Chapter 24 -overwhelming information-

Horus and maut had prepared themselves and gotten ready.We met up back at the colosseum and we stood together in the ring.

Tylor:so how are we going to do this ? Are you just going to teleport us to the palace ?

Maut:her skill doesn't work like that,think of it like a link between two points that deletes there space between them for faster means of travel or transportation.

Damn ! That's the best way to explain teleportation as far as I'm concerned.So by deleting the space between check point A to B,a person can basically just move from point A to B without having to travel the actual distance.

Athena:plus I can't exactly travel to places I haven't seen myself before so I'll need your help.

Tylor:okay,what do you need me to do ?

Athena:just imagine the Rosalie palace,any place inside or outside it would be good.

Tylor:okay,I'll do my best.

I did as she said and I pictured the Rosalie kingdom palace.i pictured the front of the palace and while I did,Athena held my hand.i opened my eyes only to find myself Infront of the palace.

Guard no.1:(shocked)what the-- !!!?

Guard no.2:Tylor ! Where did you pop out from ?! And who are those people with you ?!

What the freak ?!!! That actually worked ?!!!

Tylor:i--i--i --i was stuck in the demon lord's domain,these 3 helped me escape.

Guard no.1:really ?! So you really did go to see the demon lord ?!

Tylor:yeah ?! Weren't you guys informed ?!

Guard no.2:wait here then,I'll go and get the royal family here !

Athena:there's no need good sir,I mean we could just go inside and see them.It wouldn't very respectful of us to have them come meet us when we aren't nobility ourselves.

Tylor: they're okay my guy,you don't have to worry,alright ?

Guard no.1:we know,we were told to report to princess iris if you came back though,we have to follow our given orders so please.

I looked at the 3 standing next to me and they looked rather annoyed by the guards here.I didn't wanna ewpanic,that would make them even more suspicious of us.I figured I should just let em follow their orders.

Tylor:fine,go call her.

Guard no.2:right away.

The dude ran off inside and we stayed there for a few minutes standing with the guard.I heard iris talking to the guard that was here and she was asking him questions about who I was with.I already told her who I'd be coming with and I don't know why they haven't sensed their mana signature's already.Iris came out and as soon as she saw me,she ran up to me and gave me a tight hug.

Princess iris:(sadly)I was sooo worried,Tylor

Tylor:I'm okay,I promise,they honestly didn't do anything to me.

She got closer to me to whisper.

Princess iris:(whispering)so these 3 are demons ?

Tylor:uh....more or less

Princess iris:(whispering)what do you mean ?

Tylor:one of em is the demon lord and the other's are strong enough to be on that same level.

Athena:not to disturb you guys or anything but she does know we can hear her,right ?

When Athena started talking,I saw iris jolt a bit.Like hearing Athena's voice shocked her and she didn't expect it.She held on to me tightly,her chest pressed up against me and I could feel her heart racing.

Princess iris:(nervous)I uh....sorry,I'm princess iris Rosalie of the Rosalie kingdom,Tylor here is my fiance.Its lovely to meet you.

I watched as iris bowed her head.Her guards were shocked and they voiced their opinion but iris shut them up with one glare.athena walked up to her and energetically gave her a hug,iris looked at me confused as fuck.i honestly didn't know what to tell her or what to do.

Athena:I'm Athena,Athena red.im tylor's wife.

Princess iris:(shocked)WHAT ?!!! But Tylor doesn't have a wife !!! Right ?!


Princess iris:Tylor ?!....w--what's going on ? Bae ?

I honestly didn't know what to tell her.

Athena:it's kind of a long story but me and him have been married even before you two met.

Tylor: technically that's not true,I died while married to you.

Athena:and you still reincarnated as you so what's your point ? Doesn't that mean we're still together ?

Horus:(shocked)wait,What are you guys talking about ? Who reincarnated ?

Princess iris:Tylor please explain this to me,what is she talking about ?


Athena:talking is going to take too long.

Athena pushed me aside and flicked iris's forehead.I watched as iris's eyes go blank,the guards jumped running to attack Athena.Maut sneezed and the guards were blown to the wall cracking it.Both of them were left unconscious,I quickly ran to hold iris.

Tylor:(angry)What the hell did you do to her ?!!!

Athena:yo,relax(giggles)I just showed her our past,at best right now she's reliving my best and worst days with you.

Iris jolt upwards like she woke up from a nightmare.She fell to her knee's taking heavy and deep breaths.I watched as tears ran down her cheeks,the others were shocked as I was.

Princess iris:I...I...wow,I'm so sorry

Huh ? What the hell is she apologizing for ?!

Princess iris:no wonder you waged war against humanity.....you...you lost someone very near and dear to you,huh ?

Athena:(blushing)don't....embarrass me okay,you know so don't speak about it.

What the hell did she see ? And you're telling me Athena can freely share her memories with people ?

Athena:think of it as another form of thought communication,instead of connecting your mana with the other person to talk to them,you connect it to them just to share your memories.

That's crazy !!! That sounds so broken though,I mean I'm sure it has tons of uses.I wonder of it has any side effects though.

Tylor:will it do anything else to the person you cast it on then ? Like anything harmful ?

Athena:then I'd be your slave dummy,our contract would've been broken.

Tylor:so you didn't hurt her physically ?

Athena:the contract applies to all levels of being,from mental,spiritual to physical,okay.I can't hurt her at all or our contract will break,I noticed how much you care for her cause the contract is stronger when I'm next to her.

I blushed...

Princess iris:so you really think he's Tyra ?

Athena:his soul and mine are forever intertwined.It'll only break if one of us actually dies for real without being born else where.

That's a lot to take in.

Horus:Athena,you still haven't answered me,It sounds like you're this kid is....

Athena looked at Horus with devilish and deadly glare,her aura darkened so fast.The palace cracked and the ground beneath us broke apart too.The area around from the stairs leading up to the palace to the front of the palace doors,everything erupted.Horus effectively shut himself up after that.Maut giggled,I don't know what's funny but whatever.

Athena:...(Cleared her throat)yes,Tylor over is the reincarnation of Tyra,he didn't keep his memories so...he doesn't remember but his memories are gradually coming back to him.I want to be here when that happens so we can be together again.

She's really convinced about all this.I mean I just remembered a few things between me and her,okay those memories pretty much confirm everything she's said so far.I don't know though....I didn't expect this and neither did iris,maut and Horus.Athena bowed her head and humbly softened herself.

Athena:I want you to allow me to be tylor's second wife,please.

Iris froze and she didn't know what to say or what to do.She looked around,I guess literally looking for answer's.She looked at me,I shook my head to gesture to her to say no,she looked surprised at what I said.Athena sneered at me,that shocked me.Iris giggled at what she just did.

Princess iris:uh....if he'll have you,I don't have any problems but under two conditions.

Are you serious right now ?! I told her to say no ! What the fuck ?! She wants me to date a fucking demon lord ! a succubus demon lord no less ! 

Athena:I'm listening...

Princess iris:(serious)I want you to form a contract with me too

What ?!

Maut:(giggles deviously)smart girl.

Horus:if she does what I think she's planning to do then she is.

Athena:(giggles)okay,tell me what they are ?

Princess iris:demons have to stop all of their attacks on all of our villagers and our people.two,I want a contract that says if you ever break tylor's heart,you'll instantly die.Even thinking of going behind his back,I want it to kill you.

Athena:(playfully)uhh,I like that second one,i'll give you that much then but...

Princess iris:but !? But what ?

Athena:both of those conditions go both ways,which means ?

Princess iris:we can't attack you too and...I wouldn't even cheat on Tylor,I love him way too much to do that to him.He's already had somebody break his heart....I don't want to be on that list.

Iris....I love this girl,I swear brev I can't cheat on you with a second wife.I can't take another girl with you here.I love you way too much to do that to you !

Princess iris:but all things considered that's a fair deal then

I watched iris jump a bit,something stung her wrist.A dragon tattoo appeared on her too,I wonder Athena doesn't react when a contract is made between her and somebody else.Is she use to the pain or something ?

Princess iris:Tylor what do you think about all this then ?

Tylor:I...I'm kinda still surprised you said yes to all this,I told her no while back at her domain.

Princess iris:you know polygamy is widely accepted,right ? It's seen as a better way of resolving issues instead of cheating in our kingdom.

Are you serious ?! So a dude or woman has to be okay with their partner introducing to their other partner.that's fucked up,I don't know which is better,I mean being cheated hurts like a bitch too but I'm sure this would hurt too ain't it ? I want to be sure of how she genuinely feels,I don't want her to agree just cause she's scared or anything else.Im her man,if nobody will stand up for her then I will.

Tylor:but are you sure it's something you want to do ?

Princess iris:yes,I genuinely don't have a problem with you guys being together as long as she holds her end of the bargain.....and honestly from what I saw,she truly did love this Tyra guy.

Tylor:alright,fine but does that mean she'll love me the same as much as he did him ?

Princess iris:I'm still alive aren't I ?


Okay,what comeback would I have for that ?! Fine,fuck it.

Princess iris:I'll have to introduce you to the royal family but for now,I'll assign people to help you find rooms for the night but until then please try to stay out of trouble.


The whole area that destroyed went back to it's original state,of cause the guards were still out cold though and no one was paying any attention to them,huh.

Princess iris:Tylor....can I talk to you in private,please.

I released a barrier that covered our voice and I prepared myself for "the talk".It's never a good sign for a dude when their woman wants to talk to them.

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