Chapter 38 -failure-

All I remembered and all that was flashing through my head was the shot that hit Boyd.I sat up so fast panicking.

Tylor:(panicking)BOYD ! BOYD ! WHE-- I--uh--

Princess iris/athena:(worried)woah,Tylor bae I'm here ! Boyd is okay !

I looked around me and I was back in my mansion in my room.King golem,iris,Athena and the team was here.

Boyd: captain...I'm okay.

I turned around seeing okay,I laid back as I sighed a sense of relief washed over me.i've never lost comrade or had someone in my team die that would've hit me hard.

Kid:damn boss man,I'm jealous,this dude got two hotties worried about him.

Duke:shut up,idiot.

King golem:you've finally woken up.

Tylor:king golem ! Wh--why are you here ?

King golem:Boyd,you can call him in now.

Boy went out and he came back in with an older version of himself,I'm guessing that's his dad.The man came up to me,I was confused at why he called him or why they're all here,like what the fuck ?!

Lock:my king,thank you for this opportunity.

King golem:do what you came here to do Lock,I am a very busy man.I made this possible because you wanted to thank the boy,right ?

Lock:i--yes sir.

Lock faced me,he bowed his head Shocking everybody else in the room even Boyd was shocked.

Lock:boy--no,Tylor thank you,I'm grateful you saved my child.

......I saved him ?! Dude I didn't do anything though ! Last thing I remember is watching him get shot ! So does that mean we succeeded ?!

Lock:I'm thanking you not as a noble but as a father,my son means the world to me,I wouldn't be able to bare to lose him.

Tylor:I...you're welcome sir.

Lock:(smiling)good,Boyd thank the man.

Boyd:(embarrassed)....captain....thanks okay.

The others in the team giggled.

King golem:you did a good job in yesterday's first round.

Yesterday ? How long have I been out ?!

King golem:we came here to check up on you,it seems like you're doing well though.

Tylor:well yeah my lord,my body is in tip top condition.

King golem:good then,we will leave you to rest up and get better.Tomorrow is the second round of the tournament,it will be one on one battles starting tomorrow till the last round.

Tylor:...I'll be ready by then sir.

King golem:good,congrats on winning the first boy.

I bowed my head.The king,the team and the father,son duo left.It was me and my two wives together now alone.

Athena:he's right though,you did amazing out there.

Princess iris:yeah,not to mention you led your team acceptionally well.

Tylor:...thanks you guys but I still feel like I failed.I fell victim to two traps they had set up and my teammates was fatally wounded,I fucked up a lot, letting him go off on his own was a bad call.

Princess iris:but you're the one who healed up again though,doesn't that count for something ?

Athena:you don't need to beat yourself up over the little mistakes,just learn from them for next,okay ?

They were right,I mean we passed so stressing over what went wrong and how to cover those holes for now will have to wait.I gotta prepare for tomorrow.

Athena:nope,I know that look,you're not going anywhere !

Princess iris:you want to go and brush up on your skills and prepare for tomorrow's battle but you aren't going.

Tylor:(sighes)why not ? I'm physically back at full health.

Athena:something happened back there didn't it ?


And I don't even know how I'll explain it,I wasn't conscious to know what was going on.

Tylor:and I don't even know what happened.I passed out right after Boyd got shot,I guess my mind couldn't handle the shock.

Athena:so you don't know either ?

Tylor:pretty much,sorry.

Princess iris:let's not stress him out with that stuff right now,is the a way we can help you relax ?

Tylor:for one,you could run me a warm bath.

Princess iris:okay daddy,as you wish.

Iris got up and left.I swear everyday these two remind me of how blessed I am to have them in my life,I love em so much.

Athena:so what can I do for daddy ?🥵

Tylor:(giggled nervously)I'd say gimmi some head but then again you still aren't good at that.

Athena:jerk(giggles)it's all the more reason to practice isn't it ?(Playfully)I can't have iris out doing at this,I'm a damn succubus for crying out loud.

I laughed at her and she puffy with me pouting.

Athena:(pouting)don't laugh at me.

She bursted out laughing too,she was trying to stop me from laughing at her.She pulled off the bed covers off of me,she pulled down my underwear.She kissed me and got on top of me.She moaned while she grinded on me,I heard the door open and Athena giggled.

Princess iris:I leave you two for like 5 minutes and you're already trying to undress and fuck each other.

Athena:(giggles) babe's come on,daddy here just said he wanted head.

Princess iris:whatever(giggles)I was gonna leave anyway,bae your bath is ready,okay ?

Tylor:thanks love but uh,where are you going ?

Princess iris:my father has all the children of nobility gathering in a little get together.

Tylor:oh...so why aren't you going Athena ? You're not just a noble,you're royalty.

Athena:we were informed that people without a noble or royal background can't go,so since you're not going,I won't either.

Princess iris:(sadly)and bae it's not that I want to leave you here and be there,as the princess of the kingdom hosting the gathering it would be disrespectful to the other families if I didn't at least show my face.

Tylor:(sighes)....I understand then,cool.

I went back to kissing Athena and she moaned a little.

Athena:(giggles)that one was a little aggressive.

Princess iris:alright then,I'm gonna see you guys.I love you Tylor.

Tylor:(smiling)I love you too bae,be safe okay.

Iris walked and left me and Athena back in the room.We kissed and played with each other's bodies till we ended up having sex.We cuddled up in bed afterward,she had her head on my chest and I had my hand on her titty.

Athena:you know that's a bit of a turn on right ? My nipples are sensitive you know that.

So I squeezed it a bit and she let a little cute moan.

Tylor:all there more reason to do it,right ?

She giggled softly.

Athena:.....I never thought I'd be this happy ever again you know.

Tylor:yeah ?

Athena:yes.Losing you broke me dummy,although at some point....

Tylor:what ?

Athena:it made me realize I was using you as a crutch,I didn't know how much I leaned on you till I didn't have you next to me to lean on.

Tylor:so what ? Overtime you overcame that ?

Athena:after a long time of fighting with myself yeah,it also taught me something else though.

Tylor:and what's that ?

Athena:it's that I want to able to lean on you,you were the only one I could be fully myself with and with you I could at my most vulnerable.

Tylor:I love you Athena.🥺

Athena:(giggles happily)I love you too Tylor,you make me so happy bae.

Tylor:we make each other happy.I'm glad I met you atty.

She giggled.We dosed off me and her.A little into the night,I heard noise coming from the walkway like someone was coming towards our room.

Athena:you heard it too.

I sat up and went towards the door.

Tylor:I know you're stronger than me and you can protect yourself and all but I'm still your man so let me go check it out,okay ?

Athena:if you want to,go ahead bae(giggles)just don't let your side of the bed get cold okay ? Please.

Tylor:I'll hurry back(giggles)

I went out and as soon as I did,I bumped into iris.She looked like she was in a trance,I saw her clothes were ripped and she had marks and scars on her body.I ran up to her still shaken from what I'm seeing.

Tylor:Iris !!! Iris !!! What the hell happened !!!?

Athena:Tylor why are you shouting ? What's--(gets shocked)

Athena ran to us,she used a spell to make iris pass out and she held me tightly.


Athena:(holding back tears)I--i know bae ! It won't help anything now though,we need to make sure okay first please.

Tylor:fine ! Then let me go please ! I need to hold her !

She did exactly that and I fell to my knee's,I held iris in my arms.I couldn't held myself,I bawled out tears,I had no other way of letting my anger and dispair out so I screamed at the top of my lungs.Athena sat next to me and she held me tightly wrapping her arms around my neck.

Athena:Tylor calm down please,you're is literally dense and heavy as fuck.We'll find who did this I promise(deadly serious)and when we do ! We'll make sure they bleed and hurt and suffer !

After a while the king and iris's step mother one of the two queens joined us at our house.

King golem:what the hell happened to her ? Who did this ?

When this dude got here he was as pissed as I was and it took him a while to calm down,if you can call him calm anyway.

Tylor:I don't know sir.

King golem:and where the hell were you when she was out,huh ?!!!

Tylor:I was at home with Athena.

He grabbed me by my neck in anger and I couldn't breathe.

Athena:(deadly serious)don't do anything you'll regret golem.

He looked at Athena and then back at me,he looked like he was debating himself trying to decide.He ended up dropping me to the floor.

Tylor:I wasn't allowed to go to this party for nobles your family was hosting,I'm not of noble blood even though I'm your daughter's husband.

King golem:then why didn't you go ?! This wouldn't have happened if you were there !

Tylor:cause I take note of how I'm treated,ever since Athena came into the picture everybody has been keeping me at a distance.I wasn't allowed to be involved certain things so eventually I stopped wanting to be apart of your people's things.

King golem:but iris is your wife boy ! It is your duty to protect her at all times !

Tylor:she knew I didn't want her to go,I didn't say it to her directly but she gave me a valid reason to let her go.It would be disrespectful of her as the princess of this kingdom to not go while you guys are the hosts of the party.

Iris's step mother apparently was tired of seating back and saying nothing then.

Merry:you need to be firm as a man and state what you want from your woman Tylor.

Athena:if the woman is hard headed and is dead set on what she decided then ? Is he supposed to chain her up in his basement ? We didn't even know this was going to happen.

King golem:boy you're a failure as a husband ! I can't believe I trusted my daughter's life to you !

I dead ass just walked out of the room while they all called out to me.If I stayed there I would've killed someone.

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