Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 5: Negara Invasion

Marquis Arsanov look at officers who attend the war meeting. All of them are noble and hold important military rank in  the country. Count Stessel commences the meeting;

"With everyone together, we can get to the important matters!"

All the gathered commanders straighten their backs as soon as Stessel said that.

"We successfully dealt a huge blow to the new enemy who tried to do a surprise landing and chased them away." 

Everyone let out a small cheer, although Count Stessel didn’t allow for it to last, continuing his speech.

"Many noble families had been slaughtered and their land had been taken by invaders. Our country, Federation is known for well-trained warriors but we lost most of our top warriors in the past month."

The commanders fold their arms and go into thinking with scowls on their faces.

The enemy still had a large fleet and held control over the river, so they could land troops anywhere on the north coast whenever they wanted.

If it was on an empty plains and they were exterminated quickly, there wouldn’t be any problems, however the impact of losing the port cities, even if just temporarily, is big.

Noble families control those cities and a dozen of them were slaughtered last month. It seems the invaders' strategy of stealthily killing off noble families really work against Federation.

Marquis Arsanov stands up,

"Snow and cold weather fortunately halt invaders' advancement. We are used this such weather and should use it to our advantage."

He points to several points on the map displayed on the wall. 

"every year during this time, a heavy fog forms on the river. We’ll use that as cover and attempt to land all at once. Until then, we will prepare vessels while preventing the enemy from finding out."

"Countess Ivanna Reskina. That's where you will come in. Don't disappoint your late father."

Stessel continues where the marquis Arsanov left.

"Ivanna will use the fog to assault the enemy from the river."

Ivanna puts a hand to her chest and salutes to Stessel.

Not only Ivanna is the only female officer in the meeting, she has beautiful face. As someone born in Olga Federation, she has snow white skin. Her has medium length red hair that tied in fishtail braid that reaches her slightly below her nape. Her pupil is brown. Her stature is about 170cm which quite tall for a woman. 

She wears a pure white Olga Federation uniform that matches perfectly her snow white skin. She has slender rapier on her hip. Black shining military shoes, visible beneath the white uniform, make a beautiful noise when she walks in the floor. 

She is tall and her breasts are big but her lip is pink and cute. Covered by the uniform, her back looks muscular and wide, is sign that her body is toned.

That makes Ivanna always at the centre of attention in the meeting.


The snow would not stop coming down once it started to fall.

It would gradually pile up and dye everything white.

The commanders tentatively face each other with a sour expression.

"I heard the Olga Federation winters were cold, but not to this extent."

"The slave is effectively rendered useless. Being partially naked, he is not able to move well due to the cold."

Sekrit kicks my naked butt. I am on my four, naked like a dog.

"Not just that, soldiers from the main army are catching colds and becoming sick one after the other."

They had information about the cold Federation winters.

Therefore, the Negara’s home country provided enough of the mostly unnecessary pelts for the regular soldiers and even prepared the wood to be used for campfires.

However that would mean the provincial guards, not to mention the mercenaries, would have to endure the harsh weather.

"But the mercenaries can’t even move a muscle, let alone fight, and deaths are starting to occur among those with weaker bodies."

"Furthermore, the soldiers are starting to get burned…… frostbitten as referred to by the prisoners of war…… more and more of them are suffering this condition."

Bearing all the silent pressure, one man steps forward.

"General Sekrit, I understand that we are one step away from capturing Olga City, but at this rate, we can’t fight decently. Let us temporarily retreat to the south and wait for winter to pass before trying to conquer again……"


Sekrit bellows angrily.

"The northern and eastern parts of the Federation, are falling apart by moment! If we wait until spring, they’ll be fully prepared to fight us! Can we still conquer Olga city then!?"

"That’s true, but-……"

The staff officers and commanders were at their wits’ ends.

They finally could no longer breakthrough the defences of Olga City despite their incessant attacks.

Adding the cold on top of that fact, it didn’t look possible to bring down Olga City.

However there was logic behind what Sekrit said too.

The reason the Negara was able to fight with such an overwhelming advantage is because they were riding the momentum from the victory of the first battle.

If the Federation noble calms down and cooperates with each other, they could make a rally despite fighting in their own backyard not too long ago.

"The enemy is at an advantage if we give them time……"

"And the further we get into winter, the more advantageous the enemy is……"

"I understand what all of you are saying, but relenting our attacks would be what our enemies want. We will proceed with the next attack as planned!"


They know they couldn’t fight well.

But it is clear that things would get worse as more time passed.

They couldn’t ease up on their offensive.

"Get ready to chargeeeee!!"

"You guys, stand up already! You can at least keep warm by moving around!"

The commanders shouted and forced the shivering mercenaries to line up.

"Start the attack, concentrate on the upper portion of the fortress. Don’t worry if it gets a few allies caught up in the blasts." 

Sekrit gives the order and battleships immediately approach Olga City, starting the cannon fire.

This time, the Olga City side counterattacks without delay and showers the fleet with projectiles.

"2 ships, sunk instantly" 2 ships, severely damaged."

Sekrit doesn’t react to the damage report.

The damage to the fleet is increasing but many cannonballs have landed on the walls too and she could see cannons and soldiers flying left and right.

"The land army has begun to charge."

The Negara’s land army rushes towards the castle walls amidst the rising smoke.

"Focus your aim predominantly at the places they’re counterattacking."

The Negara army gets hit with a barrage of arrows and cannonballs as they close in on the walls, scattering and running around in confusion.

Shortly after, the fleet would bombard the place where the counterattack happened.

This series of events would repeat itself several times, resulting in piles of dead Negara soldiers at the feet of the walls, but it also resulted in drastically reduced resistance.

"The land army has put up the smoke signal!"

"Stop firing."

As soon as the red smoke was spotted, Sekrit orders for the bombarding to stop.

Losing disposable soldiers due to friendly fire isn’t a big deal but accidentally firing at a crucial location is something serious.

Many Negara soldiers mix together to form a few squads and advance towards the castle walls.

"Do you think things will go smoothly?"

"Only if the amount we use doesn’t rout them."

A blue smoke signal goes up to indicate the plan is a success.

And then simultaneously, a big explosion incomparable to the ones caused by cannonballs destroys the a portion of the walls.

"Burying gunpowder at the base of the wall and blowing up the walls directly……?"

"If we could do this, why did we not do it until now……"

Sekrit sighs in response to her incompetent subordinates.

A risky attack like that won’t work on undamaged walls.

It’s because the walls are already riddled with holes that they can be finished off just by throwing gunpowder at them.

There’s no way slowly poking small holes into the wall would be effective while the enemy’s defensive structures remained operational.

Explaining all of that in detail is too troublesome.

Sekrit only gives out orders.

"The walls have fallen. The rest is up to the land army while we stay vigilant for the enemy fleet."

The walls have collapsed but just a single portion of it.

They could not provide further assistance with cannon fire because the area is beyond their line of sight

"The rest is dependant on Clementine’s skill…… it would be nice if she does a good job."

The Negara’s land army invade through the large hole opened up in the first layer of the castle walls.

Because such an enormous amount of gunpowder was used to blow up the wall, a large enough hole was created for a massive army to flood in.

"Invade all the way to the city!"

"Break through the next wall before the enemy can get ready!" 

"Destroy everything in sight!"

The Negara soldiers charge in shouting their war cries only to see nothing in front of them.

They couldn’t see any enemy soldiers hurrying to escape from the broken wall or hastily moving the cannons.

When they started to express their doubts, the gates of the second wall standing in their paths opened.

"Throw out these savages. All regiments, advance!"

The Federation soldiers wrapped in white armor rush towards the Negara soldiers.

At the same time, numerous cannons and archers provide intense supporting fire.

The Negara army had no backup after stepping beyond the first wall.

In addition, the Negara soldiers were cluttered from pushing their way through the hole and rushing in blindly, whereas the Federation soldiers marched in orderly ranks.

The Federation soldiers were waiting for the enemy to invade after the first wall went down.

As soon as the two sides clashed, the soldiers from the Negara fell apart instantly, finding themselves in a one-sided rout, and then running for their lives through the hole they were finally able to crack in the first wall.

"Hmph, fools. Did they expect the soldiers to cling to the battered walls forever?"

Exactly as the Federation’s commander said, the defense headquarters, having determined the first wall was at its limit, moved most of the soldiers and cannons to the second wall.

With the supporting fire from the fleet, they anticipated the wall on the south side to be broken and concentrated most of the defensive troops there.

"If we fight at the second wall, the fleet’s cannons will not reach us."

"That’s right. The enemy can only try and fight without any backup. We’ll show them what we can do."


"Why Negara has those useless geezers as generals?"  Sekrit laments.

"They have no strategy."

Several young male subordinates line up in front of Sekrit as she comments in an uninterested tone.

"In the end, the veteran generals won’t even reach the feet of Your Excellency……"

Sekrit glares at the newcomer commander who said that.

"Aah…" "So foolish……"

The veterans sigh on reflex.

They know the cold-hearted female general doesn’t take any form of flattery or attempts to suck up.

Those words are meaningless and would just serve to devalue anyone who used them.

The only standard she uses to evaluate her subordinates is based on results.

"I don’t care who brings down Olga City. My only wish is to see that city burn to the ground with my own eyes. I won’t participate in some pointless contest. Everyone, get into battle positions!"

"Yes ma’am!"

With a single command from Sekrit, the fleet started moving into formation to bombard Olga City.

There is a port right next to the southern region of Olga City, so the fleet’s cannons should be able to reach.

The cannons on land could not make a dent on Olga City’s walls, but a volley from the larger cannons loaded on the ships were thought to be able to destroy them.

"We are almost done with the preparations to attack!"

Sekrit nods silently.

The Negara fleet draws closer to the three rows of walls on the south side of Olga City.

The port outside the walls was destroyed not too long after the battle started.

Now they will be aiming directly at the walls.

"Start firing!"

"Blow it apart!"

Small ships with relatively shorter range were closer to the land while larger ships with a longer range were positioned near the center of the river, all of them begin firing their cannons at once.

The river was clouded by the smoke and once again, fragments of the wall were scattered by the blasts, creating smouldering dents on the surface.

"……it didn’t collapse?"

"However, it was effective."

The walls of Olga City did not fall from the cannon fire of the Negara’s fleet.

But unlike the superficial damage dealt by the cannons on land, the bombardment of the fleet was able to gouge deep chunks out of the wall in several places and destroy many firing stations within the upper portion of the wall.

The soldiers inside the walls hastily try to counterattack by firing their own cannons.

It wasn’t easy to hit the fleet, which moved after the first volley.

Even so, a few cannonballs were able to hit their targets.

"Medium damage on the large battleship" 

"Two being bombed. They are starting to sink!"

The staff officer glances at Sekrit, but she doesn’t move.

"This won’t even leave a scratch. Send out the small boats as well."

"Yes ma’am!"

The shootout continues.

The Negara fleet continues to lose ships, however the walls of Olga City are gradually being chipped away as well.

In particular, attacks concentrated towards the upper portion of the walls caused heavy damage, slowly reducing the intensity of the Federation counterattack.

The staff officers cheer.

The ships specifically designed for bombarding, called "small boats", with their extra large cannons should be able to demolish even the thick walls of Olga City.


Sekrit gives the order in a cold, indifferent tone.

Accompanied by an exceptionally loud roar distinguishable even amongst the continuously echoing booms from the exchange of cannon fire, projectiles launch from the giant cannons installed on the eight ships towards the devastated walls.

The moment the cannonballs hit the walls, it made a completely different sound from the previous bombardments.

"Oooh! It’s collapsing!"

The shells which hit the upper portion of the wall destroyed large parts and eventually caused debris to crumble down.

Furthermore, the cannonballs which hit the center of the walls opened up large holes and penetrated through to the other side.

A hole was finally opened in the walls of the Olga City, which were up till now the supreme rulers of the continent and the backbone of the Olga Federation.

"Your Excellency…… you’ve done it!!"

"The Federation is finished!"

The staff officers cheer, but Sekrit doesn’t even grin.

"Continue the bombardment. We only made two holes. Besides, there are still two walls standing."

The smiles on the faces of everyone except the woman don’t disappear.

They just need to destroy all the walls with even more cannonfire.

"That's as far we go today. We will continue tomorrow."

With the order to retreat given, many ship captains felt relieved and scrambled to be the first ones to move to the center of the river, away from the crumbling Olga City.


That Night.

"It didn’t go so smoothly. But still, how long can those Federation bastards survive without any backup?"

The corners of Sekrit’s mouth curves up as she throws me with a collar around my neck onto the floor.

"Please, have mercy." I beg.

Sekrit silently takes out a dildo.

She kicks my butt several times before forcefully insert the dildo into my asshole.

"Let me hear you scream."

"Stop…… stop it…… nooooooooooo!!!"

My hell continues.

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