Harem in a dungeon from another world

In field training.

The monster roared as it took a hit, popping into shards of energy and falling to the ground as a tuft of fur. Monglins... but I called them ballon monkeys because they looked like inflated monkeys. They were this world's slime, rats, or whatever the basic enemy was. Barely above level 2, these things were simple for me... but for Aya, who was level 4, they were a closer match.  That being said... she was doing really well against them. Dodging and striking.... she preferred to use her palms and claws over the dagger I gave her. 

She jumped into the air and struck another, with a spin kick move popping it easily. I did little but watch her for now. Since she needed the experience. Ayas class seemed to be a variant of rouge mixed with monk.  Her new armor reflected this. She had a small chest plate over her uniform, and a leather bracer on each arm. There was also additional armor over her boots. It kind of looked like your typical skimpy armor in games... but served a more practical purpose... Aya was unhindered in her movements, giving her full use of her Cat-like reflexes. Still I would have to make sure she didn't take to many risks. Our next party member would have to be a bit tankier... maybe a swordsman class like me? 

*pop pop pop* Aya dispatched another three monglins easily. She collected the furs and returned. "Look master! I collected a lot!" It was only seve... wait... I counted. 

"AYA!" I exclaimed, "When did you fight twenty of these?" She cocked her head. "Just now... did I get too many?"

I shook my head. "No no, I was just surprised, is all." I must have been deeper in thought than I had thought.... I activated the stats screen... She was level 5 now. It seems she had leveled up without me noticing... and she does seem stronger now...

"Hey Aya... wanna go check the dungeon out?" I asked.


The line to the dungeon entrance wasn't as long as it appeared to be. And before long, Aya and I stepped onto the first floor.  The dungeon was dark... but not unlit. The light and feeling felt unnatural... and it was full of magic. No wonder low levels wouldn't be allowed. We started exploring. Not many monsters about yet... but then there were parties coming in all day, so maybe the dungeon hadn't regenerated them yet? Finally, something appeared. A walking plant.... with teeth. A Venus fly trap? 

*identify * crawlsnare. A level 5 monster.  "Aya, stand back... I don't know what this thing is capable of," I ordered.  I drew my sword, and I advanced. The clawsnare shrieked and swung vine like whips toward me. I swung it up in an upper cut, severing the vines. So that was it... Restrain and eat. Dangerous, but even basic blades would cut the vines. So not much a threat for anyone its level or higher. It grew new vines and struck again, but I cut through them. And I kept doing so till I was right on top of it... then I decapitated it. *pop* It left behind a branch with leaves... Aya came up next to me.

"That thing didn't put up much of a fight..." she mused. "But master dispatched it so elegantly!"

I was pretty sure she was exaggerating.   "Thank you, Aya. "Seems I may have been overly cautious... It is the first floor... You may join the fights now." Aya nodded, and we proceeded. Aya started to use her dagger more here, to help with the vines, and together we made quick work of the enemies as we found them. Before long, we found ourselves in a wide room with a single monster in it. Easily three times the size of the others, it roared, and attacked with many vines at once, making it difficult to cut through them all. *It must be the boss...*

"Caution, Aya... This one is strong." I tell her. She nods. "Yes master." With that, we engage the boss. Unlike the smaller one, cutting through the vines took more effort. I couldn't get close enough to the boss to actually strike it. Aya, on the other hand, had better speed. She was only cutting the vines that got close to her, focusing more on getting to the boss.  She might make it....

All of a sudden, a vine snared her, and within moments she was stuck in its grasp. "MASTER!" She called. 

"Hold on, Aya, I'll get you out." I said. But how? I couldn't get close to the damn thing... but then I felt a small twinge... Magic? I could always sense it... but I never used it... I got some distance and brought up the stats screen again. I had leveled up! Level 6. And there... a single spell... a fireball... a level-two mage spell? Whatever, I wasn't going to question it. I had to free Aya before that thing ate her! I closed the screen and raised my hand. "Fireball! 

A ball of fire formed in my hand, and flew forward, burning more vines than I could cut... This would work. I cast another fireball, then a third, clearing the path to Aya. "Fire ball!" The fourth one puffed and fizzled out. I felt drained too... I must have used up too much mana.... but it was enough. I cut the vine holding Aya, and she landed on her feet next to me, wide-eyed. "Master.... you...."

"Focus, Aya, we will figure it out later!" I scolded. A bit harsher than I meant. She nodded. 

"Right!" And with that, we made a untied charge, cutting our way to the boss, before we finally reached it and used a united strike on it, killing it, basically one team attack. The main thing wasn't even strong... it just threw a lot at us. But after a bomb sounding pop, it was gone. All that was left was a pile of branches, like the smaller ones dropped, but more. I sighed as Aya collected them.

"Aya." I started. She came to my side, eyes downcast. "I told you to be careful!"

She nodded. "I'm sorry, master."

I shook my head. "It's ok... Just be more careful in the future. I don't want you to get hurt." 

"Yes master. I will." She seemed to cheer up despite the scolding. "But master.... you used magic. How?"

I looked at my own hand, and felt the exhaustion hit. "I.... have no idea. But it seems my mana pool is not very deep.... I could only do three fireballs.... and now I feel tired." 

Aya cocked her head. "Master is so strong... he can use other classes abilities?" Her eyes were full of wonder. 

I shrugged. "Who knows... I wish I had answers."

"That would be my job." A voice came. Both Aya and I jumped, looking around. All of a sudden, a bright light came. And then before us was a beautiful woman, with flowing robes and large wings. "I've waited so long for you to get enough power to see me!" She smiled. "I'm....Ceraphina."

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