Chapter 23 -first or second-

With Athena telling me that we'd be going back to iris's home,I didn't think she meant it this soon.It took no more than 30 minutes to get ready and she came back only to get me and take me with her.Before we left she wanted to say hi to the others,I figured it wouldn't hurt,I was praying she hadn't told em anything about me though.Everybody I was going to meet right now,I already knew...probably,I mean everyone I knew back then could've died.why would Athena survive alone ? Right ? Anyway we went to the training grounds of the demon lord's palace.the whole place was like a colosseum but inside of the palace,there was one dude and one girl practicing their hand to hand combat skills with each other.I could tell they weren't using mana to fuel they're movement but they were still so fast and powerful with their punches.Me and Athena stood at the entrance,she ran to there two in the ring.She kicked the dude on the head and I watched as the dude fall to the ground and slide back.

Athena:Hey Horus ! What do you think about going out with me ?!

Maut:what the hell do you mean go out with you ?!!! Can't you see he's busy ?!!!

Horus:and why did you kick me ? Try to avoid doing that,even as there strongest of the primordials that doesn't give you the right to do that.

Athena:oh come on,you were doing it with maut right ?!

Horus:she's my woman,there's a difference and by the way,who are you with ?

Athena:that's there human I've been dying to meet.

Horus:and was he worth bringing here then ?

Athena:yup,he's everything I thought he'd be and more.

Maut:...atty,can we talk on the side please.

Athena:huh ? --oh sure

I watched em walk of together,confusing but that was really alarming in a sense.Why did she want to talk in private ? What's she got to ask Athena that I can't know ? Hopefully it's not about me,I'll have to ask Athena as soon as she gets back.

Horus:to,I'm Horus,Horus wiseman it's a pleasure to you

Tylor:Tylor,Tylor hype and the pleasure is all mine

Horus:so how did you do it,huh ?

Tylor:do what ?

Horus:get her outside,Athena's closed herself off in her room for like...I don't know how long now.

Tylor:are you serious ?!

Horus:yeah...something happened long ago and she didn't take it so well...I guess that goes for all of us in a way.We've filled healed physically but losing him...

Tylor:losing who ?

Horus:well there's no use dwelling on it now,anyway do you think you can help me with my training then since your girl has stolen mine.

Tylor:(panicking)NO ! no ! Athena's not my girl ! I have my girl waiting for me back home.

Horus:oh,wonder why you're still alive then🤔

This dude casually thought about that after he asked me to train with him ?! Like what the fuck is wrong with this family ?!!! My head hurts.

maut:hubby,let's go get ready we're leaving with Athena and Tylor over here.

What ?!

Tylor:what do you you're coming with us ?! Athena what's--?! Did I miss something here ?!

Athena:well I can't exactly go into enemy territory unprotected right ?

Tylor:what the hell do you mean ?!!! Nobody is strong enough to face you besides the king and you know that !!! I'm not going !!!

Athena:what ?! Why ?!!!

I can't put the kingdom in danger like that,these two aren't as strong as Athena but they're both demon lord level in they're own.i'm not sure any single nation could defend themselves from these natural disaster level devils.

Athena:Tylor...I'm...I'm not gonna hurt your people,I know you must have people you've grown attached to so...I won't cause any harm to them as long as I'm there okay.

I felt a sting on my wrist and after the pain stopped I checked my wrist.It had a tattoo and of a shining dragon,it didn't stop glowing.I hadn't noticed this but the tattoo I got from my contract with law had disappeared.I wonder if it's because we both kept our end of the deal ? Mmh,I'll leave that for another day.

Tylor:....I don't want her people to get hurt because of me,okay....

I felt two more stings on wrist,it hurt so much I fell to my knee's.I saw a falcon tattoo and lioness tattoo on my wrist.

Maut:we won't harm no one who hasn't harmed us first too,we pledge that on our lives okay ?

Tylor:...why do you want to go there so bad ?....what can you gain from this ?

Athena:I told you earlier didn't I ? I want to ask your girl if she'll let me do what I planned to do.

Horus:and what's that ?

Maut:none of your business now hush okay,I'll serve your needs well later if you do.

Horus:extortion ?(Giggles)that's so like you.

Maut:and falling for it is so like you(giggles)

Aargh,get a room you guys,geez...

Tylor:...you're serious about that whole thing ?

Athena:I meant every word dork,I have no reason to lie about this.


Damnit !....I mean it's not like I can stop them.They'll go with or without my help and at least if I'm with them they'll have to keep to the contract and I can make sure they don't destroy everything iris holds dear.Damnit !!!....Fuck it,fine.

Tylor:...do you have anyway to communicate with people who are far away ?

Athena:we do but it's sort of only common to demons because we're better at controlling our mana and the spell you're talking about requires a lot of mana control.

Tylor:well that's something I've got down to a T,just tell me how it works please.

Athena:fine,if you fail don't say I didn't warn you.Basically you have to release a seeker spell to find and link with the person you're trying to contact.Then from there you should use thought communication once you've established a link.get it ?

Tylor:so I gotta release mana and cast 'seek',when I've found my target,I'll cast 'thought communication' to--

Iris[hello ? What's going on ?]

Tylor:iris ? Its me Tylor...

Iris[OH MY GOSH YOU'RE OKAY !!!(Starts sobbing)I was so worried]

Tylor:(giggles)I'm okay,I told you I would be,didn't I ?

Iris[yeah(sniff)but I was still worried all the same,I was scared something had happened to you]

Tylor:it's been only two days,come on,have a little bit more faith in me.

Iris[(blows her nose)excuse me and you're right,I was just worried you know....I care about you so it isn't crazy to think I would be worried though.

Tylor:yeah I'm sorry,I shouldn't have said what I said too.on another note,what I'm about to tell is a bit scary okay.

Iris[w--what do you mean by scary ? Like demons are coming to us scary or ?]

Tylor:no,it's not that,relax.

Iris[okay good,I'm curious about something,when did you learn how to use thought communication ?]

Tylor:uh...literally right but....listen,I'll be home soon okay.

Iris[really ?! So the demon lord is letting you go ?!]

Tylor:well yeah,I mean in a way.

Iris[so when will you get here ? and did you know my father has been preparing the knights for some kind of mission ?]

Tylor:what for ? I mean I'm okay so why ?

Iris[while you've been gone,monsters have started popping up randomly through out the kingdom attacking village's and killing the king's people.You know how my father is about his people so I need you to come back,it's dangerous being outside the kingdom right now]

Tylor:listen...the demon lord is coming with me....


Tylor:....iris ?

Iris[....maybe I didn't hear you correctly,did you said the demon lord is--


Iris[What the freak do you mean ?! Like she's coming from there to here ?!]

Tylor:....uh yeah...that's exactly the reaction I would expect.

Iris[how the hell do you want me to act ?! the strongest creature in the world is going to be coming to our door step right now !]

Tylor:...well....she says she's not going to kill or harm anyone while she's there.

Iris[she ? The demon lord is a she ? D--did you two d--]

Tylor:no,me and her didn't do anything related to sex.At best the worst thing that happened was me passing out.

Iris[what ?! Why did--never mind.why the hell does she want to come here ?!]

Tylor:she said she wants to talk to you

Iris[WHAT ?!!!! TYLOR that's not funny okay ! Please tell me you're joking !]

Tylor:....trust me,I wish I was

Iris[you're serious right now ?]


Iris[you aren't messing around ?!]

Tylor:are you gonna keep asking cause you don't want it to be true ?

Iris[well yeah !!! Who the hell wants to hear a nuclear bomb is headed for them]

Tylor:prepare....I'll be there and I'll help anyway I can,okay ?

Iris[okay,I'll inform papa of what's going on]

Tylor:okay see you soon

Iris[you too,I love you]

Tylor:I love you too

I disconnected the spell and I saw that the others looked perplexed at something.i looked at them confused too.

Tylor:what's wrong ?

Horus:we've never seen anyone connect to a person they haven't registered to their mana seeker before.I mean from how it sounded earlier you've never used seek before right,it's just perplexing to a human do it so easily.

What impression have they gotten from the humans of this world ? Do they really think we're that worthless ? These demons think too highly of themselves that's for sure.

Athena:what Horus is trying is that you're amazing.You just did a spell most creature's struggle with,even he did when I was teaching it to him.

Horus:hey ! There's no need to tell the kid that.

Maut giggled at Horus which was kinda cool to see.These guys were like family to each other,huh.Athena walked up to me and stood face to face with me.I kinda stepped back cause she was too close.

Athena: we'll wait for Horus and maut to get ready and then we'll leave okay ?


Maut:alrighty then,we'll leave you two to your own devices.

Horus:see ya kid

Maut jumped on Horus's back and she licked his cheek and playfully bit him on his shoulder.

Maut:(teasing)you want that service early daddy ?

Horus:since you asked so nicely,yes mommy I'd love it

We both watched them leave us.Those two weren't vocal about how much they love each other,they showed it.That's a level of love and affection I want me and iris to get to together.

Athena:those two have been like that since the day you passed.Somehow your death made us realize a lot of things about life and.....about ourselves.

Tylor:what do you mean ?

Athena:I mean...nana hasn't accepted anything so she's still stuck in the past,she's still filled with hate for your kind...you did say she wanted to destroy your nations right ? Even though I specifically put out an order that no human nation is to be attacked until after I made sure of who you were.

Tylor:wait so if I wasn't who you say I am,what would you have done ?

Athena:I heard what Horus said to you but probably if I didn't stay locked away in my room.Eventually I would've released my anger out on all of humanity.

Wow ! Thank god I came then.

Tylor:now you don't have to do that right ?


That felt off but okay...

Tylor:so we'll wait for Horus and maut then we'll leave,right ?

Athena:yup,pretty much,We'll teleport to your little kingdom

Teleport ? You're telling me she can do that with people ?! I mean we did do it when we were rushing to save the villagers but that took multiple mages to pull off and we were limited to magic circles they used to move food between two points within there kingdom.You're telling me she can do it by herself.I guess I've heard and seen it all at this point,I mean no human back home can say they were a demon lord in their past life and became a human.

Athena:so anyway let's go


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