Chapter five -finding my path-

You know,growing up in a home with parents you'd think you'd get time to see them at least every once in a while.I never did,I'd watch some kids have their dad or mom come get them from school.I mean I always had my butler but....it would've been nice to have him around.I had spent most of yesterday with the princess,we chilled together most of the night until she left to get some sleep.I came out here to train,I figured strength training would be enough-ish.I spent most of the night shirtless in the cold,breaking my body,doing several raps focused on different parts of my muscles.I realized it was morning when I was blinded by sun light and I hadn't slept a wink.I fell on my back,I was exhausted but I had the rest of the day to look after the princess.I set up hearing somebody calling out to me.

Tier:you seem like you know what you're doing,no wonder your body looks like that

Tylor:well I mean,I do,do it regularly


Tylor:excuse me,do I know you ?

Tier:no,I'm something that's interested in you though,care to learn about me ?

Tylor:if I'm being honest,not really,if you didn't work here,I wouldn't talk to you at all actually 

Tier:(pouting)WHY ?!

Tylor:well i guess cause of yesterday,I got a girl now

Tier:what ?! Who ?! 

Tylor:actually who are you ?

Tier:I'm tier,I'm a nine tailed fox,I came to in-list your help sir !

Tylor:why didn't you go to the guards or knights or the king for help ?!

Tier:uh....don't freak out,okay ?


Tier:no promise you won't and promise you won't run

Tylor:(uneasy)yo why shouldn't I promise I wouldn't run ?! I'm definitely gonna run if you're a threat to my life,duh,dummy !

Tier:well I'm not gonna hurt you okay,I promise

Tylor:alright what is it ?

I watched the girl standing next to me float,from there she went and started glowing.I covered my eyes cause that shit was blinding.I looked around and when I saw her,she really did look like a fox and she did have nine tails but she was at least 4 times my size.I thought I would've freaked out or screamed or ran but the captains aura was waaaay more terrifying than whatever she was showing.

Tier:demans that are beast kin normally look intimidating like me.Its never easy to be one of my kind in this world.I'm.....sort of different from the others though...

Tylor:how ?

Tier:Instead of turning into a deman and killing people,I was cursed to be a spirit.See demans are created when a person loses control of their mana,someone mysterious will offer you help and once you accept, you'll gain more power but for the huge cost of your.....humanity.I was lucky enough not to be that so I came to you after decades of searching.I need your help to be whole again,please.

Tylor:still lady,I'll pass,why don't you go ask somebody else

Tier:it's rare to find a person who can actually talk to spirits so If I...if I could,I'd leave you alone like you want me to

Tylor:how can I even trust you though ? You could be plotting something behind my back

Tier:can I ask you something?


Tier transformed into her human form before she continue.

Tier:have you ever been willing to give up anything for the person you love ?

Yeah I have...that kind of question took me a sec to process cause mostly it kinda just reminded me of her.the one girl I gave everything for only to be betrayed.Loving someone who doesn't love you,it really hurts.Especially when you don't know what you did or you keep asking yourself if you did anything wrong or if the was anything you could've done better.I wish I was like those people who could just forget people they didn't need anymore.I have strained relationships on every level back home.I guess I don't have any reason to go back but right now I was stuck in a world I didn't know at all.It doesn't make the experience any more fun cause here,I could be killed when I'm deemed no longer useless.

Tylor:it hurts like doesn't it ?


She tilted her head slightly facing downward with a saddened expression on her face.

Tier:yes it does,to sum up my story though,I sold my soul to somebody I shouldn't have,I spent years of my life to bring back someone I loved.Only for them to leave for another woman and I....I was stuck having to take orders from the very same devil I sold my soul to

While she was telling me her backstory,I could tell she was holding back tears and she was breaking.She suddenly got visibly angry,I saw tears go down her cheek and suddenly the sky got darker,wind started kicking up the dust around her.She calmed down after a minute of that and now she scared me a little,her being pissed made the weather change ! I'M NOT FIGHTING NOBODY DOING THAT KINDA SHIT ! Just saying.

Tylor:so how did you end up a spirit then ?

Tier:don't you guys have a library here ? There's about two ways to become a spirit.One it's either somebody curses you or you curse yourself to continue working this earth and the person using the former has to have better mana control than you

Tylor:so you were cursed to do as this dude says for years now ? What made you come here looking for me ?

Tier:It wasn't cause of that,I disobeyed him and this was like a curse I got because of that.

Tylor:why disobey him ? Honestly if I was you,I would've used him to get more power and influence on top of that,I'd train under him to gain more power.

Tier:mmmh,you think like somebody I know....I just can't remember who,mmh

I wonder who she's talking about

Tier:there's a village outside the forest in the east,he ordered me to lead some of his new demans there to destroy the place.I refused and tried to get away,he didn't even chase me or send his men after me though.I don't know why he didn't and I'm sure that seems sketchy but the only reason I came to you is cause normal people can't see spirits.You're not from this world right ? So I need you to help me save them that's all I came to ask.

Tylor:honestly,that's not where I thought you were going with all that

Tier:(confused) what do you mean ?

Tylor:I thought you'd ask me to find a way to break your curse or something

Tier:well you're mana control is nowhere near that level yet so it would be pointless to ask.I figured I'd start by showing that you can trust me

Tylor:you realize everybody will blame me if all of this goes wrong ?!

Tier:yes,I'm sorry but it's a risk you will have to take

Tylor:but i--

Princess iris:Tylor ? Who are you talking to ?

Tylor:Oh ! P-princess,i--uh--hi,hey how are you this fine morning

Princess iris:I'm good and you ? Now can you answer my question 

Tier:is this the girl you were talking about ?

Tylor: y-y-yyyeah,I mean uh,princess....I know this is going to sound crazy but I need you to trust me and we'll save a lot of lives

Princess iris:(uneasy)uh...what's going on ? You're scaring me now

Tylor:if I explain everything to you can you convince the king to send a few of his men to the place I'll tell you about ?

Princess iris:i--i can but...you haven't told me anything,is somebody dying ?!

I took a deep breath and took both of her hands holding them firmly.I looked her in the eyes,she blushed opening her eyes wide and then move her gaze away from mine.

Tylor:I don't want innocent's to die,If I can,I want to help those I can so please

I watched the princess take a deep breath and she looked at me determined

Princess iris:alright,tell me everything !

And like she said,I told everything from start to finish.Everything about tier,about how she got here point by point.Tier was even surprised I remembered every single detail about our Convo just now.Princess iris ended pushing back a bit,saying fox spirits are normally known as trickster devil in this world.Tier informed me that the princess wasn't wrong and that it was her who was doing all of that over the years.She tricked people and tormented them a lot,she said she was ordered to do and as long as she wasn't ordered to harm or kill the people,she would've done anything to please her master.I ended up confusing that I can see and talk to spirits apparently and so they made me the link between their convo and after a while,they came to an agreement.The king or any which one of the high ranking royal knights have skills that can help them kill spirits and some of them can see spirits on another level,like from other worlds or other dimension.Im not kidding when I say these people terrify me.Anyway after everything,the princess left and she said she's going to talk to the king.I told tier to find herself shelter somewhere close and I told her,I'd try to find her another way to lift her curse but under a condition.she said she'd think about it and then she left and I ended up in my room.The princess told me she'd find me there so I decided to wait for her there too,I guess.Later around lunch time,guards came to get me and they took me to the side of the palace I didn't know existed.The king had a room like an office filled with bookshelfs everywhere,he had a book Infront of him.The guards left me inside and they closed the door behind me.

King golem:seat down boy

Just him saying that,his deep voice and his aura sent chills down my spine,not in a good way either.I went up to him and I set down across from him.He opened a liquor bottle and he poured both of a glass and he handed me mine.

King golem:you're a mystery to me,you know that ?

Tylor:(uneasy)I uh--uh--

King golem:relax,this a thing I do,believe or not but out of the thousands of soldiers I have and have had,I drank a glass with them all

Tylor:w-w-what really ?! Why ?

King golem:I believe if a man should lay down his life in service of you and your kingdom as a king,you should at least get to know them and individually people act differently then when they are with a group

Tylor:so you use the booze to open them up and get them comfy ? After that you bait them with questions and try to read them from their body language down to their verbal speech.People are untrustworthy so I get it

I looked at the king and he seemed puzzled by something,that put in defense mode so fast

Tylor:b-b-but i-i mean if you were trying to see if you could trust em

King golem:there is no better way of telling that other than getting them drunk and talking to them

Tyler:and seeing how they talk about the people around them,right ?

King golem: jealousy,envy,pride,greed breed conflict and I want to minimize the possibilities of having people like that in my army,nobles are another story entirely though

Tyler:what do you mean ?

King golem:nobles are given a title,land and people to govern,at some point some of them let that power get to their heads and they forget their job is to serve the people as their leader

Tyler:so it's more likely for them to be envious or jealous,greedy and all of that ? Then what about the soldiers you drink with ?

King golem:they do not have the brain cells to notice when they're being manipulated.Smart people are going to use the fools until they find a fool that will fool them into thinking they fooled him or her.Once they get used and destroyed they will be useless

Tyler:so the nobles could manipulate the soldiers and have them do things for them,huh,I guess money,power and status holding weight in this world too

King golem:and on that note,how did you end up here ?

Tyler:I....(Holds back tears) I had just found out something I wish I didn't and....I....next thing I know,I was at the market place,I honestly don't know how I got here though

King golem:and how did you meet my master ? He's been dead for years you know

Tyler:I uh--well,I can kinda of see spirits in a way

King golem:mh so you're also gifted with vision,so the spirit that came to you today

I was waiting for that...

Tyler: she's called tier,I told her to leave after informing the princess of everything with me.If everything worked out,I promised her that I'd help her lift her curse.

King golem:so if what she said was true and that the village is in trouble,she'd get her curse lifted if we manage to save the villagers ?

Tyler:well no,she knows I'm incapable of lifting her curse,she said so herself.She told me she's doing this to prove to me she can be trusted and that she can be of use to me.I figured I could use her to get this info but...my good side for the better of me,I really do want to help now,I mean she might save a lot of people if what she's saying is true.

King golem:I guess you might be right and I have already sent a few of my strongest knights down there.What I called you here for was to tell you(deadly serious)if any of my men don't come back in one piece,you will end up as multiple pieces,do you hear me !

Tylor: y-yes sir ! I understand sir

I almost ran,deadass I'm nowhere near close enough to fighting this dude.I don't have a death wish just saying but also....if she does help those people,tier could be a useful ally for me.

Tylor:(determined)but if everything goes well,can I please ask your grace to grant me a request then ?

King golem:mh....okay,since this was not a mission I appointed to you and you are going out of your way to save my people,I will give anything you ask for.

Tylor:then I want her curse lifted

King golem:agreed

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