Chapter 29 -getting to know a demon-

I bet having two or more woman loyal and loving you is almost every guy's dream.Honestly at some point in life back on earth I had fantasized about once or twice.I didn't think it would really happen,crazy thing all this start out so badly.If I hadn't met B I would've probably ended up dead.He taught me so much,from simple martial arts to simple spells i still use till this day.Somebody else who held me up was tier,I've been too stressed and worried about not dying or losing others who are precious to me to find out what happened to her.After she possession on me,I never heard from her again after I woke up.did she leave ? Or did something else happen ? And iris....I can't even thank her enough too,she's the one who talked her father into even considering letting me stay alive.Now I got Athena,a woman I keep remembering and from I past that's foreign to the me right now.I honestly don't know how to deal with her situation,remembering that we were together in the past didn't exactly stir up any feelings I had or might've had.My loyalty and love is for iris but....she wants me to also take Athena.I don't if it'll be like betraying iris since she said she's okay with me being with her but it kinda feels like it to me.Maybe I overthinking this a lot,I don't know.Anyways though me and Athena were out today in the town,She wanted to go shopping,which I found weird for somebody who could create anything out mana.Me and her were walking through the stall,she didn't carry herself like a queen but she did walk confidently.People did notice the fact she's a demon from the small horns on her head and the black tail coming out of her backs.We looked around for anything she would like.

Tylor:so has anything caught your eye yet ?

Athena:well no,the selection at this market are good but I swear I could make something better if I knew what those things were out of.

Tylor:so your creation spell only works when you know how something is made or if you know what it's made from ?

Athena:don't use that against me later,I'm revealing a weakness of some sort aren't I ?

Tylor:I wouldn't call it so much a weakness but a little crack in your armor.

Athena:well whatever,only actual beings who can challenge me at this point are the king's,nana,hero and the angelic dragons.and I'm not sure I can beat the last one,as far as putting up a close fight this time though,I pretty much can injure them.

Tylor:you mean that dragon you and Tyra faced ?

Athena:oh so you remembered that too ? And you still question the fact that you're are a reincarnation of him ?

Tylor:well yeah !....I mean if I was though,why would I transmigrate to earth ? And teleport back here when I'm older out of the blue ?

Athena:well I don't know,the only time something your case has happened was with lucifer and he dates back to before even us.

That Lucifer guy again.I wonder what kind of person he was.Me and Athena carried on looking through the market and she couldn't find anything she liked so we decided to leave.Before we could somebody bumped into Athena on purpose,I saw him steal a jewel hooked to her belt.Athena grabbed his wrist before he could get away and she crushed it.The man screamed out in pain and fell to his knee's dropping Athena's jewel.Athena gave this the scariest death stare I've ever seen.

Athena:(deadly serious)don't you dare dirty my jewel with your filthy thieving hands,you bastard !

The area and the market around erupted and exploded.Sudden surge's of wind and dust started shooting up and the people were running away from the area screaming in fear.I took Athena's hand and she jolted out of the rage she was in,she looked at me shocked and she looked around us.


She raised her and restored everything back to normal,she exploded out of the scene,taking flight and heading back to the palace.I looked at her fly away,The man was on the ground in pain.I knelt down and it was the same dude who set me up to get arrested.The people started surrounding us,They were shouting and complaining about the demon girl I was with.They shouted racial insults towards her species.I was boiling inside,I couldn't take what they were saying.I decided to walk away before I did anything,one of the people who were at the market stood in my way.

random man:You have pay for what that filthy demon girl did to that man ! She's your friend isn't she ?!

Tylor:.....(Giggles)....she's gonna be my wife actually....

Random man:what ?!

The people looked at me disgusted,the all step back a bit.Some started throwing food,fruit and veg alike at me.They hit me with a few at first till I created a barrier around myself.I pushed the man that stood Infront a little but he flew past the mob that had surrounded me and crashed the ground behind them.I saw this ring without a diamond on it,it was beautiful and I liked it dragon themed design.I took it and I placed 5 gold coins where it was,that's basically 50 000 dollars at best.They all looked at the sight of him laid out unconscious,they all opened a way when I walked up to them and I left.I got to the palace and I went to the rooftop of the palace.I saw Athena seating there alone holding the jewel she left with.She looked saddened by something.I sat next to her and I wanted to wrap my arm around her but I held myself back.I don't know if she'd want to comfort her like that.She laid her head on my shoulder and she placed the jewel in my hand.

Athena:you know....this is a jewel you gave to me as our marriage ring back then.

Tylor:you mean Tyra did...you really loved him didn't you ?

Athena:(giggles weakly)yeah...it's crazy that you remembering certain things about your past but you still deny it so hard.


If I were to be honest with her....I'm actually afraid if she's right that I'm Tyra,their first demon lord and her lover,that would mean I had a whole life before this.I had people I loved and people I held dear to me that I didn't protect.I'm also scared that would mean at some point in my life I was also an enemy to mankind.I don't want to lose my humanity cause of remembering my past,I'm scared I'll....end up like that me then.who'll side with demons over humans,I mean even right now I'm not picking a side between the two.

Tylor:.....I'm scared if I accept my dark urges or my dark past that something bad will happen.

She looked at me shocked at first and then she looked almost concerned for me.I giggled trying to play off what I just said.

Athena:you know your past is what made the current you right ? Everything you experience,feel,think is imprinted into your DNA,it's not just memory.That's why some people are traumatized by certain things.

Tylor:...what's trauma inducing to you ?

She looked anxious and uneasy,she took a deep breath and exhaled.She looked at me.

Athena:feeling your mana six months ago was....I don't know how to describe.It was freeing...I had locked myself in my room for so long,I didn't want to face the world at all.

Tylor:....why ? Is it cause I ended up dying ?

Athena:.....that's part of the reason but I knew if I ever came out of those doors....I'd let my rage fly free and I know it would've engulfed everything in it's wake.

So she's sort of like me except she perfectly knows what she's capable of and in a way....she found a way to lock away that rage and darkness in her.I'm happy that I could've been the catalyst to her being happy again.

Tylor:so what stopped you from raging ?

Athena:you did....feeling your mana that day,It brought back a light in my life that I lost when you....died.This jam is the last thing you gifted as a showing of your love for me....so when that guy tried to steal it....

Tylor:I didn't know it held that much value to you

Athena:I know it's kind of silly placing so much value to something of material.

Tylor:I don't think it's stupid at all,infact I...

I took out the ring I bought at the market place and handed it to her with the jewel she'd given me.

Tylor:can you combine them together ? I know the jewel is little big for that ring but I liked the design of it,it matches the tattoo I got from our contract so I.... got it for you.

I thought she'd be happy or elated or something but when I looked at her.She was blushing teary eyed,she faced away from me and she wiped her eyes.

Athena:sorry(sniffles)...that's so sweet of you(giggles weakly)

She turned back around to face me.She greeted my gaze with this happy smile,I couldn't tell if it was fake or not.She took the jewel and ring then she held them both in one hand.

Athena:thanks🥹and to answer your question from earlier,yes,I can combine them.'creation of all things'.

Her hand glowed and when she opened it,the jewel had perfectly fit in the ring.She gave it to me and I was confused as to what she wanted me to do with it.

Athena:I want you to put It on.

She put of her hand Infront of me,I fit the ring on her ring finger.She giggled acting all giddy,It was cute to see her enjoying herself a bit.I can tell losing Tyra scarred her deep,even with me here she's still healing.

Athena:it really looks amazing Tyra,i--

I kinda laughed at her,while she on the other hand looked away.I could feel that she missed him and even if I was his reincarnation,I wasn't him.

Tylor: you're rethinking everything ?

Athena:(shocked)what ?! No !!! Are--are you ?!

Tylor:n--no,I just saw you get all gloomy again,I kinda just thought you weren't happy with me.

Athena:(giggles)you're silly,why wouldn't i--oh,you're actually serious.

Tylor:...never mind.

I got up and I stood close to the edge.I looked at the whole kingdom,I could see the whole of the capital of Rosalie.People looked like ants from up here,I ended up seeing maut and Horus making love in a hidden spot in the kingdom.They were covered by nature and tall trees.

Athena:you see them too ?

Tylor:not really,I can make them out from their clothes but I can't see them like I'm watching them up close,they're too far away.

Athena:well I can,you already know what they're doing right ?

I kinda blushed as she hugged me from behind and she kissed my cheek.I kind of thought about last time we were here,me and her kissed but....we didn't end getting to second base cause of I pulled away at last second.I know,bitch move.

Tylor:I don't want to guess but yes,I do.

Athena:(teasing)so do you want to do what he's doing to her....to me ?

She said all this while her hand was stroking my dick.


Athena:tell me stop if you want this to end and I'll stop it as soon as you speak up okay ?


She laid me down and she pulled my pants down.I was blushing the whole time looking at her,she giggled once she saw how innocent I was acting.

Athena:you know you're acting rather shy for somebody who's this hard,Tylor.No wonder miss iris said you like to be rough with her,huh.

What ?! She talks about our sex life with her ?! What the fuck !!!?

Tylor:she told you all that herself ?

Athena:uh-huh.girls talk you know,it's not only you men that seat and talk about how the woman you played was good in bed.

Tylor:so you're saying she's told other people ?!

Athena:(giggles)funny enough no,she seems to trust me with those weird secrets and fantasies of her's.

Tylor:fantasies ?.... iris's fantasizes about things ?!

Athena:are you ready ?

Tylor:for ?

She kissed me and slipped it in.She took the whole thing while seating on it,she moaned out loudly.Her clothes turned into shadows and pure darkness right Infront of me then it vanished.She was fully exposed Infront of me.I swear she looked like a snack seating on top of me like this,she deviously smirked looking at me.We kissed while she rided me,she kept moaning,while scratching on my body.They didn't hurt so much as she was exploring my body in a passionate and aggressive manner.She was the opposite of iris,she liked being pushy and she was freaky too.She licked my cheek and my neck.She moaning while riding me,I swear being with a succubus in bed is crazy.

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