Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 542: Demia Reinforcement

Leiria territory in southern Orlais.

The Montfort faction, led by Marquis Cyril de Montfort, had made their base in the southern region of Orlais, specifically in Leiria city. 

A group of 250 men cavalry were lined up horizontally before the city. Among them stood a young woman who caught the onlookers attention. 

She wore an upper body armor that seemed disproportionately large for her body, but it gave her a unique and imposing appearance. Her yellowish hair cascaded down to her shoulders in waves, and her overall style reflected a practical yet effortlessly beautiful look. Her face exuded charm but also carried an air of arrogance, hinting at her aristocratic background.

As Marquis Cyril de Montfort and his children made their way out of the portcullis on horseback, they observed the young woman closely. Gabriel de Montfort, the heir, rode on his father's right, while Gretel de Montfort accompanied them on the left. They were intrigued by the woman's demeanor and wanted to assess her character.

They had been informed by Hiro Hezri, a foreign man who worked as a support staff at the University of Orlais, that he had summoned reinforcements from a distant land. However, the details were scarce, and they knew very little about Hiro himself. Despite his unfamiliarity with the local customs and his limited personnel, Hiro had proven to be a valuable ally during the recent civil war in Orlais.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Hiro was his mysterious background. He never revealed much about himself, leading the Montforts to assume that he was an aristocrat from a foreign country who disguised himself as an ordinary person to gain insights into Orlais. However, the arrival of this noble lady and her reinforcements now challenged their assumptions and elevated Hiro's image in the eyes of the Montforts.

As the young woman stood among the cavalry, her piercing gaze met Marquis Cyril de Montfort's eyes, and a knowing smile tugged at the corners of her lips. It was as if she could sense the curiosity and intrigue emanating from the Montfort family.

Curiosity piqued, Gabriel de Montfort nudged his horse closer to his father's side, his blue eyes fixed on the woman. "Father, do you recognize her? She appears to be of noble birth."

Marquis Cyril de Montfort, a seasoned leader with a sharp mind, studied the young woman for a moment before responding. "No, my son, I do not. But her presence here suggests that Hiro Hezri's reinforcements are more significant than we anticipated. We must tread carefully and gather more information about her and her intentions."

Gretel de Montfort, the youngest of the Montfort siblings, had been observing the interaction with keen interest. Her blue eyes sparkled with curiosity and a sense of adventure. "Father, shall we approach her and inquire about her purpose here? It would be wise to establish a connection and gain her trust."

The marquis nodded, his eyes never leaving the woman. "You are right, Gretel. It is time we introduce ourselves and learn more about these reinforcements. Gabriel, Gretel, accompany me." With that, the Montfort family guided their horses towards the woman, their entourage following suit.

As they drew near, the young woman inclined her head respectfully. "Marquis Cyril de Montfort, I presume? I am Demia, the head of House of Harviala. His majesty, ehem...forgive me... Hiro Hezri has sent me and my men to aid you in your cause."

Gabriel and Cyril looked at each other with surprised looks. House of Harviala was a one top 3 families in Castall kingdom. Although that country was separated from Orlais state by Orlais great forest, Dioral kingdom, and Korcari Wilds, they at least heard the name of their most prominent noble families.

Marquis Cyril de Montfort acknowledged her greeting with a nod, his voice filled with genuine curiosity. "Lady Demia, you honor us with your presence. May I inquire as to the nature of your reinforcements and your connection to the House of Harviala in Castall kingdom?"

When being asked about, her face suddenly turned sour. She seemed pale and panicking. 

"Em.. forgive me, Lord Marquis."

She tried to calm herself and added, "Indeed, I was from the House of Harviala. I became the head after my father died several months ago."

As an experienced man, Cyril de Montfort didn't feel she was lying. 

She then turned silent. The Montfort siblings look at each other. Demia had the same reaction as Hiro's other followers when being asked about Hiro's background and their relationship with Hiro.

Sensing Demia's unease, Marquis Cyril de Montfort decided to approach the delicate matter with caution. He exchanged a glance with his children, conveying a silent message to proceed with tact and empathy. Gabriel and Gretel understood their father's intent and nodded in agreement.

The marquis spoke in a gentle tone, his voice laced with empathy. "Lady Demia, we understand that this might be a difficult subject for you. Please know that we mean no harm or judgment. We simply wish to ascertain the nature of your relationship with Hiro Hezri and the House of Harviala."

Demia started to speak on a low vocal pitch,

"Lord Marquis, my apologies for the earlier discomfort. The truth is, Hiro Hezri has been a long-standing ally of my family. He and my late father shared a close friendship, and it was through their connection that I found myself drawn into this conflict in Orlais."

Her eyes avoided contact with theirs while darting around her surroundings, shifting down and right, while her mouth in sucking motion, pursing her lips. 

"She was lying about her relationship with Hiro." The three members of the Montfort family cued to each other.

This noble lady, Demia was indeed the leader of the Harviala family from the Castall kingdom but she was omitting the truth about Hiro Hezri.

Who was that man actually? Their hearts screamed.

As the realization sank in that Demia was not being entirely truthful about her relationship with Hiro Hezri, the Montfort family exchanged a series of concerned glances. They knew they had to proceed cautiously as Hiro had helped them a lot in containing the Saxon-Fanoss Union during the recent civil war. Without him, the defending factions such as Montfort, Doucy, Guiscard and others would be defeated.

Marquis Cyril de Montfort, keeping his composure, decided to probe further while maintaining a diplomatic tone. "Lady Demia, we appreciate your honesty thus far. However, it is imperative that we understand the full extent of Hiro Hezri's involvement and his true intentions. Our alliance depends on trust and transparency."

Demia's eyes met the marquis', and for a brief moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossed her face before she regained her composure. "Lord Marquis, I assure you that Hiro Hezri has been a valuable ally to us in Castall as well. He has provided us with crucial support and guidance, especially during times of unrest. However, the nature of his background and true motives remain elusive even to me."

Gabriel's brows furrowed as he observed Demia closely. He sensed her unease and wondered why she would hide the truth about Hiro. "Lady Demia, if Hiro Hezri is a friend to both our families, then why keep his true identity a secret? What is it that you fear?"

Demia's gaze shifted nervously, but she took a deep breath before responding. "You must understand, House of Harviala has faced political challenges and rivalries within Castall. Hiro Hezri's involvement and support have been instrumental in maintaining our stability and protecting our interests. However, his actions and motives remain enigmatic, even to those of us closest to him."

Gretel, perceptive as ever, spoke up. "Lady Demia, it seems we are all entangled in a web of mysteries. If our alliance is to thrive, it is essential that we unravel these secrets and establish a foundation of trust. We must know who Hiro Hezri truly is and what he seeks to accomplish in Orlais."

Demia nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and uncertainty. "You are right, My Lady. To build a solid alliance, we need transparency. But in the meantime, we must not forget the imminent threat we face from the Saxon-Fanoss Union. Our united strength is crucial for Orlais' stability."

Marquis Cyril de Montfort studied Demia's demeanor and found her sincerity to be genuine, despite her initial hesitation. He knew that uncovering the truth about Hiro would be a delicate task, and it was more crucial to survive against Saxon-Fanoss Union.

"Very well, Lady Demia," the marquis responded with a firm yet compassionate tone. "Let us prioritize the immediate challenge at hand and work together to ensure Orlais' security."

Demia's countenance brightened slightly, relieved to have the Montfort family's support. "Thank you, Lord Marquis, for your understanding. House Harviala stands by your side in this critical time, and together, we shall face any challenge that comes our way."

With a nod of agreement, the Montfort family and Demia turned their attention back to the impending battle. The alliance, though built on a foundation of unknowns and secrets, now had a shared goal – to repel the Saxon-Fanoss Union and restore stability to Orlais.

Meanwhile, Demia sighed as a sign of relief and muttered to herself.

"Somehow I made it without exposing his majesty."

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