Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 540: ‘Rage’ Mode

Torose fortress.

I was sitting alone and the girls were chatting not far from me. From their view, I appeared to be staring at the wall but actually I was checking my translucent dashboard. No one could see it except me. It was my cheat ability after I was transmigrated into this universe 3 years ago. 

During the battle before dawn today, we achieved overwhelming victory against the more numerous Saxon-Fanoss army and chased them away. However, my lover, Myla was severely wounded, causing me to activate 'Berserker Rage'mode after I reached certain level of anger. That increased my physical attributes by sixfold temporarily and enabled me to massacre hundreds of enemies single-handedly. 

As a reward for first time activation of Berserker Rage mode, I was given 'Mini Rage' mode that increased the user's physical attributes by trifold temporarily. However, I couldn't use this ability.

I could assign this ability to my sex partners. Based on the translucent dashboard, I currently had 45 sex partners. 

However, I couldn't assign the ability to most of my sex partners. 

There were 5 sex partners who I could assign this ability to.

Clementine Quintia - She was loyal to me due to my permanent brainwashing cheat ability. She was allowed to be raped by her family as part of her martial art training. 

Isolde Guerrin - She lost her husband in a war. Then, her only son was abducted by Trinity church due to his sorcery talent. Since then, she slightly lose her sanity. 

Sylvia Virginia - She was gangraped by the orcs or demi-human that possessed pig head. Since then, she lost some sanity.

Mithra - She was the leader of Dalish tribe, a half-elven humans who were descendants of true elf. She saw her parents and family butchered in front of her eyes by Dioral soldiers. Her mother were gangraped in front of her eyes. Since then, she had slightly lost her sanity.

Mirellia Melromarc - She was Malty's mother who were gangraped by Saxon-Fanoss rebellion soldiers. 

The similarity between these 5 women was they suffered greatly from post traumatic experience. That probably made them suitable for this 'Mini Rage'mode.

It was stated that the level of stress to activate the 'Mini Rage' mode was  less strict than my 'Berserker Rage' mode. It even consumed much lesser sanity than my mode. Thus, it exposed the users to less risk. The point to ponder was which three of the five women were to be assigned that ability.

Clementine was already an exceptional fighter. To assign such ability to her should be wasted. Due to her sadistic nature, her minimum level to activate the mode was higher. 

Sylvia Virginia had her ability improved by me as I added magic ability into her using my cheat. Her minimum level to activate the mode was as hard as Clementine probably due to her extreme post traumatic stress.

Mithra - She was gifted as she could fight and use magic. An her level for activation of rage mode was lower than the previous two. 

Isolde Guerrin - She couldn't fight. Her minimum level to activate the mode was also considerably low.

Mirellia Melromarc - Her minimum level to activate the 'Mini Rage'mode was nearly as difficult as Clementine probably due to her post traumatic experience of being gangraped. However, like Isolde, she was weak and couldn't fight at all. 

If I had to assign the 'Mini Rage' mode that increased physical attributes trifold temporarily, I should prioritize the women who couldn't fight. This was to enable them to defend themselves. I decided to assign to Isolde the Mirellia.

The following was stated on translucent dashboard;

"2 of the slot for 'Mini Rage' mode were used up. Mirellia Melrose..Isolde Guerrin."

There was only one quota left. As Clementine and Sylvia were already mentally unstable, I decided not to assign to them. Based on logical deduction, the one I left was the Dalish magical fighter, Mithra.

"1 slot for 'Mini Rage' mode is used up. Mithra."

Finally, 3 of my lovers, Mithra, Isolde, and Mirellia could use 'Mini Rage' mode. 


Milbech castle.

Selena Saxon, the seventeen years old girl was playing chess by herself in the luxurious room. 

"Forgive our intrusion, your majesty Queen. I had brought these 2 commanders who fought in Torose."

A large man entered the room with another two men. One was shirt and his look reminded the onlookers about monkey. His right hand was bandaged.

The other man was of average stature with muscular body. 

Selena replied to the large man,

"Explain, Xanthippus.."

The large man, Xanthippus nodded and signaled to the two men with his eyes.

The short man introduced himself, "My name is Monyet, a commander who intruded Torose fortress and fought on its wall."

The other man also introduced himself, "I am Xerox, the commander in chief for the siege of Torose fortress."

Xanthippus bowed and followed by the other two. After a while, they straightened their bodies. Xanthippus spoke,

"Despite our overwhelming number, we failed to capture the fortress. We were defeated on the first day and second day. Then, on the third day, we were chased away. Please forgive these useless vassals!"

Selena observed the three men standing before her, listening attentively to their words. She maintained a calm and composed demeanor, her eyes focused on Xanthippus as he spoke. After he finished, she raised her hand, indicating that she wished to respond.

"Xanthippus, Monyet, and Xerox," Selena began, her voice steady. "There is no need for such harsh self-judgment. The outcome of a battle is influenced by numerous factors, and victory is not always guaranteed, even with overwhelming numbers."

She paused for a moment, assessing the expressions on their faces before continuing. "Tell me, Xanthippus, Monyet, and Xerox, the mysterious foreign man, Hiro Hezri who interfered with our skirmish several times, and now fought for Count Rikat Guiscard. How was he?"

Xanthippus stepped forward, his gaze unwavering. "Your Majesty, these two men had experienced what happened."

Monyet, the short man with the bandaged hand, chimed in. "I fought with the man I believed to be Hiro Hezri. He had brute strength and nothing special. His female escorts were incredible. though. There was one young teenager who had magic enabling her to move instantly. She also could control the shadow and bind her opponent. But she was still too slow for me. There was another older and tall teenage girl. She was quick on her feet, very skillful and resourceful. She was the one who inflicted this injury. Although the three of them had to fight me together to beat me."

As Monyet was explaining, Xerox was very restless. That piqued her curiosity.

"Xerox. You seem dissatisfied with Monyet's story." Selena called the on-field commander in chief. 

Xerox gulped and inhaled, glancing left and right, before speaking carefully,

"This is what I witnessed on the wee hours when the besieged troops made a surprise raid on our main camp. As Lord Xanthippus commanded, we paid particular interest on the man that resembled Hiro Hezri's attributes."

Xerox was hesitant but forced himself to continue, 

"They managed to break through until my main camp but we inflicted a fatal wound on their leader, who was called Myla."

Selena instantly interjected, "Oh, Miss Myla. The military lecturer in University of Orlais. The one who had close relationship with Hiro Hezri, the foreign man who pretended to be a staff there. Please continue.."

Xerox resumed,

"Nothing out of the ordinary occurred until we inflicted a fatal wound on Myla. Suddenly, the man we believed to be Hiro Hezri went berserk. Using just his bare hands, he single handedly massacred hundreds of our men. That man was a true monster!" 

Xerox was greatly trembling. 

Monyet on the other hand looked at Xerox in disbelief.

Selena's expression remained composed, but her eyes betrayed a glimmer of curiosity. She pondered over the conflicting accounts of Hiro Hezri and the events that unfolded during the battle of Torose fortress. It was clear that something unusual had taken place, and she needed to dig deeper to uncover the truth.

"Thank you for sharing your accounts, Monyet and Xerox," Selena spoke, her voice commanding attention. "Your testimonies provide valuable insights into the capabilities of Hiro Hezri and the individuals accompanying him. But there seems to be a discrepancy between your experiences."

She turned her gaze to Xerox, who was still visibly shaken. "Xerox, you mentioned that Hiro Hezri went berserk after Myla was fatally wounded. Can you elaborate on his actions during this state?"

Xerox took a deep breath, attempting to steady himself. "Your Majesty, it was unlike anything I've ever seen. Hiro Hezri's strength and speed were amplified to unimaginable levels. He moved with such ferocity and precision that it seemed as though he possessed supernatural abilities. His attacks were swift and lethal, cutting through our ranks like a whirlwind of destruction."

Selena's mind raced with possibilities. The accounts of Hiro Hezri's abilities didn't align with any tale she had heard of ancient legends and mythical beings.

"Xanthippus," Selena addressed the large man who had brought Monyet and Xerox before her. "Were you aware of Hiro Hezri's capabilities before the battle? Did you have any prior knowledge of his involvement with Marquis Cyril de Montfort and Margrave Lothair de Doucy?"

Xanthippus paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. "Your Majesty, I must admit that Hiro Hezri's true nature was shrouded in mystery to us. We had information on him as ordinary staff in University of Orlais, but we had known nothing of him before that."

Monyet interjected, "But why...when I encountered him on the walls of the Torose fortress, he was nothing special. His two female escorts had noteworthy abilities. Having said that, the three of them had to join together to defeat me. The monster who Xerox witnessed, seemed different to the man I faced, despite being the same man."

Selena listened carefully to Monyet's words, her brows furrowing slightly as she tried to make sense of the conflicting information. It appeared that Hiro Hezri's abilities varied depending on the situation, and she couldn't help but wonder what could cause such a drastic difference in his powers.

"Monyet, Xerox," Selena addressed them, her tone thoughtful. "It seems that Hiro Hezri's abilities may have different manifestations depending on the circumstances. Perhaps there are certain triggers or conditions that activate his true potential. This would explain the disparity in your experiences."

She took a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing, her gaze focused on Monyet. "Monyet, you mentioned that Hiro Hezri's female escorts had remarkable abilities. Could you provide more details about them? Specifically, the young teenager who could move instantly and control shadows, as well as the older teenage girl who was quick and skillful."

Monyet nodded, recalling the encounter. "The young teenager with the instant movement ability... she was incredibly fast. It was as if she could teleport from one place to another in the blink of an eye. Her control over shadows was equally impressive. She used them to bind and immobilize her opponents, giving her an advantage in battle."

"As for the tall girl," Monyet continued, "She was agile and resourceful. Her movements were fluid, and she seemed to anticipate our every move. She utilized her nimble body to outmaneuver us, and her skill with two swords  allowed her to strike with precision and efficiency. It was clear that she was a seasoned fighter."

Xerox added, "During their raid on the third day, Hiro Hezri seemed to have other noteworthy fighters. Myla who we wounded was masterful in using a shield. She killed two top fighters of our giant squad, Lord Titan and Bob the Gargantua. Then, we saw a tall teenage girl who wielded a spear. She killed Lord Ero, our master spearman. It was said her name was Irijina. And finally a woman killed many of us using a bow and arrows. Her ears reminded me of the elves."

Selena listened intently, absorbing the information provided by Monyet and Xerox. The capabilities of Hiro Hezri's companions seemed extraordinary, and their actions during the battle of Torose fortress left a lasting impression on the enemy forces. The mention of Irijina, a spear-wielding girl, and an elven woman skilled in archery further intrigued her.

"Dismissed," Selena said, signaling the end of the meeting. As the three men exited the room, she remained seated, her mind filled with questions and a burning determination to uncover the truth behind Hiro Hezri.

She would need to delve deeper into this mystery, untangle the web of secrets surrounding Hiro Hezri.

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