Chapter 31 -overtime-

Yo,My name is Tylor,Tylor hype.I was teleported to a world out of the blue when I found out that my girl was cheating on me.After after a lot of trials and battles I ended up with the princess iris and the demon lord as my fiances.I learnt that I'm a reincarnated human,I died in this world once before and reincarnated back on earth,Somehow for some reason I transmigrated to this world without even dying in mine.Anyway,it's been a full 2 years since I came here,I was married to both iris and Athena by now.The demons and humans alike weren't over joyed that the battle between both species had ended,some still held on to the pain of the past.By this time the news had spread all over the world that the demon lord had stopped all hostilities with humankind.The king's of all the surrounding nations wanted to see this as a fact so they had planned a huge festival a year before hand.It was a festival only humans held to see the strongest in the nations,it was a tournament between the participating kingdom.The prize was being dubbed the strongest in all of the nations,I had found out that king golem had won this tournament in his youth 3 times in a row.Me,athena and iris had just finished moving into our new house,I had saved up enough money to buy a huge mansion with my own dough.I didn't want to keep leaching off of the king forever and mostly cause I didn't feel free.We had two weeks remaining before the tournament started and each kingdom could select up to 5 participant's to represent their kingdom.Iris's father chose me as one of the participants,I didn't know why but I guess he probably had faith in me.For the past 3 months I've been refining my skills and I know I've had also about a year and half to train but I was honestly busy with helping iris and Athena get over what was happening at the start of the truce signing.Demons and humans were all against the idea of the war ending,some were all for it,most of those were the one's who had been in the battles that were fought.Since we had their support from both sides,we didn't much problems convincing them that not fighting was a good thing and trying to live in harmony was better then killing each other.The demons were told that I was Tyra and with a few of me living in the demon's nation most of them were convinced,I was more surprised that they say I acted like him,I mean how could I know how Tyra was ? Whatever.The humans in iris's kingdom though were convince by their princess,they adored her so much and her sincere request from her to her people,that she didn't want to see more innocents from her home,people she cared for and loved like her family die for reasons that started so long ago.Although we had cut off the head of the snake,I know it could grow two in its place,by that I mean,we had solved those problems but now we had to convince the other nations of this.

Athena:I can't get over how good you are at this.

Tylor:you're one to talk

She giggled seating up,we had just playing with each other.Iris walked into the room casually.

Princess iris:so while I'm busy working my ass off you two are busy here fondling each other,huh.

Athena giggled and she got out of the bed while picking up my shirt.

Athena:Tylor I'm leaving that one with you,I'm not involving myself in this(giggles)

Tylor:are you kidding me

Athena:you're the one who brought me here and took my clothes off weren't you ?

Princess iris:oh that's how it is now ?(Laughs)

Tylor:you guys like teasing me,huh ?

Athena:you make it too easy in a way(giggles)

We've been living in my mansion for the past week and I've gotta say it's been a blast so far,aside from iris and Athena always teasing or us having sex we've treated each other rather well and I'm still happy we're getting along.Iris came up to me and kissed me,I kissed her back while.Athena closed the door when she left.Iris sat on top of me and she wiped her lip while giggling,then she kissed me again.

Tylor:so how are things going with all the kings ?

Princess iris:well papa had a meeting with them recently and they discussed how things are going with the whole truce.

Tylor:so they're still untrusting of demonkind,I don't blame them,it's most likely some of the upper ranks of the demons feel the same way too.Horus and maut seem cool with everything though but nana is another story.

Princess iris:I've met her once and she didn't seem to happy to be introduced,I swear she gets an itch to kill humans whenever she's around them.Last time she Athena had to stop her at the last second or she would've game ended me.

Tylor:(angry)what ?!

Princess iris:relax,it was before being properly introduced to each other.Regardless though I still don't like her.

Tylor:you and me both,anyways do you think I'll do any good in the tournament then ?

Princess iris:well duh ! With your skills it'll probably go in your favor.Besides you have teammates for the first half of the tournament so you don't have to worry yourself.

Tylor:you probably know who they are right ? Can't you tell me now ?

Princess iris:well okay,you have Kid,duke,Boyd and emi,her name is pronounced em-mee,she was named in the language of Lucifer.she's a special case in your team.

Emi ? Does that mean she's japanese or something,wait does that would mean Lucificer was a reincarnated human from earth in this world then,huh.I wonder what came of that then and what does she mean she's a special case ?

Princess iris:emi has a special skill to see glimpses of whoever's future she's looking into.I found that out while doing researching on all the participants.I did for you,you know that right ?

Tylor:w--really ? Wow ! Bae....

I pulled in and I kissed her.She moaned while she pushed me back,she licked her lip with her eyes still closed,breathing heavily.

Princess iris:I don't want you to wrip off my dress off of me right now

She bit her lip and took a deep breath then exhaled.

Tylor:so you have a list of the participants from all the nations ? 

Princess iris:yes and I also wrote the known skills of the well known or famous participants you might face.

Tylor:damn bae...brev what did I do to deserve you.

Princess iris:(giggles)I don't know(teasing)but you better do your damnest to keep me though.

Like I'd ever let go,I giggled at what she said.I kissed her and pulled closer to me.i was untying the dress she had on from the back,it unhooked and I took it off her.She was in her birthday suit in front of me,she covered her breasts and peach😏with each of her arms.She laughed before talking.

Princess iris:(playfully)you literally just had fun with Athena,how are you not tired ?!

Tylor:(teasing)first of,you're mean for that and plus we've been talking for a few minutes now though.

Princess iris:so you're saying you're good to go ?

Tylor:pretty much,if you want to that is.

She got close to my ear and before she even said anything she giggled.

Princess iris:(whispering)if I gave it to you right now,it would mean more clean up for me later down there if you know what I mean.

Is she talking bout--yup,okay.

Tylor:yup,I hear you it's cool then.

Princess iris:(playfully)you sure ?

Tylor:yeah(giggles)you wouldn't have said that just because.I mean that's a good enough reason for me,I get what you mean.

Athena:damn,I feel bad for you baby girl,you on your P's ?

Tylor:Athena !

Iris laughed and Athena laughed too.I swear her being that forward is always so crazy to me.I sighed.

Princess iris:yup so for this whole week you have him to yourself(giggles).

Tylor:(sarcastically)yeay me !

Athena:(sarcastically)sarcasm from the guy who literally asked me for some today of his own Accord.

Princess iris:I love you two together(laughs)

Athena:I could say the same about when you dorks are together.

Mh,they both enjoy having each around,that's better than having them hating each other but they're always joking around.

Tylor:what were you up to ?

Athena:made myself some food and ate,I'm use to having servant's serving me but you said you want privacy for us,right daddy🥵

Princess iris:(giggles)Athena you're silly.

Athena:you have no idea(giggles)

Tylor:so what are you guys looking to do now then ? I finished my training for the day,I'm pretty much free now.

Princess iris:you're free and I'm beat,I've been helping papa finish up the last details to the festival.I want to take a quick little nap.

Athena:yeah and you over worked me so I was planning to do what she's planning to do actually.

Tylor:so what ? You two are just gonna go to bed ?

Athena:well yeah(giggles)

Princess iris:we've got nothing to do anyway so why bother going tk look for something.

Athena:that's just more work and we're both looking to be lazy right now.

Tylor:are you two even synchronizing your responses to me.

Athena:never mind that,are you ready for the festival ? 

Tylor:I'm as ready as I ever will be I guess.

Athena:yeah that's what you should be stressing about not us and our naps

I laughed at what she said and they both joyed me.We laughed together about what Athena just said.With each passing day I feel like having two women isn't as bad I thought it would be.I mean as long as they're are willing,then everything works itself out.hopefully it stays that way.

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