Harem in a dungeon from another world

The morning after

The next morning, I wake up and stretch. I turn in the bed and look at Aya. She was still soundly sleeping, her delicate face glimmering in the light streaks of sun coming through the morning window. I felt so lucky... this girl was mine... and she seemed genuinely happy to be here. Of course, I bought her to be more than a nighttime plaything... today.... I was going to see her fight. I carefully got up as not to disturb her and got dressed. I had been so excited last night, I hadn't eaten. And who knew when Aya had been fed. so I set about preparing a modest breakfast for us. As I was cooking the meats for it on the small stove, Aya stirred. She slow sat up on the bed and yawned. 

"Master?" She asked getting up to see what I was doing. Her tail swishing back and forth with curiosity. 

"Good morning Aya. Sleep well?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes master. I haven't slept that well in a while. The bed was so soft! And master was warm!" She purred slightly.  Guess, like a cat she liked warm things? 

I give her a smile. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. Hope your hungry, breakfast is almost ready." She eyed the meat with a longing look. 

"Ok master... but I don't see the slave food?" She asked curiously. 

"Oh, that's because you're eating some of this." She blushed. 

"Oh no master I couldn't. Thats master food, a slave isn't worthy of that!" 

I shake my head. "It's ok Aya. I want you to be nice and strong. Beside I can tell you want the meat." Aya blushed brighter. 

"Sorry master... it just smells good... and I haven't had anything but slave food for two years...." her stomach growled which only made her more embarrassed. "Are....you sure it's, ok?" 

I pet her head. "Yes. I'm sure... here I order you to eat this breakfast with me." I smirk. "Now you have to."

Aya beamed. Since it was an order, she felt more confident in it. Seemed simple kindness was new to her. Now I felt a touch bad about last night... I had been so excited I didn't think of her situation. And of course, she was accepting... she was trained to serve... well from now on... I was going to make sure she was happy too.  

I set the plates on the counter, one for Aya and one for me. She stared at hers for a while. Even after I took a bite. "Aya?"

She looked up, her eyes like she was studying prey. "Are you ok." 

She nodded. "Yes master."

"Then... what are you doing?" 

"Waiting for permission master." 

*didn't I already give her permission? Or was this kind of like having a dog wait before they could eat? What kind of training did she have? *

"You can eat." The words barely out of my mouth before she tore greedily into her food. She acted starved... poor thing. I know the slave dealer feed her, but how often? Or was this because it was something different? Either way... seemed I had to correct some of her training...

Aya finished quickly and beamed. "Thank you master! It was so good!"

"You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it." I gave her a smile. "Why don't you get dressed then we can leave." Aya nodded. "Yes master!" And with that she left the table and started getting ready. Well as much as she could with her hands bound... I forgot to untie her....

After that snafu was corrected, and Aya was dressed we headed out. Aya stayed behind me, just like the other slaves did with their masters and mistresses. She followed without hesitation most the way... except when we got to the slave dealers. There was a noticeable pause in her step, before she continued. This time I was going to check on her. 

"You ok Aya?" I asked. She nodded quickly.

"Yes master. I'm sorry. For a second I was afraid you were returning me...but then I remembered the uniform and armor you had me fitted for."

Ah so that was it. Of course, she was on sale for two years... of course she was afraid of being sold back....

"I understand.  Don't worry Aya... I plan to keep you for a long time. I promise."

She smiled brightly. "Thank you master." Her smile was adorable. 

We went up to the counter and greeted the attendant.  Aya was taken to the changing rooms to try her new clothes. That left me time to browse... I found an aisle of slave taking gear. *Slave taking? Was capturing slaves a thing? * I asked the attendant. She nodded.

"Yes. That is how many of our inventory is acquired.  But you can't just kidnap anyone for a slave. There are rules."

I raise an eyebrow. "Such as?"

"Criminals, like bandits and those with bounties on their heads. Some types of sentient monsters, and most dungeons on the lower levels, duels can be fought, where the loser is taken prisoner. But even these duels have rules to be followed."

"I see thank you." *Ok so at least that minimized my chances of being captured.... but made an interesting prospect for growing the harem I wanted.... * I ended up buying slavecord, a special rope for binding prisoners Longterm, and a few other things. I was planning a dungeon dive, so who knows?

By the time I was done with that Aya was in her new uniform. It resembled a certain famous space princess from my previous life that I had vague memories of. The cloth was blue and fitted to bring attention to her. Her bindingcrest in particular was framed perfectly on her chest. It had been modified so her tail still had free movement. She had open toed calf-high boots to complete it. She gave a spin, showing of the uniform. 

"How is it master?" She asked. My answer was a bit slow... as i was still taking it in. As beautiful as she was nude, the uniform brought out a whole new appeal.

"Your beautiful..." was all I managed.  Aya blushed.  The attendant took over. "Sorry for the wait. We had to rehem it, and make sure it wouldn't hinder her movement in combat. The armor fits over it and will over her modest protection while prioritizing movement for her agility. There are also shorts included to keep her modest in fights... if you want that." 

I nod still looking at Aya. "Yeah, that's for the best. Go ahead and putt the armor on Aya. We will be doing a little fighting today. Aya curtsied and went to put the armor on over her uniform. The style I chose for her was great... if I did succeed in the harem plan... I think I'd put all of them in something similar...

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