Chapter three -life or death-

Uh hey,last time I was gonna be killed right but I survived and don't laugh but....I passed out before anything could be explained,I was that close and that scared at that time.The king was probably gonna kill me but...it seems that talking about B could've prolonged my execution at least.It didn't matter much either way cause I ended up Infront of the king again,last time I was asked questions,I figured I should be honest so this time,I'll try to do the same thing again.The two guards made me kneel Infront of the king in the throne room,same row of knights as last time,same people in the room as last time.I figured the only people worth my attention right now are the king and....let's leave her out of this for now.

King golem:Boy ! Last time you proved to me that you truly were a student of master joker,showing me that you're worthy of my trust and belief in you but...

I looked up at him expecting his ass to throw me out on the streets or straight into the front of the war I didn't even know about till yesterday to die.

King golem:I want you to be part of my army in the war,you will live right here in the palace so I can keep a close eye on you,you did say you weren't from our world did you not ?

The whole was silent before all this when I walked in but you could just feel the tension in the air.I was worried if I said the wrong thing right now,I would be killed instantly,my perception of magic and human is still weak,I need to be able to do better.

Tylor:y-yes my king,I'm from a planet called earth--

The whole room got shook for a second and that scared me.I wanted to continue speaking but the way they reacted made me second guess anything else I would say.I told myself fuck it.

King golem:so you hale from the same planet as Lucifer,huh

Tylor:(panicking) I'm not like him though ! I'm really not trying to do anything stupid to anyone ! If anything i--

King golem:you what ?

Tylor:I want a way to get to my own world,I...I don't want to end up hurting innocent people if I stay in your world so....

King golem:the is no known way of sending you back to your world

Hearing that,I just felt my heart sink,my chest started to hurt,I couldn't get enough air,I started breathing fast and hard,clinching my chest.It kinda hit me,I was really stuck in a world I didn't know,my family wasn't here,nobody I knew was here ! I was alone ! Nobody here cared of what happened to me.I tried to calm my breathing and I thought of what to do from here.

Tylor:m-my-my k-king...I...humbly accept your offer then

King golem:good...I want to assign you to other duties before you're fit to go to war

I really had no other choice,right ? I mean it's either do what he says or die and regardless of if I like this place or not,I have to survive.Deep down I....I don't want to die....I don't want to die here.

Tylor:I am at your service my lord,whatever you wish is my command.

King golem:good,now...I want you to be my daughters body guard here

Everybody in the room was shocked,even I didn't get what the king was planning.The princes decided to speak up and say something.

Prince Nathan:my king,please forgive my speaking out of turn but I do not believe it is a good choice to trust this outsider with the life of my sister,your daughter,The other guard capable body guards stronger than this peasant !

King golem: forgiveness is not required,it is your duty to speak up when you see any wrongs and fix them as the future king of this kingdom.This issue is out of my hands boy,your sister requested this herself.

The princess what ?.....is she one of those girls that use her slaves till their dried up and useless,then they feed them to the dogs ?! I don't want to be stuck with a psycho bitch who enjoys dominating men or some shit like that.These rich people have weird kinks brev no lie.

Prince Nathan:sister ! Is what father saying true ?! You want this peasant to serve you as your guard ?!

Princess iris:....yes

The prince was at a loss for words.I was more shocked than him,deadass what was she planning !

King golem:so boy,do you want to be the guard to the princess of blood kingdom ?

Tylor:It would be an honour my lord,I'd lay down my life for hers any day

King golem:good then you are to be by her side everyday from the moment you wake up,till the moment you go to bed,do you hear me ?!

Tylor:y-yes sir !

wait -- how am I gonna eat ?! Or fucking bath or do anything else ?! Fuck ! Who brought me here deserves an ass whooping of the century,I swear !

The room fell silent as the princess decided to move from her mother's side and walked down the stairs to come stand next to me,she helped me stand up holding me by my hand.I was taken back by her beauty for a moment,we both just stared in each other's eyes.She truly was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen,here or back home,she really looked like an angel.she turned around to face the king,she had this devious smile on her face,it scared me a little.

Princess iris:father,since we've discussed what's to come and what his jobs are,can me and him be excused ? We'll leave you to get ready for your meeting that's going to start soon.

Royal captain/Bloom:my king,I cannot allow this,please at least test my blade against his

Princess iris:(pissed)are you questioning my judgement ?!

I saw her eyes glow brighter with that blue hue of hers brightening up more and more,even her hair started to change color.Me,who was next to her,I was shitting my pants,honestly,I had no business being here.I realized if this dude beat me in this test of his,my execution could be brought up again,seeing as he'd be proving that I'll be useless in my job so....I guess I can't say no.i grabbed the princess's hand and she was shocked for a sec,till she turned to face me,she looked at my hand holding hers and then she blushed and looked away.I was puzzled for a sec and I focused my attention back on that other dude.

Tylor:sure brev,I'll duel you

Princess iris:hey ! You don't have to ! I forbid it ! That man will kill you !

I figured since I was in some kind of mid-evil,knight magic,game of thrones fucking looking world,a simple excuse would be good enough.

Tylor:I'm sorry princess,this is a matter of honor...I don't want to be your knight without at least trying to defeat him at all so please....allow this for me.

Princess iris:(pouting annoyed)mmmmh ! You better not lose then !

Royal captain/Bloom:so you accept,huh,at least you are honorable,I can give you that.

Like I give a fuck about honor,if I said no you tweet,I'd probably be dead right now.I could feel the king's killing intent from all the way over here,I've actually been dancing on egg shells,cause I can't say anything wrong right now.Me and Bloom ended up at their arena,they had a training arena inside the palace and a few of the people who were at the palace while I was there right now were watching.The king was also watching and his whole family.I figured I had no choice but to god all out for this one,I haven't had any confidence that I can do anything in this world,I want to be able to believe in myself too,in my own strength,in my own power ! I know I'm scared but I have to get through this,one last push !

Royal captain/Bloom:are you ready ?!

Tylor:come at me !

The captain unsheathed his sword rushing towards me in a flash,In an instant the dude had covered the distance between me and him only to get blocked.me and him kept trading blows at high speeds with our swords ! I used to short back hand blades mostly because they felt better when I used them.The captain kicked me back and I slid back on the ground,I kneeled down coughing up blood.he appeared Infront of me,I rolled out of the way as he slashed slashing at the ground,when I turned to face him,I had to block another one of his heavy attacks and it sent me flying back.I had to stab my blades into the ground to slow myself down.I activated my vision.It was a martial that increased a persons ability to read a person's movement when their speed exceed the normal perception speed of the human eye.I started blocking more and more of the captains strikes,then I started countering him,throwing more and more accurate strike with every chance I got.The captain got a chance to grab me by my neck,he squeezed tight and he slammed me through the ring of the arena,I felt my body break and the arena split into a multitude of pieces because said strike.I was laying on the ground,my body couldn't move and I'm sure,I was exhausted as fuck,I couldn't make out anything that was going on around me.I opened my eyes and that's when I started to hear the captain speaking.

Royal Captain/Bloom:my king ! Is this the man,you want to trust your daughter's life with ?! A weakling like him ?!

Just hearing this fucker ticked me off,I literally haven't been doing this stuff for long you,it's only been a few months.Something crossed my mind,I had multiple skills and I didn't get to use any of them.i pushed myself to get up,bit by bit,I until was stumbling around but...I was on my feet.

King golem:the man you're talking about is still standing,boy ! Deal with that problem before you ever come at me !

I saw the dude turn to face,he looked disgusted and angry to see me standing.I was browsed and battered,I figured at least I can go out fighting like a real man.I released my first ability,rush,which as the name suggests,it gives me a sudden burst of speed and I used that to attack the captain.He blocked but narrowly,I grinned knowing I was just getting started.i flipped back and landed,then I ran in again using my other,demans aura,a debuff ability that stuns apponents.The captain was stunned for a moment and I threw my swords in the air and I released my third ability,Herculean strength and it generated super strength for me.I quickly used rush again to release an ample amount of strikes on him.My last one was powered by fire magic,I used a spell I had learnt from B,it's called super charge,it's a spell that uses the same mana that explodes on impact to create the explosion to protect the castor of the spell.which sounded broken in some way.i crumbled to my knees and I was breathing heavily,I couldn't even think or see straight,my body was at it's limit.The dust cleared and the captain was on the other side laughing and enjoying himself.

Tylor:(worried)damnit ! That was all I had left in the tank,what the hell am gonna do now ?! 

Am I actually gonna die to this fucking dweeb.....

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