Chapter 27 -athena’s past chapter 2-,

Living with Tyra wasn't bad,I honestly don't know what that girl's problem was.We tidied up Tyra's little cave and we moved a few things around to make it homie.we took out the dirty tubs for water and put in new one's,cleaned his sponge.I mean we had been sharing it together for a bit now,we cleaned every part of that cave.We had figured out a way to take turns stealing food one by one and then late at night,we'd do it together.Over time we gained a reputation because sometimes we'd find trouble trying to steal food and some people would antagonize us because of it,we brutally beat down every single one of them.Overtime me and my boo gained infamy from our ruthless beatings to those who tried to stop.Me and Tyra had gotten stronger through going into the forbidden forest to kill monsters so we could gain levels and get stronger.Both of us had never thought of getting stronger until we had something we'd both fight till our last breath to protect,each other.We had some demons seek us out and they would beg to join our team.at first we'd reject them but our missions began to get harder because the places we'd normally steal from had tripled protection on their food.We ended up agreeing to the others who wanted to join our team,we killed those we'd find doing shady things to ruin the team.We were merciless to the ones who weren't loyal to the team,some had their bellies cut open and they were hung randomly through out the outlands,one to intimidate those who wanted to fuck with us and two to put fear into those who in our ranks who wanted to something stupid.

Gradually our grew from 2 to 10 powerful demons,we had shown em how to and helped them gain levels.We increased our team's power and one day we decided on building our lives.For that,we needed money and one of the best species to get money from was humans.We had steal money from those who had and for several years we did and successfully too but our teammates became full of themselves and they went for bigger and bigger jobs.They even did jobs without us,I knew they were fucking up.That meant they were being disloyal to us to the team.One night decided to talk to Tyra about it.It had been months with me and him being together,him and I still lived in his little cave.We'd made so many memories there I'd actually feel kind of sad leaving it.Me and him had just finished fucking and enjoying ourselves.I swear being a succubus is fun,I got to suck him dry every night.

Athena:with us getting those skills and being this strong though,you know we could destroy kingdoms,right ?

Tyra:honestly with our skills and magic we could take down nations bae but....I don't want to be overconfident and lead us into danger cause I've gotten stronger.I don't know how but the humans have already gotten wind of who's been taking money from them.The fact that we're as strong as we are might be the reason they haven't acted.

Athena:so you don't want to risk our lives for something you aren't sure we could pull off ?

Tyra:yeah,I've done research on the world as a whole.As hard as they are to come by,I have had a chance to steal books on the outside world from the humans too and I've been reading up on it.

Athena:and ? What did you find out ?

Tyra:well at best even as strong as we are,I'd say we're both demon lord level.

Athena:what ?! You're telling me we got strong just from defeating those low level monster's ?

Tyra:I'd bet it's cause of that and the fact that we've been fighting with the people who try to stop us from stealing their food,maybe we gained experience from fighting them too.

Athena:yeah but...what about the one's we killed ?

Tyra:do you feel guilty or sad about it ?

Athena:well....no,they would've done the same thing to me if given the chance.

Tyra:...good,we can't afford to slip up now bae,we've already done so much and been through a lot together in a short amount of time.

Athena:yeah...I can't believe we've made it this far without even one of us dying.

Tyra:I'm....I'm glad I met back then Athena.

Athena:I'm honestly still happy you were the one who saved me that night.I love you Tyra.

Tyra:(giggles)I love you too Athena.

I released my status box so I could see all of my skills on display.

Strength:5 000 000/5 000 000

Stamina:10 000 000/10 000 000

Endurance:500 000 000/500 000 000

Speed:20 000 000/20 000 000

Mana pool:1 000 000 000/1 000 000 000

Skill:creater of all things,restore,healing aura,wrath,weapons mastery,illusion to reality magic,mother of death

Titles:goddess of war,demon lord,Queen to a king

I knew what most of these skills could do and what their limits.both Tyra and I shared some similar skills like the creater of all things,restore,wrath but his other skills made him more potent at killing then even I was.Besides those 3 skills we shared he had limitless potential,a skill that automatically allowed him to scale above the person he was fighting.Besides that he had "horror" a skill that allowed to create scenarios with his target,illusions that effect the person in reality.The scary thing about that skill is that,the person could go through what he puts them through for decades even centuries and it'll be an instant in the real world.Those two skills scared the hell out of me not to mention his others.

Athena:so you know gour is selling our information to the humans right ?


Athena:no bae,you always want to catch them red handed or something,even when you're sure they aren't loyal to the team.You always want to give them a second chance or something,that will only make them undermine your strength and authority.

Tyra:Athena....do you trust me ?

Athena:yes !....without question.

Tyra:then why do you question how or I do certain things ? I mean would you trust me to lead you in the right direction if you were blind folded ?

Athena:ofcause....you've earned that out of me.I trust you with my life dork,you trust me with yours right ?

Tyra:cause I know you won't screw me over but you chose me to lead so why question what I do ?

Athena:cause it's my job as your woman to speak up if I feel like something is going wrong and as the leader you're supposed to take into consideration isn't it ?

Tyra:and you think I don't ? This is the 3rd time you've brought this up.I do listen,just cause I don't immediately act on what you tell doesn't mean I don't listen when you tell me something.

Athena:....I'm sorry,I...I didn't realize.Bae I'm sorry,okay ?

Tyra:it's cool 

A little while later,I found out that Tyra and gour had a plan together they didn't tell the rest of the team.we ended up 3 other member's who sided with the humans in our ranks and through gour's contact,we had a direct link to the humans and their distribution channels.From there,we took out the threats to our crew and slowly built our empire through stealing from humans,demi-humans and demons alike.We didn't discriminate,if you were wealthy it's either you added to our growing empire or removed from this earth if deemed a threat.By the end of our conquest we had an army consisting of hundreds of thousands demon and demi-human soldiers alike.We had tricked them into believing humans had it better than us demi-humans and demons.They had blessing's from god's and hero's and this,that,what did we have ? We were poor at the start of this and we had nothing,we had to build our power,wealth and influence through dark aggressive means.Our journey had toughened and hardened Tyra and I to the hardships of life.We both knew we could face anything in life as long as we had each other.

Human greed knew no bounds,they genuinely wanted to monopolize the species that had easy access to wealth and power to only be them.Even the gods sided with these lolly creature's.We were known the world over after 3 years of our of building our empire.we had influence and we enough citizens and military might to be considered our own independent nation and thus we decided to form it.We named the demon nation,later known as the demon lord's domain was a nation founded by me and my first and only love.We all know though anything good in this life doesn't last long no matter how hard you might want it to or no matter how hard you fight for it.

Tyra:the dragon born have sided with the humans

Athena:what ?! That can't be true !!! They don't normally evolve themselves in mortal affairs though.

Tyra: actually they do...

Athena:what ?! 

Tyra:yeah,once the gods deem something as unworthy of existing in their world.They'll send the dragon born,scary thing is that the dragon born are the weakest angelic beast.

Athena:you mean the are other more powerful one's then ?!

Tyra:yes,even worse all of them only have one track mind's.if given an order they won't stop till they've carried it out,they are described as natural disasters.

Athena:so you're saying the gods have sided with the humans ?!

Tyra:pretty much,which means we'll have to stand together by ourselves.we're destined to lose,that was sealed the moment the gods sided with the humans.doesn't mean we can't fight though,right ?


We had no way to communicate with the gods like the humans did so our demise was inevitable.We did our best to prepare for the coming battle.We thought we'd be fighting the human forces and all 5 of the dragon born.scarily enough only one came to face of our army of 300 000 men.The strongest of them all,a dragon that shined with a yellow glow,with all white pure scales with golden lining through out it's body.It stood over us 50 meters tall,I felt it from it's mana pool alone that one spell from that thing could wipe all of us out though.Even with all of the power we'd gained we were still a far cry from the gods might.Tyra didn't give up though,all the men in the battle were terrified and some were shaking,some were praying to whatever thing they believed in.I saw the men I believed in call out his battle cry to put up a fight for our kinds survival.The dragon had a protective against weak or powerful magical spells so we couldn't use magic against it.The beast's scales and size made hard to do any substantial physical damage to it.It kept spitting fire balls at our army and while we kept attacking our number dwindled fast.

Even with our best efforts me and Tyra couldn't even dent it.we used all of our skills,I created a meteor and dropped it on the damn thing it did no damage to it beside drop our numbers even more from the collateral damage.Tyra kept fighting without stopping,everytime he was blown back or hit hard by the dragon's tail or it's huge hands,he kept getting up.i found it weird that he wasn't using limitless potential.unless it didn't work on the dragon !!! We had to take our last stand cause our numbers were wiped to a few hundred men in a span of a few minutes.I decided to create something of a bomb that could blow a crater on the surface of the earth.I created a barrier around me,Tyra and everybody that was on our team on the battle field.i coughed up blood,I had used up most of my mana and I drained all of my reserves.I was mostly scrapping anything I had left to do this,I knew after this I wouldn't be able to move.That nuc spell took almost all the mana I had left.The dragon noticed it and as if just to spite me it cancelled the barrier it had casted against magic.It tanked the explosion,everything and I mean everything around us was eradicated and burnt to a crisp in that explosion.The dragon laughed and he laughed hard.His laughter alone released strong gusts of wind,the damn thing reverted into a human form.he was a slim and fit,tall,handsome man.He was dressed in regal garb.He floated down with no scratch in him,he was laughing his gusts out.

White:you people are a blast

Tyra:you some balls saying after you've been doing !

White:and who said I am going to stop what I'm doing ?

Tyra:What ?!(Angry)damnit !

White:at least you put up some kind of resistance,you should be proud of that,most creature's would've coward in fear.

Tyra:is that your way of comforting us ?!.

White:oh no,I would not waste my time and yours like that,you all had prepared for yourselves for death the moment you came here right ?

I fell flat face first and I laid on the dirt.I saw Tyra looking at me worried,he looked like he wanted to cry.I could see the tears in his eyes,he walked up to me and he cast restore.He healed me before he stood up and walked up to the dragon,I couldn't exactly move my body but I could move my head around to see what was going on.Tyra stood face to face with the dragon.

Tyra:I have a request for you then,will you entertain it and just hear me out ?

White:alright,what is it ?

Tyra:....if I can tank your strongest spell and survive,I want you to let us stay alive.

White:(laughs)there's no way you could take my strongest spell kid,I'll do you one better though.I'll hit you with the same spell your girl hit me with,with a little bit more juice in it okay ? If you're still standing after that everyone here can go on clinging to life as long you don't mess with humans ever again.

I saw Tyra smirk,he sighed and he looked the dragon in the eyes before nodding.He walked back a ways back and the dragon smiled.

White:just for your courage and compassion,I'll share with you my name.You're fighting the angel of fire,white luminosa.

He raised his hand and pointed two fingers at Tyra.I looked at him as he created a ball of fire and he compressed to the point that it became spark,but you could tell from the way it was aggressively spinning that it was very powerful.Tyra stood his ground and he covered himself with a barrier,I decided to cancel my barriers from everyone else and I placed it on Tyra.Everybody noticed what I did and they copied it and they all covered Tyra with a barrier also.

White:nchooow that's cute little one's

He shot the blast and it was so fast I could've sworn the only time I seen was before he shot it cause the only thing I saw after that was a huge blast and explosion.J was perplexed at the sheer power and output of his mana.The blast and overall destructive capabilities were double mine and even more of the our teammates died.I noticed a barrier over me while the dust and rocks flew around from all the damage.after a while the noise and screams stopped.followed by a sense of despair,when I saw Tyra I didn't expect to see half of his upper body blown off.Even through all of that,Tyra was still standing.white noticed something I couldn't see,I couldn't make out his face cause he had his back to mine.

White:I'll keep my word though,you're technically still standing.alright,little missy come get your man.

I mastered up all of the strength I had left.my heart sank to my stomach.tears rushed down my face and I screamed horrific cries seeing his body with a huge chunk of him missing.

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