Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 576: Mirai Killed Teutamus

A group of Marquis Cyril soldiers were being trounced when an adolescent girl jumped in, fearlessly battling her enemies with agility and precision. She wielded two exquisite short swords known as kodachi, her chosen weapons of choice. With each quick movement, she demonstrated her prowess as an above average warrior.

"Miss Mirai! Thanks!" Her allies thanked her as she killed two enemies.

Her appearance was as striking as her combat skills. Her skin, as pure as freshly fallen snow, spoke of her youthfulness and resilience. Framing her delicate features was a crown of raven-black hair, unruly and wild, falling in tousled waves around her face. Its untamed nature mirrored her untamed spirit, unyielding and free.

The fabric of her attire was dyed in midnight black, providing her with an advantage in stealth. The ensemble was crafted with utmost care, combining practicality and aesthetics.

Starting from the top, a snug-fitting hood concealed her hair partially, allowing strands to escape and dance in the wind, accentuating her fierce determination. Her piercing crimson pupils, a reflection of her unwavering resolve, shone through the cutout for vision.

The upper garment consisted of a form-fitting, long-sleeved shirt that hugged her lithe frame. Its dark hue helped her remain unseen, while its flexibility provided unrestricted movement. The shirt was adorned with intricate embroidery, reflecting her refined taste and mastery in her craft.

Secured around her waist by a sturdy belt was a pouch, carrying essential tools and equipment. Within its concealed compartments lay a myriad of hidden surprises, prepared to aid her in any situation that may arise on the battlefield.

For lower body protection, she donned a pair of form-fitting pants, designed to enhance her agility and provide ease of movement. Reinforced with lightweight armor in critical areas, these pants guarded her against potential harm without hindering her nimble footwork.

Completing her ensemble were a pair of knee-high boots, crafted from supple leather. These boots offered excellent traction on various terrains, allowing her to swiftly navigate the treacherous battlegrounds. The soles were soundless, enabling her to approach her foes undetected.

On her forearms, she wore sleek bracers that combined functionality with aesthetics. These protective arm guards shielded her from enemy attacks, ensuring her safety while maintaining her fluidity in combat.

In this girl, the juxtaposition of her snow-white skin against her black, untamed hair, combined with her meticulously designed ninja outfit, showcased both her striking beauty and formidable capabilities.

A slim but muscular man jumped in and killed one of her allies.

Mirai was shocked as she pushed two men away to avoid them being cut by his weird sword. 

"I am Teutamus from the far north. You all shall die now!"

Mirai, a young and foreign looking ninja, found herself facing an unusual opponent on the battlefield—a veteran foreign warrior named Teutamus. Clad in armor adorned with symbols and armed with a peculiar sword, he presented an enigmatic figure that piqued Mirai's curiosity.

Teutamus stood before her, his slim frame belying the strength and skill he possessed. His every movement seemed effortless, as if he were an extension of his weapon. The strange sword he wielded fascinated Mirai, its design defying the conventions she was accustomed to. The blade's slight curve and ornate adornments hinted at a history and craftsmanship foreign to her.

As the duel commenced, Mirai quickly realized she was facing a master swordsman. Teutamus's blade sliced through the air with uncanny speed and precision, leaving no room for error. His strikes were calculated and purposeful, displaying years of honed technique. Mirai found herself on the defensive, forced to rely on her agility and small body to evade his relentless onslaught.

Teutamus moved with an otherworldly grace, each maneuver executed flawlessly. His slim physique allowed him to dart around the battlefield with astonishing swiftness, making it challenging for Mirai to anticipate his next move. She was dumbstruck at his agility, seeing how he seamlessly transitioned from defense to offense, launching blistering counterattacks that demanded her utmost concentration.

His calm demeanor in the midst of battle and unwavering focus spoke of his experience as a seasoned warrior. The way he handled his peculiar sword with such familiarity and finesse revealed a deep bond between them, almost as if the weapon were an extension of his own being.

Mirai recognized the formidable challenge she faced in Teutamus. His mastery of his unique weapon and his ability to adapt to any situation forced her to tap into her own reserves of skill and cunning. She fought with all her strength, using her ninja training to exploit any opening she could find, yet Teutamus was far beyond her ability.

She changed her fighting style as her short sword was useless against him. 

Mirai's nimble movements allowed her to circle around Teutamus, creating distance between them while she strategized her next move. As she evaded his strikes, she swiftly reached into her belt pouch, retrieving a small dagger known as a kunai. The sleek and sharp blade glinted in the sunlight as she prepared to throw it at her formidable opponent.

With a flick of her wrist, Mirai launched the kunai towards Teutamus, aiming for a vulnerable spot on his armor. She aimed to disrupt his balance and create an opening for a follow-up attack. However, Teutamus, with his exceptional reflexes, deflected the kunai with a swift movement of his sword, the blade grazing the edge of his armor.

Undeterred, Mirai seized the momentary distraction caused by the deflected kunai. She swiftly closed the distance between them, utilizing her agility to her advantage. With a quick series of acrobatic movements, she executed a precise kick aimed at Teutamus's midsection. Her aim was to knock him off balance and gain a temporary advantage in the duel.

Teutamus, however, anticipated her move. In a display of his remarkable reflex, he swiftly sidestepped Mirai's kick, evading her attack with ease. His movements were graceful yet purposeful, making it clear that he was no ordinary opponent. Before Mirai could recover from her missed strike, Teutamus capitalized on the opening, launching a swift counterattack with his enigmatic sword.

Mirai, relying on her well trained body, managed to parry Teutamus's strike with one of her kodachi, narrowly avoiding a potentially fatal blow. She quickly retaliated, launching a series of rapid slashes with her remaining kodachi, aiming to find a weakness in his defense. However, Teutamus's skillful swordsmanship allowed him to deflect each of her strikes with precise and efficient movements.

Her allies were worried as Mirai was obviously far too unskilled compared to the emotionless enemy. Realizing that a direct confrontation was futile, she escaped from his range. 

She decided to use her trump card, her ninja magic spell. 

Teutamus was concentrating on her when she suddenly vanished. Soon, he felt the wind was coming from behind. He jumped forward and glanced backwards. Mirai's kodachi grazed his back. 

"She moved instantly. Is that magic? A close ranged fighter who could use magic? I have never heard of such beings!" He muttered and blood flowing from his wounded back.

As Teutamus felt the sting of Mirai's attack on his back, he realized that he was facing a foe unlike any he had encountered before. The combination of her agile combat skills and her ability to employ ninja magic left him thunderstruck.

"Teleportation." She said.

Mirai, taking advantage of the confusion caused by her sudden disappearance and reappearance, assessed Teutamus's injury. She knew she had to press her advantage while she still could. She swiftly closed the distance between them, her kodachi poised for another strike. Teutamus, despite his wound, remained composed and raised his sword to defend himself.

Their blades clashed once again, sparks flying as steel met steel. Mirai's determination burned brightly in her crimson eyes as she fought with renewed vigor.

He complained, "Her skill and speed are nothing. Her instant movement is troublesome."

Mirai's relentless assault and her utilization of teleportation continued to challenge Teutamus's composure. With each clash of their blades, he found himself increasingly tested by her speed and uncanny ability to appear and disappear at will. Her agility and mastery over her kodachi were formidable, and Teutamus began to realize that underestimating her would be a grave mistake.

As the battle waged on, Teutamus adapted his strategy, focusing on exploiting any momentary lapse in Mirai's concentration. He aimed to disrupt her rhythm and force her into a defensive position, where her teleportation would be less effective.

With a surge of determination, Mirai mustered her strength and launched a series of lightning-fast strikes, aiming to overwhelm Teutamus with a barrage of attacks. She combined her teleportation with her agile footwork, darting in and out of his reach and striking from unexpected angles. Teutamus found himself hard-pressed to defend against her relentless assault.

Despite his injuries, Teutamus fought back with equal ferocity, his enigmatic sword swinging with deadly precision. His strikes were powerful and deliberate, aiming to find a gap in Mirai's defense and exploit any opening. The clash of their weapons echoed through the battlefield as they engaged in a deadly dance of skill and strategy.

As the battle raged on, both combatants pushed themselves to their limits. Mirai's agility and teleportation allowed her to maintain the upper hand, but Teutamus's experience and resilience kept him in the fight. Each exchange of blows was fraught with tension and the outcome remained uncertain.

Gradually, the wear and tear of the battle began to take its toll on both fighters. Mirai's breath grew labored while the cuts and bruises on Teutamus's body bore witness to the intensity of the duel.

Mirai furrowed her thin black eyebrows, anxiously as she was running out of magic. She could only teleport two more times. 

As Mirai realized the limitation of her teleportation abilities, a surge of determination coursed through her veins. She knew she had to end the battle swiftly before her advantage faded completely. 

As Teutamus launched another powerful strike, Mirai narrowly evaded it by teleporting to the side, leaving behind an afterimage. Utilizing the element of surprise, she reappeared behind him, her kodachi poised for a decisive strike. However, Teutamus, with his uncanny reflexes, managed to react in time, parrying her attack and countering with a swift kick that sent her sprawling backward.

Gritting her teeth, Mirai quickly regained her footing and prepared for her final teleportation. She focused her remaining energy into one last burst of speed. With a flash of light, she disappeared from Teutamus's view, leaving him momentarily disoriented. Anticipating his next move, Mirai reappeared above him, descending with a powerful downward strike aimed at his vulnerable spot.

Teutamus, recognizing the imminent danger, swiftly maneuvered his sword to intercept Mirai's attack. 

Mirai's heart raced as she pushed against Teutamus's resistance, pouring her dwindling strength into the final moments of the battle. 

With one last burst of energy, Mirai summoned every ounce of her remaining strength, channeling it into a final, desperate strike. The force of her attack overwhelmed Teutamus's defenses, and her kodachi found its mark. The blade cut through his armor, piercing his chest with a resounding impact.

Teutamus staggered backward, his face contorted in pain and surprise. He had underestimated the resilience and determination of his young opponent. Slowly, he fell to his knees, his strength waning as life ebbed away.

Mirai stood before him, panting heavily, her kodachi still poised for battle. The battlefield fell silent as the realization of her victory washed over her. The clash between the young ninja and the veteran warrior had come to an end, with Mirai emerging as the only survivor.

She approached Teutamus cautiously, her eyes filled with a mixture of triumph and empathy. As his lifeblood stained the ground, Teutamus gazed up at her, a flicker of respect evident in his eyes.

With a final glance at Teutamus's fallen form, Mirai sheathed her kodachi and looked for her beloved master, Hiro.

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