Chapter 39 -thalian the noble-

I walked down the stairs and to another room I use,I put on casual clothes and shoes.I left the house and walked out into the yard.I figured I'd need help with what I'm planning to do and nobody there was gonna so I had to ask people who would.I used wind magic to make myself float and I used fire magic to propel myself forward.I flew off to the palace,I needed to find maut and Horus.I got there and I went straight to their room,I knocked and I could hear that they were busy in there.Horus came to open the door with a towel wrapped around him.

Tylor:I need your help with something dude.

Horus:woah,what happened ?

Tylor:I'll tell you on the way but can you guys get dressed first before I come in.

Horus:sure man,gimmi a minute,okay.

After a few minutes of waiting,maut came to open up and we greeted each other.I filled them both in on what's going on and they were surprised and hurt like all of us.

Maut:(angry)so have you guys found the motherfucker who did this ?!

Tylor:no,that's actually why I came here.

Horus:what's up ? You need help with killing the guy ?!

Tylor:well...no but I do need help with finding out who even did this.They're ballsy as fuck and they won't be for long.

Maut:I want to rip em of myself.

Tylor:anyway,I came here to ask you two to dig up info for me.I want to know who was at this place and I want to know the background of every noble that was there.I'm killing everyone who's had a bad past with girls.

Horus:woah,I have a better way to find this bastard who did this okay ?!

Tylor:what are you gonna do ?

Maut:Horus are you planning to--okay,Tylor don't worry,just go back to your crib we'll bring him to you,okay ?

Tylor:alright,I'll trust you with this but please don't make me wait long.

Maut:yes sir,consider it done.

I left them and I went to the top of the palace.When I'm stressing too much this view seems to always help.After a while of waiting somebody came to me instead Horus and maut.

Athena:I knew I'd find you here.

Tylor:oh yeah ? If I wasn't here then ?

Athena:then you'd be looking for who the dude who hurt iris.

Tylor:I wanna be looking for him right now but I don't want to run around the whole kingdom without a set target.

Athena: iris's awake you know.

Tylor:(shocked)what ?! Is she okay then ?

Athena:she woke up screaming for you and pleading for you to not leave her.

Tylor:why would she think I'm gonna leave her ?

Athena:I don't know but she's been bawling her eyes out and she doesn't want anyone near her.Before I came to look for you the king and queen were trying to kick me out of the room of my own house.Iris covered herself in a ice dome of some sort.

Tylor:what ?! What's going on with her ?

Athena:I don't know but with what she went through and with what's probably going through her head,I feel like you should hurry back to her,I don't want her to do anything stupid.

Tylor:can you teleport us there then ?

Athena:alright,hold on to me then.

I stood up and held on to Athena's waste.She had this saddened and worried look on her face.She really care's about iris,huh,that's super cool.

Athena:let's hurry.


Me and her teleported straight back to the mansion.We were outside my bedroom door,when we appeared the king and queen got shocked.As soon as he saw me,he walked up to me and he punched in the face.I didn't want to react to this emotional wrack of man right now.I went inside in the room while he yelled at me.I walked up to the dome and I held it,using my hell flames,I melted it and I got inside it before it closed up again.When she saw me she jumped on me and she cried in my arms,I was genuinely confused at what was going on,how she felt or what she needed me to do or even say.All I knew right now was that my girl needed me so I had to be here for her and I had to be strong.After a while She cleaned her face up with a towel and she threw it to side.

Princess iris:(sadly)I shouldn't have left you here,I shouldn't have gone to that gathering.

Tylor:what happened there ? Did somebody hurt you ? And who is he ?

Princess iris:if I tell you Tylor....please promise you won't leave me.

Tylor:wha--what could be so bad that I would leave you,come on.

Princess iris:....promise.

Tylor:okay,I promise I won't leave you no matter how bad what you about to tell is.

Princess iris:....do you mean that ? Bae I really don't want to lose you.

Tylor:okay now you're scaring me,iris,start talking.

Princess iris:bae....


Princess iris:I don't know what came over me,I really didn't feel like myself but while I was at the party,I....I met this guy,me and him ended up getting along well and....

Tylor:.......d--did you...did you-- did you fuck him ?

Princess iris:.....(Holding back tears)

Tylor:.......wow.so how did you come back here with scars and scratches ?

Princess iris:(sadly/teary eyed)that's the thing....I really didn't want to do what I did and I....I wanted to stop but he didn't and he forced himself on me.

Tylor:wait....so you were gonna cheat on me ? but decided not to while naked with him and bed ?

Princess iris:(sobbing)bae....I swear that wasn't me,I don't know how or why but I would never willingly do that to you.I swear that on my mother's grave,I love you bra,I'd never hurt you like that.

Tylor:so what ? You're saying somebody was controlling you then ?

Princess iris:(sobbing)that's there only thing I can think of to explain it bae.I'd never hurt you like that.

I didn't know wether to believe her or break this off.She wanted to go the party herself and why would she be entertaining another noble ?.....I'm never enough,huh.I hate the fact that she let me believe that she loved me.i sighed accepting it,I guess.I figure I could at least find this dude for her and give him to her dad.While thinking we heard a nock on the dome,I used my hell flames to open a hole big enough a person.Athena walked in and the dome covered itself up again.

Tylor:who did this to you ?

Princess iris:he was some noble from the Florian kingdom.He's also one of the participants in the tournament.He said his name was thalian.


I used all my mana to explode through the roof,I just jumped but I was so high up In the sky,I was in the clouds,I could see the whole nation from here,every single village.I started falling back down and I used fire magic and burst for more explosive momentum.I used wind magic to stop the acceleration then I used wind magic to stop all of my momentum.I landed in the area the Florian kingdom guests are supposed to be in.

Tylor:a mana barrier is pretty handy.

I used a barrier to cover the whole area,I knew someone knew I was here and they were trying to keep me from finding who I was looking for.At best I don't even know what this guy looks like,I can always ask somebody who does.I walked in and I broke the door to the first house I saw,it was beautiful mansion that I'd just broken into,it was better than mine actually.A man saw me and he used an earth spell to attack me,I used burst to get next to him and shoved my fist in his gut.The dude hit the ground,he was out cold from one punch,weak.

Kim:you're pissed(chuckles)

Tylor:and who are you ?

Kim:cute,I'm someone who wants you to him one.

Tylor:then how are you gonna have me do that ?

Kim:I came here to take you to there noble you're looking for.

Tylor:and who are you to him ?

Kim:I'm his teammate when it comes to the tournament but otherwise,I don't know him.

Tylor:so why would you help me ? And how do you even know what happened ?

Kim:well one cause you're intriguing to me,I want us to have good relations,I mean you're the guy who's married to the strongest person on earth.and how I know is cause I watched it happen,I saw him talking to your girl and I saw them leave together.I put up a barrier up around this whole guest area cause I knew you'd come here eventually after you found out.

He watched them leave together ? So she willingly left with him ? I need to find Athena,she can read his memories and actually tell me the truth of what's going on.This guy is fishy,I don't think it would be wise to trust him.

Tylor:alright then,take me to him.

Kim:with pleasure just....one thing,what are you planning to do once you find him ?

Tylor:if you're gonna get in my way just get it over with so I can kill you already(deadly serious)I'm not letting anybody stop me from ripping out that bastards balls and feeding them to him.

The dude just chuckled and got up.We were in the living room of this dude who was passed out on the floor.We left him there and I used restore to fix his door,Kim put an empty liquor bottle beside him.Dude is a liar,I can tell he's the type to plan ahead,I definitely can't trust him.We left and went to another mansion close by,me and him stood outside.

Tylor:why are we stopping ?

Kim:cause thalian himself will come to us.

Tylor:what ? Don't be--

The door swung open and a teen dude walked out.As soon as he saw thalian he lit happily.

Thalian: Kim ! What a pleasant sight,did you need something.

Kim:(playfully)oh no,I just came to introduce you to someone.

He looked at me,his face instantly switched to terror when he saw me.He fell to his knee's and he quickly crawled to Kim.

Thalian:Kim buddy ! Please help ! Why did you even bring him here ! Guards ! Guards !

Tylor:......that's one way of admitting you're guilty.

Kim:and I'm not getting myself killed for you,a man looking for vengeance is not one to fuck with.

Thalian:(scared)what ?! Vengeance ? B--b--but she--she willingly went with me ! How is your girl being unfaithful my problem ?!

Tylor:it's not the fact that you fucked her,that's enough to kill you on its own.You physically hurt her you bug ! For that,death would be a mercy to you.

Kim:where do you want him ?

Tylor:can you use teleport ?

Maut:Tylor ? How did you find him before us ?

Horus:I swear this kid never stops amazing me(laughs).


Maut:we went looking for you at your mansion but we found Athena and iris there with the ceiling and roof blown open.How did you even find this guy before us ?

Kim:you must be tylor's friends,it's lovely to meet you both,I'm Kim.

Tylor:he's the dude who showed me where this prick lives,can you do something about him ?

Maut:sure but where should we take him ?

Tylor:that place.


Thalian:what place ?!

10 guards came out of his house and they all surrounded us.more guards came from all sides as a whistle sounded from out of nowhere.We were out numbered 30 to 3 excluding Kim and this dork.

Horus:this is annoying.Bae send that kid off first and we'll handle these dweebs.

Maut:we still can't kill these weak things,I hate bad humans ! I swear your people are a nuisance Tylor !

Maut opened a gate right under thalian and he fell in it,the guards were all shocked and they shouted at us to hand him back.

Tylor:are you guys ready ?

Maut:yup,pretty much.

Horus:let's do this !

Tylor:'hell flames,rifles devils dance' level five.

Two flames appeared on both my sides and they shot several rapid fire bullet shots at the guards.I intentionally made used the weakest form of my hell fire cause I didn't want to kill them.Maut used spacial magic to defend from their attacks and teleported them back their back attack through a gate.Horus used wind magic to deprive the remaining guards of air till they all passed out.

Kim:.......amazing.You guys are simply amazing.

Tylor:anyway dude,like you said I owe you one,okay ?

Kim:yeah,I'll hold you to that.

Tylor:cool,maut let's go please.

Maut:geez,I'm not your fucking ride you know !


Me and the two love birds left.Leaving Kim to deal with everything else,I don't know if he considered that.

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