Chapter 37 -when a devil wants to dance-

We had just finished off a giant cobra,we succeeded in killing the snake and the team that was fighting it.Duke and kid fell to they're knee's tired breathing heavily.emi ran to a set of bushes and she vomited her guts out.I went up to her and she was crying for some reason.

Tylor:you good ?

Emi:(sobbing)I...I....I killed people for the second time now.

Tylor:....sorry to have put that burden on you.I didn't think you'd react like this,you didn't flinch when you shooting the arrows though.

Emi:that's what your taught when you train to fire an arrow,nothing is supposed to break your concentration.

Tylor:...I get what you mean then,are you gonna be okay though ?

Emi:yeah...I just need some time to let it sink in.what about you ? You must've killed people while were out cold,right ? How are you dealing with it ?

Tylor:....I guess since I've killed something humanoid before I don't differentiate.

Emi:...was it the royal knight level demon ?

Tylor:well yeah.So the humanoid one's are the one's that royal knight level ?

Emi:yeah,I actually get why you're aren't shocked or shaken by anything that's happened here so far,you've been through far worse already,huh ?

I guess she's right in a way isn't she ? The old me would've been panicking,I didn't know what I'm capable of back then so I was unsure of myself.

Emi:(teasing)I guess there's nothing like facing the demon lord,huh ?

Tylor:you would think so,huh ?

Emi:well yeah--

Kid:hey boss man,here are the orbs,that's five in total.

Tylor:right,then we have to get back to where we were,fast.I sense trouble back there and that dork Boyd is back there.

Kid:I can help with that...

Tylor:how ?

Kid:I can use teleport.

We all got shocked at this.

Tylor:what do you mean you can use teleport ?

Kid:well I....when we were introducing ourselves....I lied,I do have a skill but its limited.I can only teleport to places I've seen and it has to be close by,at 50 meters away.It takes too much mana for me to even use for myself alone so it's not a skill I like to brag about or use.

Emi:(angry)what ?!!! Do know how useful that fucking skill is ?!

Emi hit kid with a clean right hook sending kid falling to the ground.

Emi:we could've used your skill for so much already you fuck !!!

Tylor:emi wait okay ? He must have his reasons for not telling us.

Duke:yeah but what he did wasn't cool,keeping secrets while we laid everything we could do on the table wasn't cool of him.

Tylor:I understand your anger towards him but it won't help anything right now,we need to move and get this orb to that idiot so our team can pass this damn thing.

Emi:why didn't you tell us ?!

Kid:I....I....I didn't trust you guys at first,okay....now I see that Tylor is actually a good guy,who protects those close to him.

Tylor:are you guys happy now ? You got the reason so let's move !

Kid:alright but like I said I don't have enough mana to teleport us all back to where we were.

Tylor:so what ?

Emi:(angry)why did you even fucking bring it up then ?!!!

Kid:well I thought maybe Tylor could do what he did with you to super charge your magic,maybe it'll work with my skill.

For a dude who seems like a dick rider and who's super annoying at times,he's actually smart,dope.

Emi:but for me it was elemental magic,do you think it'll work on a skill ?

Tylor:well all I did was channel my mana into you,mashing it with your's and you basically used your own magic with my mana fueling it.It's the same idea but it'll be him using my mana to activate his skill.

Duke:damn kid ! I didn't think you could actually use your brain to think🤣

Kid:with that big forehead of yours I'm surprised you're talking.

I couldn't stop myself,that came out of nowhere and it hit me so hard I had to laugh.It actually shut duke up fast too,emi even laughed a bit.I channeled my mana into him and we all gathered around kid.Everybody held on to kid while I powered him up,I blinked once and next thing I know we weren't in the open plane of grass anymore.We were surrounded by the trees and bushes in the jungle.

Kid:yes ! It worked ! I--shit.

Kid fell back and duke caught him,he was fast asleep.I'm guessing it's mana exhaustion,he used up all of his mana.

Tylor:give him a piggy back ride duke.


Emi:I sense somebody with Boyd,somebody strong.

Tylor:are they fighting ?

Emi:no,the dude just got there,we need to get there before Boyd opens his loud mouth.


Emi:what are--wait why are you giving us these ?

I gave each of them an orb and I took the last two.

Tylor:I'm gonna go on ahead,those are your insurance policies,just Incase me and Boyd don't make it back or we die.you'll probably be sent back automatically.

Duke:so we're still here cause Boyd is alive ?

Emi:most likely,otherwise we would've been sent back by now.

Tylor:and the remaining participants will be fighting hard cause we have the last pair of orbs.

Emi:alright then,go on ahead.We'll try our best to catch up.


I released all of my mana as a huge surge of wind bursted from me.The ground under me broke and exploded apart,the others looked at me shocked.I had this white glowing aura around me,I sighed.I covered the others in a barrier before I left,I exploded forward using burst and I shot through the jungle at light speed.Within an instant,I had moved passed or through every obstacle in my way and I saw Boyd sent flying from a hit by a spider guy with four spider legs coming out of his back.I used wind magic to promptly stop my speed and I did a little flip landing on a tree.The spider guy saw me but it was too late,I had my daggers ready and I was already Infront of him.I shoved both of them in his neck and he tried to scream but couldn't he squirmed on the ground as blood gushed from his neck.I dodged rock projectiles and I had to step back a bit.The spider guy was covered in a green glow and I knew he was being healed.

Tylor:no you're not,you're not going home today buddy.'hell fire,rifle devil'.

A small fire ball sparked next to me and it shot one small ray of light at the spider guy.I covered myself and Boyd in a barrier each.The explosion was massive covering 50 meters and leaving a crater on the ground.I was surprised honestly,I didn't feel tired at all even after all that fighting.


Tylor:yoh,dork ! Here !

Boyd:what kind of monster are you ?!......look at this place !!! It's completely eradicated !!!

Tylor:Boyd take the orb so we can go !

Boyd:alright(embarrassed)....thanks commoner.

Tylor:you're welcome d--

an arrow hit Boyd and went through him.It left a small through his chest,Boyd coughed up blood and he hit the ground with a thud.I watched as he blad out,I don't know why but it became hard to breathe.I started gasping for air,my heart was racing.


I blacked out and seeing Boyd get pierced was the last thing I saw.while he slept I finally woke up.Tylor's rage was directed at the dude who shot his friend so that's who I was gonna kill first.I released a barrier to search the whole island,besides the monsters and plant monsters the were only 12 participants left,most were either dead or they passed.I found the guy with the arrow 300 meters away from us,I used restore on Boyd's wound and it healed up perfectly.I decided to copy little boy's ability,what did he call it ? Teleport right.He can only teleport to places he's been so I can't go passed that rule,I'll have to send my mana there so I can switch myself with it.I did exactly that and it failed,It seems like I couldn't cheat the rule.

Lust:[alright then]

As if I teleported,I used almost all of Tylor's mana for one single burst to appear Infront of that fucking guy who shot the arrow.He didn't even notice but I had already punched his head clean of his neck.Two of his teammates were shocked,I used earth magic to stab those two participants.I used another spell to make those pillars that stabbed them grow spikes and it shredded their bodies to pieces.It rained blood and I danced as it covered my body,I laughed so hard.

Aura:you're something else Tylor !!!

Lust:[oh yeah,I am using his body.sorry little boy but I'm not Tylor].

Aura:(confused)then who are you ?

Lust:I'm a piece that fell off of someone you call the devil.

Aura:(confused)what's that supposed to mean ? Whatever,you're still part of Tylor too aren't you ?

Lust:I guess so,it's more like I exist independently within him though,anyway let's stop with the talking.

Aura:that's fine by me.

The boy released his mana and I could tell he had a considerable amount.Sadly for him,he was up against someone with limitless amounts of it.ontop of that my magic is absolute,nobody is above me.Aura used a nature magic,he used vines to tie me up and hold me tight.I laughed as they burned off of me from my black flames.I landed on the ground chuckling,this dude thought fire and tree's were a good match,even worse my flames burn everything.The boy used roots to wrap me up and he used earth hands to hold me down.

Aura:'meteor shower'

Several giant shadows covered the light on the ground.I looked up and I saw several meteors as big as this whole island.While they fell they changed shape and got thinner and sharper.They all shot down at bullet speed.

Lust:['hell fire,rifle devil's gun dance']

Two fire small fire balls sparked beside me on each side.I shot several laser beams made of sharp and highly concentrated blasts of mana,it had enough power to cause a nuclear explosion and I was shooting it several times at once at several targets.The boys attack went up in smoke and by that though his attack wasn't weak,far from it,he was just up against me.Tylor wouldn't have had a problem with it too,at best he could've just done the same thing I just did.

Aura:damnit ! Fine then earth magic ! Flame magic ! Combo ! 'sun golem' !!!

A 10 feet tall golem manifested out of thin air,it was made up of rocks and it didn't have a head,it's head was just a ball of fire.

Lust:what's that supposed to accomplish ?(Sighes)

I used the skill god of destruction and manifested a bow and arrow with mana.Both the arrow and the bow were high level magical equipment,I readied to shoot.The boy used his golem to come charge at me,he summoned another one,it had a defensive build to it.I understood his approach now,he's probably used most of his mana on that last big spell then.I giggled knowing I was gonna win,he hoped he would finish this off in big move but it didn't pay off.Life a gamble indeed,it would be a shame to kill a soul with this much potential.His golem reached me and sent a fist barreling my way,I used my rifle devil's flames to blast a hole in that golem.I aimed it at the brat next.

Aura:Earth magic ! Fire magic ! Combo ! Sun golem !

I shot a beam at his shield golem and it exploded leaving him wide open.I hit him with a uppercut in his gut,I took out all his air with that one.He was only the floor coughing and gasping for air,unable to move.I chuckled.I went back to Boyd,he was still unconscious and his team was there.I landed next to them,I wonder if I killed all of them what would happen when Tylor wakes up ? I chuckled to myself putting that thought at the back of my head.I was content with the fact that I could take over his body now.I decided to switch with Tylor and ofcause he was still unconscious so his body fell to the ground unmoving.

Emi:Tylor ?!

Duke:he's breathing.

Kid:and so is Boyd,didn't you say Boyd's vital dropped drastically minutes ago ?!

Emi:I did and they did ! But...I don't know how,he's out of danger though,he's used up a lot of his mana.

Duke:what about Tylor ?

Emi:he's.....he's just out cold,something must've shocked him enough to the point he passed out.

Kid:what the fuck could make somebody who could do all this shocked ?!

Emi:I don't know but we have all the orbs,let's go back.

They placed each orb on each of us and we were teleported back to the base.

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