Chapter two -survive 2.0-

Uh yo,so i think you kinda get it at this point,everytime I start this,I'll ask you guys a question.If you were framed for a crime you didn't do,in a place you were foreign to and you didn't know anyone who would help,how would you get out of that problem.This was my thought process while I was being taken to the king actually,I wasn't even admiring the beauty of the palace anymore,the way I see this world,it could be my last time seeing this place.Oh yeah and B,I swear to god whatever he is,hopefully he isn't anything that could've hurt me,I don't know.

He helped me adapt,learn and calm down,I owe him a lot so I should just keep my bad thoughts at the back of my mind.I was taken from the dungeon and through the passage way,up a flight of stairs but....not the way we came.Im guessing the is another way to the palace then,I figured I could use what I've learned to escape and B told me,I have more potential with magic to be as strong as that Lucifer guy that came here,I'm surprised a name like that exists in this world too.I thought about escaping but then again I decided not to,I mean the king is the strongest magic user in this kingdom,which means he could crush somebody weak like me.The guards took me to the throne room and they stood me Infront of the king,now he was surrounded by different guards wearing the same kind of armor but each in different colors.The man ruler though actually scared the fuck out of me,I didn't think much of my life at this point,I've been through enough either way but...this man put a fear in my heart that could follow me to my after life.Two beautiful women set by his side,one lady had a son beside her and he looked at me disgusted and the other lady had a beautiful snowwhite haired girl,her skin was pale and she had a regal flowing dress on with gold covering her body and her tiara.She looked at me shocked at first and then she blushed for some reason,when I walked in,out of everybody else she was the first one I noticed.

King golem:speak

Guard no.1:(while down on one knee with his head facing down)my lord,criminal was accused of trying to rob a civilian at the market place

King golem:so he is working with those people in the shadows ?

Tylor:(panicking)No ! No ! Sir ! My king (steps forward) I'm not even from this place ! I'm not even from this world !

I don't know why,I didn't even mean to do that,my body reacted on its own.The other guard hit me in the back of my head and I fell to the floor while the other guard kicked me in the face.

King golem:ENOUGH !

The room fell silent.....

King golem:I'll give this boy a chance to speak

While I was still trying to get up and get my thoughts organized,one of the guards kicked me in the gut.

Guard no.1:the king told you to speak !

I kept coughing and blood kept dripping from my mouth.I raised my head and kneeled.

Tylor:my lord,I'm really not from your world,I hail from a planet called earth and...right now,I don't know where I am,a man I was locked in the cell with called B was--

King golem:(shocked) what ?! What did you just say ?! B ?!

Tylor:(uneasy)uh...y-yes sir

King golem:banat bolder "the joker" himself

Tylor:i-i...pardon my rudeness my lord...b-but you seem to know know him

Guard no.2:quiet you !

King golem:are you sure,you're not just telling me this story and faking it cause of the fact that it's common knowledge that Banat was my master ?!

What the fuck ?! Brev how the fuck was I to know that ?! How the hell can I get out of this situation,right now.What the fuck did I do to deserve all of this,like I could've just died normally back,couldn't I.

Tylor:I-i'm not....he even taught me his moves,I literally couldn't use magic or martial arts,actually I didn't know anything about magic or martial arts until I met him ?! So....p-please my lord,my king.Give my poor soul a chance to live.

The dude stayed quiet for bit and then he stood up.The king walked towards me with a calm expression on his face but I could feel the killing intent,it was suffocating.Dude got Infront of me and he took out his sword and held it over his head.

King golem:if B taught you anything,you could've gotten out of those chains easily boy ! and those aren't just any chains,they are magic draining chains.you would have to know his technique to be able to do that so...here is a test,don't die.

Is this dude serious ?! I saw him swing the sword and I knew if I didn't react or move I'd be dead.Problem is I wasn't fast enough,I did get out of the chains,I just couldn't dodged the blade,I gave up.If he wanted me dead,he could've just killed me,dick !

a couple of seconds passed and I didn't feel any pain.I opened my eyes and I saw the blade like an inch away from my neck,seriously seeing that,I just passed out.A while later,I woke up in the same dungeon I was in,I looked around and I figured I was back in there.I looked around for B and I called out for him cause the chains were empty,I didn't know if calling out to him was a good idea so I was second guessing what I was currently doing.

B:behind you

Tylor:yo what the hell is going on ?! How does the king know ?! And how come you can just pop in and out of jail ?! Take me with you ! Unless you're a --

B:if you were going to say ghost,you aren't far off but I am a spirit,a pure one,my soul is tied to this dungeon actually because of a grave crime I committed long ago

Tylor:that doesn't answer everything else you know !

B:well,I am giving exposition about everything am I not ?! Now,in my old days let us just say I served the king and I trained the young master.After everything that occurred in the past,I ended up here.

Tylor:that isn't fair ! They stayed in power while stayed rotting in here !

B:shut your tongue boy ! The young masters father lost his life because of what I did,he still respects me to this day but I can never forgive myself for my misdeeds,I've hurt to many and I want to spend the rest of my eternity helping reform those who end up here.

Tylor:speaking of which,I wasn't killed when I was up there,does that mean I'll be set free ?

B:I highly doubt it for only two reasons

Tylor:which are ?

B:one,remember when I said I was teaching basics ?

Tylor:you lied ?

B:yes I did,what I taught you was advanced god level spells,I was convinced you could achieve it when I saw you effortlessly master my lockpick magic skill.ontop of that,it was easy for you to master a few of my god level martial arts technique's.

Tylor:so what ? I'm basically like that Lucifer guy ?

B:not entirely....see he created every other thing himself,while you let the waves sweep you in their current,he took his life and shaped it into what he wanted it to be.While you're gifted physically and magically,you're also still a far cry from what he could do.

Tylor:ouch,so what your saying is that he'd want to keep me around cause I'm likely to get strong as fuck and end up like Lucifer ? Actually with the way they've treated me,I wish I would !

B:give them a break,if you didn't the us a war going on right now,with all of the kingdoms of the world at war with one kingdom or another.One other reason he would keep you around though is that he would want to strengthen his army and boost his power,he might ask you to join his army

Tylor:like hell I will !

B:you know that means you don't have to stick around here,right ?

Tylor:okay where do I sign ?!

B:(sighes)being a knight apart of the king's army means you will get paid,which means you can afford every other single necessity you will need.

Tylor:yeah but im taking the dough and running as soon as I get the chance !

B:see ! Right there ! That's the difference between you and him ! You tend to run from your problems,boy ! Face them !

Tylor:(uneasy)w-i-d...(Takes a deep breath) I don't run from anything okay,I just don't want to risk having my head chopped off

B:which is understandable,I will let you choose your route but just know.....you were chosen for a reason and even if you don't believe it yourself,you're already stronger than a lot of people in this kingdom alone

B said that shit and vanished.Dude literally just came here to visit ! Curious still,why this dude won't take me with him !😭

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