Chapter 36 -Giant cobra-

It seems like the message I got didn't just hit me alone.As soon I heard that message I heard loud explosions and screams far away.I knew the Florian kingdom's people getting through would mean less orbs for everyone else and that would push them to fight harder and make them more desperate to survive.Either way I had taken 3 more teams besides that first group I fought but I didn't find an or in each team and I haven't been able to sense any of them around me.I was walking around with these 4 idiots all this time,they were floating inside a barrier piled up on each other,they were also still unconscious and it had been 4hours since the start of this bloody thing.I continued walking through giant jungle,I felt something odd with the area I was in.The ground I was walking on was particularly soft,I didn't know if that was normal for this place,the plants around here were more colorful too and some of them were glowing.I used wind magic to float up to a tree and as I did something wrapped around my calf.It was a vine,it came out of the ground.

Kid:hey cap,let us out what's going on here ?

Tylor:huh ?

He's awake ?!

While I was thinking about that,a massive plant monster bursted out of the soft ground and sprayed pink smoke at me,it hit me directly.After what happened all I saw was pitch black darkness.I was standing in a pitch black void,I'm guessing I passed out then,that plant must have a toxin that puts people to sleep.

Tylor:......(Sighes)hey Lust....

Lust:lord hype,doing lovely this fine day I hope ?

Tylor:if you count me about to be eaten by a plant lovely then everything's going swimmingly.

Lust:sarcasm wasn't necessary though.

Tylor:whatever,so you came to upgrade me again or something ?

Lust:well I wouldn't exactly call this an upgrade,it's just that everytime you involuntary pass out cause of an attack or spell,if you're still alive,I'll be here to add immunity to you for whatever it was that struck you.

Tylor:so like right now I'll be immune to sleeping toxins ?

Lust:pretty much,although the toxins are already out of your body,you won't wake up for a while so what's up ?

Tylor:what do you mean ?

Lust:how are you handling your powers ? Are they too much ?

Tylor:not really,only thing that bugs me about them actually is the fact that they don't work under certain conditions.

Lust:because you haven't evolved them.

Tylor:so how the hell do I evolve a fucking skill ?!

Lust:(chuckles)power's feel their master's call and they'll respond to you if you really needed them to.

Tylor:so you're saying they would sense it if I genuinely wanted them to evolve.

Lust:yes....matter a fact you haven't thought about evolving your skills till somebody else brought It up,right ?

Tylor:well I.....whatever,just talk.

Lust:you're no fun,easiest way to explain is that magic is a form of life too Tylor.

Tylor:what ?

Lust:you,iris,Athena,the plants,birds,lions and the bees,Down to the plants and ants and the weed in tree's.all of it has mana in it and we all live in a cycle,once you die,you'll turn into magic power for the earth too.Going back to what you once were.

Tylor:that's dark and grim.....tell me,what does that spell god of destruction do ?

Lust:(deadly serious)that's a trade secret.i can't go around sharing important information with the likes of you ! But....what I can tell you is that if you ever use it,make sure nobody you care for is close to you.

Tylor: why'd you get all serious over a little question ? Stop bitchin.

Lust:good bye Tylor,hopefully it takes longer then 2 weeks to see you again.you're seriously annoying.

When I opened my eyes,I had titties above my face and a green light blinding my eyes.I saw emi kneeling next to me,the green light was coming from her,I guess the cap did say she can heal.I sat up and I sighed,all 4 of them were wounded and they looked exhausted.It took me a bit to notice but it looked like there other's were battling back at other participants.I don't know how long I've been out or what's exactly going on but whatever,I know my teammates.

Tylor:where are our enemies ?

Emi:that way,why ? What are you going to do ?

Tylor:a little something,something.How long have I been out ?

Emi:about 30 or so minutes,what's knowing going to help with though ?

Tylor:that's not the issue,here.

Emi:what is then ?

My body felt weird,I got up and I saw our opposition,they had 4 members and they were attacking my team with an endless barrage of magical attacks,duke,kid and Boyd couldn't do much about it besides setting up a shield with their elemental magic.

Tylor:hey boys ! Step aside.

Kid:boss man ! You're finally up and kicking.

So he still talks like that,huh.I thought it was the illusion spell from those fuck's that made him talk that way.So his spell must've just made genuine replica of these guys or something ? At least these guys here are straight forward with their shit.I released a barrier and it covered me and the other's.Their magical spells hit the barrier from different angles,they kept attacking and I decided to take our my anger on them.

Tylor:....hell flames,'hell's burst'.

A huge and split second burst of fire came from under them and reduced them to ashes.I checked my wrist band and we had been here for about 5 plus hour's.

Kid:yo boss man,you're really strong dude ! 

Duke:no kidding,we've been struggling with those dorks for a while now ! 

Tylor:well they're gone now,do you guys still have the two orbs I had ?

Kid:yeah here,when did you even get these ?

Tylor:a third one ?

Emi:I took out a team of two before the four you just took out.These dorks woke up after that.

Kid/duke:Hey !

Tylor:then this one is your's 

Emi:what ?

I gave the other two to kid and duke.

Boyd:what hell man ?! Why do they get one and I don't ?! 

Tylor:...wait your turn.

Boyd:wait my turn my ass,don't fucking treat me like this !!! I am nobility you fucking persant !!!

Tylor:(deadly serious)and if you died here nobody besides your fucking family will give a fuck about a stuck up,loud mouth,annoying piece of shit noble who cares only for himself ! Now shut the fuck up or stop dragging us down and fuck off !

Boyd:what ?!!! Fine,fuck you then !!!

Boyd walked off,the other's were shocked.

Kid:Boyd,you could get killed being by yourself out there !

Boyd:fuck off !!!

Duke:yo cap,aren't you worried he'll die ?

Tylor:it's my job to make sure most of us make it back alive,that's just one less orb for us to worry about.I know you guys will have a problem for my decision so if you want,you can go with him.

Duke:what !? And get myself killed out there with that idiot ?! I'm good.

Emi:then shut up and let's keep going,the captain has spoken.

Emi seems to act the same too.I guess I'm not in some sort of illusion,my magic still works and nothing is stopping it.I released a barrier to scan the area,I found a team of 2,they had 1 orb on them and they were about to get a second.They would finished if they did that.While thinking about that,we got a notification that another team had finished too.It was the fury kingdom team.

Tylor:damn it ! We have to move there's two more orbs up ahead.

Emi:yes sir,come on guys.

Kid:that means we can still come back and save Boyd then.Let's go !

Duke:right !

We hurried on forward and we ended up in an out plane of grass.The two I sensed earlier were busy fighting against a giant cobra and it was winning.As soon as we got there,one of them was sent flying.She used ice magic to shoot ice shards at it and even the under belly of them thing was hard to pierce,they broke apart on impact.They caused enough damage to make the snake fall back,the other dude used earth magic to hold the snake with several earth hands.It broke them off it easily and swung its tail at the earth dude and it hit him hard,the called out for him screaming.

Emi:where's the other orb ? I'll go get it while they are still busy.

Tylor:if I had to guess it's that jewel on its forehead.

Kid:what ? So we'd have to beat that fucking thing to get the orb ?!

Duke:.....talk about impossible...what the hell....

Emi:alright then,first things first is the team,right ?

Tylor:yup,take them out while they're still focused on the snake.

Emi:I get you,I'll do my best.

Emi pulled out her bow and arrow,she pulled it back and she prepared to fire.She used wind magic at the tip and made a violent spinning wind at the tip.

Tylor:get the girl first,I'm guessing she can heal too.


When she shot the arrow,you only hear bursts of sound as her arrow broke through the sound barrier several times.It shot through her neck,ripping it apart as her blood spread everywhere.By the time the second guy was getting up and emi had the other arrow ready to fire.The dude saw the lifeless girl across him,he screamed a horrific scream that cut deep.Emi didn't flinch at all and shot the arrow,it flew through the air and shot a massive hole through the guys chest.He coughed up blood before he hit the ground with a thud dying on the spot.

Tylor:ready another one

Emi:(uneasy)what ?! What for ?

Tylor:the snake !

Emi:(shocked)what ?! That thing's armor is super hard,at best the girl's ice shard travel at half the speed of my arrows and they didn't even scratch that thing.

I took the arrow and I put it in her hand.I readied her to fire,She looked at me anxiously,I don't know by but I think she was blushing too,might be my head though,I'm dumb like that.

Tylor:none of my spells or skills can pierce that thing's armor,it's probably a million of times harder than a diamond,she wasn't able to do it cause she didn't have me in her team,you do,I'll help generate more power for the wind magic you add to your shots,okay ?


She readied her shot and she aimed to fire,she cast the wind spell and while she did I directed my mana through her to super charge her spell.Her arrow changed and her arrow changed color and glowed green.The wind she was collecting for the shot created strong gusts of wind around us.Duke and kid were keeping the snake busy with long range spell having it focus on them.

Tylor:are you ready ?

Emi:(sighed)yeah,I'm ready !

Tylor:....then kill that thing.

Emi blasted the arrow and it torn through the ground violently as the force of the shot blew me and Emi back.It exploded through the air at the speed of light,it the snake leaving a huge hole in it's chest as its blood and guts shot out the other side.The arrow continued and shot through the jungle itself,destroying the tree's and surrounding area and it exploded on the other side living a huge crater in the ground,forever scarring the earth.

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