Chapter one -New world-

What would you do if you found yourself in another world ? No explanation no nothing,a world and place you know nothing about,how would you survive ? This literally happened to me a few minutes ago.I found out my girl was cheating on me with my best friend and her ex,few minutes after that I was here and I didn't know what to do,I was kind of still in shock.I was at a market place surrounded by tons of people,it was either people were buying or selling something and thieves on the side picked pockets of people who weren't paying attention.Somebody tried to do the same thing to me,I felt their hand bump me just slightly and reflexively I swiped him off of his feet and slammed him in the ground.The grown man screamed out yelling for help

Thief:Pafagama ! givijibi ! Pafagamaaaa !

I quickly let him go,he got up and ran so fast and I was still shocked,confused and I didn't know what the fuck ! Was happening.I looked around and the people were looking at me,I noticed that these people were wearing some sort of mid-evil time clothes with a modern twist.I saw some people pointing at me as some other guys rushed me,I was surrounded by 5 men all pointing their sword at me.I was literally so fucking shook,I couldn't move or speak.

Knight no.1:subaragabi dishipafagama givijibi soba !

What the fuck ?!......

I literally didn't know what the fuck he was talking about,is this french or German or something ? I figured I was being framed by that guy and point two I wouldn't be able to explain my side of the story but then again,I was surrounded right now,I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.I decided to put my hands on my head and I got on my knees,the knights took me and I was taken to the dungeon cells under the royal palace.I saw the palace on the way here and it was super cool,it screamed fantasy though,pure white walls towering high and it isn't built like other castles I've seen back home.This one was built weirdly with six semi-circles with 3 facing downward connecting to the one's facing upward,it had different looking trees floating around it in bubbles separately and the place was busy,it had people everywhere and knights all over the place.I was stuck in the dungeon with a dude who looked like he's lived longer 5 of my oldest grand pops back on earth,he was a cool dude and he helped me get my thoughts together and helped me learn of the world.

B:that's what happened,so you really are like Lucifer

Tylor:LUCIFER !?

B:Shhhhh ! That's a forbidden name here,you idiot

Tylor:sorry,what do you mean Lucifer ?

B:he is a legend in our world,a man who came from your world with the form of man but with the powers of a god,I am certain you have noticed but our world is slightly different from yours,right ?

Tylor:yeah,does that mean you people can use powers here ?

B:(confused)by powers do you mean magic ? Then yes,humans in our world have mana and since the beginning of humanity we have been manipulating mana to better our lives on every level of human existence.

Tylor:so how does that relate to L and how the hell was brought here ?!

B:well,L was likely brought here the same way you were except people of that time were nicer and more peaceful creatures.Lucifer introduced more ways to use and manipulate mana such as attack magic,life magic and god level magic,which to this day only a few can seem to match only a puddle of that mans power.

Tylor:so what,I'm supposed to get as strong as him and live the same life as him or something ?!

B:you would end up sealed by the divine like he was...

Tylor:the divine ?! Like angels or some shit ? You know what forget all that,gimmi something useful 

B:best thing for you would be to learn magic and find a way to enter eclipse,it is the academy of magic at the kingdoms capital,only powerful mages and martial artists can get in though

Tylor:then how the hell would I make it there ?! I'm weak as fuck old geezer

B:well,I have only seen Lucifer as a reference and he was gifted in both fighting and magic but he chose to excell in magic and you came here the same way,I would wager that you both are the same.

Tylor:so do you know any spells then old man ?

B:Sorry,I am not versed in the world of magic or martial but I can teach you a few beginner skills in each art though

Tylor:sure,thanks that'll have to do but I've been curious about this since I've met you,how can you understand me and speak my language but they can't ?

B:well like I had said,when L came here he was like you but because he got fame,power and influence people started taking after him,doing everything he did and learning his ways of living down to the last detail,that lad to people learning how to speak his native tongue too

Tylor:oh I get you then,so I might find some people who speak it and some who don't but is the a spell that can help me bridge that language barrier for those who can't then ?

B:yes,I'll also teach it to you...

And from there,I spent that entire month in that dungeon and I was given food everyday but funny enough B wasn't.I trained under him perfecting the spells he was teaching me everyday and breaking my body at night trying to master the martial arts skills he taught me.I noticed a couple of things about my body in this world,I don't need to eat as much as I did back home,my body felt lighter and I picked up how to use magic over time.The first week of mana training was hell for me because I couldn't understand how magic worked in the first place,B explained like this....

"To create a spell or magic out of mana is to manipulate said energy to form said outcome you want to produce and using equal amounts of mana to achieve that said outcome"

He simplified it to that level and it was still hard for me,I stayed up late nights while training just picking at my brain trying to figure out what the hell I was doing wrong.One night I was practicing throwing combos from fists to legs and staying fluid and angel in my movements.I threw several kicks while imagining strands of mana pushing through my body to that point of impact where I'm hitting my punches or kicks.Something clicked while I was training,same method I was using to boost my body and to train martial arts was basically the same one,I could use to train to master magic and from then on I tried my best.I failed a couple of times at first with the spells blowing up in my face or destroying our room and bed and fun fact,each time when the smoke cleared our room would be spotless even though it blew up a second ago.Everytime that would happen,I would get an ass whooping and everytime,I tried to not snitch on the old man but they also didn't seem to care about him at all.One day they came to get me and knocked on my cell,it was still early and cold,you could see air leave your mouth like in the morning in winter.I was told I was going to be brought before the seeir and she would decide my fate.

I had already thanked B for his teachings and everything he'd done for me,I was taken out of my cell but before I left I wanted to ask B something else,I turned to look back in the cell and nobody was there.The chains that were hanging B on the wall were hanging by themselves,I was shocked and I felt uneasy by that.I turned to ask the ask guard.

Tylor:sorry,sir,where is the old man that was there ?

The knight:what old man ?! Don't talk nonsense,you've been causing trouble for us for the past month here by yourself don't try to blame anyone else ! You've literally been there by yourself !

Tylor:(terrified)w-w-what ?!

God no,don't tell me I was chilling and being friendly with a ghost,what kind of fucking world is this,is this place hell or something ?! Did I fucking do something to somebody ?!

(Edited-shout out to Pepito for the suggestion😁thanks)

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