Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 543: Curtis Reinforcement

Southwest of Orlais. Silves city.

As the 200 cavalry entered the city portal, the man in his late twenties led the group of knights with a serious expression. He possessed a striking appearance, with a handsome face and a bang of hair hanging across his forehead. It was clear that he commanded respect and authority among his men as they rode into Silves.

Meanwhile, Margrave Lothair de Doucy, the ruler of Silves, awaited their arrival on a bawn, a raised area of land within the city. Accompanying him were his only child, Clarice de Doucy, and his trusted right-hand man, Viscount Cueva. The presence of Lothair and his faction, which included several lower noble families, was a significant force in the recent civil war against the Saxon faction led by Selena Saxon

Although Silves itself lacked the typical fortifications found in other cities, its strategic location on high ground and near a river provided some natural advantages. Despite the challenges faced, Margrave Lothair de Doucy and his faction remained a dominant force, even as some of their allies either perished or defected to the Saxon-Fanoss Union—a collaboration between Selena Saxon's faction and the foreign forces from the Principality of Fanoss.

As the whole group of cavalry assembled on the bawn, Margrave Lothair de Doucy couldn't help but be impressed by their presence. It seemed that the foreign reinforcement Hiro Hezri had spoken of had arrived. Hiro, a man from a distant land, had played a crucial role in helping Lothair win several important skirmishes during the recent civil war. Initially, Lothair had assumed Hiro to be an aristocrat from a faraway land, but the sight before his eyes elevated his perception of Hiro's capabilities.

The group of knights led by the serious and good-looking man in his late twenties stood as a testament to Hiro's influence and power. Lothair could sense the respect and authority the young leader commanded among his men. It was clear that Hiro had brought not only capable fighters but also a disciplined and well-trained force to support Lothair's cause.

The presence and demeanor of the leader, along with the disciplined and well-trained force at his command, led Lothair to suspect that Hiro might be a high-ranking aristocrat from a foreign country. However, the name "Hezri" was unfamiliar to him, and he had never come across any noble family with that name in his extensive knowledge and connections.

Intrigued and curious, Lothair decided to approach the man on the horse, hoping to gain more insight into his background and the source of his influence. He motioned for his daughter, Clarice and his right hand man, Viscount Cueva to accompany him and made his way toward the young leader amidst the bustling activity on the bawn.

As they reached the man's side, Lothair greeted him with a polite nod and extended his hand in a gesture of goodwill. 

He descended from his horse and shook hand with Lothair and Cueva. 

The charismatic leader of the cavalry group introduced himself,

"I am honoured to meet you, Lord Lothair de Doucy. I am Curtis Blackwell."

"We are pleased to know you, sir Curtis Blackwell, I must admit, your presence and the prowess of your knights have left a lasting impression on me. It is clear that Hiro Hezri, who summoned you are a man of great importance and influence. May I inquire about his noble lineage? I must confess that the name 'Hezri' is unfamiliar to me, despite my knowledge of many noble families across Thedas."

Curtis Blackwell, maintaining his serious expression, clasped Lothair's hand firmly and nodded in acknowledgement. "Margrave Lothair de Doucy, I appreciate your kind words and the warm welcome you have extended to my men and me. However, I must clarify that Hiro Hezri is my master and I am obliged to obey his desire to keep his background a secret."

Lothair de Doucy regarded Curtis Blackwell with a mix of curiosity and understanding. He respected the loyalty Curtis displayed toward his master, Hiro Hezri, but his curiosity about Hiro's background persisted. Lothair had witnessed Hiro's impact firsthand, and he believed that understanding his origins could shed light on the extent of his influence and the potential support he could offer.

"I appreciate your commitment to your master, Sir Curtis," Lothair replied, his tone respectful. "I understand the importance of secrets and discretion in matters of nobility. However, Hiro Hezri's involvement in our cause has proven invaluable, and it is only natural for me to be curious about his background. Rest assured, my intention is not to expose any secrets but rather to better understand the nature of his influence and the extent of his capabilities."

Clarice de Doucy, who had been observing the conversation, spoke up. 

"Father. It is improper to interrogate out benefactors.... Forgive my father,  Lord Blackwell."

Clarice de Dousy had been in an illicit affair with Hiro Hezri. She remembered what Hiro told her when she was sleeping with him weeks ago.

"Clarice, as you keep pestering about it, I have to confess...I am the King of a country, that is neighboring Orlais."

Clarice instinctively rose from her lying position and stared at the man sternly despite both of them being naked.

She pondered if she had been in a relationship with a mad man. She asked,

"Dioral kingdom? Ferelden Kingdom. Arkland Dukedom? Holfort Dukedom? Principality of Fanoss should be out of question as Prince Sullivan, its ruler had been studying with me in University of Orlais."

Hiro answered calmly, "Hezri Kingdom. It is just west of Orlais, right after the great forest of Orlais."

"That's Dioral kingdom!" She denied while trembling in anger.

Without looking at her eyes, Hiro stared at the ceiling and said,

"About the Dioral kingdom, the southern Dioral was already stolen by me recently. I had also annexed the Castall kingdom and a part of the great forest, Korcari Wilds. Even Ferelden Kingdom 's southernmost region, Redcliffe and Hinterland had changed allegiance to my kingdom."

Clarice threw a cup to his body,

"You...are you mad..if such a great conquest ever happened, Hezri Kingdom must have been known to the whole continent!"

Hiro only smiled and replied,

"No. For now, I just kept our existence in secrecy. Even Redcliffe Marchioness is pretending to be the usual noble of Ferelden."

Clarice wore her clothing and walked towards the door. She left the room.

"My lady." Viscount Cueva 's voice woke her up from her reminiscent.

As Clarice observed the group before her, she started to believe the unbelievable tale told by the man she dumped weeks ago.

Clarice, still grappling with the shocking revelations, composed herself and returned her attention to the present situation. The group before her, including the enigmatic Curtis Blackwell, stood as a testament to Hiro Hezri's influence and power. The gravity of the situation became clear to her, and she realized the magnitude of the forces at play.

She hadn't told her father about what Hiro told her before. Furthermore, her father still didn't know her illicit affair with Hiro.

Clarice took a deep breath and decided to keep her previous conversation with Hiro a secret for the time being. She knew that revealing her involvement with him could complicate matters and potentially undermine her father's trust in her judgment. She understood the importance of focusing on the present situation and the alliance they were forging with Hiro and his forces.

Turning her attention back to the conversation at hand, Clarice acknowledged Viscount Cueva's presence and gathered her composure. She realized that her role as the Margrave's daughter required her to act with grace and diplomacy, despite the tumultuous emotions and revelations she was grappling with internally.

"Viscount Cueva," Clarice addressed him respectfully, "please forgive my momentary distraction. Let us return our focus to the matters at hand. It seems that Hiro Hezri and his forces have brought us a significant advantage in our cause. We must ensure that we make the best use of this opportunity and work together to secure Silves and the surrounding territories."

Viscount Cueva nodded understandingly, acknowledging Clarice's regained composure. "Indeed, my lady. The arrival of Curtis Blackwell and his knights signifies a turning point in our struggle against the Saxon-Fanoss Union. It is crucial that we maintain a unified front and exploit this reinforcement to the fullest extent."

Lothair, who had been observing the exchange between Clarice and Viscount Cueva, sensed that there were underlying tensions within his daughter but chose not to pry further at that moment. He trusted Clarice's judgment and knew that she would confide in him when the time was right. For now, their focus had to be on the imminent challenges they faced.

"You both have my full support," Lothair declared, his voice resolute. "We will welcome Curtis Blackwell and his forces as valuable allies in our fight. Let us extend our hospitality and make preparations to discuss our strategies and plans for the upcoming battles. Silves shall stand strong against any threat that comes our way."

With renewed determination, Clarice and Viscount Cueva nodded in agreement. They understood the weight of their responsibilities and the need to capitalize on the arrival of Hiro Hezri's reinforcements. Together, they would face the challenges ahead and strive to secure victory for Silves and their cause.

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