Chapter 26 -athena’s past chapter 1-

In the past,I've been acceptional and blessed by creation itself.In the past humans and demons weren't at war with each other.At best we lived avoiding each other,demi-humans were considered evil and the spawn of devils.Everyday was a struggle and even though I had skills no other person had,I couldn't find work or any means of making a living to sustain myself.I tried everything single considered a job,from hard labour to a managerial position.Just because of my species I was rejected every single time.I didn't want to sell my body,I respected myself way too much but it got so bad I considered it.Through the years I'd been growing up and living by myself,I'd spent most of it fighting to survive and stealing from people.On some days they'd catch me and beat up badly.Demons in the past lived in a small nation called the outlands.All of us were poor and it was a struggle just to get to tomorrow.

One day I was so hungry and I couldn't find food in the normal places I normally stole it from so I kept looking.I ended up stealing from this shady group of men and I thought I had managed to escape without being seen but I was spotted by one of the dude's.I tried to run and escape but I was caught.They could've just taken their food back with em and left but they had to take me too.I ended up in a room with their leader,a big and horrid man.All of them ganged up on me and after violating me they beat me to a bloody pulp and left me in that room.Even with my skills at the time,the gangs leader was just too strong for me,he had a skill that could instantly reflect any skill and any form of magic.Every night they would heal me and take turns beating me and taking my innocence away.Every night I'd cry and beg for them to stop but they wouldn't listen,after a few more nights of that hell,I sorta of just gave up.I gave begging for that hell to end,I gave up hoping that someone,someone would come to help but....one night a teen came in the room I was locked in.At first I thought it was one of the freaks that'd been doing things to me,I just laid there as tears went down my face,I expected another one of them to use me for their sick and twisted thoughts.I heard the person looking for something,the lights were off so the room was dark,he was asking himself where the food was stored.i hadn't heard his voice here before,I knew he wasn't with the gang from how he was acting.I decided to gamble on him and I used up all the strength I had left to call out to him.He came up to me and stood over my body,he looked horrified at the state I was in.


That was all I could make my lips say or make my body do.The dude thought about but I saw him decide against it,my soul broke apart seeing him walk away.I screamed and begged inside for him to come back.after a while it got quiet,I figured he had left,my one chance at escaping this dump,my one chance at surviving had just walked out the door.I cried even harder,he was the only ray of hope I had.

???:damnit,why am I doing this ?!!!

I saw him standing over me with bed covers.I couldn't ask him to save me or help,I had nothing to offer or promise.I had no money,no food and my chastity had already been taken from me.I knew he'd probably use me too,one way or another but...anything was better than what I forced to endure here.What killed me the most was the fact that I couldn't die.Every night they'd fuck me till each of their balls dried up then they'd beat me till I was almost dead.Once I even tried to crawl away but they found me and their leader had my legs and hands broken so I couldn't move.After that day,it was a process they repeated cyclically.From raping me,to beating close to death and then breaking my limbs.I had to endure that torture for--i even lost count of how many days or weeks.This boy was the only I had right now and he'd decided to come back.He kneeled over me and he wrapped the bed covers he had with him.He carried me in his arms,he walked out the door and he released a barrier around him.He bursted forward from where we were and over the wall of the gang.He ran through the outlands so fast,I could see the fear in his eyes.His heart was racing,it was beating as fast as he was running.We ended up at the edge of the outlands atop this mountain.He lived in this cave alone,he had dirt and rubbish laying around.He had one bed and he placed me on it.

???:what the hell did I just get myself into ?! Those motherfuckers are the most ruthless gang in this fucking place !!! Fuck me,brev !!! Damnit...

He placed his hand over my head,he cast this weird skill of his.He called it restore,I felt the pain I was in physically was gone and I wasn't in any pain anymore.

???:that's a skill of mine,I can restore things to their prime condition.sadly though...they did so much damage to you your mana is unbalanced.a full day of rest will do the trick though so you just need to lay there okay ?.


I still couldn't speak,he wasn't kidding when he was saying they fucked up my mana flow.He smiled at me though,I'm guessing he could make out what I was trying to say.

???:you're welcome okay but...as soon as you're up and running,I need you to leave okay ?! I'm not gonna try and hurt you,honestly I'm not like those guys back there.I wish I could do more for you but I'm barely able to take care of myself,I'm worthless.

What ?!!! A guy like him ?! Worthless ?! He said it himself didn't he ?! The gang he rescued me from,is the most ruthless one in the outlands.He risked his life to save mine,if that doesn't make him worth something I don't know what will.

???:I'll try and go find food for us okay,I'm sure by tomorrow you'll be good but for tonight you'll sleep here.I hope you don't mind the dirty environment though,okay ? Sorry.

His really getting on fucking nerves with that bullshit.Does he really think I would care about how his living or something ?! I watched this kid,who doesn't value himself go look for food to sustain both of us though.I was shocked when he came back with bruised and bloodied.He had two bags with him,he came in laughing and joking around.

???:these people are so over protective of their food,geez !(Laughs)they don't know that we're hungry too ?!

He sat next to me and he took out break from the bag.he placed his on the side,he got water from this dirty drum he kept in the corner and made sugar water for the both of us.

???:can you eat ? I don't want to have to chew this for you.

I giggled.I couldn't fully move my body but my face was regaining it's functions gradually.He smiled seeing me laugh,he was like burst of colour on a grey canvas for me.He's happy personality despite how he lived made seem me think I could enjoy life for as long as I wished to make so.I had given up on living and fighting anymore,those bastards broke me but staying with this guy for two short days,helped me rebuild those pieces I'd lost.Today was the 3rd day with him,it was around evening,he had just came back with bread again,this time he wasn't hurt at all and I was happy to see him,I could fully move my body and talk now,he had introduced himself to me as tyra.he grew up hustling and surviving by himself all his life...like me.

Tyra:hey,you look excited today(giggles)

Athena:(blushing)well I'm...happy to see you

Tyra:oh ?(laughs)I thought you'd say you're excited about the food

I giggled

Athena:I'm more happy you came back safe.I missed you,you know.

Tyra:oh...really now ?(giggles)

Athena:I wanted to you about something actually.

Tyra:here(handing her bread)and what's that ?

Athena:thanks(taking the bread)I wanted to uh...see if you were uh...

He laughed at me and I mean he laughed till he teared up.

Tyra:first time I've seen you too shy to say something,come on what's on your mind ?

I wanted to confess that I'd fallen for him.I didn't want to be alone trying to fend for myself for the rest of my life and if I was to have anybody by my side for as long as I breath,I didn't mind it being with him.In those two short days he'd shown me so much affection without so much as asking anything in return.I mean even worse those bastards could've found me at anytime or I could've been stuck there till this day...enduring that pain.I wanted...I wanted to be his,I wanted Tyra to fall for me like I had for him.

Athena:...I want to be yours....

Tyra:mine ? Like...be my girl ? You want us to be together ?

Athena:....y--yeah ? Yes

His happy persona cracked,he looked saddened by what is just said.he held my hand and he couldn't even face me.

Tyra:I already had a girl once...she used me though and once she saw somebody who had a better life style she....she started complaining about the minor things at first,overtime it went from we can't leave in a cave forever to her cheating on me.I just happen to find her out with that same somebody.I don't...think I can give you the life you want...I'm just me...I don't live a luxurious life,I'm poor and it takes a lot just to look after myself so...

Athena:but I'm not her though

Tyra:I know that but...

Athena:no buts ! Just cause she hurt you doesn't mean I will too ! I love you Tyra !--

I stopped talking there,the room fell silent with both of us pushed aback with what I'd just said.

Athena:I know what I'm saying might be hard to believe or that I truly care for you but...--

Tyra:if you feel like you owe me anything,you don't have to worry about--

Athena:it's not that either ! I know I owe you a lot,you had no business saving me but you did...risking your life in doing so,you healed me,you fed me and took care of me when I could take care of myself,you changed these bloodied clothes I was wearing when I peed myself for crying out loud(laughs)as embarrassing as that was for me.You did it without showing any disgust or discomfort.Dude you changed me,gave me your clothes and washed mine,stayed here topless in the cold.You shared your bed,gave me your food.You even shed blood trying to hustle those meals for us.

Tyra:that doesn't mean you should feel like you owe me anything,it's cool,honest

Athena:I'm telling you the reasons that made me fall for you dummy(laughs weakly)I'm not trying to have you decide right now but...maybe you'll let me stay and help you get back on your feet.

Tyra:are you serious though ?

Athena:yes ! I meant every word,I'm good with magic and my skills are rare too it's just....I'm terrible at close range fighting,I have large reserves of mana but I don't know too many spells.

Tyra:why are you telling me all this ? You realize keep secrets is how people survive in the outlands.Even people on teams don't reveal all of their cards.

Athena:and yet you didn't kill me,rape me or hurt me in anyway while I was weak and incapable of defending myself.

Tyra:just cause I won't hurt you doesn't mean you won't do it to me.

Athena:(sighes)I realize now you find it to trust me so why don't you give it time,I'll help gather food and maybe you'll find a use for my skills while out in the field.

Tyra:you do realize once we're together we'll be depending on each other,that's something you should never do when you live in this part of the world.

Athena:Tyra,you've seen me at my most vulnerable state.I want to be able to be there for you too at your greatest time of need.Don't deny me that chance,please.

Tyra:okay we need to make a contract then.

Athena:okay,I'll do anything as long you promise me you'll agree to letting us be together.

Tyra that's what this contract is for,I want you to swear your body,mind,heart and soul to me and I'll do the same for you.if one of us is ever unfaithful to the other,those exact things will be destroyed in an instant.

Athena:okay,our contract will only be broken by death,right ?



I felt a sting on my wrist,I screamed so loud the cave shook a bit.Both me and Tyra were scared for a sec.A demon tattoo appeared on my wrist and a dragon tattoo appeared on Tyra.

Tyra:our souls will forever be intertwined with that seal then.

Athena:okay...so remember when I said I still do feel like I owe you ?

Tyra:yeah but like I said,you don't have to worry about that okay ?

Athena:well I want to and I want to repay you.I'm not exactly a uh....virgin anymore(holds back tears)but uh...I'm still yours to have if you want...

Tyra:it's cause of those bastards isn't it ?

Athena:....I'm sorry if that ruins anything between us,I genuinely want this but....dudes also don't like used goods,right.

Tyra:wow ! But you weren't willingly allowing to do those things to you,why would you even say that about yourself ? Dude I don't mind that you've had sex before.I don't know if I can make that bad experience good though.

Athena:I wish I had fallen for you before all this,before I decided to steal from those scum.

Tyra:wait--are you planning to repay with sex ?!

Athena:well yeah

Tyra:what ?! No !! No !!! I mean I'm okay to be honest.

His reaction was so cute I couldn't help but laugh.

Athena:you're a virgin aren't you ?


I laughed and I laughed hard...

Athena:it's okay though,I can take the lead this once,okay ?

Tyra:(pouting)you're making fun of me though,why would I ?

Athena:cause a girl is serving herself up to you.I feel like as a man you shouldn't embarrass her by rejecting her offer.

Tyra:don't make fun of me like that though.

Athena:I promise I'll never do it again,okay.

Tyra:then we're cool.

Athena:curious though,have you ever even kissed a girl before ? Or touched one ?

Tyra:I...besides of when I was helping you change,no and...I'm sorry about that,touching you without your permission.

I took his hand and slipped it under the shirt I was wearing.I placed his hand on my breast,I had him squeeze it firmly.He looked amazed,I wanted to laugh but he'd get cheeky with me again.He was like a kid with a new toy,he kept feeling up on it.His touch felt so good I couldn't help but moan,I pulled him for a kiss.He was shocked when I kissed him,I pulled back and he stayed flabbergasted looking at me.

Athena:now you can say you've done both right ? 

I pushed him down before getting on top of him.I kissed him again and I kissed his body going down,from his chest going down to his abs.He squirmed around a bit,I swear his reactions to me teasing him like this were so funny.I pulled his pants down and when I saw his dick,it caught me off guard,he was rock hard but uh...he was big too.I grinded on him to get his dick nice and wet,I kissed him while I did it.I moaned softly while kissing him,his tip kept pressing up against my clit while I was grinding in him.I wanted him to slip it now,I couldn't wait anymore.

Athena:(whispering)....I...I want you inside me...can I ? Put it in ?

Tyra:...this really so good,sure you can though.

I giggled at what he said.I had his dick in my hand and I was stroking it,I kissed him while I slipped it in me.I couldn't take the whole thing inside me honestly,my god ! He pulled me down to fit the whole thing inside,I screamed when he did that.I could feel it pressing up against my G spot hard.It sent so many shock waves down my spine,I almost lost my mind.I went back to kissing him,I didn't want to focus on how I felt right now,his felt so good but it was sooo deep.Me and him kept going at it all night,I don't know if it was the fact that it was his first time or maybe he had a lot of stamina to spare but he kept fucking me all night.Round after round,I swear he made sure to savour every part of my body that night.

After that night though,I stayed I faithful to him and him alone and I stood by his side till he drew his last breath protecting me and the other's.I loved this man.

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