylor:uh sure,what's up ?

Tier:I was wondering what your plans were ? I'm saying that because I'm curious,are you planning to leave the rest of your life here ?  

That's out of the blue

Tylor:why do you ask ?

Tier:well I can sense that you don't want to be here,you're aura is all out of whack so why do you stay ?

Wow....she can do that ?!

Tylor:well uh....with my power level now,I can't escape even if I wanted to and I can't trust anyone here to help me,you included

Tier:hursh,but fair though you know I can do it right ?

Tylor:do what ?

Tier:help you escape

Tylor:(shocked)seriously !? You can get me out of here ?! 

Tier:yeah but it would require you to trust me and I'm not sure you do plus you still have your girl to think about

Tylor:.....(Sighes)I just found out today she was betrothed to another man so I don't know

Tier:damn...that's messed up--wait so what's keeping you here ? 

Tylor:like I said,I'm powerless to leave and or otherwise even if I wanted to

Tier:but I said I can help,matter a fact do you.....need a teacher ? I'm world renowned for my light and healing magic.I sorta got other abilities when I became a spirit so these ones I can't teach you all that well,sorry

Tylor:that will be really helpful in the long run,thanks tier.

Tier:just work on getting better okay.

All of a sudden we heard somebody shouting while running up the stairs leading to the palace.Behind him were the knights that left for the village days ago.I figured they wouldn't be back till tomorrow, they're amazing.I decided to go down to the king's throne room with tier.I needed to hear for myself what happened,when I got there,the king,the queens and the king's children were here.Royal knights were kneeling Infront of the king and the captain of this unit was standing.I stood in the far corner watching everything unfold.

King golem:so what did you find ?

Cairo: you're majesty,I'm glad to report the mission was a success my lord.We managed to evacuate the villagers in time.

King golem:so that means the demons truly did come ?

Cairo:yes my lord and they destroyed the whole area in a fit of rage.I have something else to report,they were talking about not being find one of their own or something,they said her name was tier.

So she wasn't lying or they could've planned this far ahead.I mean everything so far has gone according to plan for her and back in my world fox's are known as trickster's.

King golem:so there must've been one that betrayed them perhaps ? Or it could be something else entirely 

Cairo:as you have guessed you're majesty,we were thinking the same thing.

King golem:mmh....Tylor,come forward

Hearing him call me,I ran up and I kneeled down and bowed.

Tylor:you're grace

King golem:it seems your efforts have saved my people.Infront of all of these distinguished people,I thank you.

Tylor:I was only serving the kingdom my lord,I aim to do best by you and your people.I know....this is not my home nor any of you take me as someone worth noticing but....I'll try my best to help where I can.

King golem looked at me a type of way.He sighed.

King golem:I want to see you in my office,now.

Tylor:(uneasy) y-yes sir

And like he said,I left every one there and met him in his office.He poured us both a glass of vodka,put ice in em and handed me mine then he took his.

King golem:How has working for iris been ?

Tylor:I know you value honesty above all else but I wouldn't be lying if I said it's actually been good

King golem:and yet your aura has remained the same ?

Him too ?!

King golem:it is not flowing normally around you,which means something is disturbing your soul.I want you to be at peace here.

Tylor:(sips from the glass) that's kind of hard to do, considering the fact that I could be killed any day I'm deemed useless...

King golem:I am a man of my word boy,unless you commit a crime the is no way for you to be executed.

Tylor:really ?

King golem:yes,now I had something else I wanted to talk to you about

Tylor:yes sir

King golem:do you like my daughter ?

Tylor:well yeah,she's kind,she's thoughtful and she's caring,those are traits I value in a person.

King golem:so you like her as an individual ?

Tylor:uh you're majesty,if I may ask,why are you suddenly asking me weird questions like that ?

King golem:(giggles) cause I see how she looks at you boy,today after you two came back,I found her crying in her room.She told me it was because theo kissed her,I thought that would be a good it turns she had falling for somebody else.I am guessing that person is you.

Tylor:I don't want to appear arrogant or full of myself,I still can't even get over the fact that she's your daughter,on top of that you're grace I'm not worthy of her.She's a princess and I'm....me.She's also betrothed to theo,I don't want to come in-between that.

King golem:you do not want to disturb the already established peace,huh ? If she did it by her own Accord ?

Tylor:I just don't wanna die over something I had no part in.

King golem:so you are not looking to be with iris if she would confess to you ?

Tylor:well I'd agree to be with her but...I wouldn't take it seriously.I mean I know at some point she'll change her mind.

King golem:so you're calling daughter a cheater ?!

Tylor:(panicking)WHAT ?! NO- no sir,I would never even dream of saying that !!!

King golem:good,then why did you not tell me she had already confessed to you ?

He knows ?! Did she tell him herself !? Or was somebody listening in on us ?

Tylor:uh like I said you're grace,I did agree but I still don't take it seriously so please don't....do anything to me,please !

King golem:who my daughter chooses to marry is not my problem.I want to make sure whoever that is though us fit to be by her side.

Tylor:and I don't want to be,even wanted to if she's going to keep secrets from me then I don't want it.

King golem:mh,okay boy,I need to finish this list of something.You can go,I'll call you in a little bit later to give you a reward.

Tylor:what ? a reward ?

King golem:if not for you telling us.We would have never saved those people of that village,you deserve compensation.Is there anything you might want ?

Tylor:if I could honestly,I just want to go live my life peacefully somewhere.I don't belong in this world so I don't want to take part in things that don't concern me.

King golem:alright,I will think about your request.

Tylor:thank you sir

I got up and bowed my head,then I left his office.On my way to my room,I figured training would be good right now.I went to the training grounds and I spent the rest of the day there training.

Tier:so you want to practice those spells I promised then ?

Tylor:sure,even if the king decided to let me go free,there's still a lot about this world that I don't know.I don't even know the strongest people around the world.I don't know which places I should avoid.I trained there with tier until it was dark outside.I ended up going to bed and sleeping.The next day the princess informed that the king had signed me with the team that would explore a dungeon.I was perplexed when I heard but something felt off about iris.She didn't seem like her happy and usual self.She seemed more reserved and cold today.I didn't to ask why,I spent the whole morning,noon and evening training again with tier.The expedition was in 2days so I had to be ready by then.People died when they explored these places so I knew I had to get as strong as possible otherwise I'm dead.

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