Harem in a dungeon from another world

Registration of Emerie

A short while later, an elf opens the door. "Mistress Marvain will see you now sir." She says bowing. 

I nod. "Ok girls let's go." Aya is quick to get behind me, but Emerie takes her time, shuffling slowly.  We follow the elf to Larissa's office. And the elf knocks.

"I have the customer mistress."

"Show him in"

The elf opens the door and I enter with my two behind me. Larissa sits behind her desk, a sly smile on her lips. She stands and greets me.

"So... after such a short time you return... and who's this I see? A scrumptious little redhead." Larissa says. Emerie looks away. "So... you have her paperwork I assume?"

"I do." I hand the papers to her.

"Everything seems in order... are you here to sell her?" 

Emerie looks up, a tad worried about that. Seemingly not registering till just now that it was a possibility. 

"No. I want her crested.... then..." I glance at her. "For being a smart butt and trying to lie her way out of this... I want her branded." 

Emerie goes pale. "Y... you wouldn't..."

Larissa smiles big. "I see. No worries she won't be harmed in the process. I will need to... " she gestures to Emerie's clothes. "Remove that."

Emerie looks to me. "W... wait..." this was all going fast for her. Even as i untie her hands, she gives a worried look. "I...I'm supposed to strip... here?" She knew it was coming of course. Ever since her capture... she knew one thing. Slavegirls rarely got to stay dressed with a master. But this wasn't private or intimate... it wasn't quite public but... 

"Yes. Though you can keep the undergarments." I said. I looked to Larissa for confirmation. "They shouldn't be in the way." 

Larissa nods. "I understand, save her reveal for yourself. Yes we can work around undergarments."

Emerie sighs. That was something at least. She looked up at me. Then slowly took everything but her underwear off. "The...there..." she studdered out, subconsciously trying to cover herself.

She had a better figure then her armor had allowed be seen.

"Perfect!" Larissa said. "Cali take her to be fitted. Per the customer request. Then take her to Markus for branding."

"Fitted?" Emerie asked puzzled as the elf nodded, waiting for her.

"Yes. When I made the appointment I picked some accessories for you. You'll leave in uniform today." I said gesturing. "Now go and behave." 

Emerie frowned, but followed Cali. Meanwhile Larissa turned to me. "Would you wish to see the branding in person?" 

"Perhaps... but for now, I have other business."

"Of course."


Emerie followed the Elf girl Cali, still trying to cover herself. She was taken to a room, where two other girls began measuring her over. Including her breasts. "I...is that necessary! Just what am I going to be wearing!"

The girls more or less ignore her as they continue to work. So, she glanced to Cali, who stood nearby. The elf merely shrugged. "It's whatever your master ordered."

"My...master..." Emerie repeated, the words gaining weight.  As she processed just who rapidly her life was changing, she was handed something. A leather ball, with straps. "Wh....what is this...?"

"Your gag. Your master specified you are to wear this." Replied Cali. Emerie stared at it. This was bigger than the cloth shed worn after her capture...surely this wouldn't even fit.

"I....think I'd rather not...." she said, and Cali gave her a look. 

"Thats between you and your master." Emerie glanced back at it before closing her hand around it. She wasn't going to just start wearing it... but she had a feeling she shouldn't lose it.

With her measurements done, she was led to another room. Here a blacksmith was at work, and all around were bins full of shackles of various sizes, and metal collars. "The measures said you were a size 4...." Cali said picking up a collar. She put it around Emerie's neck. It was small enough she could feel it on her neck, but just big enough it wasn't choking her. Though Emerie got the since why leashed slaves didn't drag their feet often.... there was a click as the collar locked, and the sound sent a shiver down her spine. As soon as Cali moved away, Emerie reached up to touch the collar. The metal was cold, and unyielding.  She couldn't see the lock... but short of removing it.... the collar would not be coming off. Thankfully it wasn't physically heavy... just mentally so.  But even as she was processing it, she was moved forward, toward an anvil, and bent over it. Before she could comprehend what was about to happen, she had her ankles strapped, and wrists tied. A bit was pulled into her mouth just as she started to protest.  Leaving her only able to watch as the black smith approached. Some kind of gel was put on the right side of her butt cheek. She closed her eyes and braced. There she felt a stinging sensation......the strap loosened.  She opened her eyes as she was let back up, looking down, and sure enough... there it was... a KS in a circle, singed clearly into her skin. She had barely felt it...and yet there it was... a brand on her side. The bit was removed, and she looked to Cali and the blacksmith. "Was....was that it?"

The smith chuckles. "I don't blame your confusion.  The gel we use is magic, dulling the pain, and remoisturizing the burn. It helps prevent any other damage leaving just the brand itself."

Emerie just touches the brand... the skin was warm but not painful to touch. "Huh...." was all she managed to get out. Cali led her back to the office. She knocked.

"Enter." Came Larissa's voice. Cali opened the door, and led Emerie in.

"She is measured, branded and collared." Cali says bowing.

Emerie shyly steps forward hating it. I turn to her, as Larissa rounds the desk pen in hand. I prick my finger like before and steps toward Emerie.

"Want the crest in the same place as Aya's?" She asks. I nod. Larissa draws the circle, and KS on her cleavage. Emerie blushes hard. "It's done. She has her binding crest." 

I stand up. "Thank you, Larissa.  How's it feel Emerie."

Emerie looks away. "Like I'm a pet. I don't care for it..." with the crest she wasn't going to try lying or disobeying right now. In time shed test the limits... but right now she decides to play nice. Afterall, she had another cheek he could have branded... 

Aya circles her observing her. "The brand looks so good! Master why didn't you brand me? I'm first slave! I should have one!" 

Emerie gave her a dumbfounded look.

"Do you really want one Aya?" I ask. She nods.

"Of course, master! I want the world to know I'm yours!" 

I look to Larissa. "I guess an additional brand then..."

Larissa nods. "Cali, escort Aya to Markus." And with that Aya was taken to get her brand. Emerie took her spot at my side as we waited. 

"Can... I get dressed now sir..." she mumbled out, embarrassed to have to ask permission. I shake my head. 

"Wait until your uniforms ready. Shouldn't be long, since they don't have to edit it for a tail..." Emerie hangs her head but remains silent. 

I turn back to Larissa as she sits. "So... about our discussion."

She nods. "Yes, it's feasible. I'll have her trained for the role as soon as I can. I'm pleased you decided to give her a chance!" She opens the folder. "Cyla has quite resume. And I'm sure she will make an excellent slave. Her obedience has improved since you bought Aya... and being a repeat customer I'm willing to work with you. Ill include a hold fee in the price for today. But you will need the full amount in a weeks' time, or you'll lose the deposit."

I think for a moment. "I can accept those terms. The treasure we got in the dungeon will go towards that. Plus, loot drops... it'll be hard work, but I think I can manage."

Emerie perked up. "What about the guild quests. Surely you got some completed on the way down."

"Guild quests?"

Both Emerie and Larissa looked at me like I had said something stupid.

"Youve been earning money without joining the guild?" Larissa says. "You really chose the hardest method huh?" She shakes her head. "Any adventurer seeking money takes guild jobs. It offers better pay then just selling loot."

And now I did feel like an idiot. How many weeks had I been harvesting monglins all day to grind money and levels....

"Ill.... look into it."

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