Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 494: Orlais-Fanoss Union

Immediately arriving at my rented house in Val Royeaux, I was summoned to University of Orlais. Its operation was closed several days due to the recent civil war, but it was owned by the Council of Herald of which Cyril de Montfort was the Chairman. 

I rushed there by carriage accompanied by Sekrit and Mirai. 

When I arrived there, it was Clarice de Chevin who greeted me instead of Gretel de Montfort.

Sekrit who were having sex with me in the carriage hurriedly disappeared.

"There’s lipstick all over your face."

Clarice took a wet towel and wiped me clean.

I knew she was going to sulk, so I was trying to figure out how to cheer her up, though her face remained serious.

Was she really that jealous?

"Of course it’s against my will, but now is not the time to sulk. Please come this way."

Cyril de Montfort, his son Gabriel de Montfort and Clarice's father, Lothair de Doucy were seated in the principal room.

Gretel de Montfort was standing near the door. When we walked into the room, Clarice immediately stood beside Gretel. 

Gretel's father, Cyril de Montfort was swirling around his tea cup while maintaining eye contact with me.

"So, what's the important news that you must summon me here?" I questioned.

"Saxon coalition has joined with Principality of Fanoss, declared peace with Dioral and has begun to invade demesnes in Orlais." Cyril answered slowly.


Lothair answered, "There was a change in the political structure in Orlais and our governing system was overturned. We, Council of Herald was declared to be illegal by Saxon. There will be ine single ruler in Orlais, Queen Selena Saxon. The country if Fanoss has merged with Orlais. That nation―― let’s call it the Orlais-Fanoss Union―― has one-sidedly declared a stop to the continued conflict between Orlais and Dioral, and simultaneously declared war on the nobles of Orlais by starting an invasion into our demesnes."

"Queen. Wow." The words slipped from my mouth.

I walked to a large table between us. There was a large map on it.

"How about Montbelliard in the north here? I doubt the faction will let Saxon do as she pleases."

"Selena declared she would only attack the lands on the centre and south. So, the house of Montbelliard will wait and see. Selena is smart. She left out the neutral great noble at the moment."

I raised a question, "How come such a large state like Fanoss was swallowed by a mere coalition of Orlais nobles?"

Gabriel de Montfort added, "What is the scariest is how a country like Fanoss was swallowed up without going to war. The fact they are attacking northern land means the hearts of the citizens who previously lived under different aristocrats of the annexed demesnes are unified. Furthermore, in such a short time…… I can’t even imagine it."

Gabriel threw up his hands helplessly. 

Most probably Selena could obtain loyalty of the ignorant plebeians by combining generous economic management and shrewd propaganda. I saw those in practice during our covert investigation in Veria.

Gabriel added,

"Then you have the unilateral declaration of peace with Dioral. If I recall, there is a weird development there, south and north Dioral seems in conflict…… that should mean Dioral can’t make a move. A very impressive move."

Lothair smiled wryly.

"That girl, did her name really remain unknown all this time? Did she suddenly become a head of family?"

"A report just came in from our spies. All the successors in Saxon’s inheritance battle died, leaving her as the only one with noble blood and turning her into a head by default. That before she merged some nobles into her new faction."

Gabriel spread out his arms as Cyril answered.

"So that’s it after all……"

Gretel also shuddered.

"We may be facing an outrageous opponent."

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