Harem in a dungeon from another world

Ceraphina. (Aka Exposition dump)

"I'm Ceraphina." She said it with a small bow. "But you may call me Cera."

I blinked a bit, and Aya was all struck. "Ok...Cera. Who are you?" I asked. She was obviously an angel of some sort...

"I am the guardian of this world. In some aspects, a goddess. Although I don't think such a title is appropriate." She sighed. "It is as I feared. Your memory was lost, wasn't it? We have met once before. When I summoned you here, But my power wasn't strong enough, it seems. Both you and my other champion seem to be unaware of your powers. Though she isn't strong enough to communicate with me yet."

"Wait, wait, wait... tons of questions... but first... another champion? And what are we champions of?"

Cera put a finger to her chin in thought. "The best way to explain it is that each world a guardian is placed in charge of the world. At the same time, a demon lord is incharge with opposing us and destroying or corrupting our worlds. To help us safely guard our worlds, we can summon champions.. or heroes. Most can pull up to four chosen heroes, or give one the power to be unrivaled. I could only manage two... you and Gianna."

"So... me and this Gianna woman have to fight a demon lord?" I asked. This was a lot to take in all of a sudden.

"Correct. In a manner of speaking. Though things are a tad different... my opposite... is a succubus..."

"I have to fight a sex demon?"

Cera nodded. "But she has hidden herself away, and is building power. She will one day unleash an enescapeable dream... so before that happens, you have to draw her out."

I scratch my head. "Ok...how?"

Cera smiled and pointed to Aya. "With her."

"Wait... with Aya?"

"Well, not just her. But a whole harem. I chose you because of your desire to dominate. And gave you the power to do so. The stronger your, 'will to dominate' becomes, The more, it will draw the succubus's attention.  And when she appears..." Cera punched her own palm. "You dominate her!"

"Your plan...is to have me...out succubus a succubus?" 

Cera nodded. "Yes! You get it.

*is she was serious? Of course... I did just get essentially divine permission... no, encouragement to build a harem.* I look to Aya. How was she handling this?  Aya's eyes gleamed. Did the goddess saying I needed her ease her worry about being sold back? 

"Aya...are you...." i started. But her excitement cut me off.

"My master is a hero! Im going to help you get all the girls!" She held her arms out wide. "And teach them to obey, master!" She said it excitedly. Cera smiled. "This one is a good one. She will serve you well. But seek your harem from all walks of life. Those who resist, will eventually learn to obey will boost your will to dominate.  While submissive and loyal ones will help you keep them in line, Aya is a fine start. But don't let up. Grow your power... and one day, when i think you're ready... I'll test you."

"A...test?" I asked. "What kind?" 

Cera smiled. "You will use your dominant power on me. And if it makes me submit, you'll be ready..."

"On you? How can i do that? I don't even know what this dominate thing is. You talk like it's a power...?"

Cera facepalmed. "Of course i forgot! I gave you spell casting but forgot to unlock your power." She held out a hand, and energy covered me for a second. But I didn't feel much different. "There. The will of the dominate skill tree is unlocked. Youll continue to learn base spells as well. But the will to dominate is you true power. Its primary skill is dominate... it lets you override another's will with your own." 

My eyes widened. If that were true, no wonder she had faith in this ability. 

"But for it to work, you must grow its strength. Let's have you try it... first... Try to command me. Use dominate to issue an order. If your will is strong enough, I will be forced to obey."

This...seemed wrong. But she said to do it... and I held out my hand. "Dominate! Kneel!" Cera glowed with energy but remained standing. 

"As I expected. You will have to grow its power. Now try it on Aya."

I turned to Aya. "Ready?"

She nodded. "Yes master!"

"Dominate! Kneel!" Aya was on her knees before I finished the order. Cera burst out laughing. 

"I forgot, shes already loyal... Aya, try to resist his command."

Aya looked puzzled. "But he's my master... and even if I wanted to the crest wont let me disobey him."

Cera snapped her fingers. "Man, I'm bad at this." The crest on Aya disappeared. Ayas eyes went wide. 

"Wait! I didn't mean I didn't want it! Im proud to masters!" Aya said.

Cera shakes her head. "I merely suppressed it. Itll return. Now... resist your master's order. It will help him, I promise."

Aya nodded, but she didn't look convinced. 

I sighed and held up my hand again. "Ready aya?" She nodded. "Dominate! Kneel!" 

The energy covered Aya. She winced and appeared to struggle a bit, but then fell to her knees.

"Im sorry. I tried to resist. I really did..." Cera smiled. "No, Aya, you did it right. That means your master's spell works!"

"Really!" Aya smiled. It was infectious, and I smiled too. For a brief moment, I had felt like i was in complete control of her... this power... was terrifying... Aya wanted to follow orders.... but what about those who didnt... Could I really use this on them? If they were my slaves already... maybe. But I don't think I would rely too much on this spell alone.

Cera seemed to sense my thoughts. "Your right. While growing its power is important... save its use for enemies or those in the harem that resist you." She held up a finger. "Furthermore... outside the divine realm, you will be limited to its use once per day for now. But that will expand as it grows."

*so it wasn't unbalanced completely... still...* Cera smiled. "Now go forth, hero! Gather that harem! If you do it legally, then you should be just fine! .... but if things are desperate, I will turn a blind eye to shortcuts you take. There is no concrete deadline yet... but I think the Succubus will return soon. So dont dally in the recuritment of the harem!"

"Uh... right, I won't let you down, Cera!" I said. But this was nuts... not that I was opposed to it... having a harem, and being a hero? What more could I want!

Cera nodded, then the light vanished, and she was gone. Aya and I stood alone in the boss's chamber. "Well... I guess we should gain money, get a house, and pay Larisa a few visits..."

Aya nodded, then her ears went down. "Um...when master has his thousands of slaves, he won't forget me, will he?" She said sadly. It seems some doubt came back once Cera left....

I hug her. "Aya, your my first. I can never forget you. And I think a thousand is a bit much.... Maybe something like ten? Even that seems a bit much..." I look her in the eyes. "But regardless however many there are... you'll always be the first slave... in fact, I'll make that your job right now. You are to oversee the others and keep them in line. My right hand girl!"

Aya teared up. And then she smiled. "Yes master! Thank you!.."

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