Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 4: Shit and Blood

I have been here for 5 days. In spite of the torturing, I am being fed with bread and water. I am gradually but surely gaining my sight. 

"Tok. Tok." A playful girly voice came from the door, signaling my nightmare has started. Usually I could only see two women of different heights but my eyes were too weary to recognize their looks. Today, I am seeing their actual clearly. 

The smaller woman is a blond bombshell. The tall woman is brown skinned beauty with dark hair that reaches her neck. The short haired blonde has bigger breasts than most girls that I ever saw in my previous world but the tall girl has bigger boobs. Having said that, like the smaller girl, her boobs and ass are well proportioned with her nearly 180cm height. 

The blond lady has slutty appearance with her cleavage, navel, waist and thigh exposed despite the cold weather. Ripped six pack is clear on her belly which is in contrast with her cute delicate facade. Meanwhile, the brown skinned lady wears something like military uniform that covers her whole skin except hand, neck and head. Both women have playful tone but projects sadistic aura.

“I’m here~”

As she speaks in playful tones, the smaller girl run her fingers through her short blonde hair and squats in front of me who is Ieaning on the wall. 

“Ah~ creepy guy who’s hiding in a corner, you’ve got a guest~” With those sing-song words, the brown skinned beauty walks to my side. She grabs my left arm which is bigger than hers and pulls me.

"Big boy, how long since you last take a dump? We don't your shit in here."

Come to think about it, I haven't taken a dump since I came into this universe. I didn't even eat until yesterday. I was forced to drink water on the second day, though which made me piss on the room since then. There are men who came in on daily basis, probably the women's underling, and clean my pee, but not after kicking and punching me.

“Hm hm hm — hm~” The squating girl draws her dagger and cut the rope that binds my hand as she hums. She then stands up and makes a gesture of forcing me to stand up.

When I stand up, the big girl pull my arm forcefully and the small girl kick my butt to shove me. 

We walk out of the room and I see a space like a living room with a medieval decoration. There are medieval looking vase, chair and table and no electronic device, no TV. The interior lighting nevertheless is bright. From my first arrival in this universe, I have always felt that this world operates in medieval setting but the lighting technology I just see is revolutionary. I could see source of the bright light but it is not a bulb. I see beautifully decorated crystal that emits light as bright as 21st century lighting system. 

Not long after that, we go out through a wooden door. I take the chance to touch the door and wall with my free hands. The house is small bungalow made of brick. Although it has the same structure of modern house, it manifests medieval European architecture. It's roof consists of clay tiles. 

As we walk further from the house, three smaller houses surrounding the bungalow are viewable. The smaller houses are located at about 20 meters from the the house in the centre. Compared to the luxurious house at the centre, the surrounding three houses are much smaller in size and have thatched roof, but the walls are still made of bricks. 

"The houses were owned by this country's noble. We just slaughtered them and their servants." The big girl mutters satisfactorily.

"Hehehe. I saw a cute girl wearing this beautiful dress, but it looked so wrong on her body that I took it off, kicked her~ And then I was sooooo surprised! She went mad~ peeing and crapping herself. So, I stab her to death.”

The blond girl convulsed in laughter.

"To think you kill a noble daughter for such trash. Why not make her a sex slave?" The big girl condemns her smaller companion.

“Calling it trash is too mean~”

The big lady laughes at the blond girl who puffed up her face.

I couldn't help but listen in silence. It is really scary to know that there are such madmen around.

As we walk further from the house, I also notice there are many camps and hundreds of men who look like medieval soldiers in that area. As they don't dare to approach the two women, I assume this women must be at the top of hierarchy.

We finally reach a hole on a field. 

"As delicate ladies, we take our dump at private and comfortable place. But this hole suits a lowlife like you." The blond girl says in cute tone while giving innocent smile. 

As I gaze helplessly at their smiling face, I squat with my ass above the hole. No need to remove pant as I have been naked since I was first confined. 


"Hahahaha. Wool!"

They are clapping hands, jumping and giggling like high school cheerleading girls as watching my poop drop one by one into the hole.

There are hundreds of men who are also watching, laughing and jeering from distance.

I look really stupid but I have no choice but to survive. 

Suddenly, the women ceases their giggling when a group of men walk towards us. 

Half of them probably are the women's underling as they wear the same uniform as the big girl. There are pushing several men who wears different uniform and their gaze is full of hostility.

"Your excellency. General Sekrit, General Clementine.". It seems the brown skinned beauty is Sekrit and the blond bombshell is Clementine.

The women furrow their eyebrows.

"We were just attacked by a group of Federation's soldiers. We manage to beat them. These men are the survivors we subdued."



The so called federation soldiers are cursing angrily at them.

The women just smile innocently and instructs;

" Unbind them. Give them weapons."

The underlings seem to understand their instructions as they unbind their enemies and throw some swords to them. 

" You will regret giving us chance." The federation soldiers roar while picking up swords.

The enemy with a helmet and full body armour immediately hack towards the blond girl, Clementine. 

She quickly move to his right side and draws her dagger. The thrust goes through the steel helmet, along with the forehead beneath it.

The body shakes violently, and then collapses like a puppet whose strings had been cut. The metal armor clanged loudly.

Two men charges towards the Sekrit. 

She grins, "Attacking all of a sudden? At least answer my……"

Sekrit doesn’t finish her question and moves without changing her expression.

Her weapon of choice is a one-handed sword of medium length with a thin blade which looks apt for thrusting.

She crouches low to the ground before instantly rising up for a thrust, which the enemy twist his body to dodge, but she follows up immediately with a spin and aims for his neck. He quickly dodges it but she change her movement in midair and stabs his neck.

I was watching everything while dumbly squating in nude. My ass is bare for everyone to see.

Another man seems experienced as he maintains his composure and attack her from behind. She evades that slashes by rotating her body and quickly counterattacks. He can’t bring his longsword back in time to block so he intends to receive the attack with his longsword, however he doesn’t feel any impact.

Before he knows it, Sekrit has already leaped behind him, kicking the nearby tree to jump diagonally before coming down from above with an attack. She fights like a masterful circus performer.

Her opponent is capable. He doesn’t have time to counter. Her sword will split his head open faster than he can move his heavy sword.

With that judgement, he rolls forward to avoid her attack, only to face a vicious downward strike from her right as he is getting up. The strike is so deadly that he died immediately.

Another man dash toward her with a slash. She dodges by jumping and doing a somersault. Despite her large body, her somersault enable her to leap above his head and strikes. This time, the opponent is successful in blocking with his longsword and a piercing clang resounded from the contact of blades.

She grins and says; "You have incredible brute strength. Your raw power  is beyond me."

She doesn’t seem intent on competing with him in terms of strength and swiftly jumps backward after seeing her attack blocked.

The man looks at his hand with a slightly surprised expression. Sekrit is also surprised for an instant and her eyes widen briefly, though she doesn’t say anything and resumes her attack. She jumps forward and swings her sword. 

He intercepts her with his longsword.


The big girl uses her armguard to deflect the back of the blade he swung at her, using the momentum from the impact to change her movement in midair.


He unconsciously let out an anguished groan.

His longsword swung all the way through so he is open for an attack.

Meanwhile, Sekrit has tight grip on her sword despite spinning in the air.

"Watch out!" His friend warns him.

A thrust flies at him like a flash of light as his friend screams, which he manages to deflect with his armguard.

He doesn't block it because he see the attack. He probably makes a correct prediction that she would aim for his throat.

That should mean she loses her method of attack.

Just when he thought she would put some distance between them for now……

She twists her body silently and unleashes a roundhouse kick.

Thinking it was a weaker attack since she spun in midair from an unstable position, the strong man blocks with his arm.

The sound of bone creaking as her leg makes contact with his arm can be heard.

He swing his arm strongly to knock Sekrit back, but it seems his hand is in terrible pain.

She lands perfectly on her feet and I hear a metallic clang when she steps on an iron plate.

She appears to be wearing leather boots, but it looks like there was a piece of iron fitted inside them.

"She’s off-balance now! I can do it" Another man rushes towards her.

"Not yet. She landed steadily so she isn’t off-balance at all.

Besides, her strength is nothing like a woman’s. She’s stronger than her physique shows…… rivalling men’s strength.

Plus she’s fast for such big body." The man tells the attacking man while holding his hand in pain.

She easily makes the new opponent's slash at her thigh hit air since that was a standard move against an opponent of larger stature.

The big girl leaps high in the air. It wasn’t a simple jump. It was like she somersaults in the air, meaning both her eyes and arm locked perfectly on the man beneath her.

His defenses opens up when he blocks the mid-air slash with his shield. As I thought, there is a significant difference in strength between her an the new guy.

The girl lands quietly and simultaneously launches a powerful thrust with her sword.

He takes the blow on his shield.

The shield is sent flying by the weighty strike and he is left with just his sword.

That woman’s attacks don’t end there.

She turns her whole body for a horizontal sweep with her sword as well as raises her leg for a roundhouse kick.

Her iron-laced boots and sword close in on him from top and bottom.

The slash targets his neck and the kick targets his stomach. He only has one sword to block both attacks. This man is no pushover.

In the end, he chooses to block the sword which would deliver a fatal strike to his neck…… allowing the kick to land on his stomach. When he falls on his knee because of pain on the body, she stabs his neck.


With a beastial roar, the strong man who was previously holding his hand in pain, charges straight at the woman. He punches the soldier who tries to get in his way, sending him sliding on the ground for over 10 meters.

Sekrit switches her attention to him when he let out his war cry.

He holds his longsword with both hands, then swing it down with all his might.

Obviously she isn’t going to block the full force of the strong man's attack.

Sure enough, she jumps back and dodges. Knowing he misses, he put his full strength behind the strike. His target is actually the planks on the ground. 

His sword crushes the planks, turning everything into tiny pieces and flinging those particles everywhere.

The wood and metal fragments spray the backward-dodging woman.

She couldn’t help but cover her face, losing vision of what’s in front of her for a split second.

He leaves his longsword buried in the deck and run at the woman with only his bare hands.

His fist meets the woman as she lands.

Bracing herself for the hit, she takes it and flies.

She fly so far back.

Meaning she jumps on her own to soften his blow.

He chases after the flying girl to deliver a real punch this time.

Having jumped herself, she can no longer take a defensive stance. When the punch reaches her, suddenly she makes a somersault in the midair and drop kick on his head. 

He fells on his knee and Sekrit jumps to behind him and stab the back of his neck. The fight between 2 top class fighters is finally over.

Only an enemy remaining. Clementine walks happily towards him. The man glares at the blond girl before him. However, it was clear that he is just putting on a brave front. He has lost the will to fight after seeing the women casually kill many of his fellows.

The young woman with short blond hair who had murdered his colleagues flicked her bloodstained dagger. The ichor scattered in all directions, and the blades recovered their cold shine.

"Nfufufufu~ and then there was one, my darling~”

Clementine reveals her canines with a predatory grin.

“Why, why are you invading our country?”

He knows it is a stupid question, but the man has no idea why this is happening to him.

"Hmmm~? Then how about this? I like killing people, I love it, I’m absolutely crazy about it. Ah, and I like torture too,” Clementine adds with a giggle.

After hearing this nonsensical reply, the man’s face hardened and he said, “You’re insane! Why!?”


Clementine’s voice changed. The joking, teasing tone from just now was gone.

“Hmmm… I wonder why? Perhaps it was because my job involved killing lots of people? Or how I was raped constantly before I became strong? Because my friends died in front of me? Or maybe it’s because I messed up and got captured and tortured for several days? Heated choke pears hurt, you know~”

It seemed as though there was only a little girl before him. But in the blink of an eye, a smile bloomed on the woman’s face.

Clementine releases her daggers, which are pulled down by gravity and sank into the ground. Judging by their abnormal sharpness, they must have been made of something other than simple steel.

"Which part of your body I will stab? Ass? Penis?"

As she uttered those bone-chilling words, she drew another pair of daggers.

"How many daggers ?" I unconsciously mutter the words.

Clementine looks at me and says," These cute things are not dagger. It is dirk."

“These should be good… sorry if I miss~”

It was adorable, the way she stuck her tongue out at him. However, her filthy, blackened heart was visible for all to see.

The man picks a sword and throw at her before running towards her with another sword.

Although he hears an exaggerated gasp of surprise from the young woman, he still run and attacks with every ounce of strength in him. 

However, there was a clattering noise from behind him, followed by the Clementine’s calm voice.

“—Too slow~”

Searing pain filled his shoulder. The man desperately tried to resist and slash but she stab his ass. Too cruel.

She looks at me again.

"What a wonderful day. I get to see you shit. And we get to slaughter some strong men."

A dreadful smile bloomed on the her face.

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