Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 495: Demagogue

Milbech, capital city of Orlais-Fanoss Union. 

We had arrived at the Milbech city ruled by the House of Chalons. One of Selena Saxon's lover, Jilk de Chalons became the head of family as his father suddenly died.

Chalons was a great noble of Orlais included in the Council of Herald that ruled Orlais. Saxon-Fanoss Union  declared a civil war and Council of Herald to be disbanded recently. 3 of the former great noble, Chevin, Chalons, and Haine joined the new faction, Saxon in the civil war.

The leader of Orlais-Fanoss Union, House of Saxon, House of Saxon was located in Vianden. However, there was no town in the land. 

Thus, Selena Saxon had to use city owned by Chalons family, Milbech as the capital of the revolutionary movement.

I was now sitting in a flamboyant but classy brougham. The interior coach was six seated. Hilma Cygnaeus, Sekrit, and Edstrom Ollson sat on the front seat facing Mirai, Reina and me sitting on the opposite seat. Two men driving the horses outside were Coterel underling. 

The only reason we could enter the city was we were pretending to be Hilma's bodyguards.

After hours of galloping sounds, the carriage gradually stopped. As the windows were covered by veils, we couldn't see outside but most probably we had reached the guarded entrance of the city. 

Hilma seemed confident.

We heard loud male voices from the driver's side. 

Within less than 2 minutes, the sounds of galloping resumed. We got into the city.

The secondary purpose for this visit was to study capital of the newly proclaimed state. Our main goal was to listen to Selena's first public speech since the establishment of the new state.

There were five bosses of Coterel, the most powerful organized criminal organization in southern Thedas. 

The most senior boss was Judas the pastor. He secretly worked for the trinity church. The second most senior was Fitwalter the boss of mercenaries division. Third was boss of Dioral division. He was the only boss operating in southern Dioral kingdom. His name was unknown but Hilma recognized his face. The fourth was boss of the thug division, Jango. He could hypnotize people. The most junior was Hilma Cygnaeus, the boss of smuggling division of got her position over a year ago. 

Although Orlais-Fanoss Union openly banned trinity church, they didn't know the chairman of Coterel was a pastor of trinity church. This fact was only known to the top 5 in the organization.

Another boss was not present in this city was the boss who operated in Dioral. Only Jango, Fitwalter and Hilma attended this ceremony.

I descended from the carriage with Sekrit, Mirai and Reina. Hilma and Edstrom proceed to the meeting with Selena Saxon.

Milbech city was in the same situation as Veria town, only at a larger scale.

Within the huge city, people and shops crowded the streets, and hawkers as well......

Construction of residential buildings and shops continued even now.

When I strolled about the city, I received invitations to work not only for the hawkers, but laborers as well as bar waiters, brothel bodyguards and various others.

The city was full of people and shops who wantes everything.

Even so, the price of the food products were extremely low.

Nobody struggled to feed themselves, and they all were either working or starting their own businesses.

This place could be considered an utopia.

"There are plenty of theatres here. There are notice boards on every street corner."

Veria had theatres here and there too.

And similarly there were speakers orating gallantly in front of the notice boards.

Most likely all towns and villages under Orlais-Fanoss were the same.

"Our brave soldiers don’t yield, not even if the enemy has ten times their numbers――”

It was written that demesne was subdued.

"That farmhand struggled for three days and nights to restore the lands."

This one was about a farmer who cultivated the land. 

The difference was the number of flags, with flags that look like the national flag raised up in every farm village and all over the city of Milbech.

Buildings owned by the nation obviously had them, but many shops have personally hung up flags too.

This scene was not a common one in other countries.

While the noise remains the same, the hawkers have stopped yelling, and everybody is looking in the same direction.

"Is there a fight?"

"Should I take a look?"

However we soon realize the reason before Reina was sent for scouting.

"Is it true? Her Excellency?"

"She’s going to give a speech?"

"Leave the store!"

I heard “Majesty”, “speech”, and “Selena” in bits and pieces from the nearby murmuring.

So Selena was in Milbech.

As expected, now she’s going to say something to the people.

We stop moving around the city and follow the flow of the citizens.

The place we end up at is a large church. As trinity religion was banned here, this former church must have been converted to something useful for Selena's politics.

Now it seemed to be used as the central pillar of a new country.

The crests of trinity had been erased and there were traces of statues being taken down as well.

I was expecting Selena to come out of the temple and what do I get? Some gaudy-looking soldiers.

"All hail the Queen of Orlais-Fanoss Union, Her Majesty Selena!"

As soon as the declaration was made, multiple flags were raised around the church.

Trumpets blare and each soldier raised their own flags too.

In the blink of an eye, the church was filled with the same flag.

The crowd of spectators stirred and cheered repeatedly, celebrating Selena and Orlais-Fanoss Union.

Even I, someone unrelated to this nation, was feeling slightly excited from the countless flags and triumphant horn playing.

And then finally Selena, wearing a pure white dress, made her appearance.


A trumpet blasts resounded and the masses became rowdy.

After Selena slowly looked around, she holds up her hand and swiftly drawed it to her chest.

That immediately stopped the trumpets and quieted the populace.

"They’re well disciplined."

Sekrit and Reina commented softly.

Before her, just beneath her head, there was a big bamboo. 

Although this medieval world was far lagging technologically behind my original world, there were two technology that this world were more superior. First, this world had crystal lights. It not only required no manufacturing, these were even brighter than modern bulbs in my previous world. Furthermore, crystal lights mined from caves and hills, were sustainable as it required no replenishment of electricity or other energy.

Second technology was the the amplification bamboo. These bamboos were taken from forests and required a little modification. The sounds these bamboo amplified were even louder and clearer than microphone in my original world. Of course, these things also required no energy. 

Now, Selena was using the amplification bamboo as her microphone. There were many thousands of people on the ground before her.

In term of beauty, Selena was even below the likes Brita, Pepe and Lucy. Her physical figure was also average. 

Regardless, she had such a pretty voice. 

I liked how I didn’t feel any arrogance in her tone...... it’s the same as when she talked in University of Orlais before.

"The benefits from the victory will be equally distributed to everyone in Milbech.

The masses fell completely silent.

Now what?

"500 homes will be completed next month and will be given to families with more than two children at no cost. Furthermore the price of wheat will be reduced by half."

This was something the citizens didn’t know.

Vigorous cheers started raging.

"That’s certainly incredible...... but what is her source of funds?"

Reina tilted her head. I unconsciously stroke her cheek.

If what Selena said was true, then that’s really amazing.

At first residences were given for free in Veria too, except this was on a different scale.

Right now, Milbech appeared to have more citizens than even the capital of Redcliffe.

"You first start with the good."

Sekrit sneered as she whispered 

I din’t really like that smile of hers.

She’s been smiling nastily like that so much ever since we got here.

She resumed,

"We have suffered due to corruption and tyrannical rule. We have lost many things. Now is the time to take things back."

During the cheering, a small child and a married couple appeared.

"The father of this child died from disease and the mother was killed by the Montfort!"

 Sad sighs and resentful shouts could be heard from the crowd.

"The child of this couple was taken away to be sacrificed to the church!"

As someone from another world who often watched politicians acting on TV, I immediately knew those Selena's gimmicks were fake. 

Selena pushed the back of the child, urging the child to walk towards the couple.

"The orphan and couple who lost their child have now just become a family. Blood relations are trivial...... everyone, my precious subjects―― are my brethren after all."

The people cheered and applauded.

"Hey kid...... good for you."

"Live happily with your new family!"

"We’ll have to protect you so that kind of thing doesn’t happen again!"

"Uuu...... I’m so happy......"

It seemed that the average citizens were gullible.

Sekrit remained smirking in the same nasty way.

"She is cunning. Bringing the public to tears and making them emotional......"

Selena’s expression instantly changed.

"However, the good is not the only thing awaiting us in the future."

The place once again quieted down.

"Those who wish misfortune on us are waiting hungrily for an opportunity to strike!"

And who might that be?

"There are evil beings who take advantage of our suffering and turn it into their profit. They surely do not regard this country, which is beginning to grasp stability and happiness, in a positive light. ――and that enemy’s name is......"

"Montfort family and Doucy family of the great nobles!"

The masses answered collectively.

"All to make a common enemy." Sekrit said something.

Selena continued,

"This country of ours is growing in prosperity because of everyone’s hard work and loyalty...... but the riches great noble has squeezed from us is enormous!"

"Colossal funds nurture a powerful army, and lands unravaged by war or disease will bring about a bountiful harvest―― it must be acknowledged. The enemies are strong. If we fight them now, we will lose!"

Unrest washed over the public.

"Great nobles are not the only enemy we have! The city states across the river are accepting the proposal for peace. That means they will turn into our enemies depending on the circumstances!"

"And to our south, we have the mighty Dioral! Everyone is aware that they used underhanded ways to their advantage and cut away part of our territory!"

With the increasing number of threats, the citizens expressed their grief.

"Fan the fears in the emotionally charged people――"

Sekrit smirked in amusement.

"But there is hope. It doesn’t come from the wit of an average person like me. It originates from the devotion of each and every one of you!"

Selena’s voice grew one level in volume.

The cuteness in her voice had been concealed and she’s now hollering like a monarch.

Well, she’s the queen so of course she’s going to act like one.

She continued,

"If we can’t beat an enemy today, we need only win tomorrow! Whether it be a despotic regime, a catastrophic event, or an epidemic, all of you have survived, and there is no reason you can’t win against those people who have only lived in peace! For that reason, the army is steadily being strengthened. Our courageous soldiers will defend our country."

"Currently our army has not suffered defeat since its inception!"

Cheers practically exploded from the masses and some even shed tears in delight.

"Then show a light of hope to the terrified people."

Sekrit mumbled.

"Her army has not fought even once. At the moment they used the other nobles' soldiers. 

So of course they’ll have zero wins and zero losses."

Mirai also made a comment.

"What is needed is unity as strong as steel and an iron will! For that, I will enact new laws, all to protect us from the enemy and all so we can live!"

The law was being read out, however it doesn’t sink into the minds of the frenzied citizens.

"The first is for all males over 16 years of age to be ready to join the army at any time by order of the nation. The youngsters will swear to protect the weak, just like that child!"

The cheering didsn’t stop.

"Next is for every household to change residence or occupation in accordance with the order of the nation. An irrational and disorderly city will make it hard to defend. That will become a benefit to the enemy――"

The cheering swelled to even greater heights.

"S-she said some pretty outrageous things...... yet the citizens welcomed it."

Mirai voiced up astoundedly.

That couldn’t be allowed to pass.

"What are you saying, that’s needed to protect everyone."

"That’s right, some extent of tolerance is needed to protect a large group of people!"

"A person whose heart has been shaken cannot make proper decisions. That woman’s got guts, she’s a wonderful instigator."

Sekrit was the only one who muttered like it didn’t concern her.

"Now, I look forward to everyone’s allegiance."

Selena’s tone went back to normal and she returned inside the church.

While the frenetic energy had not died down, several commanders strained their voice.

"Now is the time to show your loyalty to Her Majesty Selena. The army is recruiting!"

"Young men will get training. You have a duty to protect everyone."

It lookes like military conscription of  villagers was being done now.

Anyways, now we knew one more thing about Orlais-Fanoss Union.

Selena’s public speaking ability was beyond incredible.

Uneducated people if this world were turned into such a sorry state, then the desperate people had no chance at all.

Sekrit retorted mockingly, "In any case, that speech was something else. She can do anything she wants with those foolish citizens."

I could see the balcony where Selena stood. Hilma, and prominent aristocrats of her faction were behind her.

Of course the security was very tight so it’s impossible to get close.

We could only watch from afar.

I’d already achieved my objective of coming here.

The question was how far she could go. Could we stop her advance?

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