Chapter 30 -before time passes-

I don't know how but Athena convinced iris to have us all meet in her room.The next day Athena was meant to go back to her kingdom to fix up everything since we'd discussed everything together.We all met up in iris's room,we got there and we couldn't find Athena.A minute after we walked in,the doors closed and we saw Athena walking up to us.Me and iris looked at each other confused,I felt like both of us were thinking the same thing."we just fell into her trap".

Princess iris:(bowing her head)lord red,it's lovely to see you again.I heard about what happened at the market place and...I'm sorry it even did.I have no excuse to offer,I'm only grateful you didn't kill that person.

Athena:it's lovely to see you again too princess iris and He didn't damage my jewel in anyway so I wasn't going to dirty my hands with human blood.Besides,that would hurt the plan we're trying to put in motion wouldn't it ?

Princess iris:yeah,I guess you thought ahead on your end.

Tylor:yeah,even though she could've lost her cool she chose to change the scenery before she did something bad.

Athena:(sarcastically)yeay the two love birds can read my thoughts.

Tylor:are you serious right now ?

Athena:you two aren't even focused on the reason why i asked you guys to meet me here.

Actually she's right....

Tylor:so what is the reason then ?

Athena:I wanted to propose this to iris actually,since you go with everything she decides.

Tylor:what ?! I don't go with everything she decides ! When it comes to things that require me to show my loyalty though I'm always vocal about it.


Princess iris:yes ?

Athena:I was wondering if you're still a virgin ?

Princes iris:I--sorry what ?!

Tylor:nope,nope why are you even asking her that ?

Athena:well for one,it would awkward for her to join us when she's never even--

Tylor:woah,woah,woah,what do you mean join us ?

Athena:well I want us to trust each other and I feel like sexual intimacy is the highest form vulnerability.Opening up to doesn't count they can just use that against you,needing help doesn't count either,people could just leave you to die so sexual intimacy is real.I mean who you choose to share your body with is important isn't it ? Your soul's become intertwined while doing that.

That's one way of explaining it.

Tylor:but that's not the way to ask her that and--

Princess iris:(giggles)Tylor it's okay...

I looked at her perplexed,a second ago she looked star struck by Athena's question.

Princess iris:first off,no I'm not.

Athena: hopefully you lost it to him,right ?

Princess iris:(annoyed)what ?! Ofcause ! Who the--yes,I lost it to him.

She cut herself from reacting in anger,that rarely ever happens,did she remember something ? Or does she know something I don't ?

Athena:sorry,I know I'm being nosey and intrusive about deeply personal things but uh...well as a succubus sexual things as a concept just make sense to me.

Princess iris:so what those men did to you...it makes sense too ?

I saw Athena through 3 emotions in a split second,she went from shock,terror,sadness back to her nonchalant demeanor.Nonchalant as in her acting casually about what she just heard.

Athena:no....that's not sexual....what they did wasn't of any sexual satisfaction to them...if it was they wouldn't have beaten me bloody every single....time.

I saw a tear run down Athena's face.She wiped it away and took a deep breath then exhaled.What's going here though ? What are these two not telling me ? I mean I want to help too.Iris went up to Athena and gave her a hug.

Princess iris:sorry I....I didn't mean to ask that,it slipped out.

Athena:it's been so long I honestly had forgotten about that,I guess Tylor coming back has made some old feelings resurface too,besides me loving him that is.

Princess iris:....I guess so.

Tylor:hey...what are you two going on about ?

Princess iris:you mean she didn't do the memory sharing spell with you yet ?

Tylor:well no but...

I also haven't asked why,I mean I've thought about it a lot too but...I guess it's cause I'm scared I'll find out my past too.

Athena: It's cause I don't want him to remember...well not that I don't want him to remember us,what we had and how much we loved each other.

I didn't see any bad reaction out of iris while Athena talked like this.

Athena:I don't want him to love me now cause of past emotions like I use to....

Princess iris:use to ?


Tylor:yeah ?

Athena:remember when you were having an anxiety attack in my room ?....I took that chance to read your memories.I know it's wrong and I didn't ask but....the only memories you seemed to consider good or one's I'd say you genuinely looked happy in were with iris.

Iris looked at me perplexed.She blushed and looked away from us.


Athena:(giggles)....I want you to be that happy with me too🥺I love you Tylor,I genuinely do and I want you to love me as much as iris,be loyal and caring about me like you are for her.....

Iris looked at Athena worriedly,she sighed.

Princess iris:Tylor....do you want her to share her memories with you ?

Tylor:well I....let's just go with her plan,okay.

Princess iris:....okay,can you at least answer one thing honestly for me.

Tylor:okay,I'm all ears

Princess iris:and remember Tylor....I can tell when you're lying.

H--oh,I forgot she See's whatever she wants to see out of a person as words floating on top of their head.I swear in the right time and the right place,that's a broken ability.

Princess iris:do you love Athena ?


I was planning to answer honestly but what she had just said caught me off guard I lost track of what I was planning to say.

Tylor:....I...I mean I...I can't say I don't,can I,that would be a lie.im really unsure about my feelings for her in a way,I guess.

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