Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 539: Berserker Rage Mode

Meadow near Torose.

"Infantry, go rout the enemy left wing! Just one more push. If we fend off this counterattack, we can drive off the enemy!"

Myla wiped the sweat off her forehead as she yelled her order. Strands of her blonde hair were glued to her gorgeous face by her sweat. 

Her dignified voice appeared to rouse our men to fight harder on the frontline.

I found a chance to take a breath and our eyes happened to meet.

Myla, while her face was sweaty and stained with blood, nodded and gave me her ravishing smile, feeling that our victory was all but guaranteed.

At that time, I felt my face tense up. A dozen of enemies ran at her. There were 7 men standing around her as her bodyguards who were obviously shocked by the sudden desperate ambush.

I shouted as loud as I can, but my voice was drowned out by the background noise.

Myla noticed my shout and smiled, her body acting on its own.

"No need to worry! I won’t be done in by something of this level!"

Myla deflected the spear aimed up at her on horseback with her shield, then finished off the enemy with a nicely timed counterattack.

That’s not it.

I was not worried about that guy.

I ran to her while pushing aside enemy and ally alike.

There’s no way I made it in time though.

One enemy made his way through to Myla’s side.

He was most likely remarkably desperate to get this far through all the jostling.

A sword was swung in passing.

Fresh blood gushed out from Myla’s neck.

More was spilled this time than when Mirai and Malty were hurt.

Myla held her hand to her neck, looking at my face as she slowly fell off her horse.

"My lady!" While 6 of her men were engaging the enemies, a knight from Hyuutia managed to grab her from crushing to the ground.

When I reached 2 meters from her, she muttered the single word “Sorry” while holding her wound before passing out not long later.

Blood was leaking like a fountain and a puddle was left on the ground in no time.

"Miraiiii! Teleport a doctor to Myla!!" I barked at Mirai who appeared freaked out near us. She disappeared.

The man who attacked her ran around her horse and swung his sword at her. Another cavalry from the enemy's rearguard also ran in to finish her off.

Myla's palm had been pressing her wounded neck after the attack, but she was slowly losing strength and her hand weakly slumped. The knight who was holding him immediately pressed a white cloth on her bleeding neck and ignored the incoming attacks.

Fuck. Fuck. Damn. You pieces of shit!

My sight that were on the  attacking enemies quickly turned red. 

I saw Malty tackled the leg a third enemy who was attacking Myla. The third man fell hard in Malty. He was furious and punched her back.

"Argh!" Malty screamed in pain. 

The running man who previously cut Myla and the other man in horse were still coming at her.

Suddenly, the translucent dashboard, the "cheat ability" I was granted when transmigrated into this world, appeared on my view without activation. 

"Fulfilling a condition to activate 'Berserker Rage'."

"Berserker Rage is activated upon Attaining extreme level of anger."

"Berserker Rage activated. All physical attributes were sextupled (increase 6 fold) temporarily. The user, however, lose rational reasoning."

The running enemy swung his sword down at Myla but I grabbed that hand and pulled him towards me. A sound of crack was heard from his body. My other hand grabbed his neck and twisted his head 180 degrees. 

The cavalry was already beside Myla. I picked up that cavalry, horse and rider, and slammed them to the ground.

The third man who was wrestling with Malty in the ground.

I kicked his head as hard as I could. Malty's screamed in terror as the man's head was crushed.

I jumped at the other side where our men were struggling against the attackers.

It seemed I was several meters in the air and everybody was open-mouthed.

As I was landing towards the ground, my both hands plummeted two enemies. 

I landed and squatted before snatched the legs of two standing enemies with both of my hands.

I stood up an pulled their legs upward until they crumbled to the ground.


They screamed as cracking sounds were heard from their legs. 

I pulled them along the ground towards dozens of advancing enemies. 


I howled like a beast and rotated my body in the middle of swarming enemies. 

I spun 360 degrees while holding the legs of two men as weapons.

I spun. Once. Twice, and made several more spins. 

Blood squirted everywhere. When I stopped, I noticed my hands were only legs and their upper bodies were gone. 

Corpses were scattering around me.


"Men. Ignore the rest of the enemies. Surround this monster and kill him!"

More and more enemies were swarming at me.

My eyes became even redder. 

Rather than grabbing and dodging, I started to simply punch each of the enemies' face. 


Torose fortress. Afternoon.

The sun had risen completely at this point, extending its rays into the tent.

Of course that was to be expected when it’s already daytime.

"――――our attack at dawn is progressing in our absolute advantage, the enemy army has undone their encirclement of Torose and they’ve started to retreat."


I nodded in response to Leonheardt’s report.

No, I couldn’t tell if I actually nodded or not.

"Having suffered major casualties, they probably determined it to be impossible to continue surrounding us. I believe they returned to the fort several miles north of Torose and will need some time before they can attack again. We can say that our defense is successful."

"Is that so......"

He continued after I replied briefly.

"Our side also has many fatigued and wounded soldiers, plus the enemy’s presence is unknown, so we did not give chase."


I gave another unenthusiastic reply.

"That is all. Now then, I will return to reorganizing the army."

He probably never paid attention to my reaction in the first place, giving a report only because he felt it was his duty.

After bowing his head, Leonheardt turned his heel and left.

Words of thanks didn’t leave my mouth as my gaze moved back to the mattress.

"Myla...... why did this happen?"

I stroke her face, but her eyes didn’t open.

"What were my arms doing? How come my legs couldn’t run faster? Why didn’t I shout louder?"

It’s pointless to be frustrated over something that had already happened and blaming myself was the height of foolishness.

I couldn’t do anything in that scenario.

I understood that, yet I couldn’t help cursing myself for it.

"If only I was at her side...... shit......"

My right hand turned into a fist and I clenched tightly. I squeezed so hard that my skin tore and blood was dripping out.

My left hand held on to her hand, although the strength of my grip didn’t generate any response from her at all.

Feeling anxious, I frantically put my ear to her chest.


I could hear her heart still beating.

While I was relieved she’s alive, the sound of her heart beats was pretty weak.

The worse case kept replaying in my head, even as Myla was getting treatment from the best medicine and doctor we had, narrowly escaping death.

Still, she hadn’t regained consciousness.


I didn’t notice the Guiscard army medic beside me.

I quickly vacated the space by the mastress to allow the doctor to approach.

My presence wouldn’t be useful, especially when I could only spew idle chatter.

I was not going to hinder the doctor.

"Doctor, how is Myla doing? Is she fine? Will she wake up?"

The doctor took her pulse and nodded.

He didn’t have a gloomy face nor a smile.

"I cannot say for certain either. Lady Myla’s artery was cut and she lost a lot of blood. If we were one minute late, she might not have been saved."

"The wound has closed now, I just believe she lost too much blood. She doesn’t have enough stamina to wake up...... thankfully Lady Myla was smart enough to put pressure on the wound......"

Blood was literally gushing out like a fountain when Myla lost consciousness.

I remembered her escorting knight tried desperately to press down on her neck, but the blood wouldn’t stop flowing out.

"So...... is she going to die? Will she open her eyes eventually?"

"Mister. You can curse my incompetence...... I don’t know. I haven’t known anyone who survived after their artery was cut. I just know that we can only keep the cold body warm and wait."

"Understood...... thank you."

The doctor wrapped a towel warmed with steam around Myla’s naked body.

I wouldn’t mess around unnecessarily so I took my leave after giving her head one last pat.


Mirai and the others were waiting outside the tent.

Everyone was worried about Myla too.

"She’s still asleep. The doctor doesn’t know what will happen either."

I sighed as I rubbed Mirai’s and Irijina’s cheeks.

 I just wanted to distract myself from getting irritated at my powerlessness.

"I see...... anyways, Hiro-sama should rest too. You went pretty wild so your body should be quite exhausted. I prepared some hot soup for you too."

Mirai handed me a wooden bowl filled with soup.

That reminded me, I hadn’t eaten anything since morning.

Under the lukewarm temperature and clear sky, I sat on a wood crate left by the enemy and put my lips to the vessel.

The well-salted soup permeated my empty stomach.

"Your majesty was amazing last night. I think we can say your majesty single-handedly defeated the enemy on the meadow."

Gheyna, who stood further away, was trying her best to talk me out of my depressed mood.

Irijina was offering me her ass too.

I started remembering bits and pieces of what happened.

My translucent dashboard was automatically activated when I reached certain point of anger and I entered 'Berserker Rage' status which my physical attributes such as stamina, strength, speed, durability and others were temporarily increased sixfold. This, I could kill men by sheer strength and bare hands.

My sense of reason flew out the window at that point.

I didn't remember how long the 'Berserker Rage' lasted but several hundreds corpses were scattering around me when I regained consciousness.

Irijina called me when I was about to run to Myla’s side.

"Myla won’t get better even if Lord Hiro is with her! We should win as soon as possible and get her treated!!"

I believed that’s how it went.

"That was such an unbelievable sight! You swung that human bodies like a longsword and spun like a damn tornado! Arrows and bolts didn’t make you cry out in pain, let alone slow you down."

I didn’t feel any pain at that time. All I felt were soft impacts as my body was hit.

The wounds are throbbing with pain now though.

"You were scattering the soldiers in your way, and that knight who found an opening――"

"His head was crushed through his helmet by your bare hands. Both sides were in shock."

I did something like that?

Irijina, Gheyna, Malty and Mirai smiled awkwardly.

Although the girls were worried about Myla, they forced themselves to smile for my sake.

"That was only the beginning. You were even more reckless since you dived right in the middle of the enemy horde."

Sekrit took a seat on a rock next to me.

Now that I thought about it, she was always in the corner of my eye.

So she was even protecting my back during my rampaging?

I vaguely remembered.

"You didn’t draw the sword on your hip so I thought I could provide backup...... however, it wasn’t necessary."

Sekrit chuckled and continued the story.

"I didn’t think you would dismantle armored soldiers without a weapon. That was really beyond my expectations. Do you remember? You ripped open someone’s stomach with your bare hands and tore out his intestines."

You’re joking.

"When you grabbed a knight’s neck and yanked out his spine as you pulled off his head, that really sent shivers down my back. The Saxon-Fanoss soldiers were left terrified and ran away."

Mirai nervously interjected,

"A-anyways, Hiro-sama’s efforts caused the enemy to fall into a panic situation and our allies felt strongly urged to attack ferociously. According to Leonheardt-san, we took over the hill as planned in a more than timely manner."

When the girls were arguing against each other, I activated my translucent dashboard an checked some peculiar 'prompt'. 

"As a reward for first time activation of 'Berserker Rage' mode, you were awarded 'Mini Rage' mode that temporarily triples user's physical attributes. Contrary to Berserker Rage mode, Mini Rage mode retained a little level of rationality."

"You can't use 'Mini Rage' mode, but you can assign permanently the Passive Skill to 3 of your sex friends."

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