Harem in a dungeon from another world

Tarkonian guild

As Larissa and I hammered out the details and final pricing, Aya was escorted back, proudly showing her new brand off. The cloth of her uniform parting at just the right spot. She gives a little twirl. "How's it look, master?!"

"Very nice, Aya." I say approvingly.  Aya smiles, and takes a submissive stand by my side.  I turn back to Larissa  "I think that concludes my business for now." 

Larissa nods. "I believe so. The girls should be done editing the little red head's uniform. Make sure you collect it on the way out." She stands, and I shake her hand.

"We will. Thank you, Larissa." 

I turn to leave, waving towards the girls. "Come slaves. let's go."

 Aya is quick to follow, and Emerie feels the crest make her comply. I grab the bag with Emerie's old gear, and we head out. Cali shows us out of the shop, and Emerie is trying to cover herself as we head to the changing rooms.The girls take Emerie in, and a short while later she comes back out, wearing a uniform almost exactly like Aya's, even down to the open toe calf-high boots. The only difference was it was in a red color with a golden trim. Emerie is blushing as she rejoins us. 

"I should have guessed you'd make me wear this..." she says. I give her a slight glance, and she sighs "Master. There, I said it."

I petted her head. "Good girl. Now put the gag on." Her cheeks turned red as she complied. 


Honestly how much more embarrassing could this get?

 I got my answer as we left onto the street. A slave girl in skimpy clothes is hardly out of the norm, but to me, everyone was staring at us.  Kiron leads us to the weapons and armor shop. There, Kiron sold off my old gear along with the monster drops from the dungeon. I glared as the coins were handed over. That was MY stuff... or... it was. Now I could only own things my "master" allowed... Which thankfully included my sword, at least. But I had perfectly good boots before! So why were they sold, and why was I put in these open toed ones? The cat had retractable claws, so it made sense for her... but for me? It's probably just another means to embarrass me...


With the extra gear sold, I look for the guild hall. Strange... I had passed by this building multiple times before... but it had never occurred to me to sign up for it. Despite being an RPG stable...

I lead the girls inside. The guild building has tables and booths all throughout the main room, a bar to the left in the back, and to the right, a job board and the registration desk. The guild was full of parties and adventurers, All busy talking amongst themselves and drinking. There were more here than I thought, though it wasn't uncommon for parties to spend weeks in the dungeons. 

We made our way up the counter. 

"Welcome to the Tarko Guild!" The woman at the desk said giving a bow. "Is this your first time--" She pauses her speil and looks at the red head "Emerie?  Is that you?"

Emerie, who was trying to hide herself, sighed and stepped out. "Heph Mephiha... yeph... iph me..." 

Melissa just shook her head. "This is why you always stay with your party, even if you have to split rewards. We warn you about striking off on your own." She looks at me. "Please do take care of her. I know she's a handful, but shes a good person deep down... Mostly."

I pet Emerie's head, much to her further embarrassment. "I will."

Melissa nods. "Good. Now then! I assume this is your first visit to our guild?" 

Well she moved on from Emerie rather quickly....

I nodded at Melissa. "Yes. I'd like to register with the guild."

"Of course! I just need you to place you hand on this pad." She sets a stone tablet on the counter, a handprint on its surface. I place my hand on it. It glows and after a moment, my stats, level and skills are displayed above the tablet.

"Oh my..." Melissa adjusts her glasses. "How rare! Spells with a Swordsman class? Are you perhaps capable of class mixing?  How curious! Few have that talent!"

That was probably Ceraphina's influence. "I had noticed I was able to learn spells..."

Melissa nods. "So I see. And some Mage level ones, too. With effort, you could probably learn some skills from all classes." she explains "You should experiment with that when you have time. Now then, it seems your a high enough level, and you have two slaves in your party."

She slides a card into a slot on the tablet, and my stats vanish. She pulls it out, the information inscribed on the card.

 "This is a guild card. This shows you're capable of accepting missions from our guild, and should allow you into other guilds in other cities." She says handing me the card. 

"Thats sounds helpful, thank you." I say as i accpet the card.

"And these are claims to any quests Emerie has completed here..."

Emerie eyes widened abit. "Mu phephs?"

Melissa nodded. "They belong to your master now." 


Emerie pouted a bit and turned away as we finished up. Only to spot her friend at one of the party tables. Their eyes met briefly,  before Tela looked away. Then another party entered... Leanne's party... and here Emerie was in full slave attire, and gagged. She dared not look as she heard Leanne laughing from across the room. Now she wanted nothing more then to be where ever her master was going to take her for the night, away from public veiw.... thankfully the rest the buisness didnt take long, and they left the guild, returning to the streets again. The sky was growing dark as night approaches.  Good. She was ready to sleep, It had been a very tiring day.

experimenting with adding Emerie's perspective.  I think it could be interestingto see some events through her eyes.

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