Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 541: Selena’s Strategy

Forest bordering Western region of Orlais and Dioral. 

About 500 men on horses were moving from the vast forest from the west. There were three people at their front, riding horses. 

In the middle, there was a handsome man who always looked serious.

Riding a horse on his left, there was a muscular young woman whose ears stretched a bit longer than the average human. A characteristic of descendants of the elven tribe. 

On his right side, a yellowish short haired woman in body armour kept looking at her environment. 

As the group continued their journey through the western region of Orlais, the landscape transformed from dense forest to rolling hills and open plains. The sound of hooves echoed across the vast expanse as the 500 men on horses maintained a steady pace.

Viscount Curtis Blackwell rode at the forefront, his serious countenance betraying the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He was a respected nobleman known for his strategic thinking and unwavering loyalty to the kingdom. As he glanced over his shoulder, he saw Lady Demia, the woman in body armor, still scanning their surroundings with a watchful eye.

"Lady Demia," Viscount Blackwell called out, catching her attention, "Have you ever traveled beyond the western continent?"

The lady in body armour was surprised and answered with a question, "It's my action too obvious, Viscount Curtis Blackwell?"

Demia turned her head towards him, her yellowish short hair shifting slightly in the wind. With a nod, she replied, "Yes, Viscount Blackwell, I have ventured beyond the western continent. I have been to distant lands, witnessing their customs and battles firsthand."

Mithra, the Dalish woman with elongated ears representing her Dalish heritage, chimed in teasingly, "Unlike us, the Dalish tribe rarely ventures into the east. Lady Demia seems to have a knack for exploring."

Demia's cheeks reddened slightly at the playful remark. "Mithra, please mind your words," she said, a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

Viscount Blackwell sighed, accustomed to the friendly banter between the two women. "Let us focus on our mission, my ladies," he interjected. "We must stick to Lady Cass Brankovic's plan. I shall lead 200 men and head to the southwest. Lady Demia, you will take 250 men and move south. Finally, Lady Mithra, you shall lead 50 men and proceed to the central region."

The group continued their journey, each contingent branching off towards their designated areas. They had been sent by Cass Brankovic, the strategist of Hezri Kingdom as reinforcement for their King who was working undercover in Orlais. Information on civil war in this country had reached the other kingdom. 


Central region of Orlais.

Xerox was one of the general commanding Orlais-Fanoss Union soldiers. His task was to capture the territories that yet to surrender to the new Queen, Selena Saxon who stole the throne of the Orlais state. Xerox, like his superior, Xanthippus were foreigners who came from far north. 

After the recent siege failure at Torose fortress against Count Rikat Guiscard and reinforcement from Marquis Cyril de Montfort, Xerox had given a new mission. 

He remembered Xanthippus 's words, "Her Majesty commanded you to avoid territories owned by the faction under Count Rikat Guiscard, Marquis Cyril de Montfort and Margrave Lothair de Doucy."

At that time, Xerox argued, "Are we just going to give up on them?"

Xanthippus, the large man explained calmly while staring at the sky,

"This is Her Majesty Selena's strategy. Annex over a half of Orlais aristocrats and isolate those three territories." 

"Your Excellency,  we are going to detour, are you sure?" His adjutant called him, waking Xerox from his reminiscent. 

Xerox turned to him and answered in a matter of fact tone, 

"We are commanded to skip territories of some noble, but we shall conquer the rest."

A young man in his late twenties rode his horse towards the two of them.

"Sir, we had arrived near Baron Jimi's demesne. Shall we attack?"

Xerox's adjutant shook his head and instructed firmly,

"Baron Jimi and the subsequent land's noble, Baronet Hesse were vassals under the Doucy faction. We were commanded to ignore the faction for now."

Xerox listened to his adjutant's words and nodded thoughtfully. The young man who had reported the situation awaited further orders, his eyes filled with anticipation. Xerox studied the map in front of him, his gaze shifting from one territory to another.

"Tell our troops to hold their positions," Xerox commanded, his voice filled with determination. "We will respect Her Majesty's strategy and avoid any confrontation with the Doucy faction for now. Our objective remains the territories controlled by the other factions."

The adjutant relayed the order to the soldiers, and they prepared to maintain their current position near Baron Jimi's demesne. Xerox knew that following Selena Saxon's strategy was crucial to achieving their ultimate goal of capturing Orlais. Although it pained him to let the Doucy faction continue their reign, he understood the larger strategy at play.

As the troops settled into their temporary camp, Xerox gathered his key officers for a strategic meeting. They huddled around a makeshift table, maps and reports spread out before them. Xerox studied the details, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each noble faction.

"Our next target will be the territories under Count Roderick Guernsey's control," Xerox declared, pointing at a marked area on the map. "His army is weakened after the recent skirmishes with the Farnoss invasion's forces. It's an opportune moment to strike."

The officers furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, and one of them asked, "Principality of Fanoss was Orlais's neighboring country. Fanoss should be merged with Orlais under Queen Selena Saxon, but they acted independently?" 

Another man added, "Could it be because the Prince Sullivan of Fanoss was the fiance of Queen Selena Saxon that the country could act separately?"

Xerox sighed and answered, "Prince Sullivan obeyed the Queen like her lap dog, but Fanoss was a country with a distinctly capable military. They were too good to be wagging their tails for foreigners like us who came from the northern continent."

Xerox leaned back in his chair, a weary expression crossing his face. The memories of the past alliances and political intricacies weighed heavily on his mind. The officers around the table exchanged concerned glances, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"Indeed," Xerox replied, his voice laced with a tinge of frustration. "Fanoss has always been a proud nation, valuing their independence and military prowess. The union between Selena Saxon and Prince Sullivan was a strategic alliance to solidify their power against common enemies. But it seems their loyalty lies with their own people more than Orlais."

One of the officers spoke up, "Does this mean we cannot rely on Fanoss for reinforcements or assistance?"

Xerox nodded solemnly. "Yes, it appears that way. Our campaign to unite Orlais under Queen Selena's rule must continue without counting on the support of Fanoss. We have to make the best of the situation with the resources at our disposal."

The officers fell silent, pondering the implications of this new development. Xerox's adjutant, sensing the need for guidance, spoke up.

"Your Excellency, what should be our approach in dealing with the territories controlled by Count Roderick Guernsey?"

Xerox leaned forward, his gaze fixed on the map. "Count Roderick's forces have been weakened, but we cannot underestimate their resilience. We need to strike swiftly and decisively, exploiting their vulnerabilities while minimizing our own losses. Our intelligence suggests that Roderick's troops are scattered across various strongholds, making coordinated attacks difficult."

The officers nodded in agreement.


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