Chapter 6 -where the moon curves-

It had been a couple of days since the knights left to go to a village that was going to be attacked by demans.I had been informed about this too by a spirit,it turns I someone can see the supernatural in this world.I'm weirded out by it but I'm trying to work through it.I spent almost everyday just following the princess while she goes about her daily life.I got this armor to put on too but the full suit made it slightly harder to move so I only put on the important parts.Today me and the princess spent most of the day handing out food to some of the refugees that arrived here from some the villages that get destroyed by demans through out the kingdom.I noticed iris smiling a lot more today,she was around people and helping some.She had the cutest smile that can put the finest of jewelry to shame and the cutest laugh you play over and over like your favourite playlist when you're trying to unwind.She really enjoyed and took pride in helping people of her kingdom.We finished that and while we're getting back her on the carriage,her hill broke,which as the princess that's uh...well you know.She freaked out cause she was going to deliver something to somebody her father that I was soon to find was going to be a real thorn by my side.

Princess iris:Tyler ! How am I going to go there now ?!

Tylor:uh give it to me,I can use restore on it to revert it back to normal

Iris was still panicking a bit so uh....even though I was scared to do so I held her hand,hoping it would help calm her down at least.She looked at me with a sort of worried gaze

Tylor:you asked me how you'll go there,I gave you a solution,you just have to trust me,okay

Princess iris:o-okay

She took a deep breath and then exhaled.She then took her shoe off and gave it to me.I had to help her at least get through the whole meeting.I can't do much more than that at my current level.Restore is a spell that restores objects or organic matter back to it's original healthy state,however the proficiency of this spell depends on the user casting it.It largely depends on how I can manage imagining the strings of mana that make up the part of the heel that's broken.I managed to make em sturdy but I was pretty sure they'd break at some point,when iris saw them she lost her mind with joy.She hugged me tightly expressing her happiness and while in the carriage,I got down on one knee and I put her heel back on her foot.She giggled all cutesy.

Tylor:what's up ? What's with the giggle ?

Princess iris:no reason,I was just thinking of how you'll be act when you're getting on one knee to uh...prepose

After she said she blushed and she looked away.I looked at her holding back my laugh.She gave me a side eye and she rolled her eyes.I giggled a bit,over the passed few days,I've gotten to know more of iris.I mean I ended up calling her by her name,she literally told me stop all formalities cause I was going to be her husband some day.I don't know if I should be happy or scared,I mean I got a beautiful girl,she likes me,that much is clear but.....what if....she does the same thing ? Or her dad disapproves,is she just gonna chuck me to the side ?

Princess iris:Tylor ?

Tylor:uh,huh ?

Princess iris:are you okay ?

Tylor:yeah,why ? I'm totally fine

Princess iris: it's just that you seem like you're thinking about something and judging by your facial expression it's not something pleasant

Tylor:I...uh...it's nothing though,really

Princess iris:you know you can talk to me right ?

Tylor:I....I know

Princess iris:then talk to me,I mean right now is the perfect chance to practice for the future.If you're down or overworked,it's my job to help you mentally and emotionally get through that.

Tylor:(confused)what about physically ?

I wasn't even thinking about sex when I brought up that line.I mean food counts or getting a massage or something along those lines,you know.

Princess iris:I mean uh....we--we can talk about that when I come of age,okay ?

Tylor:(confused)what are you--

And then it hit me

Tylor:(panicking)OH MY GOSH ! IRIS THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT REALLY ! I would never look at you in that way i--shit ! I mean I do look at you that way I j--,DAMNIT !(Sighes giving up)

I figured I was doomed,I'm not like this back home.I don't fumble around with my words or with baddies ! What the fuck is going on with me ?!

Tylor:uh sorry,that's not how I was looking at it,I mean there's a lot of things we could do together besides sex you know.

Princess iris:oh yeah ? Then let's just do those.After this,my schedule is free for the day so we'll be heading to the castle(giggles)

Tylor:alright,so what's this man we're going to like ?

Princess iris:he's a mage and one of my father's advisors,he took lord B's place after lord B died.He's also the greediest man I've ever met, we're taking these weapons to him now so he can continue fighting.He enjoys battle just for the thrill of it,he doesn't normally care for people at all.

Tylor:so we're basically going to meet somebody important

Princess iris:and uh....he--he has a son,he's 17 like me,we were....meant to be wed by the start of summer at the end of this year

Married.....she was meant to marry this dude ?

Tylor:t-then why ask me to be your--was it to remove yourself from that agreement ?

Princess iris:y-yes...I-i'm sorry I didn't say anything about this,I was going to tell you eventually just....not now

Tylor:but you were sent to this meeting,I get it,I'm glad I found out before anything big happened at least

Princess iris:still.....I'm sorry,okay ?

Tylor:it's okay....really

It's not like I can do anything about it.I'm still in the same situation,if I broke shit off,I still could be killed.Now on top of all that,there's a dude she was supposed to marry and even worse I could be killed if it's found out I'm with the princess.I'm in-between a rock and a hard place.I kinda just decided to shrug this off for now but seriously,first chance I get,I'm fucking getting out of here.The rest of the trip was spent in silence,we got to the dude's house and i was still blown by the architectural designs these people were able to pull off.This guys house was like a blend between fantasy and modern back in my world.We got there and we were met by the dude's guards and butler.We greeted each other and passed formalities,we were escorted inside and to the man's office.We found him seating there and he was talking to his son.we got in and they both looked us,both their eyes lit up seeing us.

Theory: you're majesty,how lovely it is you've finally graced us with your angelic beauty

Princess iris:greetings to you Mr noe,I how you're doing well today as always and young lord noe,lovely

They both bowed when they greeted her and after that,iris sat down next to the dude's son.I stood at the door.

Theory:I am doing as well as I can princess.I hope you're excited about this coming summer !

Princess iris:well yes but this is not time to talk about other affairs right now.I only came to deliver the books on magic and weapons you requested.The king ordered me to deliver them to you personally since you pleaded with him.

I wanted to chuckle but nah

Theory:(clears hus throat)well while that might be the case then your job is done.

Princess iris:then I'll be on my--

Theory:However, we'd love to have a little meal with you and theo would love to have you around.It would be better too to build bonds and get use to each other now.You two will be wed one day.

So this wedding thing is really a thing.I couldn't wrap my head around it but I guess it is what it is.

Theo:you're majesty please,I would at least love to show you something,I prepared just for you

Princess iris:(unsure)I--i'm not sure I should...i--i kind of have a busy schedule you see

Theo:yes but it will only take a second,literally

Princess iris:fine but my body guard has to come too,okay

Theo:as you wish

I heard that and I blinked next thing I knew,I was on top of a mountain.Theo and the princess were standing near the edge of a cliff,I rushed to her side and theo chuckled.princess iris jumped on top and held onto theo.He laughed,I looked at the view and the land scape around us,it was beautiful as fuck.This damn near looked so unreal it was like a dream.Down the mountain was a huge and lush green forest filled with over grown trees and clear beautiful waterfalls,rivers and dam's.I saw other creatures flying around down there too,big blue beasts with lizard skin and 6 wings.They were too small to dragons but too big to be a lizard.I looked up and one was coming towards us while the princess and theo talked to each other.I pulled my sword out and directed my mana to my feet and arms.i exploded off of the ground and I glided over that thing while cutting it down.Iris and the dude we're watching me.I didn't get to hear what they were talking about nor did I care I guess.the lizard fell hitting the ground with a thud.i got up and dusted myself off.Theo smirked looking at me.

Theo: you're an amazing fighter ! That was some amazing control and use of your mana

I bowed my head 

Tyler:thank you sir

Princess iris:alright this place is beautiful,I've seen it so can we go now

Theo:sure,I was wondering though

Princess iris:about what ?

Theo kissed iris when she turned to face him.She pushed back and looked him pissed.

Theo:what's the big idea ?! It's not the first time we--

Princess iris:I DON'T CARE ! send us back now !


I don't know if I heard that right,was he gonna say it wasn't the first time they'd kissed ? I felt a stabbing pain in my chest,I don't know why.In a flesh again we were back at the dude's house,as soon as we got there,iris stormed off not even saying a word.I had to guard her so I ran after her,I met her in the carriage.She was crying and I stared for a sec,I honestly didn't know how to react.I got inside and I sat beside her,I laid her head on my shoulder.She grabbed my arm tightly and she cried until she was better,while on our way,she had managed to calm herself down.I didn't ask anything after about what I heard or what their relationship was.

Princess iris:me and uh...theo...we use to go the same academy,we both studied magic mastery there.He specialized in spacial magic,being able to create imagery space between him and his reality.We dated while in the academy and uh...it's been a year since than.He cheated and we broke up but...as soon as I got back home from the academy,I was told I had to marry him.I spent most of last year protesting against all of this but at some point I kinda gave up...I guess wanting you to marry me is my last push back.

Tylor: doesn't your dead know what happened between you two ?

Princess iris:if he found out I had a partner at the academy I'm dead and I want to be alive.He made it clear to me that was the number one rule I couldn't brake.I mostly thought it was cause he was trying to prevent something from happening.

Tylor:like what ?

Princess iris:like losing my...uh...I can't say it...

Tylor:uh okay,I won't force you to either.

Princess:he could've been trying to protect me from losing my virginity okay


Princess iris:but that bastard managed to make me fall for him,I regretted going against my father's word cause....them using a girl for sex isn't the only horrid thing they can do....they can also wrip out your heart and smash it to pieces.

It kinda feels like she knows what being cheated on feels like.I didn't want to involve myself in a spot where I could in the cross-fire of all of this though.I had to think of a plan.

Tylor:I get leaving him but why did your dad suggest you marrying him ?

Princess iris:cause of his ability....it's so rare you'd get about 15 people to have it every 100 years randomly through out all of the nations.

Tylor:so if you don't marry him, you'd be helping the kingdoms enemies win

Princess iris:it's why I chose you

Tylor:(shocked) what ?! Me !!?

Princess iris:I've never told anybody this but I can tell different things about people just by looking at them.I only find out what I'll be looking to know by that time though.

Tylor:wooooow ! So if you wanted to know my name you'd know it without asking me ? So you can read minds ?!

Princess iris:well not really.see uh...how you see normal people in a normal way.I see them walking with words and numbers over their heads and depending on what I want to know,it show's me their time of death or how strong they are in terms of mana and skills.

Tylor:damn ! Your ability is fucking amazing !

Princess iris:(giggles happily)....thanks

The carriage stopped unexpectedly.I heard people talking to the guy who was leading the houses.We heard a bang and at this point something was wrong so I got out to check.I saw two masked bandits and they held the guy hostage.I stood there shocked and I froze,I could've done something cause these guys didn't seem all that strong but....

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