Harem in a dungeon from another world

Into the Dungeon

After our meeting with Ceraphina, we headed back out of the dungeon. I refined the monster parts and sold them for a bit of silver, then got supplies for a true dungeon delve. With rations that would last about ten days, we were going to gather as much as we can. I needed a proper house if I was going to grow the harem. And that would take money... after getting the gear and rations Aya and I retired to the apartment. As much as I wanted to have fun with her, rest was more important tonight. It could be a while before we slept in a bed again. And just having her warmth next to me was enough this time.


The next morning, we were up early, and pretty much first in line to go in the dungeon.  The crawlsnares were more numerous this time, but we had little issue with them. The boss fight was a lot better the second time around too, with the fire Spell from the start. Then it was onto floor two. 

We stepped off the steps onto the new floor. It was a bit darker than previous floor. Out of the shadows shuffled three skeletons. One with a sword, one with a mace and some armor and one with a bow. 

"Aya, ill draw the first twos attention. You go for the ranged one in back." I ordered. She nodded, then I stepped forward, using fire to distract the armored skeleton, and locking swords with the sword one. Aya dodged between the two and took on the Bow skeleton. She struck it in the chest with her palm, and uppercutted the skull shattering the skeleton, leaving a bone and its bow and quiver behind.

I on the other hand had a sword lock with the sword skeleton. And the armored one was over the distraction of the fireball and decided it wanted to join the sword clash two... with its mace. I let the sword skeleton get the upper hand in the lock, just in time to take friendly fire from the armored one, its mace shattering the sword one's arms. If skulls could portray emotion these two would both be dumbfounded.  They didn't have long to process, as Aya grabbed sword skeletons head from behind, and pulled the skull free shattering it, so I took the opportunity to decapitate the armored one. All three were pretty weak... but the danger came in the party set up. A ranged, tank and attacker.  Aya collected the bones, and weapons dropped. Mace had taken its with it. But the sword and bow remained. I took the sword. Rusty, and not too great... but it would be a functional back up if nothing else. As for the bow and quiver... "you take those Aya."

She blinked. "But master, I've never used one before..." 

"True... but if you can learn it would be a good back up for you. Plus, another ranged option to my magic would be nice."

Aya nodded. "Yes master!" She picked up the quiver and bow, attaching them to her bag. We proceeded down the dungeon, facing groups of skeletons. Most had the three-man grouping as the first, but some mixed it up. Either having two swords, or two archers. The toughest one had double armored ones and a bow one... that one took a while. But finally, we made it to the boss. I large, armored skeleton, with a great sword. 

"Keep your wits Aya..." I say as I ready my sword. A sword that size would defiantly be hard to block.  And would definitely hurt to be hit by.  The skeleton interrupts my thoughts, bringing its sword down hard. Aya and I both jump to the side to dodge. The impact of its sword left a small crater. 

"How does something with no muscles hit so hard!" I exclaimed. Aya however put the skeletons heavy attack to her advantage, striking the skeletons side as it was bringing its sword back up. Unfortunately, that also made her its primary target. It turned, sweeping the blade across the ground. Aya barley leapt over the blade as it swung. The blade clips her boot making her fall flat on her back.

"Aya!" I yell. "Fireball!" The fire hits the skeleton but seems to have little effect. I it raised its sword, ready to strike Aya before she could recover. I was out of options; I threw my sword at its head. That got its attention... it turned to me ignoring Aya, and it advanced blade ready. My mana hadn't recovered... and I now had no sword...except.... I quickly draw the old rusty sword off my back. It wasn't much... but it was something...

I looked up just in time to see the skeletons blade coming down at me. I held the sword up to block, the blade collided, and somehow held. I sidestepped, tilting the blade away, and redirected the skeletons blow to my side. Somehow this rust-covered sword had just saved me. The skeleton let out a roar sound as it lifted the blade again, only to be cut short as an arrow pierced its eye socket. The giant staggered. And Aya let loose another arrow, this one a glancing strike. Well... she was still learning.

I advanced and swung the rust sword at the skeletons leg. It cut through to my Suprise and the big guy fell to one knee. Aya took the opportunity and jumped, kicking the skeleton right in the head. It finally fell, exploding into shards, leaving bones behind. 

"Good....work....Aya..." I said working to catch my breath. "That thing was tougher than anything else we fought so far."

"Thanks master!" Aya said as she collected the bones. Then she went to get my sword. "Oh... master..." she brought it to me, the blade broken in two. "I'm sorry..."

I sigh taking the sword pieces from her. "Not your fault..."

"But if I hadn't got tripped...!"

"Aya!" I cut her off. "Don't blame yourself for this. It's just a sword, beginner equipment really. I was due for an upgrade anyway." I put the pieces in my bag. "What's important..." I pet her head. "Is that your safe." 

Aya still looked a bit sad but accepted the pets. "Thank you master. I'm sorry to make you worry."

"It's ok... come let's continue.  We can rest between floors."

"But your sword...?" I look to the rusted blade in my hand, then sheathed it in my scabbard. 

"I have a good feeling about this one..." I said. Then I headed for the door, Aya close behind.  We headed down between floors, there was a rest room of sorts. Every floor had one, and it was large enough to hold the camps of several parties. Though often there were fewer than two. We made our way into it and found a corner to rest. The room was empty, aside from ourselves. Crystals lining the ceiling gave the room a soft natural light, compared to the rest of the dungeon. Scattered ruins dotted the room, fallen pillars or ruined statues provided sparce decorations, and added to the dungeon atmosphere. I leaned back to rest. It was probably night on the surface, so it was a good time to rest. Aya sat next to me... her warmth comforting.  I closed my eyes and rested.

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