Chapter 28 -past meets future-

Athena,iris and I want to meet the king.Iris had explained everything the night before to him so I'm sure he wouldn't act rashly.The contract me and these demons made allows them to defend themselves.We walked in the throne room to meet the royal family,All who were present were very influential in the power dynamic of the Rosalie kingdom.We had the king and his family,theory,labell family,they own a large plot of land out of the king,and peer family,they were in charge of the church's goings on's.Me and the two women walked in.All the nobles were already standing but the royal family stood on their feet,I'm guessing it's cause of Athena.i was curious as to why maut and Horus didn't want to come but I figured Athena was more than enough to kill everybody in this kingdom.We stood before the king.

King golem:I am golem Rosalie,the king of the Rosalie kingdom,it's an honour to meet the woman who can crush a nation in person.

Athena stepped forward and she bowed her head.

Athena:greetings,I am Athena red the Demon lod,it's an honour to meet you,you're grace.

The royal family sat back down on their chairs.

King golem:I heard from my daughter that you wished to speak to me about having tylor's hand in marriage,is that true ?


King golem:you do realize Tylor is to be wed to my daughter,right ?

Theory:what ?! You're grace forgive for speaking out of turn but wasn't it supposed to be my son who married princess ?!

Athena glared at theory with intent to kill.I could sense that what that noble said pissed her off a bit.

Athena:lord golem,I was under the impression your daughter was only tylor's fiance,what's this now ?

It was the first time seeing king golem uncomfortable or nervous.

King golem:it's-he--he is,theory's son over here was to marry my daughter by the end of this year.

Athena:then what happened ?

King golem:I was informed that the boy cheated on my daughter....

Everybody else in the room was shocked,some of the nobles started murmuring.i could see defeat written all over theory's face,I mean his son fucked up his standing on his own.Iris beside me looked embarrassed.she got closer to me and she whispered something.

Princess iris:(whispering)I'm sorry you have to deal with that....I hate the fact theo is still a thing.

I giggled and I held her hand.I wanted to reassure her that I was here with her in some way.

King golem:I cannot respect a man who cannot be direct with his feelings and who cannot explain everything to his woman.I taught my daughter to follow her role and to allow her man to play his.

Athena:and may I ask what that role in tails ?

King golem:the wife is the backbone to every well functioning household,without her everything falls apart.The man is there to build and lead the empire in whatever case the household.It's the woman's job to maintain and multiply on what the man has built for her.

Athena:I guess you and I think alike,I Athena red the second demon lord of the demon lord's nation wish to marry Tylor hype you're grace.

The room was silent and tense anticipating the king's response.

King golem:Tylor what do you have to say to this proposal ?

Tylor:sir...To be honest I wasn't going to agree to her proposal--

Everybody was shocked,the nobles were talking to each other and whispering.Iris looked at me worried,she tightened her grip around my hand.Athena looked at me a little too nervously,she really looked anxious like I'd say no now.

Tylor:but I talked to iris about it and she had no problem with it and....if I married her it'll stop the war between our species and both of us won't have to lose our people to senseless bloodshed.....still though....

I raised my head and faced king golem directly,glaring at dead in the eyes.

Tylor:....if princess iris didn't want to go through with all this,I would've let all of you die honestly.If she wanted me to herself,I would've fought to my last breath to be with her.

Actually thinking about how Athena's right now,a dude she is genuinely in love with is basically confessing his love and loyalty for another woman.I love how strong she is and considering if really I am the dude she's been waiting for,I'd be crazy over the fact that she's also that loyal.She's been waiting centuries for this dude,I can't believe a chick can do that but....she did.

Tylor:but if Athena will allow it and if she'll have me and if the princess is okay with it then,I would love to get to know Athena and maybe eventually fall for her like I have for princess iris.

King golem:okay boy...I've heard what you have to say and you iris.

Princess iris:me ? I....

King golem:well...deciding to let the man you're going to marry have a second wife changes a lot of things,jealousy and envy over petty things.I want you to certain that you come to regret the decision you make today....

Tylor:(whispering)no pressure okay...I'm right here,I'll stand with you no matter what you decide.

She took a deep breath and she stepped forward letting go of my hand.

Princess iris:you're grace,if my fiance wishes for her to be his and they both want each other,I won't stand in their way but...I also want to be happy with Tylor,without us having to worry about this war and like he said we'll stop losing to this unending violence.

A head of one of the noble families spoke up and it was about the worries I had thought would come up from all this.

Toros labell:excuse my interruption princess,my king I wanted to ask then,for those who've already lost people to this war ?! Will they be okay with this ?!

Princess iris:to that Mr labell,demon lord Athena and I came up with a solution yesterday.a way that will reduce conflict as much as possible.

Toros labell:which is ?

Those two actually sat down together and came up with a plan ? And I thought they'd hate each or compete or something.typical shit like back on earth.

Princess iris:at best we know both sides will have some lingering resentment towards the other but if we worked together to prove to the lower classes as nobles and royalty alike that demon and mankind can co-exist,then it might help extinguish any violence that might arise.Plus we planned to publicly sign a truce with the demon lord so as to show humanity that any hostilities with the demon race were stopped and vice versa.

Toros labell:a good plan but it has a few plot holes in it,do you have back plans to make sure that the will be falls out or failures in your plan ?

Princess iris:yes sir, we've put several plans in place Incase this one failed actually.

Toros labell:then if it'll mean losing less more good man and having young boys to go to war,I won't stop you from making your decision princess.

Princess iris:it's not like you could,I princess iris Rosalie the first,pledge my love and loyalty for Tylor and lonely Tylor so any previous or future instances of me being thought of marrying someone else don't exist in my books.

I could feel the rage oozing off of theory.He at the middle row of the other nobles fuming.King golem stood up and walked down the stairs to us.He stood Infront of Athena.Athena looked him dead in the eyes confidently,king golem bowed his head shocking everyone present in the room.

King golem:since my daughter has spoken,I'll accept you into our kingdom then.all be it we truly have to discuss forming a contract on burning away any future ideas of war.

Athena bowed her's in response to king golem.

Athena:I agree, I've lost too many people of I've held dear in my heart to this bloody war.I want to be able to put it behind us eventually getting over and letting go of the pain.

We finalized everything we'd talked about and all that left was to have the king and nobles discuss the plans moving forward.we were asked to excuse them,Athena and I left iris behind cause she wanted to stay and to make sure any person don't want to kill Athena or didn't hold any grudge against her.i didn't want to leave without her but we'd be disturbing their meeting.Out of everything that happened today,iris surprised me the most.she was working so hard to have these people agree to having Athena be accepted without any trouble.We had iris take tests before all this,even I scanned.i kinda felt like what Athena did something to control iris but nothing was wrong with iris physically,mentally or spiritually,it turned out she was sane and fully in control of her senses and sanity,I'm sorry but her not having any kind of problem with this actually bugged me a bit.what did Athena show her to have want to help her so much ? I mean I get showing her,her past but why would it invoke that kind of reaction out of my boo.After leaving the throne me and Athena headed to my favourite spot in the kingdom,honestly we'd talked in the throne with the royal family and nobility till it was evening.Me and Athena sat atop the palace rooftop.

Athena:so did you mean what you said earlier ?

Tylor:what ?

Athena:when you said you'd fight till your last breath to stand next iris.

I blushed just thinking about it,I was thinking what must've been through iris or king golem's head when I said that.

Tylor:I'm sorry if that offended you or anything 

Athena:no(giggles)that's not why I asked that,I love the fact that you're still fiercely loyal to woman who's loyal to you and who's shown you love.I just wish I would've been able to do that for you first....maybe you would've felt like that for me by now too,huh(giggles)

Tylor:yeah probably,but then I don't love iris cause of those reasons alone,I know her love is genuine cause she can care for other's and she loves her people like they were all her siblings,parents or grandparents.She cut off an engagement with a dude who was better than me at the time,he could've offered her much more than I ever could.Honestly in this world all I can offer you two is my love and loyalty,you two are strong enough to protect yourselves,you're both either a princess or an actual queen of a nation money is no question,actually the more I think I find it harder to believe you two would want me honestly.

Athena started giggling at first and then she ended up laughing hard till she teared up.

Athena:(happily)I'm willing to bet Little Miss iris doesn't care about your money,your power or your status like me,believe it or not,we love you Tylor.

I kinda looked at her nonchalantly.she stood up and went close to the edge.She reached out her hand for me to take it so I did.She pulled me to her and she looked a bit giddy about something.

Athena:I want you to trust me,okay.I'm not going to hurt you or do anything stupid,I love you and dearly too you know.

Tylor:I...I hope I can grow to feel the same way once I get to know you too Athena,I'm really sorry I can't--

She kissed me and before coming here,I wouldn't have allowed her to do this.She took my hands and places them in her waist.Her tail was swinging around a lot,I don't know it worked like a dog's tail or something.She pulled away and looked at me with this suggestive gaze.She kissed me again and this time she placed my hands on her ass,she had me grab it firmly and squeeze it.She took her hand and grabbed my dick,I tensed just having her touch it,her hand felt so soft.

Athena:can I serve you while we for them to finish then ?

Tylor:I....I don't know...

Athena:I'm a succubus Tylor,you know how long I've went without sex ?! Come on,even it's just this once.


Athena:well that's not a no,good.

She kissed me again.

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