Chapter four -i confess-

Uh yo,so as you all know I've been stuck in this world for some time now.At first I couldn't speak the language of these people,communication was difficult and I ended finding myself arrested for being robbed by a dude.The guy literally framed me and screamed for help after I fought for my shit,I ended up meeting a spirit of a great mage who use to serve the king in my jail cell.He helped me learn a few skills to prolong my death in this,I guess,but seeing as I'm literally in a battle with the captain of the knights and I'm out of stamina,out of ideas and out of aces.I'm at his mercy right now and the mother fucker was busy laughing at me,enjoying himself.He stood up and when he did his armor fell apart,falling to the ground.I was shocked,I actually destroyed his gear,he stopped laughing seemingly puzzled as I was.He ignored me and walked up to the king,I was confused,The dude got on one knee and bowed.

Royal captain/Bloom: you're majesty...I would like to humbly offer my apologies for my misconduct and my disrespectful actions towards you're grace.I also thank you for indulging my curiosity and allowing me to duel this boy my king.

King golem:You have nothing to apologize for Bloom,you know me as well as I do you,I respect men who can speak their mind,who are honest and who stand by their word so....are you satisfied ?

W-whats going on ? Am I still gonna die ?

Royal captain/Bloom:yes my lord,I know I can trust him to protect the princess against almost anything that can hurt them.

King golem:what did you notice then ?

Huh ?....so I'm not gonna die ! -sighes- actually why are they discussing me though ?

Royal captain/Bloom:my lord...he is fast,being capable of dodging or defending against my attacks is rare and only someone of your level could handle them.I have reason to believe though....he wasn't fighting seriously until he was injured.

Everybody there was shocked,Me,I was kinda confused at best I guess....

King golem:you believe if he had went all out from the start he would've done much better ?

Royal captain/Bloom:exactly sir,he is amazing and he show cased that by destroying my armor.This is made of the second hardest metal in our world,with training and good enough guidance I am sure he can be of great help at assisting our forces gain an edge in the war.

King golem:so be it...boy,I never cared to ask your name,come forward if you can still walk

And he wasn't joking.I barely could,everything in my body was hurting like hell.Every single muscle felt like it was torn and it was burning me up.I dragged my feet forward and fell on my knees,bowing my head.I knew I was at my limit,I didn't know if I was gonna die or not,my heart was beating so fast,my body wasn't even trying to make me catch my breath anymore.

King golem:you fought well here today and bravely stood your ground.I will honor my word and I will have you serve the princess as agreed then,DOES ANYONE ELSE WISH TO ADD ANYTHING ELSE ?!

The people that were there were silent,a sense of relief washed over me and I guess that kinda signaled my body to not be so on guard.I fell unconscious again.Literally the dumbest move I could do in an unknown place but I've been fine so far and the king truly seems like a man of honor and principals.It was night time when I woke up and the room I was in was warm,it was still sort of dark but it was lit up by candle light.I realized I wasn't alone cause somebody was singing softly over me while I was in the room.I opened my eyes and I saw a familiar face Infront of me,the princess smiled when she saw me look at her.

Princess iris:(giggles) you've been asleep for a while now,I'm glad you're well

I kinda jumped off of her,seating back,I couldn't be caught laying on the lap of the princess.I looked around and realized I was in a room alone with her on a bed.I was freaked out super fast.I only thought of what the king would to me.The princess kinda just looked at me perplexed at first and then confused,then she bursted out laughing at me.Seeing her happy and cheerful face was actually heart warming.She was honestly the most beautiful girl I've seen,since I've came to this world.

Princess iris:you're funny,I like that about you

Tylor:i--uh--uh,well I'm honestly not trying to be

Princess iris:that's the funny part(giggles)relax,papa and the guards I'm in here

Really,wow ! I mean

Tylor:really ? So you told em ?

Princess iris:not really,I just started coming here a few days ago to see how you were doing

Tylor:oh....wow....you really did that for me ?

Princess iris:(blushing)well uh,no,you being my guard and all,you know,I kinda need you to be okay

Tylor:yeah,true,true...uh,sorry but you say a few days ago,how long have I been out ?

Princess iris:5 days and a couple of extra hours.It typically happens when people use martial arts skills and magic that relatively outclass his physical capabilities.Your muscles were actually torn apart by what you did while fighting captain Bloom.

5 days ! Using a lot of this magic shit really does fuck up a lot of mana and stamina then.Which means I'll have to strengthen my body before I attempt fighting at that level for longer without this shit happening again.

Tylor:uh so since I'm okay,did you want anything ?

Princess iris:(blushing)uh...I...I wanted to ask you something when you woke up actually

Tylor:cool,I'm all ears

Princess iris:uh,w-w-would you uh....consider being uh...you know...my uh....future husband ?

Tylor:sure,I cou--wait WHAT ?!!!!

What the fuck does she mean by future husband ?! Actually what is get off asking me that out of the blue ?! What the fuck is going on right now ?!

Tylor:I uh.…i--

Wait....if I say no to her will she tell the king to just go and kill me again ? I don't want to think he wouldn't do just cause he's keeping his work.He could be one of those dudes who love their daughter that much.I know I would at least.I decided to go on one knee and bow my head,no way out of this so fuck it.

Tylor:I...I would be honored princess

Princess iris:(excited)REALLY ?! (Screams in joy)

The princess jumped on me in excitement and I was shocked at her reaction.Guards came in the room and I pushed her back,while she turned to face them.

Guard no.1:you're highness,apologies,we heard you scream and we came to check of your graces safety

Princess iris:then you're excused,as you can both see I'm perfectly fine

Guard no.1:y-yes ma'am,by your permission we'll be leaving you,good evening princess

The two dudes bowed and walked out the way they came.The princess went from happy to a slightly saddened expression on her face.

Princess iris:seems like some of the knights still don't trust you or believe you're worthy of being here

Tylor:i've....noticed,no one stood up for me even when I had proved my innocence but they did stand to have me k--....(Takes deep breaths)

Princess iris:please don't hold it against them.....see in our world,uh...an other worlder destroyed a lot of our world and it took a lot of humanity's power to deal a final blow and seal this evil away.You're an other worlder too,it's just how people are wired...I still apologize in their place as their princess,please forgive them

Tylor:(sighes) I wasn't holding a grudge or anything princess,as long as I'm alive,I'm satisfied with that

Princess iris:plus you have a place to sleep now,food,money and security to keep you safe,most importantly though...you have me,don't hesitate to call if you need to talk or anything,okay

Tylor:(blushes)I uh...I(giggles)

Princess iris:you're cute(giggles)

Tylor:and you're beautiful

She looked at me shocked for a sec and she looked away,I could tell she was blushing though

Tylor:when you say you want me to be your future husband,do you mean we'll marry in the future ?

Princess iris:well uh...yeah,marriage is for full on adults,right ?

Tylor:well yeah,it's a big commitment too are you....are you sure you want it to be with me ?

Princess iris:w-what ? Of cause I do,I honestly wouldn't have asked otherwise and...can I ask you a question ?

Tylor:uh y-y-yyyeah ?

Princess iris:why couldn't it be you ? I mean you're handsome,you're honest and honorable,you have a strong resolve.One thing that caught my eye though is your white hair when I first saw you.

Oh yeah,a lot of my features changed slightly when I got here,I forgot about I found out about that.My eyes went from black to crimson red,my skin from brown to white and my hair from black draids to white fluffy hair.They basically made me a white dude with white hair and red eyes.

Tylor:what about it ?

Princess iris:well it's the same as mine and that kinda just made me drown to you.I tried to get you out of my head and forget you,honestly but you were all I could think about,it's actually why I asked papa to make you my body guard cause I was so curious about you.

Tylor:uh....well,honestly to make a long story short.This happened cause of me being brought here I guess,I honestly didn't notice it until uh...my master pointed it out that,he sensed that my form was altered

Princess iris:by master,you mean master Banat ? He was papa's best friend and even though master Banat was his teacher,papa grew to be his rival in magic proficiency as soon as he reached his prime.

Tylor:it's good to know I learnt from the best

Princess iris:also he neglected to teach you any body refining training moves

Tylor:like exercising my body ? 

Princess iris:well yes,see also in our world it is recognized that humans live in 3states in one world.One where the body is used to interact with the physical world,your brain is used to control and manipulate your physical functions,the heart works to keep your physical functions working and the soul to feel the things that cannot be understood by the heart,the body, the mind.Its why when we make a vow or promise,we say heart,body,mind and soul,it means "I will be with you and stand by my word on every level of my existence and being for as long as I exist"

Tylor:wow....that's actually beautiful,heart,body,mind and soul,huh ? 

Princess iris:Using your body the way you did was reckless but I guess you wouldn't know about some thing's related to mana cause I know how master Banat is,like how mana is refined in the body,right ?

Tylor:well not really,you're right,master B just gave me some vague explanations

Princess iris:then let me be of help to you,since you'll be guarding me,we need you to be as strong as possible right so let me help

Tylor:w-what do you get out of this though ?

Princess iris:a strong husband in the future,duh

I was left speechless,I really couldn't think of anything to say to in that moment,cause what the fuck !? She was actually serious about this shit !!!

Tylor:and that's enough for you to help me get strong right NOW ? I probably still wouldn't be worth it in the end so why....waste your time like that ?

Princess iris:why wouldn't I ?! I mean even if you aren't the strongest in the world,you'll still be strong right,plus I'll still have you,the power is a bonus

Tylor:I....I...I don't think I'm worthy of you princess,not even a little bit....i--

Princess iris:I'm sorry for cutting you off but uh...can I ask you something ?

Before I replied to her,I kinda just sighed cause at this point,I just wished we would change the topic


Princess iris:why do you talk down to yourself like that ?


I....I...why do I do that actually.I guess what happened with my ex still cuts me deep,huh.Everybody told me she was out of my league but still didn't listen.Money makes the world go round,that's a saying I never took seriously until I saw what actual applications could have.I still gave her all I had and she still just used me and she fucked the real dude she wanted.💔

Tylor:I uh....I guess the saying "you're,your own worst critic" applies best to me.High or low,I've always criticized myself for everything I did.My parents never gave their time so I...I thought if I worked harder at school they'd notice or if I fucked up a lot at school they'd notice.No matter what I did though,their behaviour never changed,it stayed stagnant and neutral and people using me for my wealth and what my family's money could get them was just more painful.No one I met was real,everybody at some point....one way or another turned their backs on me

Princess iris:so you've probably been through a lot,huh ?

Tyler:more or less,the are people who have it worse so I can't complain,I've taken every shot life has had to throw at me so far....it's cool

Princess iris:well can't I help make your life a little easier then ?

Tyler:w-why ?

Princess iris:cause I'm planning to marry you aren't I ? I want to practice while it's still early on how to best meet your needs

Tyler:I....uh,so what can I do for you ?

Princess iris:if you really wanted to know...I'd say truly believe what I've been telling you.I really want to be yours but I...realize coming forward and saying I want you when my dad just tried to have you killed,won't uh...sorry

Tyler:forget about it,listen princess....I....I don't want to get hurt again,okay and I don't a girl who's going to end up loving another guy.I've been through enough of that

Princess iris:so who said I was going to do that ?

Tyler:I wasn't--i wasn't saying you would princess,I was just saying I'm avoiding love and relationships cause of said reason

I felt soft,bouncy and juicy balls press up against me.The princess gave me a kiss and a gentle,soft kiss at that.She opened her eyes and I watched this beautiful,angelic girl,confidently look me in the eye and she told me something I probably won't forget

Princess iris:not every girl is a cheater you know and not every cheater is a girl,why don't you give a chance and let me prove it to you

.....I was stuck,honestly,I didn't know what to decide,do I give in and take the princess as my girl ? Or do I say no and pray to god she doesn't go to her dead for have to have me killed.I honestly didn't know what to say...

Princess iris:you can even have my body until we get married but if you partake,you can't eat any other dish out there

Tylor:wait...wait...you're saying I can--no,aren't you're supposed to wait till marriage for that ? At least I was told that's how royalty does shit

Princess iris laughed her ass off,it was confusing to me honestly

Princess iris:in our world,it is only allowed once the two agree to be bound

Tyler:bound ? What's that mean ?

Princess iris:it's kind of like a soul contract between two people if one of them breaks the contract,they die instantly no matter where they are or what they do to prevent it

Tyler:so you're saying we can uh,do the deed but only if I'll be loyal to you ?

Princess iris:well I know men only want that from a woman right,not you but I'm just saying,it's your guys nature

Tyler:you're putting it wrong though

Princess iris:how ?! All the books i--uh forget I said anything

Tyler:to simplify your book then and to make it easier for you princess.Men want about 5 things from a woman.Respect,attention,reciprocation,peace of mind and a lot of sex,some of em,some just like pleasing the woman.

Princess iris:then Tylor,I promise to give you all the respect you deserve,the attention you seek,I'll treat you how you treat me and I'll give myself to you whenever you desire but....I can't give you peace of mind.

Tyler w-why ?

Princess iris:until you have a goal you're working towards...it's my job to motivate you right ? As your woman I'm also your strength,I'm also your support so rely on me,okay

Tyler:(sighes) so if I said yes right now,we'd be bound to each other ?

Princess iris:yeah and if you do,we can't break up,we can't cheat and we're basically uh...stuck with each other

Tyler:and you're sure you're....good with that ?


Tyler:uh well okay,I guess I'm yours too,heart,body,mind and soul

Princess iris:(giggled)heart,body,mind and soul🥺

And that's basically my first full on conversation of the kingdom I was in went,I didn't know what my future held but I guess since I had her by me,I wasn't a lone in this world anymore.On the side note though SHE IS SOOOO FUCKING HOT !!! God is good ! Oh god is good !

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