Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 3: Torture

When I opened my eyes, it was inside a dark room.

What, it’s still night?

It doesn’t feel like a nightmare either.

Oh well if it’s still dark, I’ll go back to sleep then. I got work tomorrow too.

As I was thinking about going back to sleep, a feeling of discomfort wrapped my body.

For some reasons, my body felt sore.

No that was not the case. The bed I was lying on was hard that every time I roll over I feel sore.

No way I’d be sleeping on something hard. What, did I fall off my bed or something? If so, then this is the first time in my life…

My hands are binded by a rope. I am fully naked.

Ok let’s try to remember. I was reading books in my room. Then..... I remember walking for hours with snow falling from above. I think that was about that time I got that serious headache… and later lost consciousness in my room, and then after walking for hours under the falling snow.

Damn it, my mind is so messed up.

Whoa, it’s bright!!

Bright light suddenly filled the room. With such sudden change in brightness, my eyes stopped functioning for an instant. However, as my eyes were gradually getting used to the brightness, I did not see any change within the room itself.

I felt a human presence. Not just presence, the sounds of people walking on a hard floor entered my ears. The fact that someone is coming proving that I was not trapped in some space of no gap.

But, that sense of relief vanished in a matter of seconds. Figures of people entered my sight and I was shocked by their erratic appearance.

I could see 2 figures in front of me, both of them are women but as my eyes are still weary, I couldn't see their face clearly.

Cold sweat was running on my cheeks. I felt like I am in a life-or-death situation.

"Let's cut his body into pieces." A girl with a playful voice proposes something scary. 

"No. We need a slave and punching bag." A taller woman says that and giggles. 

I who was on the brink of despair, have fallen down into further despair. They continue to talk among themselves, without paying attention to me who is already in a state of panic and confusion.

Their conversation then comes to a stop, one of the women pulls out white ring out of a bag. 

As I am wondering about what they are going to use that object I have never seen before for, a few tiny needles comes out from the inner side of the ring.

7 needles in total, comes out with a sharp sound.

‘Such a dangerous thing’ is what comes into my mind and at the same time I have a very bad feeling about it. She walks towards me and press the needles onto my feets. 

Whoa hold it, hold it right there! Don’t put such dangerous looking thing on people’s foot, no, stop, nooooooooo!!!

My body would not move, my voice would not come out, all I could do is only watching them without any reaction against it. She inserts without any trouble, into my skin. A sudden fear of dying struck me, but I could not do anything to resist, not even helplessly crying or screaming. 

"Stop, please stop――" Finally, my voice comes out.

My feet feels extreme pain. After that, I blackens out.


“…I’m still alive.”

In the vagueness of my consciousness, I murmurs.

Once again, I wake up from lying on a hard surface.

The flashback of my memory before I passed out immediately comes into play inside my head.


I feels like vomiting but I hold it anyway.

Although it was still a good thing I do not feel any pain, after receiving such torture-like experience, I could not help but to complain.

However, now that I had regained my movement back, first I need to understand my current situation.

Right now, I am in a big room like the room I was lying earlier. I look at my feet. There are wounds in the form holes, as a result of the needles piercing before. The wounds are dried already. 

The torturers were women although I couldn't see their face because of weary eyes. 

For the time being, since they left me unharmed, I don’t think they would simply kill me later.

Wait, even if they don’t kill me now, maybe they’ll torture me later like when they pierce needles into my body.

That’d suck, I think biting my tongue and bleed to death is a much better way to die.

If they torture me, I’d probably be pleading for my life and eventually die sooner of later. I don’t want that kind of death.

Door opens. Two women enters the room, slowly closing their distance with me. They pierce needles, this time into my left arm. At that very moment, sharp pain struck me.


I while rolling in pain on the hard floor, look at the women with tears in my eyes. It is not out of anger, but simply asking for forgiveness, I am in such unsightly state.

I pass out.


Wake up at 7.00am in the morning, get out of house at 7.30am and go to office, without falling asleep or chatting I take my job seriously. Reaching home at 7.30pm, I started reading and studying books. 

One day, my head ached and I passed out in my bedroom while reading. When I woke up, I was in an unknown world. While it was unclear, I was informed that I had been transmigrated into different universe. I walked through snowy environment until I found place with heat and steam. As I was exhausted, I fainted. 

I woke up in a strange room and from there on, my hellish life began.

I haven't eaten anything since I came into this world. I couldn't see the female torturers clearly because lack of energy. 

They torture me by piercing needles into my body before removing them after I faint. I don't understand why they do this but my sixth sense tells me that the women are merely sadistic, enjoy my suffering.

Now that I think of them, I am surprised my body held out and I don't die.

On the fifth attempt, a man came in, giving me food and water before the female duo comes in and pierce my butt. Upon eating, I hold out longer but they prolong the torturing until I pass out.

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