Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 575: Gheyna Killed Demetrius

Gheyna observed Demetrius's determination and recognized the resolve in his eyes. She understood that he was a formidable opponent, and she respected his skill and bravery. However, her survival instincts urged her to maintain her advantage and keep him at a distance.

As Demetrius ascended the narrow path, Gheyna prepared herself for his arrival. She steadied her breathing, honing her focus on the approaching threat. With a swift movement, she drew her bowstring taut, her fingers finding familiarity in the tension.

As Demetrius reached the top of the cliff, Gheyna let loose an arrow, aiming for his sword hand. The arrow whizzed through the air with deadly precision, narrowly missing its target as Demetrius deflected it with a quick flick of his wrist.

"Your skill with the bow is impressive, half-elf," Demetrius called out, his voice echoing across the cliff. "But it will not be enough to stop me."

Gheyna's emerald eyes narrowed, her resolve unyielding. She knew that engaging in close combat with Demetrius would be perilous, as his skill with the sword was renowned. She needed to keep him at a distance, utilizing her archery skills and the advantage of the terrain.

With a deft motion, Gheyna notched another arrow, her eyes locked on Demetrius. She moved along the cliff's edge, maintaining a distance that made it difficult for him to approach. She kept her movements fluid and elusive, relying on her agility to evade his strikes.

Demetrius, undeterred by Gheyna's evasive tactics, charged forward, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. He swung his weapon with practiced precision, forcing Gheyna to twist and dodge, narrowly avoiding the deadly arcs of his blade.

As their battle continued, Gheyna sought opportunities to strike while keeping herself out of harm's way. Her arrows flew with remarkable speed and accuracy, aimed at vulnerable spots in Demetrius's armor. Though he deflected some, others found their mark, leaving shallow wounds that slowed his advance.

The clash of steel and the whistling of arrows filled the air as Gheyna and Demetrius engaged in their deadly dance. Each movement was calculated, each strike calculated, as they tested each other's skill and resolve.

As the battle wore on, Gheyna realized that she needed to finish this confrontation swiftly. She couldn't afford to be drawn into an extended fight, as Demetrius's experience and strength could eventually overpower her.

With a burst of determination, Gheyna unleashed a barrage of arrows, raining them down upon Demetrius. His agility and years of combat experience allowed him to deflect and dodge most of them, but a couple found their mark, striking his armor with resounding thuds.

Sensing his momentary vulnerability, Gheyna seized the opportunity. She swiftly notched an arrow and aimed for a gap in his armor, just as Demetrius closed in for a strike. The arrow sailed through the air, finding its mark with unerring precision, piercing through a vulnerable spot in his shoulder plate.

Demetrius staggered back, momentarily stunned by the impact. Gheyna seized the opening, retreating swiftly to put distance between them once again. She knew that the injury would slow him down, giving her a precious advantage in their duel.

Gheyna watched Demetrius closely, her bow held at the ready. Her aim was his forehead and she was betting on her accuracy.

As Demetrius regained his composure, Gheyna's emerald eyes remained locked on him. She steadied her breathing, her fingers gripping the bowstring with unwavering determination. The tension in the air was palpable as the two opponents faced each other, a silent understanding passing between them.

With a quick release of the arrow, Gheyna let it soar through the air, its trajectory aimed straight for Demetrius's forehead. The arrow sliced through the wind with remarkable speed, propelled by Gheyna's expert archery skills. Time seemed to slow as it closed in on its target.

But Demetrius, his reflexes honed by countless battles, reacted with lightning-fast agility. With a swift sidestep, he narrowly avoided the arrow that whizzed past him, grazing his cheek as it flew by. The near-miss only fueled his fury further.

A grim smile played on Demetrius's lips as he assessed Gheyna's skill. "Impressive, little girl." he remarked.

Gheyna's expression remained focused, her eyes glinting with a mix of concentration and defiance. She understood that this battle was far from over, and she couldn't afford to let her guard down. Demetrius's resilience and skill were more than she had anticipated, but she was determined to prevail.

The battle between Gheyna and Demetrius raged on, both combatants refusing to yield. Gheyna knew that her initial advantage had been diminished, and she had to rely on her wits and resourcefulness to outmaneuver her opponent.

As Demetrius closed in, his sword slashing through the air, Gheyna expertly parried his strikes with her bow, using it as both a defensive and offensive weapon. She countered with swift kicks and punches, aiming for vulnerable spots in his armor. Demetrius, undeterred, responded with his own relentless attacks, his sword dancing in a deadly choreography.

However, his speed and strength were far superior. 

Recognizing her disadvantage in close combat, Gheyna swiftly made a strategic decision. With a quick backflip, she somersaulted away from Demetrius, creating distance between them once more. As she landed gracefully on her feet, Gheyna's mind raced, searching for a new plan to gain the upper hand.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings, seeking any advantage she could exploit. She noticed a narrow ledge overlooking a steep ravine nearby. It was a precarious path, but if she could lure Demetrius onto it, she might be able to use her agility to her advantage.

Gheyna called out to Demetrius, her voice filled with a mix of confidence and taunt. "Is this the extent of your skill, Demetrius? I expected more from one with such a reputation."

Demetrius, his pride stung, took the bait. With a determined expression, he lunged forward, charging towards Gheyna, his sword raised high. But Gheyna was already in motion, sprinting towards the narrow ledge.

As Demetrius reached the edge of the cliff, Gheyna made a sudden leap, vaulting over him and landing on the narrow path beyond. She turned to face him, a triumphant smirk playing on her lips.

"Now, let's see if your swordsmanship can match my agility," she challenged, her voice filled with a hint of mockery.

Demetrius, momentarily caught off guard by Gheyna's maneuver, realized he had fallen into her trap. With a deep breath, he composed himself and made a calculated decision. Instead of blindly charging forward, he circled around the narrow ledge, keeping a safe distance from Gheyna's reach.

Gheyna, understanding the dangers of engaging in close quarters combat with Demetrius, quickly adapted her strategy. She knew that she needed to exploit her archery skills to maintain the upper hand. With a swift motion, she drew her bowstring taut and aimed carefully at Demetrius.

Her arrows flew through the air with remarkable accuracy, forcing Demetrius to continuously evade and deflect them. Each shot was calculated, aimed at wearing him down and forcing him into making a mistake. Gheyna knew that patience and precision were her allies in this moment.

Demetrius, well aware of Gheyna's tactics, displayed his own resilience and adaptability. He utilized the terrain to his advantage, taking cover behind boulders and using his shield to deflect the arrows that threatened to pierce his armor. He was determined not to let her keep him at bay for long.

The standoff continued, each combatant pushing the limits of their skill and endurance. Gheyna's arrows were relentless, each shot aimed with deadly precision, but Demetrius's experience and tenacity allowed him to keep evading her attacks.

Realizing that time was running out, Gheyna knew she needed to change the dynamics of the battle once more. She kept her bow raised, maintaining her distance from Demetrius, but instead of launching arrows, she focused on creating an opening.

With swift footwork, Gheyna began circling around Demetrius, carefully selecting her path to keep him off balance. She aimed to lure him towards the edge of the narrow ledge, where his agility would be tested to the extreme.

Sensing her strategy, Demetrius met her movement with his own, mirroring her steps and keeping a wary eye on the edge of the cliff. He knew that any misstep could cost him dearly, and he was determined not to give Gheyna the satisfaction of victory.

As Gheyna continued to circle, she feigned a momentary lapse in concentration, allowing a fraction of doubt to creep into her expression. It was a calculated move to bait Demetrius into a false sense of security. Sensing an opportunity, Demetrius lunged forward, his sword aimed at Gheyna's exposed flank.

But Gheyna was ready. With lightning-fast reflexes, she sidestepped his attack, narrowly avoiding the deadly swing of his sword. Demetrius's momentum carried him forward, and for a split second, he teetered at the edge of the ledge, his balance precarious.

Seizing the opportunity she had created, Gheyna struck. With a swift motion, she extended her leg and delivered a precise kick to Demetrius's chest, sending him hurtling backward. His arms windmilled in a desperate attempt to regain his balance, but it was too late. Demetrius tumbled over the edge of the cliff, disappearing into the abyss below.

"You killed Lord Demetrius!"

Four cavalry were actually observing her prior duel. They were Demetrius underlings.

"We shall return to the headquarter to report about his death!" Two cavalry left while another two ran with their sword pointed at her.

As the two cavalry soldiers charged at Gheyna, she swiftly assessed the situation. With Demetrius killed and her advantage in long-range combat, she knew that engaging in close combat would be risky. She quickly decided to maintain her distance and use her remaining arrows to neutralize the approaching threats.

Drawing her bowstring, Gheyna focused her aim on the first cavalry soldier. With practiced accuracy, she released an arrow, aiming for a critical spot. The arrow found its mark, striking the soldier in the chest and causing him to collapse to the ground.

Meanwhile, the second cavalry soldier closed in, his sword raised for an attack. Gheyna swiftly moved to the side, evading the swing and creating some distance between them. She notched another arrow, this time aiming for the soldier's leg. With a swift release, the arrow hit its mark, causing the soldier to stumble and fall.

She shot their heads and killed them.

With two soldiers down, Gheyna quickly scanned the area for any sign of the remaining three soldiers. Realizing that they had left to report Demetrius's death, she knew she had limited time to act. She hurriedly made her way towards Demetrius, assessing his corpse.

There was a scroll on her body. She took it out and kept it in her bag.

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